Reaching Out For You (Never Letting Go)

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Reaching Out For You (Never Letting Go) Page 9

by S. Moose

  His jaw slightly drops as he looks at me and I remember I’m just wearing shorts and a revealing tank top. It makes me feel good knowing he likes what he sees so I don’t try to hide anything. I step away from the door to let him in. “Way to answer me back, jerk.” I push on his chest.

  “Were you worried?” He winks at me. He comes in and I count to ten. I’ve been alone with him before. This will be easy! He puts the food on my desk and sits on my bed.

  I walk over to my desk and peek in the bag. “Mmmm…what’d you bring?”

  “Why don’t you take a look and see,” he replies playfully.

  I open the bag and see caramel ice cream with peanut butter M&M’s-my absolute favorite! “Awwww, you remembered?” I clap my hands together and take out the goodies. Adam gets up from the bed and hugs me from behind. He kisses me light on the side of my neck and I giggle. “Stop, you’re tickling me.” His arms get tighter around me and he kisses a trail down my neck to my shoulder and back up to my face. I pull away from him but he playfully tackles me on the bed. The weight of his body is on me and immediately I feel warmth in between my thighs. My subconscious pokes her head out and falls on the ground laughing. My breathing starts to get heavy as his face is inches from mine.

  “Pretty girl, do I make you nervous?” His whisper sounds seductive and so inviting. I look at his lips and want to feel his kisses all over me.

  “Of course not,” I lie, “You’re just really heavy and I can’t breathe!”

  Adam laughs and lifts his body off of me. I miss him already.

  He gets off the bed and brings the box of ice cream and M&M’s back over to the bed. I wonder how we’re going to eat the ice cream without any spoons but then Adam grabs the spoons from the bag as if he read my mind. He comes back to the bed and sits next to me. We start mixing the M&M’s in the ice cream and dig into the cartons. It tastes so good and exactly what I need, we sit enjoying our ice cream treat when Adam offers me a spoonful of his ice cream. I smile at him and offer him a spoonful of my own, but before it reaches his mouth I top the spoon up to his nose and giggle.

  “Mature, Soph! Now you have to lick it off.” I freeze and am not sure what to do. I look at Adam and can tell he knows I’m feeling unsure, “It is ok Soph, and I was just kidding.” He reaches over for a napkin, but I quickly lean over to his face and lick off the ice cream. I can’t believe I just did that and I feel shy all of a sudden. I turn my head away from him and stare at the TV. Adam’s arms pull me back toward him and his mouth slides to my ear, “That was sexy as hell, pretty girl.”

  I blush and smile to myself. I hand him a napkin but can’t look him in the eyes. After we clean up the cartons we stay curled in each other’s arms for the entire movie. By the time it is over, I look at my cell phone and notice that it is nearly two in the morning. I look at Adam and see he has nearly fallen asleep. “Do you want to spend the night with me?” I nervously ask.

  Adam’s eyes shoot open and I’m scared he is going to say no. “I’d love that, pretty girl.”

  I’m happy he says yes. This feels comfortable and natural, like it used to when we stayed up all night watching movies and ended up sleeping like this. We both get under my covers and lay on our sides looking at one another. He comes close to me and gives me a kiss on my forehead. “Good night, pretty girl.”

  I smile when I feel his lips on my forehead. I can get use to this feeling. “Night, Adam. Sweet dreams.”

  “Oh yes.” He seductively says. I close my eyes and smile because he is the last thing I see as I fall into a deep sleep.

  When I wake up in the morning, I’m wrapped up in Adam’s arms. I look over at him and see how peaceful he looks while he sleeps. I look at his lips and want to feel them on me. I want more. I feel Adam bring me closer to him and feel his arousal touch my thigh. It makes me nervous and I’m not sure what to do. Is he hard because of me? I whip my head back and almost fall out of bed, but Adam’s arm tightens around my shoulders. Adam’s staring at me with sleepy eyes when I look back at him.

  “Sorry, did I scare you?” Adam lets me go and stretches. I peek at his shirtless body and feel my breathing quicken. Everything about his body is perfect. His muscles, his tan, his slim but sexy abs. “Like what you see?” His playful tone makes me feel better. I love to hear the sound of his voice.

  I shake my head and grab a pillow to slam it on his face. We start laughing and he starts to tickle me. “Oh my God Adam, stop!” I’m squealing and love how we are. He gets on top of me and his face is inches from mine. Our eyes meet and I feel a flicker of desire. I hope he knows how he is making me feel. I feel myself getting wet and I want more. I want Adam. He looks at me again and brings his face closer to mine. I think he is about to kiss me and I’m ready, but out of nowhere he pauses. Instead of kissing me on the lips, he kisses my forehead. It is still sweet but I’m a little disappointed.

  “I’m hungry. Let’s get breakfast.” He slowly gets off me and is smirking. If he is trying to tease me, it’s working, but two can play this game.

