Right of Refusal (Terran Reset Book 7)

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Right of Refusal (Terran Reset Book 7) Page 5

by Viola Grace

  He chuckled. “You say the best things.”

  She shuddered and pressed against him. She lifted her lips to his pointed ear and whispered. “I want.”

  He jolted under her.

  “Avatar, we have a situation.”

  Ssran-Lianic got up and came to their side, looking at Bea and chuckling. “Third chamber on the right. She’s in rreeestha. Her eyes are unexpectedly bright. That’s a good sign. It means she’s strong.”

  Her heated brain translated it. The word was roughly translated into baby heat.

  She whined and pressed against Breth. “It can’t be. Not yet. How soon does that start?”

  “It has started, sweet lady. Your body is telling you what it wants. What is that?” The avatar’s eyes were glowing. “What do you want, Beatrix?”

  She looked up at Breth, who was waiting with a tense hope on his face. She glanced at the others who were watching with their faces taut. Bea looked at Ssran-Lianic and burrowed against Breth. “I want him. I am burning... for him.”

  Breth stood and murmured in her ear, “Then you shall have me.”

  He held her to him and walked down the hall, holding her against him and kissing her as he navigated. He opened the door and closed it behind him.

  Bea was pulling at his shoulders and twisting in his grip. She knew what she wanted but had very vague ideas about getting it. Breth seemed to know what she wanted, so she would trust him to help her find it.

  Her fingers scrabbled at his suit, and he grabbed them and pulled her hands away. “You first, Bea.”

  She felt hot all over, so the blush from him removing the panels that made up her top and loosening her skirt wasn’t visible. He picked her up and set her on the bed, then leaned over and kissed her until she was writhing against him again, sliding her thigh up and down his. He groaned and shifted to one side so he could more easily slide his hand against her.

  She waited for the feel of claws, but instead, the hot, scaled fingers slid against her, around her, over her clit, and inside her.

  “You have prepared quite the welcome.” He thrust his fingers into her, and she tightened around him.

  He leaned up and blinked. “Long enough to take us and still so tight, this invites further investigation. I believe you said that you had not experienced this.”

  He moved between her thighs, and she was just putting together what he had said when his tongue lapped against her with long, slow strokes, and then, the serpentine appendage slithered inside.

  Bea’s eyes went wide, and she moaned long and low as her breath left her lungs. His tongue teased parts of her that she didn’t know she had. It was also longer than it had any right to be and thickened near her opening, putting pressure on nerves that wanted to feel more.

  She rolled her hips against his mouth, and she heard a chuckle as he cupped her butt and optimized the angle for him. He moved one hand and stroked her clit.

  There must have been a Terran anatomy lesson from Ssran-Lianic because Ssran women didn’t have a clitoris; they had a flat scale near their opening that responded to pressure.

  She gasped, and her breath hitched, and then, she moaned again as she clenched around his tongue. He continued the slow undulations until she whimpered and relaxed. She lay panting as he propped his head up on her pubic bone, and he grinned. “How was that?”

  She looked at him and blinked slowly. “Um. I won’t know until I have something to compare it to.”

  His dark eyes twinkled. “How did it feel?”

  “Really good.” She was self-conscious. “You didn’t mind...”

  He snorted. “I would spend all of my days buried in you if I could. Speaking of which.” He sat up and opened the fastenings of his suit, exposing the dark scales that covered him, and he pushed the thick suit off his body.

  She was limp, but she leaned up on one elbow as he undressed. She watched carefully as he exposed his cock, and then, she saw the long, thick club that emerged from the protective scales at his waist. It bloomed like a thick flower or mushroom, but it appeared to be solid.

  She panted but held her nerve as he returned to her.

  He smiled. “You didn’t try and run. That was very wise. This is where the would-be lovers usually run.”

  Bea blinked. “What do you mean?”

  He climbed back onto the bed, and he leaned on one arm next to her, stroking her body, caressing her breasts and teasing her nipples.

  “Women flock to us, but we were not made to be compatible with all species.”

  She looked up at his rapt expression, and she bit her lip. His erection was heavy and pulsing against her thigh.

  “Wait. So, you guys get a lot of almost sex?” She trembled as he licked her nipples and then sucked on them one at a time, fondling the one that wasn’t in his mouth until he switched.

  He lifted his head and nodded. “We can usually get into them, but we don’t get far. We spill, they brag that they had a guardian, and we go on to the next.”


  He put her hand on his erection, and her fingers felt a slick, hot substance. She stroked him slowly, and his hips arched against her hand.

  She pulled her hand away and brought it to her lips, licking softly. It tasted like Lioth had, but it was distinctly Breth. So, she would be able to tell them apart in the dark if she started at their cocks.

  He slid two and then three fingers inside her, widening them. “May I?”

  She blinked that he was still asking. She nodded, and he moved and fitted himself to her.

  He blocked the light in the room and surrounded her in smooth scale and shadows. He slid into her and then paused, he wasn’t stuck, but he got wider where her body had its limits.

  She was panting, but she had seen that after the bulge, he evened out, so Bea lifted her legs, wrapped them around him, and jerked him forward.

