SEALs of Honor: Chase

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SEALs of Honor: Chase Page 11

by Dale Mayer

  The arm around her waist hugged her close. “You’re very welcome.”

  “Why so very formal considering we just spent the night together?” she teased. “A little more formal than I’m used to at least.”

  The corner of his lips tilted. “Usually my nights together have a little more action in them than just sleep.”

  “I bet.” She grinned at him. “Mine too.” She paused and stared down at him and said, “Of course that’s when I have a man who’s interested in me.”

  His gaze widened. “Oh, I’m definitely interested. But anyone close to me at this time could be in serious danger.”

  She lifted a finger, placed it against his lips. “You’re forgetting – I’m already in danger because I’m with you.”

  “And I don’t want anything more to happen to you.”

  “The feeling is mutual. I don’t want to see anybody hurt.”


  She studied his face as he pondered her words.

  Then he did it. “So does that mean if I like you and you like me our next night could have a little more action?” The twinkle in his eyes overlaid a heat that belied his teasing manner. He was serious.

  She snorted and half sat up. “How quick you are to dismiss this perfect opportunity right now.”

  There was a startled moment as he processed then the bedroom tilted as he flipped her on her back and pinned her against the soft mattress beneath him. She gave a yelp of surprise and then laughed. “And once again you show how smooth and experienced you are at this.”

  He shook his head, his voice serious as he said, “Not at this. At defensive maneuvers, yes. But at the start of what could be a wonderful relationship, I’m all thumbs. I’m sure to mess up.”

  Then he lowered his head. “Maybe we should test the waters, see what kind of sparks are inside.”

  “A real kiss,” she murmured. “And not one of your many little kisses to my temple or forehead.”

  “Did they bother you?” he asked, his voice getting deeper, thicker. His warm breath bathed her face.

  She shook her head. “Only in that they weren’t enough when I wanted so much more.”

  He brushed his lips against hers. One stroke. Then a second. Then a gentle resting of his lips against her own as if seeking a response. Hesitant. As if he still wasn’t sure this was where she wanted to go.

  She slid her arms up his chest to wrap around his neck and with a sharp tug she pulled him down.

  And she kissed him.

  Releasing the heat that had been simmering for days. He was a new animal for her but she was desperate to explore this. To experience what loving him would mean. But he was gentle as if she’d break. And she realized he was thinking of the beating she’d taken.

  When she released him, she whispered, “I won’t break.”

  He searched her face intently, looking for the truth of her words. Then he smiled, sliding his fingers up through her hair to hold her head in place. And he whispered, “Good.”

  When he lowered his head and kissed her, this time there was no holding back. This was a man who knew exactly what he wanted. And he wasn’t afraid to reach out and grab it.

  He was willing to trust the sparks between them to take them to the place they wanted to go.

  She reveled in the weight of his warm body, the heat of his passion and the storm rising within her. This man would never hurt her. There was too much honor in him for that.

  With the power of that kiss promising so much more, she relaxed into the moment.

  Arching her body up against him, she let her fingers stroke his back and shoulders, the massive arms and the thick hair. Her fingers slid up to his cheeks before sliding back through his thick locks to stroke along his scalp.

  This was what she wanted. And she hadn’t even known it.

  It had been almost a year and her body was reawakening to the joy awaiting her. He deepened the kiss, their tongues wrangling in a gentle duel as old as time.

  When he raised his head she moaned softly. She heard his breath catch in the back of his throat.

  He bent to drop tiny little kisses along her swollen lips. “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he whispered, regret in his voice.

  “You didn’t hurt me.” She chuckled. “It’s been a while for me, that’s all. But if you stop I might just hurt you.”

  He gave a great shout of laughter. “In that case…” He lowered his head and kissed her again and again.

  Just as he was capable and powerful in life, he was careful and masterful in bed. And she loved it.

  She let her body enjoy the feeling of being touched, of being caressed, of being loved. Hot words, love talk, compliments washed over her, taking her senses to a whole new level. Somewhere in that journey her clothes disappeared and if he’d been wearing any, so did his.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered against her ear.

  He cupped her full breast, his thumb rubbing gently across her nipple. She hadn’t remembered them being so sensitive before. When he reached down and took the nipple into his mouth and suckled hard, she shuddered as waves of sensations rippled up and down her body.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered. “That feels so wonderful.”

  He repeated the motion with the second breast. Straddling her body, he slid both hands up to cup her breasts then back down again in a wonderful full sweep. Then he repeated it.

  She arched and twisted as the passion shuddered through her, her hands on his forearms when he slid down her legs, rearranging them until they rested on his thighs.

  She let out a startled exclamation as he slid fingers into the damp curls at the apex of her thighs, leaving her fully open. Fully exposed. And yet she didn’t feel vulnerable.

  When he slid two fingers deep inside she arched and cried out for him, “Chase, please.”

  “Please what,” he teased. “This?”

  Using his thumb he gently rubbed the nub with the moisture on his fingers. She cried out as tension twisted tighter inside.