  Chapter 9

  It is finally time to go home for break. I finish all of my finals and feel confident that I did well. It has been an exhausting semester and I just keep telling myself just a few more weeks and then graduation! Kyle has left me alone and Adam hasn’t left my side. I told him how I couldn’t stay on campus next semester since I wasn’t technically a student and immediately Adam told me to move in with him and Connor. I was so excited and couldn’t hide it. The day before break, Adam and Connor spent the day bringing my things over to their apartment. I feel safe with them nearby, but nervous because I will be that much closer to Adam.

  I take a quick look around my dorm and close the door. The memories come crashing on me as I remember nights with Kyle. A part of me will miss him and love him. He was a great boyfriend, but in the end, I couldn’t stay with him. I close the door and let out a sigh. I know it is going to be hard to live with Adam and Connor, but I feel better knowing I will not be alone.

  I’m meeting Erin for coffee before driving back home. Jean’s has the best coffee in town and I love the service. I’m a little early so I go ahead and order a latte. Before I can find somewhere to sit, I see Erin running to me. “Oh my God, Soph,” she cries out. I feel bad because my best friend was worried about me. “Are you ok?”

  I hug her tighter letting her know everything is ok now. “I’m ok. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” We walk hand in hand and take a seat. I take a sip of my latte and suddenly feel nervous. “I’m sorry about making you worry.”

  “No stop Soph. It is ok. I am so glad everything is ok now.” Erin tilts her head to the side and beams at me. “So you’re moving in with Adam and Connor, huh?”

  I knew I couldn’t hide anything from her. I laugh as she stares at me waiting for me to tell her everything. “Do you think it is a good idea?”

  “Ummm, yeah, you two need to become official!”

  My heart skips a beat and I wonder what could be if he does love me. “But he keeps saying we’re friends,” I point out. “Friends, Erin!”

  She shrugs her shoulders, “You just never know!”

  We finish up at Jean’s and head out. “Have a great Christmas and New Years, doll.”

  “You too, see you next year.”

  “Next year!”

  We give each other a hug and go our separate ways. I feel alive and lucky. I’m happy to be going home to my family and spending some time away from here. Adam and Connor are heading home later tonight after their last final. A silly grin spreads across my face as I think about Adam and our night together. The way he held me tight against his chest made me feel safe and warm. I think about how much I’ve missed him and lucky that he is back in my life. I am not going to make the same mistakes again. I miss his touch and the way he moves my hair out of my eyes. Everything about him ignites something in me. The love I feel for him is strong and raw. I never thought I could be where I am today with him. I can
tell things are changing between us. I am nervous, but it is that good kind of nervous. I’m not sure where we are headed, but this ride is going to be memorable.

  I get to my car, before I can get in, I feel him nearby. The hairs on my arms stick up. My heart beats fast and my breathing slows down. I love this feeling. I love knowing how he can still make me feel this way. He makes me feel again.

  “Heading home?”

  I turn around and look up and see Adam smiling down at me, “Yeah, just needed coffee and to say bye to Erin,” I respond back, “Are you heading home too?”

  Adam points over to his car and I wave over to Connor. He walks toward me and I take in his beautiful sight. “Yeah, we finished early with finals. We’re leaving now but I saw you and wanted to say hi and to see if you wanted to drive with us back home?

  “Oh Adam, thank you, but I like riding by myself. It helps me think and I feel like my mom is with me.” I reach out for his hand and entwine my fingers in his. “I’ll see you back home soon though.”

  Adam holds onto my hand tighter. I love his touch. “I can’t wait… but before you go I want to give you this.”

  We stare at one another for a few moments. None of us say anything. I forget about all the crap with Kyle. I think about how Adam saved me and how we now have a chance to build us again. He hands me a gift bag. I do not notice he has anything with him. I look at him suspiciously and wonder what he bought me. “Adam you didn’t have to get me anything.”

  His smile reaches his eyes. He looks proud. “I know but I wanted to. You can’t open this until Christmas ok, promise?”

  I smile, “Yes, of course.” He gives me a quick hug and wink before heading back over to Connor. When I get in my car I cannot stop laughing. I can’t believe he bought me a gift. It feels good to know that he was thinking of me and did something so sweet. This is going to be a great Christmas break.

  Throughout the entire drive, all I can think about is Adam. The chemistry between us is strong and undeniable. I do not know if we will make it official, but I don’t care because he is back in my life. He ignites something inside me and makes me feel incredible. I haven’t felt this way in so long and I’m happy to feel it again with Adam.

  Crossing through town brings back memories of when my mom was alive. She used to take me all over town, just her and I, walking around looking at all the shops. She wanted to get out of the corporate world and open up her own shop. It hurt me to think that she never had the chance to do that. I remember the day her and my dad told Sarah and I she had cancer. That was the worst day of my life. The cancer spread and even with chemo, her chances were slim. My mom made the decision to let the cancer ride its course so that she could spend every day with us. ‘I miss you mom’ I think to myself.

  I pull into the driveway and let out a sigh. My ranch style house is white with beige shutters. My dad keeps up with my mom’s garden and said that it was his way of keeping her alive and near him. There is a little gazebo in the front of the house that I used to sit in with my mom and Sarah. We’d just laugh and talk about boys. I get out of the car and breathe in the December air. I didn’t realize how much I missed home until now.