  Owowowowow. She panted and whined, and his shock was in his expression.

  “Bea, you should not have... are you in pain?”

  She whimpered. “It stings. I was getting nervous waiting. This is better.”

  He shook his head, and his body was quivering. His hand slipped between them, and he touched her clit while his head moved to suck her breasts.

  It was the suction that let her open for him. She felt the slippery welcome that she produced and whined low with a different and throaty tone. She moved her hips against him, and they moved. His head snapped up, and his throat flexed.

  His whisper was dark and thick, “Do that again.”

  Her hips rolled against his, and he let out a rumble that nearly loosened her joints. She didn’t know if that was a happy sound, but it continued as he stared to thrust into her with increasing ferocity while her body got hotter and tenser until the thick ridge of him tugging at the flesh that hooded her clit finally finished its work, and she screamed.

  He continued to move for a handful of thrusts until he bucked against her, and pressure started to build inside her. An ache started inside her, and she clenched on him, and the ache intensified.

  He stayed inside her and kissed her. “Remain still. When I pull out, the spill will rush out of you. I will clean up after, don’t worry.”

  The pressure was easing, and the ache dissipated. She arched her hips, and he pulsed inside her again. The pressure rose, but then, it dissipated again, faster this time.

  He eased out of her, and she waited for the rush, but that isn’t what happened. She looked down and saw his cock still erect but shining and slick; the band that had made for the super-snug fit was flatter. The opening in the head of his cock was still dripping.

  He pressed a hand to her belly and pressed down. Nothing happened. He looked at her. “Are you an egg layer?”

  “No. Uh, live birth, I guess, but Ssran did a lot of retrofitting in there.”

  He smiled slowly. “If this is what I think, this will make you uncomfortable in the short term but will fulfill
your contract faster.”

  She sat up and pulled her legs from around him. “Okay. Good. Um, thank you?”

  He moved and eased her to her side. “That was for me, now; I would like to do something for you.”

  She trembled. “What?”

  “Pleasure for pleasure’s sake?”

  “Is that a thing around here? I am pretty sure when we leave this room that someone is going to pounce on me. Not a relaxing thought.”

  He chuckled. “Ssran’s actions have highlighted that we need to introduce ourselves to you. Did you really try and escape?”

  “No. I just wanted to go outside and see the world. Being on an alien world and just seeing the inside of buildings is a bit of a disappointment.” She huffed as he wrapped around her, and his hands began to move while she was pulled back against his chest. “My body can finally move under its own power, and I am stuck in rooms and cages.”

  His lips caressed her neck, and his tongue flicked out to taste her. “What was wrong with your body before?”

  “Through a meeting of genetics and environmental conditions, I had a body that calcified at the joints. That was fixed. I was reset by my world’s avatar to when I had the youth to pull this off, and she offered me what I had been missing.”

  He licked at her shoulder. “What was that?”

  “A home. Family. A place where I wasn’t stared at because folks thought I might die in the next few minutes. A life without pain. Freedom to move.”

  He slid her upper leg forward and pressed into her. He turned her head and kissed her deeply. “Move with me.”

  She took the cues from his hand on her hip, and she did.

  Chapter Six

  Was it really a walk of shame if she had only been gone for an hour and a half? Breth had a hand to her back, and they entered the living area with four pairs of eyes watching them closely. Well, they were watching her closely.

  Ssran-Lianic held out his hand. “Come here, Beatrix.”

  She huffed and stomped over to him. “What?”

  He reached out his hand and rose to his feet, pulling her against him. He pressed his free hand to her belly below her navel, and his eyes glowed. “Ah, you are an egg layer. This is good.”

  She blushed. “Yeah, it was mentioned. So, shorter gestation then?”

  He chuckled. “Much. But you will require much more genetic material from us for early development.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Can’t I just focus on one egg at a time?”

  He blinked and laughed. “Yes, I suppose you could, but where is the fun in that?”

  “It might be calming for me. Might let me give each child proper attention when it arrives.”

  He murmured against her temple. “We will be there for our children. Do not worry. After the eggs emerge, we will have months before the shells harden and they hatch.”

  “So, I am going to be giving birth to twenty pounds of eggs.”

  “Yes, you are providing half the building materials, and we are providing the other.”

  “Oh, that is why the spill disappeared.”

  He tightened on her and moved his hand over her belly. “It is already taking it in and using the spill for energy.”

  “I see.” The energy he was producing was making her nervous. She could lose days with them, weeks, her body rising to meet them again and again. Was this what she wanted?

  “How long until the eggs come out?”

  “They will come out when they are ready. Weeks, months, it is up to you. The only restriction I put on your activities is that you take us all in turn.”

  She grimaced. “Fine. So, delay won’t injure them?”

  “No, but the others may injure each other if you don’t choose your next soon.”

  She looked at the others surrounding Breth and pelting him with questions like what she liked, and could she take him, and did he suggest who should be next.

  Breth just sat back with his hands behind his head and his legs extended and crossed at the ankle. He looked relaxed and smug.

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine. Do you have dice, straws, any way of randomly choosing who is next?”

