Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1 Page 1

by BWWM Club

  Girls Just Want To Have Fun

  5 SUPER Hot BWWM Romance Books in 1!

  A sexy BWWM romance bundle by various BWWM Club authors.

  Feel like some fun?

  Why not take a romp into the world of hot billionaires, moonlight vigilantes and sizzling passion?

  We’ve collected five top BWWM stories for you to enjoy.

  Each book is a complete story - no surprise cliffhangers here!

  Join our girls as they fall head over heels with an array of hot billionaires… and struggle to tame them.

  Will these couples get their happily ever after?

  Find out in these emotional yet super sexy romances by various BWWM Club authors.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sizzling sex scenes that’ll have you on the look out for your own WM to play with!

  Here are all five books collected into this great value bundle:

  The Billionaire's Staged Wedding

  Public relations specialist Debra needs to clean up billionaire Michael Tanner’s public mess.

  She advises the playboy billionaire to stage a marriage, and he agrees on one condition - that Debra be his bride.

  To boost her career, she agrees, but when feelings start to bloom and things get complicated, how will it pan out?

  Basic Obsession

  Art broker Angelina’s just been fired by her slimy boss because she won’t sleep her way to the top.

  When handsome billionaire art collector Adrian offers her a job, Angelina jumps at the chance.

  Soon an innocent job proposal turns into a steamy and passionate relationship, but her old boss is determined to put a spanner in the works.

  Can Adrian’s business, and his and Angelina’s passion pull through?

  Deep Obsession

  Lovebirds Angelina and Adrian are back.

  But unfortunately, so is her meddling and vindictive ex boss.

  Adrian takes matters into his own hands, but Angelina sees a darker side of him emerging, and she’s not sure how to feel about it.

  He’s always been a dominating, alpha male, but has he gone a step too far?

  Marriage of Convenience

  Jonathon’s grandfather has given him an ultimatum: Marry by the time you're 30, or lose out on your inheritance.

  He’s been surrounding himself with cheap girls who just want a fling, so he’s delighted to run into Leila on the way to a benefit she’s organizing.

  Though she’s far from rich, she’s smart, caring and attractive.

  But how will Leila feel about marrying for convenience?

  And when Jonathon's granddad realizes his grandson's marrying a woman of color on an average salary, how will he react?

  Her Superhero Lover

  DJ and model Renee struggles to make ends meet in San Diego, and nothing exciting ever happens to her.

  That is, until she meets Grady, a handsome billionaire bachelor.

  But Grady has a secret - despite his respectable appearance as a bank owner and business man, at night he moonlights as the vigilante known as the Horseman.

  If Renee’s always wanted anger, intrigue and adventure, she’s certainly got that now.

  But will she survive long enough to enjoy it all?

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2017 to Mary Pearl and No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  The Billionaire's Staged Wedding

  Basic Obsession

  Deep Obsession

  Marriage Of Convenience

  Her Superhero Lover

  Get Another BWWM And Contemporary Ebook Free

  BWWM Book Of The Week

  More Hot BWWM Books You'll Love

  The Billionaire's Staged Wedding

  A marriage of convenience, the love of a lifetime!

  A complete marriage of convenience romance, brought rising star Mary Peart.

  When public relation specialist Debra was brought in to manage the image of handsome billionaire Michael Tanner, she knew she had a big job on her hands.

  Michael couldn't help but fit into the stereotypical 'playboy billionaire' role, and now it's her job to clean up his public mess.

  After looking at all the options, one thing becomes clear; if they really want to improve his public image, he needs to calm things down and get married.

  A good idea on paper? Sure.

  Now that he's only willing to go ahead with it if it's Debra he gets married to? Not so much.

  But a professional she is, and soon things are set for the biggest (staged, shhh) wedding of the year.

  But with the two spending so much time together through both work and keeping up appearances, is there any chance Debra won't be bowled over by Michael's famous personality and charms?


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 1

  Debra stared at the document before her, a frown furrowing her usually smooth brow. No matter how she tried to spin it, she just could not make it work. It looked bad and as good as she was at her job; she could not perform miracles.

  With an impatient sigh she pushed the document away from her and moved from her desk; wandering over to stand at her window. Her office faced east and she had an excellent view of the landscape. The towering office buildings did not hide the magnificent view of the pale sun trying to make its brave way to shine from a watery blue sky and the trees shedding their leaves in time for the winter season. It was almost November and the blustery cold was felt as soon as she stepped outside. She pulled the blinds further up, loving to stare outside as if doing that gave her the inspiration she needed for the work she had to do.