  “Sophia?” My dad comes out of the house toward me.

  I look up and see him, “Daddy!” I run up to him and jump in his arms. My dad is a tall and lean man in his fifties but looks so much younger. He has blonde hair and hazel eyes. I always wondered why he never dated after my mom passed away. I am relieved, yet sad, as I don’t want him to be alone.

  He slowly puts me down and looks at me, “Sophia, I am so glad you’re home. I miss you, how are you feeling?

  “I’m good!”

  My dad reaches down and grabs my bags, “Well let’s get some lunch and you can tell me everything.”

  We walk in the kitchen and start making sandwiches. It feels good to be home and away from all the chaos. I tell my dad how Adam’s been there for me. I see him trying not to smile and it makes me feel good to know how much he wants Adam and me to be together.

  Later that night, as I am watching TV with my dad and Sarah, my phone starts ringing, “Hold on guys let me get this.” I get up and walk into the kitchen, “Hi Adam. What are you doing?”

  “Nothing, I am just lying here alone in my room. Connor’s out catching up with the guys.” He sounds bored. I want to ask him to come over so we can spend time together. I think about his arms around me. I want to wake up next to him every morning.

  I take a seat at the counter. “You didn’t want to go?”

  “No. Didn’t feel like it. I wanted to talk to you actually.”

  I blush not knowing what he was going to say next. “Well that’s sweet, but I’m watching a movie with my dad and Sarah right now.”

  “Go back to the movie. Can you text me later?”

  “Yes,” I laugh, “Of course I’ll text you.”

  “Bye pretty girl.”

  “Bye Adam.”

  I start jumping up and down. I can’t contain my excitement. I know it is silly of me to think, but it makes me feel good to have Adam call me.

  “Sophia, are you ok?” my dad asks me amused.

  I look up and see my dad watching me, “Yeah.” I grab the snacks that are on the counter and start popping them in my mouth. I look at my dad and wonder what he is thinking.

  He rubs his forehead and gazes out the window, “Darling you know I want what is best for you and I’ve seen a huge change in you. I just want you to be happy and safe.”

  “I know daddy and I am.” I give him a quick kiss on the cheek, “Come on let’s go finish the movie.”

  After the movie, Sarah and I say good night to my dad. It is getting late and I’m getting tired. I walk around the quiet house and look around. Everything still looks the same. My dad didn’t change anything after my mom died. All the pictures are still hanging up. I look at our last family picture. I touch my heart and close my eyes. That photo session was too funny. We were all supposed to wear black and white but my dad wore a purple tie. I thought my mom was going to have a heart attack but she went with it. My mom, Sarah and I wore black sleeveless dresses with a white cardigan. She wanted us to all look nice. It was a great day-full of laughter and smiles.

  “Do you want to go shopping tomorrow?” Sarah asks. I turn back to her and smile. “I miss her too Soph, but I’m glad you’re back.” She touches my shoulder and gives it a squeeze.

  I grab her hand and smile. “Yeah that sounds good. Did you finish wrapping all the gifts?”

  “Of course, I think what you bought Adam and Connor is pretty cool and they’ll like it.”

  I smile to myself and feel proud. “Well we’ve missed like four Christmas’ with them so I wanted to make it up, you know?”

  Sarah’s smile goes from ear and to ear and I just laugh. We say good night and I make it upstairs to my room and lay in bed. I get a little nervous and feel like a little girl. I take out my phone and call Adam.

  “Pretty girl,” he answers.

  “Hi,” I shyly respond. I play with my hair and wish he were here with me. Just thinking about his lips touching mine sends sparks through my body.

  “What are you doing?”

  His voice makes my body tremble and I want to be with him so bad. I want to tell him just how much he means to me and how I want us to be together but it doesn’t feel right to do that on the phone. “Just lying in bed, you?”

  I hear a moan coming out of his mouth, “Thinking about you.”

  “And what about me,” I love how flirty he makes me feel, “Naughty thoughts?”

  “Whoa pretty girl. Feeling pretty frisky, huh?”

  “Of course not,” I sit up on my bed and think about what we just said. I do not want to give him the wrong idea. I know that we’ve been flirty lately but I don’t want to be a hook-up. I want to be his girlfriend.

  “I keep thinking about our first night together. Touching your skin and waking up next to you. I can’t sleep now because you’re not
by my side.” I hear him breathing. I wonder if he fantasizes about us.

  My heart aches for his touch. “Come over Adam,” I said without thinking. “Please?”

  “I thought you’d never ask. I’ll be right over.”

  As soon as I hang up with him I jump up and check myself in the mirror across the room and make sure I look adorable and sexy. I put on my old cheerleading shorts and a fitted hoodie. I check my hair and throw it up in a loose ponytail. My dad and Sarah are in bed by now but I still have to be careful so I don’t wake anyone up. Adam’s house isn’t that far from mine and I know he will be here soon. Just as I am going to get back on the bed, my phone buzzes:


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