Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1 Page 7

by BWWM Club

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known,” he muttered, his hands spanning her waist; his green eyes blazing with desire. “I can’t get enough of you and even when I am with you I want more,” his hands ran restlessly down her body, coming to rest against her pubic area, his finger drifting towards her mound.

  His slowness was killing her and with a moan Debra captured his hand placed it there, moving against it. “I want to take my time,” he told her hoarsely, his thumb rubbing against her; his eyes taking in the widening of her beautiful dark brown eyes. “My wife,” he said harshly, kneeling on the bed and peeling off the camisole from her body and leaving her totally naked for his eyes.

  “Michael,” she pleaded as he bent his head and took a hard nipple inside his mouth, licking it slowly and then pulling on it, his tongue moving over it hungrily. Debra tunneled her hands into his hair and held on as he transferred to the other breast. By the time his mouth drifted down to her flat stomach, she was almost delirious with need.

  “Michael now,” she told him feverishly, her hands pulling at his hair. He did not comply but went down further, taking her inside his mouth, his tongue tasting and slowly putting his tongue inside her. Debra arched her body in response and she felt the sensation starting from the pit of her stomach and traveling up as his tongue plunged in and out of her feverishly. He stopped just as she was about to explode and came over her, releasing his pulsing erection from his underwear and entering her gently, her tightness gripping him with a force that threatened to undo him. She moved under him restlessly, hurriedly taking him with her and with an aching groan he entered her until he was touching her core, his hands gripping her hips as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He bent his head and took her lips in a tender kiss that almost had her weeping.

  “Michael,” she whispered against his mouth, her hands framing his incredibly handsome face. She wanted to tell him that she loved him so much that it hurt but she couldn’t, it was too new, too precious for him to destroy it by not responding or telling her that it was a marriage of convenience.

  He had stopped and she felt his erection pulsating inside her. He filled her to overflowing. She had never experienced so much pleasure from one person before, never dreamed that such pleasure existed. “I want you to feel me,” he told her; whispering it against her lips, his tongue snaking out and touching her lip. He moved within her, rotating his hips slowly deliberately. “I promise you that there is no one else, do you believe me?” his eyes pleaded with her.

  “I believe you,” she whispered, pulling down his head and resuming the kiss. He moved within her fervently, the buildup starting immediatelyas she met him thrust for thrust, her hands going around his neck and holding on as the passion ignited further; their skin feverish with the need encompassing them.

  He came before her, his seed exploding inside her as he called out her name hoarsely, his body shaking with the force of his need. She came while he was still in the throes of his orgasm and their cries mingled together, their bodies molded to each other as one as they rode the storm that threatened to overwhelm them. He crushed her lips with his, hands gripping her hips as he thrust inside her with frantic movements, not quite believing that he could feel this way and still be alive. He wanted to shout out his love for her but for the first time in his life, a woman held the power to break him into tiny pieces and he did not know what to do.

  He pulled out of her long enough to pour two glasses of champagne and they ate slices of the delicious vanilla frosted cake. He used his tongue to lick away bits of frosting from her lips.

  “You undo me,” he teased her. He had spread a large towel over the sheets so as not to get crumbs on the bed, and he had pulled her close to him as they ate and drank.

  “I strongly doubt it,” she told him dryly as she wiped frosting from his lips and licked her finger. His head smoldered as her tongue snaked out to capture the tiny bit of frosting.

  “I can’t look at you without getting hard,” he told her hoarsely, bring her finger to his mouth to lick it. “I am constantly hard when I am around you and when I am thinking about you.” He downed the rest of the champagne and taking her empty glass from her, he put them away. “I want you all the time.” He pulled her up and over him. He bent her over and his mouth fastened on one nipple causing her to gasp at the coldness of his mouth as he sucked on her nipple. One hand went between her legs and he worked his fingers inside her. Debra cried out, her body arching over his fingers as he worked her over furiously, his mouth pulling at her nipple. She came tumultuously, her anguished cries echoing around the room as her body vibrated with the passion going through her. His fingers were still inside her as she sobbed out his name over and over again.

  Chapter 7

  “I am so happy you could make it my dear,” Maura Tanner said timidly, passing a cup of tea to Debra. It has been two weeks since the wedding and their one week stay at the hotel where they had barely left the room. They had spent most of the time naked because Michael had insisted he wanted to see her body and it was too beautiful to be covered anyway. He had turned off his phone and had told her that she had his full attention.

  It was a Monday and she had gone back to the office and straight back to work, He had had meetings and things to be dealt with and had dived straight in. His mother had called her during lunch and asked if she could come over, she wanted to talk to her and if she would not mind, not say anything to Michael.

  The house was beautiful but it did not look lived in and the woman living in it looked very uncomfortable.

  “No problem Maura,” she reassured her, trying to put the skittish woman at ease. She looked as if she was going to jump out of her skin any minute now. It was after six and she had told Michael she was going to her apartment which she had yet to give up to pick up some things.

