Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1 Page 19

by BWWM Club

  He kept her hands pinned above her head and brought his head down. He took one of her nipples in his mouth and held it in between his teeth. She whimpered and closed her eyes as he nibbled on her nipple. It was too much for her. She moaned and raised her hips trying to lure him down to her but he wouldn’t budge. He pulled away from her and released her hands.

  “Keep them up there,” he commanded. He traced his lips down her tummy to her navel. He went ahead to kiss the insides of her thighs making her shiver. She wanted to raise her head and look at him as he worked his magic but she didn’t want to be the jinx that made her pleasure end earlier than it was supposed to. All she could do, all she was supposed to do was lie down and feel him running his tongue up her thigh, getting close to her core. She could feel his warm breath on her pussy. She moaned and shivered. He was teasing her a little too much.

  “Just give it to me, baby,” she thought as she felt him blowing softly on her. Her wish was granted when she felt his index finger running up and down her slit. Her world suddenly seemed to come down on her when he pushed her folds aside, his finger was deep inside her. She moaned loudly and shivered. She could no longer hold back. She raised her head and looked down at him.

  “Stay still,” Adrian said putting a hand on her tummy to hold her down. She moaned and gasped as he fingered her fast and hard. By the way he was going, she knew she couldn’t last long. “Don’t cum, hold it,” he growled.

  She wanted to scream. She could not hold it and still lay there taking his ridiculously long finger thrusting into her. She was frowning as she struggled against her body’s need to explode and Adrian wanted to show his appreciation. He pulled his finger out and quickly got out of his pants before he reached for a condom in the drawer. She was looking up at him as he rolled it on.

  “I want you to fuck me, baby,” she said as he looked down at her.

  He wanted to ease into her slowly, inch by inch but her words were his undoing. He pushed himself into her and she shivered wildly. He looked down at her and lowered his head to kiss her.

  “First, I want you to ride me,” he said when he pulled away. He slipped an arm around her waist and flipped them over getting her on top of him. She looked down at him as he held her waist. “Ride me, baby.”

  And ride him she did. He found himself moaning and groaning as he felt her raising her hips on and off him. She was sliding up and down his cock so fast and slamming against him so hard that even a dominant man like him was having a hard time holding himself back.

  When he’d finally had all he could take, he flipped them over again and got on top of her. He held on to her as he began thrusting into her, hard and deep. She held a fistful of his hair as he went into her maniacally. The orgasm she had been holding back for so long could no longer stay tamed. She cried out as she let go. He groaned when the force inside her forced him out as she squirted her climax all over his thigh. It seemed like forever before he finally pushed himself back inside her. She shivered as she felt a new kind of warmth all over her insides.

  “You are mine, Angie. All mine,” he moaned.

  “Yes, Adrian. I’m all yours,” she finally said the words he had longed to hear ever since he met her.

  The end.

  Deep Obsession

  His dark obsession just got that little bit deeper...

  For art enthusiast Angela, life seems to be going well.

  Not only has she managed to secure her own art gallery, but she's also managed to partner up with Adrian; a handsome and passionate alpha male who made his fortune in the art scene.

  Yes life has been going well... but as she's about to find out, it isn't always plain sailing.

  Having a powerful, bitter and obsessive ex boss is never a good thing. And when hers does his best to interfere in her life, Adrian takes matters into his own hands and shows Angela a new darker side.

  Angela has always known that her and Adrian are very different, yet had fallen for him regardless. But as more and more differences emerge, the question arises of whether their personalities will be compatible in the long term.

  Will the couple be able to prove that opposites attract? Or will their differences prove all too much for this couple?

  Find out in this hot new romance story by J A Fielding. A follow up to the hugely popular 'Basic Obsession' yet can be read as a stand alone story.

  Suitable for 18s and over only due to hot love making scenes with a Nubian queen and an a rugged Alpha male.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 1

  Angelina’s heart was beating hard as she looked at her computer screen. After everything going on lately; meeting Adrian, getting her own gallery, and her romance with Adrian, she kind of felt like she needed to do something a little different with her life. So, she had reluctantly gone back to her art work, her first love. And over the last three weeks, she had been working on her abstract painting. Chronic Misogyny was what she called it.

  A few days earlier, she had taken a photo and posted it on The Parisian’s website. She had not expected much when she first posted it. All she wanted was to see if she could generate enough buzz where her art work was concerned. It was not that she was not sure about herself and her art, it was that she didn’t know how the public would receive her art. She had known a number of artists who had been disappointed at the way the world had reacted to their work, so much that they had actually given up on their lifelong dream. But judging by the way the auction of her piece was going, she decided that the world’s reception and perception of her art couldn’t have been better.

  The current bid was now at 1800 dollars which according to her was quite a lot since she hadn’t even expected to get more than five hundred when she first posted it. Her eyes grew wide when the bid went up by two hundred.