  She had been public relations officer for Tanner’s Technology for the past two years and enjoyed her job. It was such a diversified company to work for and she had learned so much since she had been employed. The CEO, billionaire Michael Tanner lived up to his reputation as a playboy and was seen with a different woman every month. It did not help that he was stunningly handsome with brown hair streaked with blond highlights and amazing green eyes and was tall and muscular and was vividly aware of it, but things had changed. The company was going public and his image was standing in the way of that; the real business men did not take too kindly to a man who had a different woman at the drop of a hat and they had been making noises to that effect. It was enough that he was a brilliant and ingenuous twenty eight year old who turned whatever he touched into gold, they wanted stability and maybe they were afraid that he would start moving in on their wives and daughters.

  She had been trying to update his portfolio but what could she say about him? Everything t
hey were saying was the truth and she knew it! There was no help for it; he had to change his image. It was simple, if he loved his company so much then the sacrifice would not be too hard, she thought ironically. As an employee she respected him but as a man she had no time for his lifestyle and even though she knew that everyone had a right to their own way of living she always thought philandering was a complete waste of time.

  She had seen the women hanging off his arm as if it was their lifeline and she had wondered how long they were going to last. The longest, a tall willowy blonde who was a supermodel of some fame had lasted six months and everyone had thought he was finally going to settle down but that relationship had fizzled out two weeks ago; so much for that.

  Her intercom buzzed and she hurried over to her cherry wood desk to press the button. It was Michael’s personal Secretary, Amy. “Yes Amy,” she said briefly.

  “Michael wants to see you Debra,” the woman told her.

  “I’ll be right there” she released the button and picked up her folder with his information and the press clippings. She had requested a meeting with him last Friday and had been told he was unavailable until today, Monday.

  Debra made her way to his office, passing receptionists and the different offices before making her way to his suite of offices. It never failed to impress her; the luxury of the entire building. The wealth portrayed was not flashy but subtle and in very good taste. Her stiletto heels sank into the white carpeting as she stopped at Amy’s desk.

  “Go right in,” the middle aged woman said with a smile on her well groomed face. She had been working there for four years and ruled Michael’s office with a rod of iron.

  He was on his cell phone when she stepped in, prowling the office a frown on his forehead and his green dress shirt sleeves folded at the elbows. His hair was slightly tousled as if he had run his fingers through it. He gestured impatiently for her to sit on one of the many chairs that graced the large office, including a white leather couch that she stayed clear of. She took one of the elegant chairs in front of his massive desk.

  He wrapped up the call and came over to lean on the desk in front of her. “Hold my calls for the next half hour Amy, thanks.” He released the intercom button and folded his muscular arms on his chest, giving her his full attention.

  “How bad is it?” he asked her abruptly.

  Debra stared at him with her brows raised. It was a little after ten and the least he could do was greet her in a civilized manner; it was not her fault that his womanizing ways was costing him the reputation of his company.

  “I am sorry, I am just tense and this bad publicity is making me a little crazy,” he apologized with a sigh. “Can you fix it?”

  “I am not into working miracles Michael, I told you that before and you know what you need to do,” she told him coolly, crossing long elegant legs shod in black opaque stockings to ward off the cold. She was dressed in a chic red wool dress that molded her curvaceous figure and her black cropped hair framed a coolly beautiful coffee and cream face. He was looking at her speculatively and not for the first time he wondered what it would take to break through that icy façade.

  “Settle down and possibly get married,” he said with a grimace, pushing away from the desk and going around it to sit in the high back chair. “Death sentences that I am too young to be facing,” he took up a sterling silver pen and began twirling it in his hands. “Any other suggestion?”

  “Nothing I can come up with.” Debra stood and came over to his desk, opening the folder to show him the latest newspaper clippings. One read: ‘Playboy Billionaire Michael Tanner and his flavor of the month! How long will this one last?’ and another one read: ‘Playboy Billionaire Michael Tanner can’t seem to hold on to his women, is he as indecisive about his business deals as well?’

  Michael pushed away the clippings in disgust. “Don’t they have anything else to write?” he bit out. “Can we sue them?”

  “For printing the facts?” Debra asked in amusement; glad to see he was finally taking this thing seriously now, maybe he would try and do better. “We certainly cannot sue them for bad taste but they are writing what they see.”

  “I am not going to settle down with some woman just because it suits the corporate world,” he said impatiently, pushing out of his chair and starting to pace again. “Have you seen those businessmen? They are married to some safe comfortable women and have a mistress or two because the woman they married are cold in bed and want to stick to a damn schedule before they are allowed into their own beds.”

