Station Hope (Book 1): Humanities Last Stand

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Station Hope (Book 1): Humanities Last Stand Page 2

by Thomas Bach

  “Father, do you notice something different about this one and a few of the others,” I asked.

  “No not really,” he glanced around, “just that it's a young one.”

  “Look how it's dressed, nicer clothes than we have. Well, they were nicer before I blew a hole the size of pumpkin into his chest. And look at some of the others, they are dressed well too.”

  “Your right Billy Boy, what the hell is this all about?” He stroked the end of his beard, trying to figure out what was going on. “In all my years I have never seen one of these God Damn things dressed like this.”

  The group stood silent, wondering why such an evil animal like the creature would bother to dress itself. After several confused glances within the group, someone spoke up and said, “maybe they just stumbled across the clothes and were imitating us.”

  “That's possible,” I said but didn't believe it, “but why don't they stink like the others or look as savage?”

  No one had a good answer, nothing like this had happened at the compound before.

  “Do you think Doc Hendricks would want this one?” someone asked.

  “It's odd for such a young one to be with an attack party” father said. “It's even odder that it's dressed like this and doesn't stink. I'm sure Doc wants a look at him”.

  I heard myself say, “Ill get the net and straps.”

  “Alright Billy Boy, hurry up and get back here”.

  The night seemed surreal as I ran back to the main gate. One of Uncle Phil's deputies was waiting with the net and straps.

  “Be careful out there kid”.

  I garbed them, turned and headed back with a smart ass reply, “always am!”.

  Each man of the WDT had done this several times before. Each man knew even a scratch from the creature could turn them. With great care the creature was restrained, its mouth gagged. It was taken to a holding cell in Doc's makeshift laboratory. The restrains were removed and all the men quickly exited the cell. The creature dragged itself to the bars, growling and hissing as it clawed across the floor. I stood back looking down at it. Suddenly it stopped and looked up at me, its eyes bloodshot, full of evil. I looked into them, it stopped growling and hissing, just for a split second I thought I saw fear. The evil soon returned along with the growling, I turned and walked away shaken by the eye contact. I have seen other creatures up close before, but this was different, very different.

  I made my way to the main cafeteria where most of the members of the WDT gathered. Hot coffee was enjoyed as stories about what just took place were told. Who had the best shot, who shot the most creatures were popular topics discussed at great length. But why the creatures were dressed up dominated the conversations. This is a time for the group to unwind, to enjoy the comrad`ery and to bond. There was no class system within the WDT.

  Dawn was only a few hours away, no one in the compound was sleeping anymore. I made my way down the main corridor to cell block F. Ivy lived there along with her family, I was very anxious to see her. We had grown up together and were seldom seen apart. I entered the common area of the cell block, she was sitting at a metal table reading a book we found on the last scavenging trip. Her long jet black hair hung down around her face. One hand was keeping the book open while the other rested near the trigger guard of her trusty rifle. She seemed to be reading all the time and was never without her rifle. The book had her full attention which enabled me to walk up to the edge of the table undetected. I waited there silently until she felt my presence. As she raised her head to look up, I could see those piercing blue eyes though a few hair strands. I am in love with her and she with me, everyone in the compound knows it too.

  “Reading so early in the morning?”

  “I have a few minutes before I have to help Doc Hendricks.”

  “Whats Dr. Frankenstein working on now?”

  Ivy slammed her book shut and began to stand up. “Don't call him that,” her voice had a touch of anger in it, “he's doing some important work that will help everyone, especially you.”

  “OK, OK, don't bite my head off, I'm sorry.” I stepped closer and put my hands on her shoulders, I looked into those eyes. “You know I was just joking; I really am interested in what you're working on.”

  She looked back at me and knew she was not really mad. That familiar, beautiful smile told me all was forgiven.

  “He is attempting to produce a chemical that would be an irritant to the creatures, maybe even kill them if they were exposed to a large quantity.”

  “Really, that would be great. How would it be delivered?” She turned away causing her hair to brush up against my face, she smelled so good. I followed Ivy like a puppy as she made her way back to her cell.

  “We are just in the beginning stages of development, but I think it could be delivered in a spray or even in a dart. The hard part is going to make it safe for humans to be around it.”

  I knew she was the smart one and happy that she never made me feel stupid. She was Doc Hendricks apprentice and was well on her way to becoming a great doctor. As we reached her cell, I realized she didn't know yet about the newly captured creature. With excitement I said,

  “you know we captured one this morning, a young one, dressed.”

  Ivy turned and looked at me, her expression was a mix of excitement and annoyance, “why didn't you tell me that right away?”

  “I just thought of it now.”

  “What do you mean, dressed?”

  “It was dressed like you and me, but even better.”

  Ivy threw her book on her bed, slung her rifle over her shoulder and headed for the laboratory, mulling over what I had just said.

  “Does Doc Hendricks know?” she asked. “I’m sure he will want to start work right away.”

  “I don't know, but I'll go find him.”

  “OK good, I'll see you later for lunch.”