  “This is unreal,” she thought as she saw someone put forward the highest bid yet. Two thousand four hundred. She didn’t want to push her luck anymore. This was it. “And we have a winner,” she thought as she closed the bid. She leaned back in her seat and grinned widely. She could hardly believe that she had sold the painting for that much.

  “Maybe I do underestimate myself a little too much,” she thought as she looked at the screen. She had not been to an indigenous art show in a while but now she could actually see herself being one of the people who put up their work for sale. “And here I thought that my day was cursed,” she thought with a smile.

  When she woke up that morning, Angelina was set to have a breakfast meeting with two Dutch American artists. When she first saw their work, she was impressed. She was amazed at how the two twenty something year olds were able to put so much life into black and white photography as well as their paintings. Normally, if an artist was a good painter or an impressive charcoal drawer, they didn’t have a very good eye for photography and vice versa. But these two had proven the universe wrong. She had first seen a beautiful interpretation of the Mona Lisa, their own version of what the modern day Mona Lisa would have been. As soon as she saw it, she knew she wanted to meet the artist behind the beautiful work of art but soon enough, she realized that it was actually the brain child of two people which made them even more appealing than ever. When she did her homework, Angelina found out that the two artists were actually Dutch American artists, related Dutch American artists. The two were actually first cousins.

  Angelina had asked her assistant to dig up as much information as he could about the two and what he found out was what made Angelina want to distribute their work. The two were not just painters but also photographers. And the photographs they took as they traveled around the world were some of the best she had ever seen…and today was when she had been set to m
eet them to try and negotiate a deal. But when she got to the restaurant, she waited for a long hour before she finally realized that they were not going to show up. Their agent actually told her that the cousins had already been poached by the Romaine Gallery. She was not angry that she had not bagged the deal, after all, she was kind of ahead as far as Carlton’s gallery was concerned, she was upset she had waited to have breakfast with would be clients, a breakfast meeting that never happened.

  She was not only tired, she was also starving. The only good part of the day was the sale of her painting. She decided she would have picked the feeling she had at that moment over anything.

  She was still looking at her computer screen when she heard a knock on her door. She looked up to see her assistant Matt poking his head through the doorway.

  “Hey, are you very busy?” he asked.

  “No, just a little hungry,” she said as she looked at him.

  “Well, you are going to be happy I stopped by,” Matt said as he walked towards her desk carrying a Styrofoam cup and a Java Hut box in the other hand.

  “Please tell me there are cronuts in there,” she said as she leaned back. Matt smiled as he set the coffee in front of her.

  “Two cronuts and two bagels. Everything is perfectly fresh and the bagels are still warm just how you like it,” he said.

  Angelina smiled up at him.

  “I thought you weren’t doing a breakfast run today.”

  “I know that you didn’t have a meeting with the Dutch Americans,” he said. “I just thought that you could use some energy.”

  “We should really start calling them by their names. Antoine Bjorn and Vaughn Hoffman,” Angelina said as she took a long sip from her Styrofoam cup. “Dirty chai latte with a splash of soy.” She looked at Matt. “You spoil me, mister.” She took another long sip of her chai latte.

  “A good boss deserves a good breakfast…but…I’m sorry about the random pick. I wasn’t sure what you needed,” he said.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t get a breakfast burrito in the mix,” she said as she smiled.

  “Actually I did. I got two but I wasn’t sure if you wanted something sweet or salty.” Angelina picked up a muffin.

  “I’ll trade you. One muffin for one burrito,” she said.

  “Sold.” Matt reached for the muffin and then began walking out. She bit into a bagel and then looked up as Matt walked back in.

  “So, what’s on my calendar today?” she asked as she bit into the bagel again.

  “Apart from the breakfast with the Dutch Ameri…with Bjorn and Hoffman,” he said, quickly correcting himself when he saw the look she gave him. “You have the day free.”

  “Oh thank God…” she started saying before Matt put a finger up.

  “Hold up. You have to meet Judge Michaelson,” he said, looking up from the tablet in his hands.

  “Wait…what?” She picked up her phone and looked at it. “Wasn’t that supposed to be the day after tomorrow?” She looked at her calendar and raised an eyebrow over the other. “Why does my calendar say that I have to be in a meeting with Judge Michaelson in two hours?”

  “I synchronized your calendar. So I make changes here,” he said as he waved the tablet. “And it shows up there.”

  “Why so soon? I mean, what changed?”

  “He got a cancellation or something and considering you said that it is kind of important that you see him ASAP, I accepted it. Plus, you didn’t have anything booked, so I thought…”

  “Thanks Matt. It’s just that…” she looked up. “Thanks Matt,” she said again when she realized she didn’t have anything to say.

  “You’re welcome,” he said as he began walking to the door. “By the way, I meant to ask, how that auction went.” he added making Angelina look up at him surprised.

  “What auction?”

  “Chronic Misogyny.”

  “You knew about that?”