  On the next stroke, she exploded, aching up, a soft shriek escaping before she collapsed back down on the bedding. As she lay trembling in the aftermath she realized he wasn’t done. His fingers were busy again.

  She tried to grab his hand and pull him up to her but he resisted. “Chase, I want you with me,” she whispered. “I want you inside of me.”

  Sitting up, she wrapped an arm around his neck and pulled him down to her. “Please.”

  He took her lips in a deep drugging kiss and slid all the way home.

  Although she was ready, the invasion was a shock, her body having forgotten the sense of being filled to her core. That sense of possession. Being one with someone. Not a sense of ownership but a sense of belonging.

  This moment was so damn special it brought tears to her eyes.

  Above her Chase froze. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Never,” she whispered. “It just feels so…overwhelmingly beautiful.”

  Heat replaced the worry in his gaze. He bent down and kissed her, his hands sliding up against her scalp. Tucking her up close, he held her firm as he started to move. She wrapped her legs around his hips and held on for the ride.

  There was nothing easy about this. Nothing gentle. Chase drove them both forward. He was taking no prisoners. She’d had her gentle entrance into the lovemaking, and now he was going to make sure it was unforgettable. When she cried out for the second time he slid his hand down her side to adjust her position, hooked her leg over his hips and drove deep one last time, his hips grinding against her as his climax ripped through him.

  Gasping for breath he slowly collapsed down, making sure she wasn’t bearing his full weight.

  “You know, that’s not a bad way to wake up.” She reached up and kissed him with a smile and snuggled in close.

  He gave a broken laugh. “If it was any better it would kill us.” And he wrapped her up tight against his heart.


  Was there ever a feeling as good
as this one? Chase shifted lightly in the bed, just happy to hold her even as he worried about the timing. She was a special woman. Letting his heart calm down, he let his eyelids slowly drift closed, enjoying the beauty of the moment. He loved having her in his arms. He wasn’t even sure how they got here this fast. But he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

  It was too… Special… Unique… Different.

  He couldn’t analyze the situation at this point. He just wanted to enjoy it.

  She murmured in her sleep, her legs shifting restlessly. He bent down and touched his lips to her forehead. “Sleep beauty, just sleep.” She gave a heartfelt sigh and drifted deeper.

  He was glad he could do that for her. That she’d learned to trust him to such an extent was heartwarming. Although his body was exhausted, his mind wouldn’t let go. He worried about her. There had to be something he could do to keep her safe. He wished he could send her to friends and family until this was over. Except she had none apparently. Something else they had in common. Although he had his friends. He hadn’t heard her mention any girlfriends.

  Being a refugee wouldn’t have been easy, but she’d survived and had, in fact, thrived. Although she’d had a bad experience with girls. Hence the lack of girlfriends now. Maybe that was the aloofness he’d sensed within her. That sense of aloneness. As if she’d never quite integrated. Had her fiancé been an immigrant too?

  At least the bastard was gone. If he ever came back he’d find out Vanessa was no longer alone. He could feel his muscles flex with the need to punch something at the thought of this man beating Vanessa, damaging silky soft skin.

  To have turned her beautiful skin into a multi-hued rainbow made his heart ache. He was big and strong himself, but he would never consider attacking the innocent, the young or the vulnerable. He didn’t really consider women the weaker sex. He knew many who could kick ass. Although many women could hold their own against a man’s strength there was always going to be some men no woman could hold their own against. Some men had a vicious streak that was hard to fight against. And that just went along with the fact that sometimes life wasn’t fair.

  Vanessa shifted, turning in his arms to face the other way, kicking off the blankets as if she was too hot. He smiled. His woman was a beautiful exhibitionist. The shadow drifted over her slim form adding a look of mystery to her. He’d only touched the surface of who she was. He couldn’t wait to learn more. A wondrous journey of exploration lay ahead of them.

  Inasmuch as he wanted to sleep and to rest and take time out from the craziness of his world, his body had entirely different ideas. But she needed sleep too. To that end he stood up and walked over to the bedroom window and stared out into the early dawn, willing his body to cool down. He knew his friends would’ve immediately seen him here. That didn’t bother him as none of the men would treat Vanessa with any less respect in the morning. There was honor here.

  Hawk’s cry sounded through the dark of the night. That was his all’s well sign.

  Good. Maybe he’d be able to get some sleep after all. He slipped back under the covers, gently dragging the top blanket up over the two of them, and let his eyes drift closed.

  This time he slept.

  Chapter 18

  Vanessa woke early, her heart bubbling with happiness. Her body hummed with joy and the rest of her wasn’t feeling too damn bad either. She sat up and looked at the rumpled bed beside her, realizing she was alone. Hopefully Chase had grabbed a few hours of sleep. She hopped up to take a shower. Still running the brush through her locks she stepped out into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around her to find Chase waiting for her.

  She could feel heat racing over her skin that had nothing to do with the warm shower she had just stepped out of.

  “Good morning,” she said shyly.

  Instead of answering her, he closed the distance, cupped his hands on either side of her jaw and kissed her so very gently. As he retreated, he whispered, “Good morning.” He studied her face critically. “You look much better for some rest.”