  Maura had gone all out; making little cucumber sandwiches and little cupcakes with pink frosting on them. “How was your honeymoon?” she asked nervously as if unsure if that was an appropriate question to ask.

  “It was great,” she told the woman softly, reaching over to give her hands a pat. “What did you want to talk to me about Maura?” she asked, certain that the woman was trying to find a way to bring up whatever she wanted to say.

  “Oh,” her hands flew to her mouth. She was a small mousy woman whom Debra had a hard time believing her strapping handsome husband came from her but she had seen pictures of his father before the drinking had destroyed his looks and realized that Michael favored his father. “Michael does not talk to me much.” She began. “I was a weak woman and I allowed my weakness to destroy the love my son had for me.” She stared in front of her; her mind obviously elsewhere, buried in the past. “I was so afraid of everything that I let his father have his own way and stood there cowering in fear instead of fighting for both of us. Michael had to fight for himself and he got out but he has never forgiven me for standing by while his father treated both of us like dirt.”

  Debra did not know what to say and her heart went out to this woman; who sat here in this beautiful empty house haunted by her failings in life and with no one to talk to. Her husband had not said anything to her about his past but then neither had she because it was not that type of marriage.

  “Maura, you have to try and forgive yourself.” She told her gently, moving away from the single sofa she had been sitting on and going over to the beautiful tan and gold chaise lounge that Maura was sitting on. “It’s unhealthy to hold on to something so long.” She took both Maura’s hands in hers. “It’s in the past now and you have to find a way of letting it go.”

  “Michael still blames me,” she told her daughter-in-law tearfully, her hands trembling slightly, her water washed blue eyes brimming with tears, so unlike her husband’s intense green ones, Debra thought unconsciously. “I don’t blame him,” she shook her head of thin black hair that was piled on top of her head in a neat but unimaginative bun. “But I just wish he would talk to me and tell me how he
is feeling. I want to apologize to him and tell him how sorry I am. Every time I try to bring it up he cuts me off and tells me that everything is okay. Can you talk to him for me?” she turned pleading eyes to Debra, her hands gripping hers. “Please, he’s all I have and I want to have some sort of a relationship with him before I am not here anymore.”

  Debra started to tell her that she could not do that; because although she was Michael’s wife she was not sure he would listen to her concerning that sort of thing but the look of desperation on Maura’s face stopped her and Debra heard herself saying, “I will try.” Giving the woman’s hands a firm squeeze.

  “Thank you,” she said, her tone pathetically grateful and Debra felt the sympathy for her rising inside her. She obviously loved her son and she was also sympathetic to Michael’s side of it because as a child he had been through something a child should never have to go through. Parents are supposed to protect and love their child and he had been denied both of those things and had to fend for himself, it must have been so horrible for him.

  “Try and take his feelings into consideration as well Maura and realize that he probably needs a little time.” She told the woman carefully.

  “I know,” the woman did not deny it and her bottom lip trembled with the emotions going through her. “He bought me this beautiful house,” she looked around the immaculate and elegant room with disinterested eyes. “But I would give it all up if it means that I can get his forgiveness and love. I would do anything to earn that.”

  “My parents died when I was thirteen and I thought my life was over,” Debra told her with a gentle smile. “I was rebellious and angry at everyone, especially Aunt Sybil when she took me in. Every effort of love she showed me I rejected because she was not my parents. In time I learned to accept what she was offering and let go of my parents’ death. It took time but we got there.”

  “I am sorry to hear about your parents dying my dear,” Maura said sympathetically. “No child should ever have to face losing their parents so young or having parents who do not care about them.” She bowed her head wearily. “Michael had to face that and I want to make it up to him if I can.”

  “I will see what I can do,” Debra reassured the woman. “Now, why don’t you give me the tour,” she suggested, standing up, determined to take her mind off the problems if only briefly. The woman’s face brightened and she stood up, linking her arm with Debra’s as they went to the other rooms in the house.

  By the time they were finished and Maura was telling her how Michael had insisted that she be a part of acquiring the furnishing, Maura was laughing, her face alive and free of worries.

  They had tea and Debra left promising to visit very soon.

  When she got to the apartment, Michael was already there and to her surprise she realized that it was almost seven thirty and he was standing in the middle of the large sumptuous living room still in his shirt he had worn to work that morning, the shirt tails hanging out and unbuttoned. He spun around as soon as he heard the door open and she came in. “Where the hell have you been?” he demanded, green eyes blazing as she approached.

  “Excuse me?” she was brought up short both by his tone and his words.

  “I have been calling your phone for the past hour and you did not pick up,” he said coldly. “Where were you?”

  “I don’t answer to you,” she told him, her voice equally cold as she swept past him.

  “You damn well do,” he disagreed, his hand reaching out to grab her hand, stopping her in mid stride. “You are my wife and I need to know if you are okay.”

  “I am your wife and you are not my keeper and my phone was on vibrate so I did not hear when it was ringing.” She looked up at him with a mutinous expression on her beautiful face. On her way home from his mother’s house she had resolved to talk to him about the situation; and maybe ask him to let both of them go over and talk to her about what was going on with her and maybe tell him how she felt about their arrangement.