  With that, she was out the door and off to the laboratory.

  Before finding Doc Hendricks I headed down to the old sally port, I hoped to find Spencer. Along with James and Ivy Spencer was one of my closest friends. He just turned 18 and is the largest man in the compound. Just over 6'4” and 260 lbs, mostly muscle, he is an imposing figure. He has rugged good looks and thick blond hair, overall a fine specimen. He was a genius when it came to anything mechanical, he could fix any engine. Outside that realm he was not know for his smarts. Always well meaning but doesn't possess good old common sense. Spencer and I became instant friends several years ago when Spencer wondered in from the wilderness. He never speaks of his time alone in the wilderness, I never ask. Both of us have been on several scavenging excursions together. I have witnessed Spencer utilize his size and strength on several occasions. I entered the sally port looking under and around several large tucks, no Spencer. I knew to check the back office, that's where Spencer liked to spend much of his down time. He had an old television and DVD player back there that still worked. He would get lost in several old movies we had found during our trips to the city. Spencer was leaning back in his chair, his dirty size 13 boots resting on an old wooden desk in front of him. He didn't hear me enter, Raiders of the Lost Ark was blaring. I crept up behind him, grabbed his shoulders and yelled:

  “Hay there old buddy!”

  Spencer jerked and swung is feet to the floor knocking over his cup of coffee in the process.

  “What the hell you doing there shit for brains?” Spencer was now towering over me looking down with a perturbed expression. “I ought to kick your ass for that, I just got that coffee from the kitchen.”

  “Sorry big guy, I couldn't resist. I see your up early along with the rest of the compound.”

  “Ya, those perimeter alarms are tough to sleep through. What all happened up there this morning? I heard a lot of shooting again.”

  “A small group rushed the wall, none even got close to getting over. I shot a small one dead center in the chest. The funny thing about it was he was dressed in regular clothes and so were some of the

  “The shit you say, dressed like we are? I ain’t ever seen a creature dressed before. Did you give it to old Doc Frankenstein?”

  “Ya, I'm sure the Doc and Ivy are examining him now.”

  “What ya got planned for today little guy?”

  I looked over at Spencer and saw that little boy smile on his face as he waited for my reply. We teased each other good but when the shit hit the fan everyone knew I was in charge and Spencer followed. Spencer was smart enough to know that he wasn't smart enough to lead. He trusted me and I trusted him. We were a good match, often anticipating what the other was thinking or about to do. I was the brains, the leader while Spencer was the muscle.

  “Thinking of doing a little hunting, some venison on the table would be great but I'd be happy with a few squirrels.”

  “Well let me get that big old Dodge running first and I'll go with you, should only take me half an hour.”

  “OK, I'll grab some food, water, and my shotgun and meet you at the main gate.”

  Spencer walked past me on his way to the Dodge, giving me a quick slap on the ass and saying, “sure thing little buddy, I'll be there in thirty.”

  I shook my head and smiled as I walked out of the sally port. The long central corridor lay before me. It ran down the middle of the old jail, the cell blocks branched off the north end while the kitchen, sally port, workshops and other rooms branched off the south. Old administrative offices, now used as the courtroom, meeting rooms for the Board of Elders and my father's official office were on the second floor. Also, up there was the gym and locker rooms. All things considered, this was a pretty good place to live.

  I could see the unmistakable figure of my father at the far north end of the corridor. From this distance, he looked like a small child walking towards me. I began walking and met him almost at the mid point, just in front of the staircase that lead to the administrative offices.

  “Billy Boy come upstairs with me to my office.”

  I could tell by his tone that this was more of an order than a request.

  “Sure thing, what's going on?”

  My father started up the stairs and continued, “It's been a long winter and our supply's are down. We are going to have to plan a scavenging trip.”

  We entered the familiar office, my father took his seat behind a massive oak desk. The nameplate read David Steffins. My father's name was Henry so it was always odd for me to look at it. The desk was the type that everyone noticed as they walked into a room. Its leather top was still in good condition, the wood itself had a few scratches but for its age it was a beautiful piece of furniture. I figured it had once belonged to the local Sheriff or the Jail Administrator. The office had a large window just behind the desk that overlooked the main courtyard. From this vantage point, you could see over the wall and into the tree line. At the opposite end of the room was a large leather couch that had seen it's better days. I sat down and began to pick at the peeling leather on the armrest.

  “Stop picking at that and pay attention.”

  He was spreading out a map across his desk. At the top it read 'Wisconsin, a red circle indicated the compounds location. Smaller blue circles indicated areas we had already conducted scavenging trips in.

  “We have covered most of the outlying areas of the city, the only thing worth revisiting might be the hospital. I think it's time to move further into the city.”

  I moved to the edge of the couch and pointed to a city about 40 miles to the south.

  “What about trying a trip to Appleton, you know it could have a lot for us.”

  “That's too far right now, we don't have the equipment or men for that.”

  “I just spoke to Spencer yesterday, he has two cargo trucks, three 4x4 trucks and two old armored bank trucks that can make the trip. We would just need to make enough biofuel to make it there and back.”

