Station Hope (Book 1): Humanities Last Stand

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Station Hope (Book 1): Humanities Last Stand Page 9

by Thomas Bach

  We returned to the truck and found David curled up in the back seat. Eyes wide open, an expressionless face. He was gone, unable to cope with the outside world his mind retreated inward and took him to a happy place. I almost envied him in a way. I looked over at Ivy, she was looking down at David with pity in her eyes.

  “Can you blame him.... after what he has been though,” she said.

  “No... It’s a wonder we are all not like that.”

  “I'm not far from it right now.”

  “ neither.”

  Ivy and I climbed into the cab as Spencer jumped into the bed. We were on side roads now and I didn't know exactly where we were. The road stretched out to the north, Station Hope was to the north, so straight ahead it was. I eased the truck forward not wanting to leave just yet but knowing we needed to get back and warn Station Hope.

  We rode in silence, still in shock, for what seemed hours but was in reality about 20 min. An old stop sign ahead marked a “T” intersection. The dirt road ended at an old black top highway. Now I was forced to make a decision, right or left?

  “Check the glove box for that map Ivy,” I said.

  She pushed some papers around but found no map.

  “I think James had it last.”

  She started to cry when she realized what she had just said. Saying his name out loud made her realize he was never coming back.

  “It's alright Ivy, don't cry.”

  “I'm sorry Billy....”

  “I know, I know.”

  I opened the rear window and yelled back to Spencer.

  “Which way ya think.”

  “Not sure Boss...I think we are southwest of Station Hope so I'm guessing right, go east.”

  “Sounds right to me.”

  So right we went, lost in unknown territory with what could be thousands of vampires near. No map, few road signs and even the few we saw meant nothing to us. The only positive for us was that the blacktop had held up well over the years, driving on it was not difficult. I knew enough about our location to know if we continued east we would eventually run into lake Michigan. From studying the maps before we started I knew there was once a major highway that ran north along the lake, I-43. The same highway that connected to the old bridge we could see from Station Hope. If we could find it all we had to do was follow it north to home.

  An hour had gone by since we turned right, I was starting to worry we were wrong about our location.

  “It feels like we are going too far, we should have found I-43 by now,” I said to Ivy.

  “It's hard to tell, we don't know exactly where we were and we for sure don't know how far it is. So let's just keep going this way.”

  “Your right...there is plenty of daylight left. We will eventually run into the lake if we miss the highway. Either way I'm sure we will find our way home soon.”

  “Me to Billy, me to.”

  She reached over and took my hand, her skin was soft, her reassuring touch calmed me. My mind began to drift, thoughts of James, how we grew up together. Our silly sibling rivalry seemed so petty now. Thoughts of Station Hope, is tall walls that made me feel secure. The people there, good people, people that would someday depend on me for leadership. My Mother, my God how was I going to face my Mother or Father. They in trusted me with James safety and now he was gone. Dread filled me and I thought of turning the truck around and running away.

  “There, Billy look over there, is that the highway?” said Ivy.

  “It sure looks like it to me, thank God.”

  “How long do you think until we are home?”

  “I'm not sure, but it shouldn't be too long.”

  Ivy sat back in her seat as we made our way onto the highway. It was the first time she had relaxed all day. She was soon asleep as we headed north. Both David and Spencer were sleeping now, exhausted by the last few days. I was not looking forward to sleep, I knew it would be filled with nightmares, visions of that creature. I wondered if I would ever have a good night’s rest again.

  The highway curved to the left and the terrain became more and more familiar. Finally, a road I recognized, a few more miles and we would be home. So much I needed to tell my father, warn him about the hordes of vampires coming our way. Telling him about the King and his Regents. Telling him about James, how I let his youngest son be taken.

  “Wake up Ivy, we are turning down the old dirt road that leads to the gates.”

  Ivy opened her eyes and smiled as she instantly recognized where we were.

  “Good job Billy, you did it, you got us home.”

  “Not all of us...”

  “Stop it, you can't let it eat you up.”

  “Can't stop it, he was my responsibility.”

  “Well so are the people at Station Hope weather you like it or not. And you did what you needed to do for them. You needed to know what's out there, what we're facing. James knew that to.... he knew the importance of what we were doing and he knew the risks.”

  “Your right, but that doesn't make it easier.”

  “Billy, things in this life are seldom easy. And for you, the future leader of Station Hope, they will be that much harder. But one thing you can always count on is me being there to help you...I love you Billy.”

  “So do I Boss.” Spencer’s smart ass voice came through the back window. Ivy batted a playful hand at his face and for the first time in days I half smiled.

  “Shut up you moron,” I said.

  It's funny how the mind works, only humans use humor as a coping mechanism. Only humans had the gift, or maybe it's a curse, of complex emotions. In any case I know it's important to insure those human traits don't disappear from the face of the earth. Humanity must survive and Station Hope was it's best bet.

  We turned the last corner and Station Hope came into view. We all became silent, the smiles disappeared, the rage and guilt returned. I knew what must be done and there was no running from it. Those familiar gates creaked open, a crowd had formed near the sally port. My mother and father emerged from the crowd with smiles on their faces. I stopped the truck and just looked at them, how can I tell them. Ivy opened her door and got out. David was up now and slowly exited the truck. He was still in shock and looked dazed as he walked towards the crowd. Spencer jumped out of the truck bed and stood next to Ivy. I suppressed the urge to run out those gates never to return, never to face my parents with such horrible news. Concern filled their faces as I stepped from the truck and they realized one of us was missing.

  “Where is James?” My mother yelled, running up to me. “Where is your brother?”

  I couldn't speak, I looked into her eyes and she knew.

  “Oh God no! Where is he Billy?” Tears filled her eyes, sorrow filled her heart and there was nothing I could do but stand there.

  “What happened son?” My father voice was somber, not comforting at all like in the past. I looked at him not knowing where to start.

  “He's gone father.... taken by those evil creatures.”

  I don't know if it was panic or rage that over took me at that moment I just knew I had to warn my father about what was heading our way. I took hold of my father’s shoulders and pulled his face into mine.

  “I must talk to you alone, now. We have little time left, Station Hope is in danger!” My tone conveyed the seriousness of my statement.

  He turned without saying a word and walked into the compound, I followed dreading what I must tell him.

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  The adventure continues . . .

  Follow the adventures of Billy, Ivy, and Spencer in Station Hope 2

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