  “Guilty, why, shouldn’t I have known about it?” he asked, looking a little embarrassed.

  “No, I was just trying to do it a little under the radar…you know, for the artist’s sake,” she said. “But it went really well. Two thousand four hundred,” she added proudly.

  “That is amazing! Congratulations,” he said.

  “Why…why are you congratulating me?” she wasn’t sure she looked as confused as she sounded.

  “I know it was your own piece, boss lady. I’m just congratulating you for a great comeback,” he said.

  A guilty smile played on her lips.

  “You knew that too, huh?”

  “Well, I am the number two when it comes to The Parisian. I make it my business to know everything that is going on about the gallery. Both in here and on our cyber space,” Matt said a little too proudly.

  “Then if you knew about Chronic Misogyny, why did you have to ask me how the auction went?” she asked.

  “I was being nice, boss lady,” Matt said with a smile before he walked out.

  “Cocky bastard,” she thought as she took a long sip. She looked at her computer screen and sighed, wondering if she was going to tell Adrian about it.


  When she pulled up in front of the court house, she took a long minute looking at her reflection in the mirror before she stepped out. She could feel the men looking at her as she made her way up the steps. And who could blame them? The knee length pencil skirt and light green chiffon sleeveless blouse was outlining her hips perfectly. She had on a pair of black high heeled shoes that made her ass pop out a little too perfectly.

  She flipped her hair over her shoulder as she walked down the hallway. She had a smile when she walked into the reception area of Judge Michaelson’s office.

  “Hi, Angelina Carter to see Everett Michaelson,” she said.

  “Please have a seat. I’ll just let him know,” she said gesturing to the waiting area. Angelina gave her an insincere smile before she made her way to the waiting area. She had half a mind to pick up some of the magazines but she knew that she had to have a clear mind when she walked into the judge’s office. She was still having a hard time believing just how far things had spiraled with Adrian and Carlton. Adrian had taken things to a whole different level. After the whole Carlton incident at the gallery, Adrian had not only taken a restraining order against him but also sued him for assault.

  Angelina was grateful, very grateful for what Adrian had done but she wished that he would have told her what he was planning before he actually did. She didn’t understand why he would want to do something like that behind her back. It was too big to be ignored. She planned to drop the assault charge. It was not that she was sorry about anything, she was just thinking of Carlton’s family. He might have been an ass but he was also a husband and a father and his family hadn’t done anything to deserve this kind of crappy lifestyle.

  “Miss Carter?” Angelina looked up at the secretary. “Judge Michaelson will see you now.”

  Angelina smiled in gratitude and then walked into the judge’s office. When she stepped in, she couldn’t help but think that she had seen a similar office. It was one of the biggest, most beautiful government offices she had ever seen and there was some glamour about it too. There was a perfectly big window that overlooked the city below and a collection of signed baseballs on display behind a glass on the wall. And the office wasn’t the only eye candy in that office. The judge was quite the looker too. Sure he was a little older, maybe in his fifties, but there was something about him. He had a perfect tan, the kind that came with hours on some Caribbean coast and his teeth were perfect proving the great dental plan he had. He had a perfect jawline and high broad shoulders looked a little too appealing in his expensive suit. He kind of reminded her of Antonio Banderas or a legal George Clooney…yes, he looked that good.

  “Miss Carter,” the judge said when he saw her.

  “Judge Michaelson,” she said shaking his hand.

  “Please,” he said gesturing at one of the chairs in front o
f his desk. She sat down and looked at him. “So, I understand this is about the restraining order against Carlton Romaine?” he asked.

  “Not exactly. It’s actually about the law suit,” she said.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “When Mr. Corday did it…I had no idea and I never wanted to sue Mr. Romaine,” she began explaining.

  “So he didn’t assault you?”

  “He did,” she said.

  “Then what’s the big argument here?” the judge asked as he looked at her.

  Angelina took a long deep breath. She had expected this to be a little hard but this was proving to be so much more of a challenge than she initially expected.

  “Just tell me what happened…start from the top. I have a nice long three hours before the next case is called.” The judge had a dazzling smile on his face.

  “A few weeks ago, Mr. Carlton Romaine came to the gallery…wait…I should start from the beginning,” she said.

  “Yeah, I believe that would be the best way forward,” the judge said with a smile. There was a slight sarcastic tone in his voice but she didn’t hear it, or maybe she chose to overlook it since she was so taken by his looks.

  “I used to work for the Romaine Gallery and my boss…”

  “Mr. Carlton Romaine I presume,” he asked as he looked at her and she nodded.

  “Yes, him. But he was kind of weirdly touchy. I told him that I didn’t…I didn’t appreciate it…you know, tried to be polite about everything.” She sighed. “It was hard for me to tell him off with him being my boss and all but eventually I just had to quit.” She pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Things escalated after I set up my gallery, The Parisian.”

  “So, what was he doing exactly?” he asked.


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