Russia's War

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by Richard Overy

  8. J. L. Schecter and V. V. Luchkov, eds., Khrushchev Remembers: The Glasnost Tapes (New York, 1990), p. 65.

  9. D. Holloway, The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy 1939–1956 (New Haven, 1994), p. 149. The quotation is from a speech given at the Bolshoi Theatre on 9 February 1946.

  10. A. Hillgruber, ‘The German Military Leaders' View of Russia prior to the Attack on the Soviet Union’, in B. Wegner, ed., From Peace to War: Germany, Soviet Russia and the World 1939–1941 (Oxford, 1997), p. 180.

  11. W. A. Harriman and E. Abel, Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941–1946 (London, 1976), p. 67.

  12. Hillgruber, ‘German Military Leaders’, p. 182; see too the article by J. Forster in the same volume, ‘Hitler Turns East German War Policy in 1940 and 1941’, p. 129, who cites General Blumentritt in April 1941: ‘Even the Imperial Army was no match for the German Command, and Russian commanders today are at an even greater disadvantage…’

  13. Cited in Tumarkin, Living and Dead, p. 64–5 from an interview with Michael Gefter, now a Russian historian.

  14. G. Gibian, ‘World War 2 in Russian National Consciousness’, in J. Garrard and C. Garrard, eds., World War 2 and the Soviet People (London, 1993), p. 155.

  15. Tumarkin, Living and Dead, p. 64.


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