  “So marry someone who won’t close her legs when you need them opened.” Debra said with a straight face.

  He stopped walking and looked around at her; his incredible green eyes looking into her dark brown ones. Then he laughed, his white teeth flashing as he approached her and stood there looking at her. “You are one of a kind aren’t you?” he asked her softly, staring at her full lips that were painted in a natural lip gloss that highlighted her full and sexy bottom lip. “Would you close your legs to me if I wanted them opened?” he asked her softly, staring at her mouth.

  Debra stepped back from him; her heart tripping inside her chest. Apart from him being her employer, he was the worst kind of man she would ever think of getting involved with.

  “Let’s discuss this Michael,” she told him stiffly, sitting back down on the chair; willing her hands to remain steady.

  He stood there looking at her for a moment and then he went back around to his desk. “I am not marrying for the sake of making me look good. Find another way.” He told her abruptly, his green eyes hooded.

  “Michael I-“ she began but he held up a hand.

  “Save it,” he told her autocratically. “I don’t want to hear it, just do what you get paid so handsomely for,” With that he picked up his phone indicating that the meeting was over.

  Debra gathered up her files and left the office without a backward look, her back straight and her steps hurried. He sat there staring after her, a brooding expression on his face. He had noticed her and had been doing so for quite a few months, ever since they had started working closely together. She was such a beautiful woman and she looked like the ice princess.

  He pressed the intercom. “I am going out for the afternoon Amy, cancel my two o’clock meeting.” He released the button before Amy could ask him anything else.

  He needed some air.


  Debra placed the folder carefully on her desk. She was riding anger and whenever she felt that way she made sure she calmed herself down before she tackled the problem. She was a practical person and never let anger get in the way of her doing the right thing. She went over to the side board and poured herself a glass of water, swallowing it down slowly trying to quell the burning sensation inside her stomach. She was certainly not going to allow Michael Tanner to ruin her day.

  The day flew by swiftly as Debra played around with several ideas, discarding each one the minute she put them down on paper. She was trying to make him look like the serious CEO he was supposed to be; but no matter how she put it; there was no denying who he was: a man who used women despicably and threw them aside when he was finished with them.

  It was almost five o’clock when Juliette, the head receptionist and a very good friend of hers strolled into the office carrying a bag with fresh chicken salad and a bottle of water. “I knew you have not eaten yet,” she accused her, dumping the bag of food on her desk. Jules as she was called, was tall and slender and was a Chinese-American who prided herself on dressing to impress. Today she was wearing a black linen suit with a stylish white belt around her tiny waist.

  “How did you guess?” Debra reached for the bag and opened it, taking out the package. There was a kitchen complete with a top class chef so they had no need to go outside the building to get lunch.

  “I know you,” Jules shook back her waist length hair and crossed slender legs. “How is the image correcting coming on?”

ask,” Debra crunched on the lettuce in her salad thoughtfully.

  “I have been fielding calls from reporters wanting to know about the rumor going around of Michael Tanner seeing the lead actress from the film that was released recently. Any comments on that?”

  “You sound like a reporter,” Debra said dryly. “No comment. I am trying my best to spin a positive image on his reputation but I am having a hard time making it work. He needs to settle down and that is all there is to it.”

  Jules laugh at that; a charming tinkling laugh that brought a smile to the hearer’s face. “Michael Tanner settling down, that would be the day.”

  “I was thinking: what if he entered a marriage of convenience with someone he is acquainted with. Someone who will know that it is a business arrangement and would be willing to sign a prenuptial agreement?” Debra leaned forward; her expression intense as the idea spun itself inside her head.

  “Sounds lovely, but will he agree to it?” Jules asked her mildly, putting a damper on the suggestion making Debra want to strangle her and rattle that calm exterior.

  “It has to,” she said quietly. “It’s the only option I have left.”


  He did not come back to the office for the rest of the afternoon and Amy told her that she had been calling him on his cell phone but not getting a response. Probably holed up in bed with some empty headed bimbo, she thought spitefully.

  She left the office and an urgent note on his desk for him to meet with her the next morning.

  She took the subway home and let herself into her empty apartment at a quarter past eight, stepping out of her shoes and padding into the kitchen to make herself some soup. She was supposed to call her aunt to let her know she was okay as she made a habit of doing two times a week but she was not in the frame of mind to do so. Her apartment was feeling more and more empty these days and even though she spent most of her time at work; whenever she came home it felt empty and lonely. It was a two bedroom space and she had turned the smaller room into a study; the kitchen was ultra modern and she rarely used it because she believed that cooking for one was not much fun.


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