Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1 Page 5

by BWWM Club

  He came over her, his mouth covering her in a desperate attempt to salve their needs. One hand drifted down between them to touch her mound, rubbing a finger over it before dipping the finger inside her. Debra gasped inside his mouth, clutching him against her as he worked his fingers inside her; his mouth drinking from hers with a hunger that was almost overwhelming.

  He was bursting with need for her, his body temperature at an all time high. He wanted to sink himself deep inside her and fuse her to him. It scared him how much he was losing control and falling off the safe place he had always been. He released her lips and ventured down her body, lingering on her breasts before going down her flat stomach. He stopped when he came to her pubic area and he used his fingers to spread her open and touched his tongue to her, delving inside her, causing her to lift herself from the bed, her hands tightening in the sheets.

  The feeling was unbelievable and just when she thought she could not take anymore, he rose above her and entered her. He groaned as her tightness closed over him, gripping him, sucking him inside her as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He stayed still for a moment, his head bent as he teased her lips with his teeth, causing the shiver to rise within her. “I am attracted to you and I need you with me,” he muttered feverishly, plunging inside her, lifting her hips to meet his thrusts as he pulled her along with him.

  Debra tightened her arms around him, wanting to stay that way forever, wanting to feel what he was doing to her. She kissed him back, burying her tongue inside his mouth meeting his thrusts with hers until they were lost in the moment, the passion spiraling out of control, bringing them together as the tide rushed over them pulling them in and giving them a release that had them crying out from the force of it.

  She slept later on and he pulled her close to him, his eyes roaming her exquisite face. Even in repose she was beautiful, a stillness surrounding her like an invisible cloud. He usually enjoyed himself with a woman and then he would leave without a backward glance until he chose to see them again. With Debra he found out that he wanted to spend a lot of time with her. He pulled the comforter up and over her as she shivered slightly; he was loathed to cover her body because he loved looking at her, at the perfect curves and the way her face softened in sleep. He placed a gentle kiss on her brow and pulling her closer to him, drifted off to sleep.


  Debra woke before him and tried to extricate herself from him but he held on tight. “Where are you going?” he asked her softly. His hand was curved around her waist, holding her fast.

  “I thought you were sleeping,” she whispered, lifting her head to look at him. His hair was tousled and he looked like a mischievous little boy.

  “I am awake now,” he told her huskily, pulling her under him and going over her. “Ready for round two?” he asked her throatily.

  “And if I say no?” she asked him, her heart hammering inside her chest. She had not planned on spending the night but she did not want to leave. A quick glance at the glaring red light of the bedside clock showed that it was already three o’clock the next day. It felt strange spending the night with him but it was also exhilarating.

  “I will try and persuade you otherwise,” he whispered, bending his head to take her lips with his. He was already hard for her and pushing a hand between them he placed his penis inside her without leaving her lips. Debra welcomed him and opened wider to allow him to go deeper, closing around him and moving beneath him slowly at first then frantically as he hardened further inside her. A groan escaped her as his tongue met hers and his body moved over hers.

  “Michael,” she whispered, tearing her mouth from his, wanting to tell him what he was doing to her and afraid to do so.

  “Tell me what you need,” he said urgently, looking at her, his expression stormy with need as he plunged inside her.

  “I need you,” she whispered achingly, her hands coming up to frame his face. He went still at her words and her touch and he ached for her. He wanted to tell her how he really felt but he could not, this was new to him and if she rejected him, he did not know what he would do.

  “You have me,” he growled, moving inside her with an urgency that expressed his great need. “I need you too,” he covered her mouth with his as he felt the wave of feeling invading his lower body. He lifted her hips and plunged inside her with a force that threatened to move them off the bed. With a low cry, Debra clasped her legs around his waist, riding the storm with him as he emptied himself inside her, his cries echoing hers.

  His body was shaking with the aftermath of the powerful feeling between then and he wanted to weep with the enormity of it all but with a supreme effort he controlled himself and held her to him as her shaking subsided.

  “Comfortable?” he murmured, as she settled in his arms.

  “Hmm,” Debra murmured, her hand caught in his chest hair, her fingers splayed over his firm and muscular chest, his warmth tingling against her touch.

  “I want you to meet my mother.” He told her suddenly.

  Debra looked up at him sharply but he avoided her gaze, his hands busy cupping her bottom and molding her to him. He was still inside her and he kept moving against her, causing frissons of pleasure to go through her.

  “When?” she asked him casually. It did not mean anything, she told herself; it was just a part of the charade.

  “Tomorrow,” he told her briefly and bending his head, he covered her mouth in a kiss that left her whole body tingling.

  Chapter 5

  Her status changed overnight at the office. As soon as their engagement became apparent she went from being the company’s P.R. to being the woman who was engaged to the CEO of the company and she was treated accordingly. In the past she was able to chit chat with the rest of the employees and run a few jokes with them but now she was the outsider and as soon as she came near, the conversation came to a screeching halt. The only two persons who treated her the same were Jules and Michael’s secretary, Amy.