  “I don't think it's a good idea, that's at least a day there, a few days to scavenge and a day to drive back. We don't know where the creatures are around here and we for sure don't know where the hell they are in Appleton. It's been over eight months since anyone has even been close to that area and they barely made it here alive.”

  “That was a small group of poorly armed people running for their lives. We can be a well armed, well equipped, organized team. You can't seriously compare us to them.” I paused while my father debated silently in his mind. “You know as well as I do that we are going to have to venture out further to get the supplies we need.”

  I could see that my father's mind was not made up yet, after another few moments of silence I attempted to persuade him further.

  “If we get into trouble we can used the armored bank trucks to protect ourselves.”

  My father looked up at me, paused and said, “how many will you take with you?”

  I filled with excitement knowing we would soon be off on a long-awaited adventure. A chance to prove myself to both me and my father. I couldn't help smiling while still maintaining a serious demeanor. This, after all, was going to be a long and dangerous trip. The compound would be depending on us to bring back the supplies they all needed.

  “I will take ten along with James, Ivy, and Spencer. I'll select the ten from the wall defense team.”

  My father looked back down to the map and said, “Your mother is not going to be happy about this you know. I'll smooth it over like I always do. Oh ya before I forget, Eddie wants to go with you. He says he needs some specific parts that only he can find.”

  “That little prick, I'll take him, but I don't like it.”

  I didn't really dislike Eddie that much. I even thought we could become friends if it wasn't for his damn arrogance. His I'm greater than anyone because I fix the items most valued by all attitude was very off putting.

  My father cleared his throat to cover his laugh. “You know how important he is, you can't let anything happen to him.”

  “I know, I know.” I stood, most of the excitement had passed now. “That little shit has got to start teaching someone else how to fix all that stuff before something does happen to him.”

  “You're right and we will work on that after this mission. For now, meet up with Uncle Phil, he is compiling a list of what we need. Coordinate that with him and make sure Spencer gets his wish list ready. I figure it will take you a few days to get ready so let's plan on you leaving at dawn three days from today.”

  “That sounds about right, with any luck in less than two weeks we can be back in this office discussing how successful the trip has been.”

  “Alright, Billy Boy, get going now I have a lot of other work to do today. I'll see you for dinner.”

  “OK, and thank you.”

  I walked out of the office not sure where I was heading. My mind was whirling, so many things to think about and plan for. A mix of excitement and fear filled me. Who knows what we might find out there excited me. While at the same time what we might find out there filled me with fear. First things first, I had to find Uncle Phil and get that list together.


  A few days passed, the entire compound was busy preparing for the group to leave on the scavenging trip the following morning. The trucks were packed and fully fueled, weapons cleaned, plenty of ammo, plenty of food. I was busy double checking supplies when my father approached along with Uncle Phil.

  “Everything ready Billy Boy?”

  “I think we are all set, we have food, water, ammo, fuel everything we need.”

  “This is your first trip as the leader so you watch yourself Billy Boy.”

  I stood close to my father, feeling the uneasy awkwardness that often accompanies a son and father at pivotal times in their lives. He reached out and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me into his chest while holding back a tear. I knew he was proud of the man I had become; I only hope I can live up to his expectations. I also knew he would always fear for my safety no matter what age I was.

  “Here you go Billy,” Uncle Phil handed me a small
hand held radio, “Eddie just got these working. He said they should reach as far as ten miles. So you can keep in contact with us for part of the trip.”

  “Thanks, Uncle Phil.” I took the radio attempting to wipe my eyes without anyone seeing the tears.

  “And here are two others he got working, he said these only have a range of a couple miles. You can use them if you need to separate your team.”

  “Great, I'm sure they will come in very handy.”

  “Well I think that about does it Billy Boy, let's head to the mess hall and join your mother and brother for dinner.” Father gave me a reassuring hand on my shoulder as we headed down the long corridor.

  It was the custom to have a party the night before a scavenging trip. A little extra food, some music, some dancing. It was a way the community thanked those who were risking their lives for them. It was a welcome distraction for those who were about to leave the relative safety of the compound. I walked into the mess hall and scanned the crowd looking for Ivy. I wanted to find her along with James and Spencer so we could eat together then finalize a few last minute details. I scanned to my right, attempting to see over and around all the people. The crowd seemed to magically separate as Ivy came into view. There she was standing near the north wall. I had a full view of her as she looked my way, our eyes met and that funny feeling hit me as it always did. Even in her camo military style pants, calf high black boots and black turtle neck she was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I quickly walked over to her and asked, “All set for tomorrow morning?”

  “As set as I'll ever be, Billy.”

  “have you seen James or Spencer?”

  Ivy moved closer to, she smelled so clean, so nice. I lost my train of thought for a moment as I looked down at her jet black hair. A slap in the back of the head brought me back to reality.

  “Hi, big brother, mom is looking for you.” James had a cocky ass grin on his face. His mood was upbeat, but I could tell he was just as scared as I was.


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