  “Where were you?” he demanded softly, bringing her up closer to him.

  “None of your business!" she told him frostily, her head held high and her gaze unwavering. He was no longer talking to an employee but someone who actually bore his name and she going to be respected.

  "On the contrary it is my business," he disagreed, his tone menacing. For a brief moment Debra felt a frisson of fear going through her body. She had seen him when he was angry at the office and knew that he would go very still if he was angry enough. "Where were you Debra?"

  "We have a marriage of convenience," she answered, throwing it in his face, desperately needing him to let her go; his nearness affecting her. "So I would like you to remember that. I am free to go wherever I want without reporting to you."

  The silence that met her words was very ominous and Debra wanted to retract them but she didn't and without another word Michael let go of her and strode into the master bedroom slamming the door behind him. Debra stood there in abject misery, staring at the closed door and with a miserable sob she went into one of the other bedrooms, bolting the door behind her. Two could play the same game; she thought; dragging off her blue cashmere sweater and going into the bathroom.

  The room was a delicate blue and white that matched the décor of the bedroom and was very elegant with a large claw footed bath in the middle and a pile of startling white towels at the foot of it.

  Debra sprinkled bath salts into the warm water and poured the fragrant strawberry bath gel in before stirring up the water. They were a bomb waiting to explode, she thought as she slid in the water in appreciation. She and Michael were combustible together and she had discovered that there was no low where they were concerned, no wonder their love life was so volatile. They bring off sparks when they were in the same room together and Debra was beginning to wonder if their marriage was such a good idea. When his mother had spoken to her about their lives when her husband was alive Debra had seen the picture clear inside her mind. His childhood had been unstable and full of uncertainty and not enough love and so he was not able to express love. Debra wondered if he would ever be able to do so. She had started out agreeing to this marriage of convenience but now she discovered she wanted more but was not sure he would be able to give her more.

  She wanted to share so much with him; tell him about her life without her parents and having him share his past with her, no matter how painful it might have been. She wanted exclusivity with him and wanted him to love her completely, the way she loved him now but maybe she was asking for the impossible. Was she?


  Michael stared out the window broodingly, a frown etched on his forehead. He watched as the white snowflakes hit the glass and melted immediately. It was January and the snow was coming down in delicate flakes. It had been their first day back at work after the honeymoon and he had wanted to snuggle with her by the fire and make love to her the entire night. He had been in several meetings and had not been able to concentrate because he could not stop thinking about her. The intensity of what he felt for her frightened him beyond measure and for the first time in his life he was insecure.

  He wanted to tell her so much but he was afraid to open up; not having done so to anyone before. When he had called her several times and she had not picked up he had panicked and figured that maybe something had happened to her or maybe she did not want to be with him anymore and he had felt like dying. He had always been able to distance himself from a woman in the past without feeling any remorse but now with her he could not bear to be away from her for even a second. He needed her.

  With a muttered oath he opened the door; expecting to see her in the living room; but it was empty and with a quick look around to make sure she had not left, he went to check the rooms and realized that the door to the third bedroom was locked. With a sigh of relief he sagged against it, she had not left, he thought with a foolish smile on his face. She was just in another room and even though he was aching to hold her in his arms, he could deal with
her being in another room in the same house, not for long though; but for tonight he would let her have her own way.


  Debra woke up at the crack of dawn. She had not slept well and to her dismay she realized that it was due to her not sleeping with Michael. She had become used to his arm wrapped around her waist possessively even in sleep and him waking her up in the morning with his hands on her body.

  He was in the kitchen. With an indecisive movement Debra wondered if she should just go back inside the bedroom and wait until he left but with a squaring of her shoulders she marched into the kitchen. He turned around as she came near and with a feeling of shock she saw that his eyes were blurry from lack of sleep and he looked awful.

  "Would you like some coffee?" he asked her politely; his eyes roaming over her satin clad body. She had not expected to see him so she had not put on her robe and was in one of the delicate satin nightgowns he had bought her recently.

  She shook her head no. She wanted to go back to the bedroom and lock the door behind her and she also wanted to tell him to let them forget about what had happened last night and go on as they were before.

  "I could not sleep," he murmured, shocking her at his blunt admission. He reached out and pulled her closer to him. "I could not sleep without you." He told her huskily, his hands moving over her arms before coming up to cup her face. He was in white T-shirt and boxers and Debra felt his erection against her. "I wanted to break down the door and come and get you but I didn't because I am afraid of losing you and I am afraid of being my father."

  He sought her mouth like a starving man seeking food. Debra closed her arms around his neck and he lifted her up against him, one hand fumbling, reaching for his penis and pulling aside her panties and entering her with a force that left her breathless. His thrusts were frenzied and he braced her back against the wall, his hands gripping her hips as he moved against her; his mouth moving over hers with a hunger that almost frightened her.


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