  “What do you expect?” Jules had asked her dryly as she handed Debra a document she had requested. She had admired the rock on her friend’s finger and told her that she was green with envy. “One of the most eligible bachelor in the country, what did you do?”

  Debra had given her a pained look and she had smiled and left the room.

  “I expect to be treated like I used to be,” Debra told her in irritation.

  “Good luck with that,” Jules shook back her raven hair and stood with the intention of leaving. “You are engaged to a powerful man honey, so get used to it.”

  Ever since that night she had spent at Michael's, that totally unbelievable glorious night, things had changed between them. She had met his mother and the poor woman had fallen over herself to entertain them. Michael had told her what his mother had gone through with his father and her heart went out to the timid woman; no wonder she looked as if she was going to jump out of her skin.

  She had expressed the wish that her son and Debra would come and visit her often. Debra had assured her they would after she realized Michael had not responded. She had wanted to say something to him on their way home but she knew that theirs was not a real relationship, in spite of the incredible night they had spent together. She could not help but remember he was an accomplished womanizer and he knew how to get the right results from a woman he was with at the time.

  She was falling in love with him and her heart despaired at the thought of loving Michael Tanner. He was not one to really settle down and although he had made the promise to be faithful, she was still waiting for him to fall out of line. Every time his phone rang while she was with him she would stiffen and try to appear nonchalant as he took the call. She was in his office one evening this week when she noticed that he excused himself to go into Amy's office to answer the call. She felt something pricked her heart as she watched him lean against the desk and speak to the person. Amy had already left for the day so the office was empty. Even though she could not hear what he was saying, his bod
y language told her what she needed to know. She had managed to school her features into one of indifference when he came back inside the office. She was getting to be quite a gifted actress where he was concerned, there was no way he was going to see her break down because he was talking to another woman. She was stronger than that and she had worked too hard to let a man destroy her peace of mind.

  She had not gone back to his apartment since that night several weeks ago and he had not pushed her when she told him no, even though she secretly wanted him to insist but he had not done so and she had pretended she did not care. At night, she ached to feel his arms around her and him inside her and his mouth on hers. She would lie there in the bed wide awake, torturing herself, wondering if he was with someone else doing to them what he had done with her.

  Their pictures were all over the papers and she could not go anywhere now without been recognized. The wedding was planned for Christmas day which would be on a Sunday and he had hired a wedding planner who made sure to tell her that she planned weddings for celebrities. Debra could not stand the pretentious woman but apparently she was very good at her job and was taking care of everything, including finding the perfect dress, all she had to do was show up for the fitting. It was going to be a wedding talked about for months to come, the wedding planner had told her, looking her over critically, probably wondering why Michael was marrying a 'nobody' when he had his pick of celebrated women.

  She had told Aunt Sybil about the upcoming nuptials and she had expressed her delight as she had seen Michael in the papers so many times. She had tactfully not mentioned that he had always had a different beautiful woman on his arm.

  Her intercom buzzed and she realized it was Michael. They had been working to put together a suitable press release for the opening of the new wing of the hospital and they were yet to come up with something that sounded right, at least not to him.

  It was already a little after six and Amy had left for the day, so had most of the staff, except those in the accounts department.

  His shirt sleeves were rolled up and he was looking at the computer screen with a slight frown which miraculously cleared when he looked up and saw her. "Hi,” he said softly. Debra felt her heart turn over as it always did whenever he spoke to her. It was almost like they were a real couple but Debra knew better.

  "Problem?" she queried briskly, deliberately keeping her tone businesslike.

  "Nothing I cannot handle," he told her lightly, coming around to sit on the front of his desk. "What do you have?" he asked her.

  "Something I am sure you are going to tell me is not suitable." Debra told him dryly; handing the folder to him. To her surprise he pulled her over and between his legs. "What are you doing?" she asked him in a panicked voice.

  "Greeting my fiancé the right way." He told her huskily. They were eye to eye and his were a blazing green that told of what he was feeling. "I wanted to do this since yesterday and since you refuse to come home with me, I have to do it here and now."

  He closed his mouth over hers, his tongue darting inside her mouth with a searching intensity that had her sagging against him. "Michael," she murmured helplessly.

  “Shh.” He whispered, his teeth nipping at her full bottom lip, sending darts of desire through her entire body and making her lean against him weakly. Her mouth opened his and her hands drifted up to his chest, feeling the firm muscles that flexed at her touch. He was her undoing, she thought, as his mouth plundered hers.

  “Come home with me,” he murmured hoarsely, dragging his mouth away from hers to feather light kisses along her high cheekbone. His hands gripped her waist and she felt his erection pressing against her. She shook her head, her hands clenched against his chest. She was telling herself that she had to be strong, had to show him that she was different from the women who always fell at his feet but her body kept betraying her.