  She laughed. “Is that what you call it?”

  He flashed that wickedly sexy grin, making her heart jump and skip in joy. “If that’s what a session of lovemaking does for you,” he said with a twinkle. “We’ll have to make sure you get that every night.”

  She laughed and took a step forward, emboldened by their banter, and reached up to press a kiss to his lips. As she pulled away she whispered, “What’s wrong with the daytime?” She tossed him a saucy grin and walked over to her clothes. “What are we doing today?”

  “Nothing. It’s going to be a day of rest here.” He amended that by adding, “After we make some phone calls. Today is Monday, after all,” he said apologetically.

  She winced. “Right, I need to call my boss.” She shook her head. She hated this. She had a lot of responsibility with her job. Her people needed her.

  “I’ve spoken with my commander and he has spoken with your supervisor. Neither want to put any more people in danger.” He took a deep breath adding, “So it’s time off without pay.”

  At that she winced then she glared at him. “I don’t know about your world but in my world I work because I need that paycheck to pay my bills.”

  He nodded in understanding. “I’m so sorry. We’ll do everything we can to sort this out as fast as we can.”

  She shook her head, her hands on her hips as she glared at him. “Won’t matter how much you sort it out I won’t be safe until after the trial and that could be weeks.”

  He shook his head. “In the worst case scenario, yes it’s quite true. I’m so sorry. But hopefully it won’t be that long.”

  With frustration warning her to keep her mouth shut but at the same time making her want to scream at the circumstances, she finally realized his attention was elsewhere. She followed his gaze and looked down. And gasped. She’d dropped her towel somewhere along the line as she’d started to get changed. Reaching down she picked it up and wrapped it around her body. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment.

  “On the upside,” he said wickedly, “we will get to spend most of the next week together.” Then he spun and walked toward the doorway. “As much as I’d like to stay here with you right now, I do have the guys downstairs in the kitchen. They don’t have the time off work to handle this so we’re setting up schedules.”

  And he disappeared downstairs.

  She closed the door behind him. Returning to the dresser and her suitcase, she pulled out clothes, setting out what she wanted for the day and placing the rest in the empty dresser. As she dressed she mulled over the problem.

  Of course his friends couldn’t stay and watch over them. They were all in the military and therefore had jobs to do. Chase had taken personal time off until the trial. She quickly finished dressing and grabbed up a hair clip, tucking her hair up in the back. With a last look at herself in the mirror she turned and walked downstairs. At the kitchen she realized the room was fuller than she’d seen it before. Including Chase there were five men at the table. A fresh pot of coffee was dripping and almost done. She headed right for the pot, snagging the first cup out before it stopped dripping.

  “Hey, that’s not fair. She’s stealing the fresh coffee,” Hawk said. He bounced off the chair and held out his cup for her to fill. Quickly the pot was empty, and it was Chase holding up an empty cup in dismay.

  She laughed. “I’ll make another pot.” She set about making a pot of coffee as she studied the backyard through the kitchen window. It struck her again how beautiful this place was and how perfect for a family. Brett must have been thinking down the road. Chase lived in an apartment much like she did. The single life. Not sure of a future. Not sure of the past. Rootless. Here temporarily but maybe gone tomorrow. Her past coming into play here.

  She sat down at the table beside Chase. “If we have nothing to do this next week,” she said quietly, “then maybe I can start looking for a new place to live.”

  Shadow sat on the o
ther side. He held a newspaper in front of him. Pulling out the classified section, he handed it to her. In his own quiet way he said, “No point in waiting until tomorrow.”

  She stared down at the list of places available to rent and thought how different this was from the last time. When she’d signed her current lease there had been a note of desperation. Now as she stared at the future before her, she could sense a note of exhilaration.

  Then she realized the fundamental truth. This was going to be fun.

  Eagerly she turned the page. While the others discussed timelines and schedules she searched for one-bedroom apartments and then she searched through two-bedroom apartments because wouldn’t it be nice to have a spare room, maybe an office. For yoga. Maybe for when she had friends over. If she ever had friends to stay over. What she’d really like would be to walk to work. Was that possible?

  She snatched up a pen from the table and circled several ads. Then continued to look at anything in her price range in the areas she wanted. She’d noted too many to check out but on the other hand it was helping her to decide what she really wanted.


  Chase tried to stay focused on the conversation going on around him. His friends were rearranging schedules so there could always be someone here to keep an eye out for them. He really appreciated it, but at the same time there was such a boisterous air of a little child around Vanessa he was fascinated. He didn’t understand. Finally the others fell silent and everyone turned to study Vanessa as she circled yet another ad.

  “How many apartments are you planning on looking at?” Markus asked curiously.

  Vanessa lifted her head and smiled. “I have no idea. I’ve only ever looked at one in my life and that’s my current one. Now I have a choice. Maybe I can have something I really like. And that’s…exciting.”

  She lifted her shoulders high, a grin on her bright face. “I know I should be sad. Should be terrified of what happened in my apartment, but I feel good. I feel like this is a step in a whole new direction. It’s the right step.”


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