  “You want it random?”

  “I don’t know them; I don’t want to pursue a preference; I just know that you are last.”

  He chuckled. “I shall have to hurry them on.”

  “Is Lianic really Lioth’s brother?”

  Ssran-Lianic paused. “Yes. He was an adult when Lioth was born, but I needed an avatar when Sayun began to fail. Lianic agreed, and we became one.”

  “Am I talking to Lianic, who is talking in the third person?”

  He chuckled. “You are. It is easier this way. Ssran speaks infrequently.”

  “I know; his voice goes all wobbly dark.”

  He pressed a kiss to her temple. “You and I could sneak out while they were squabbling.”

  She looked at the three pairs of outraged eyes. “Uh, they heard you.”

  They were suddenly the focus of three angry guardians.

  “Lianic, Ssran can choose another avatar if you have an accident,” Vehn growled.

  “Lottery!” She shouted. “I don’t have a preference. I don’t care. So either sort out amongst yourselves who goes next or have a lottery. Just draw tickets with a number or letter on them and let it be random.”

  She felt like a ride at the carnival, but after talking to Breth, she had an idea about the kind of frustration they had experienced a whole lot of sex but never all the way? That would be a little maddening.

  Once the heirs were provided, she would have time to find her place on Ssran. A few months of them now and then decades of exploration later. She might even be granted visitation with her kids. There had been no mention of rearing or maintenance of the heirs, just her carrying of them.

  The guys settled on physical challenges, and the rear gardens were taken up with guardians facing off in a violent three-way.

  She stared with wide eyes at the different talents that were on display. Lioth lifted the other two and threw them around like dolls. Vehn vibrated and moved at astonishing speed, and Toln bulked up while she watched and threw some of the decorative rocks around toward his teammates using stretched arms.

  She was kept safe by Breth and Ssran-Lianic. She muttered to Breth, “This seems a little violent just for sex.”

  Breth chuckled. “That is what you think. We go out and do demolition just because we feel a little horny. We have needs, and because our jobs are adrenaline-driven, they need physical manifestations.”

  “So, what if I am having sex with one of you, and there is an emergency?”

  “We won’t leave you hanging.” He chuckled. “We will call the avatar if nothing else.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Emergency fuck?”

  Lianic wrapped an arm around her waist. “If you have a need, I will work to fulfill it.”

  She snorted. “I have already had more sex today than in my lifetime to date, so I cannot imagine having a need that great.”

  “You have forgotten so soon?”

  There was a thud, and Vehn had knocked his two co-workers back, and the other two were gasping for air.

  He marched toward her, his tail still in strike position, and he swept her up and pressed her against the wall.

  Ssran-Lianic murmured, “Don’t sting her.”

  Vehn looked at him, and his eyes were hot. “Why not?”

  “Because she’s pregnant, you twit,” Breth muttered.

  Vehn groaned, and his tail slammed into the wall above her head. She whimpered and looked down.

  There was a drip on her shoulder, and she reached up to touch it; it smelled like chlorophyll and lime. “What is this?”

  Vehn sighed. “Mating venom.”

  “Oh, so, it makes things go faster?”

  Vehn leaned in. “Faster, harder, more intense.”

  Breth snorted. “Just seduce her; you will f
ind what you need.”

  Vehn looked down at her. “Seduce? I am a little rusty on seduction. I normally just get consent and then sting.”

  “Put in the effort. You will be rewarded.”

  Bea felt her cheeks pink.

  Breth chuckled. “And that colour on her face means that she agrees but will not say it.”

  Vehn picked her up, and the other two got up and squared up for another attack. At least they had something to do.

  They went back to the room with the wrecked bed, and she was stripped by eager hands in seconds after the door closed.

  He peeled his suit off, and she took in the slightly different configuration of muscles and the long ridge of his cock with the multiple bands on it. Oh.

  “Please tell me you go slowly with that thing.”

  He shrugged and held it. “I never get it in further than the first band, so speed isn’t an issue.”

  “Um, okay.”

  He smiled. “But, if I go any further within you, I promise to take it slow.”

  “Um, okay.” She fidgeted and didn’t know how to start. Breth had done the work for her.

  Vehn looked at her, walked around her, and frankly assessed her. “You are very pale.”

  She nodded. “Lack of pigmentation.”

  He trailed his claws along her skin, and she jumped. “You are very soft.”

  “No scales or armour plating. Your claws will go right through my skin.” It was a warning.

  He paused and retracted his claws. “Noted.”

  He smiled and stood in front of her, and he lifted her chin on his knuckles. He kissed her chastely, and considering that they were both naked and standing in a fully lit room, it was a sweet kiss. She felt the bar of his erection against her belly and ribs and leaned up on her toes to kiss him. She snuggled closer because he was warm and smooth.

  She stroked his cock and learned the shape of him while they kissed, and she was soon flipped through the air to land on her belly. He drew her up on her knees and lapped at her with short, sharp licks.

  She whimpered at the sudden contact and remained tense while he worked at her.

  He sighed and lifted his head. “What is wrong? I can’t lie back and pull you over me. Tail gets in the way.”


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