  “Why not?” he demanded, his hands tightening around her waist. His green eyes bored into hers and Debra felt the pull of desire between them.

  “I think we should wait,” she lied. She could not tell him the real reason; when she was in his bed beside him, it felt like that was the place she wanted to be and it was but it made her forget that their relationship was a sham and she was getting too close.

  “We already slept together once Debra so that does not make any sense,” he told her impatiently, rubbing the pad of his thumb against her cheek. She could not think when he was holding her like this and she was on the verge of blurting out her feelings for him.

  “It makes sense to me Michael,” she willed her voice to sound cool; even though it took a monumental effort on her part and even more to move out of the circle of his arms. “Or are you forgetting that this is not a real relationship?”

  His green eyes were unwavering as they looked at her; as if he was seeing through her soul. Debra felt herself weakening as the silence lengthened. “Thanks for the reminder,” he told her, his tone cool. He straightened from his desk and went back around it to take a seat.

  “Show me what you got,” he held out his hand for the file and Debra handed it to him, regret churning inside her at the cold look on his face, maybe she had been too impulsive, so what if she went home with him? What if she had started to fall in love with him? Would it be so bad? Yes! The voice screamed inside her head. He is not capable of falling in love and you know that.

  “Michael-“ she began as he took the folder from her, not quite sure what she was about to say.

  “That’s all Debra, close the door on your way out,” he told her without looking up.

  Debra stiffened at the indifference in his tone and with a straightening of her spine she realized she had been right not to agree to go home with him. He only wanted someone to scratch the itch he was feeling at the moment and it so happens that she was available. To hell with him.

  Michael only looked up when he heard the door slam; his expression brooding. With a harsh sigh he push away the file she had given him, he was still riled up with desire and need that he was feeling jumpy. Damn her! He thought harshly, getting up to go to the liquor cabinet to pour himself a stiff drink; he wanted to say so many things to her, to show her what he was feeling but she always held him at bay. He was damned if he was going to bare his heart to her to have her trample over it. The irony of it was he had lost interest in all the other women he had been seeing and had now become a one woman man, a woman who did not give a damn about him. With a short bitter laugh he downed the liquid in one gulp, grimacing as the liquor shot straight into his bloodstream. He wanted her so much that it was becoming a permanent ache inside him, not only his testicles, he thought grimly but his heart as well.

  His phone rang just then and with an impatient sigh he realized that it was Selene. “What’s up Selene?” he had not heard from her in months and he certainly had not expected to hear from her.

  “Darling you sound tired,” the girl’s distinctive drawl which in the past had the power to stir his blood now left him cold. “What’s this I hear about you being engaged to some P.R. at the company?”

  “I thought you were in Paris getting rich and famous,” he countered.

  “That did not work out too well, they wanted me to take off all my clothes and I am much too professional for that, so I am back home.” She paused and then continued. “I rather thought we could pick up where we left off.” There was a pregnant silence between them and Michael’s mind flashed back to their torrid, if short lived, love affair. Too much drama and not enough commitment.

  “I am a one woman man now Selene so no thanks.” He told her without the slightest regret.

  “So what you’re telling me is that this little engagement of yours is for real and not something trumped up to save the image of your company?” she demanded, her voice shrill.

  “Definitely,” Michael told her coolly. “I am in love with her and nothing is going to come between us.”

  “This is not over Michael,” Selene told him coldly.

��It is Selene,” Michael’s voice was equally cold. “I am very protective of her and I know how much you love your career. I can be against you or for you, your choice.”

  This time the silence stretched longer.

  “Are you threatening me?” the girl asked coldly.

  “Call it what you may but consider what we had over and done with a long time ago. I have no intention of rekindling anything. Who knows you may just find some rich old man to marry and settle down with.” His voice had softened in amusement.

  “You bastard!” Selene shouted, her voice quivering. “I hate you!” she said slamming down the phone in his ear.

  Michael put the phone on his desk carefully and with a decisive movement he left his office.


  Debra took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She was telling herself that she should not have let Michael get under her skin like that. She knew better. She was a professional and from now on she was going to behave like one where he was concerned. She had felt her heart breaking into pieces at his indifference. She knew she was in deep trouble where he was concerned; she had wanted to go home with him desperately but she had to stand her ground. She was getting too involved emotionally.

  She had just switched off her computer and was about to take up her pocket book when he stormed inside her office. “What the hell is going on with you?” he asked her, his green eyes smoldering with hidden fire.

  “Excuse me?” she said frostily, refusing to be intimidated by his stance. He was standing just inside the door, cutting off her only way of exit.

  “Why are you acting so cold and uncaring?” he asked, coming further inside the room. Debra shrank back against her desk, knowing if he touched her at all, all her resolves would just go through the window.


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