Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1 Page 22

by BWWM Club

  “You went to see Everett behind my back. I asked you not to change for dinner when I saw you this morning but you chose not to listen to me for some reason,” he said.

  “I went to see Judge Michaelson because of a law suit concerning me and I can wear whatever I want,” she stated. He looked at her from head to toe before he looked into her eyes.

  “If I come in, I will punish you. And that’s a promise,” he said again.

  She put a hand on his chest.

  “Maybe I want you to punish me,” she said in a soft voice. He hated how cocky she would get sometimes. It was like she was trying to get to him.

  “Open the door,” he commanded. She turned around and unlocked the door before he pushed her in. He kicked the door close with the heel of his shoe before he looked at her, his arousal obvious. “Get me a bottle of water,” he said in an authoritative voice. She walked to the kitchen and got a bottle of water from the fridge. And he followed her there. He was looking into her eyes as he opened the bottle.

  “What do you want me to do?” she asked as she watched him take a long sip of his water.

  “Give me the jacket,” he said. She pulled the jacket from her shoulders and handed it to him. He casually tossed it over the couch. He looked at her for a long minute before he took a long sip of his water again. “The dress. Take it off.”

  With trembling fingers, she pulled the scarf around her neck and then undid the belt that held her dress together. She noticed him sigh silently as she let the dress slip off her shoulders. He looked at the dress as it pooled around her ankles.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked as he looked into her eyes. She was quiet for an uncomfortably long time making him ask the question again. “It is really important to me to know whether you do, because you want me to be open with you but I have to know that you trust me before I do.” He took a step forward and stood in front of her. He was so close to her that she could feel his breath on her shoulder. She nodded. “I need to hear you say it,” he said again.

  “I trust you, Adrian,” she whispered.

  “Do you trust me completely?” He was now gently stroking her cheek.

  “I trust you completely,” she echoed.

  “Good,” he said before he kissed her. “Bend over the counter.”

  She looked at him and turned around before she bent over as he had asked her to do. She shivered a little when she felt the cold granite against her naked skin. He took a step forward and stood behind her, his hands on her ass.

  “I am going to spank you now,” he announced before he brought his hand down on one of her ass cheeks hard. She gasped and held on to the edge of the counter as he raised his hand again. He brought it down one more time making her gasp again. He exhaled softly as he gently caressed her warm ass cheek before he brought the other hand down on her left cheek. Angelina bit her bottom lip when he spanked her again. Soon, she was gasping a little louder and he was getting harder and harder. She didn’t know how many times he had spanked her before he finally stopped. She had lost count when she got to eleven. It was too much.

  Adrian was breathing heavily as he picked her up and walked to the bedroom. He placed her down on the bed and spread her legs. She instinctively pulled her knees up giving him a better view of her already wet pussy. He looked at her and his hand found its way to her pussy.

  “I want you to make yourself cum. And I am going to watch,” he said.

  She looked at him surprised.

  “But you will not cum before I give you permission to,” he commanded. He then walked to the window seat and sat down before he swung one leg over the other. Mostly to hide his raging hard on but also maintain the control he was exhibiting. “Turn and face me. I want to see everything you are doing.”

  She was obedient, turning to face him, her pussy fully exposed to him. She began touching herself, slipping two of her fingers every so often into her pussy making her cum. He loved watching how she arched her back every so often. It was clear that she was enjoying herself a little too much and he also knew that it wouldn’t be long now.

  “Get your hand off your clit,” he suddenly said.

  “But I want to cum!” she moaned. He could see the urgency in her eyes and hear the desperation in her voice. But that only seemed to turn him on even more.

  “If you don’t do as I say, Angie, there are going to be consequences,” he said. She moaned her disappointment when she pulled her hand away from her already hard clit. He stood up and walked over to where she was before he began fingering her hard and deep, taking over from where she had left off. By the time he finally pulled back, she was shivering. She was so close to the edge and he knew it. He wanted nothing more than to sink himself into her and just pummel away until there was nothing left in him. He lifted his finger to her lips. “Lick it. Taste yourself,” he said in a whisper. Angie didn’t need any second bidding. She licked and sucked on his finger hard and with enthusiasm. It was almost like she was trying to pass some kind of message to him. Something on the lines of, I can do this to you if only you fuck me. But Adrian’s mind was made up. He was not going to give her what she wanted, especially after she had been so blatantly disrespectful.

  He climbed onto the bed and knelt in between her legs. He could see the excitement in her eyes as he looked down at her. He knew she was hoping for him to free his hard cock and plunge into her depths. But he had other things in mind. He slipped his hand behind her neck and lowered his head to kiss her deeply.

  “Next time you disrespect me, I will go all out. I will use a spanking paddle and whips, I will plug you and deny you so much that the only thing on your mind will be pleasing me, for the rest of your life,” he said. The tone in his voice made her realize that he was not making a threat. He was actually serious.

  He kissed her forehead again and began walking out, leaving her more aroused and annoyed with herself more than she had ever been. She wanted to touch herself so much, make herself cum again. Finish what he had started but it wouldn’t be the same.

  She rolled her eyes and reached for the top drawer of her night stand.

  “You survived just well long before you met Adrian Corday,” she thought as she held a vibrator to her clit.


  When Adrian finally climbed back into his car, he was still as hard as ever. He did want to punish her and make her pay for being such a bad and naughty girl but he had not counted on getting blue balls while at it.

  “God, I should have made her suck me,” he thought as he started the engine. He revved it a few times before he switched it off again. “I am not the one being punished here,” he thought as he walked back into her building. He was breathing hard as he quickly made his way back into the apartment and headed straight for the bedroom where he found Angelina holding a vibrator to her pussy. She was still lying across the bed as he had left her just minutes earlier.

  “You had better hold it until I tell you to,” he commanded making her open her eyes.

  He walked up to where she was and released his cock from the constraints of his pants before he shoved himself into her mouth making her gag almost immediately. He closed his eyes and exhaled, letting his relief be heard in his voice. Without even knowing it, he was sinking himself deeper into her throat and she was letting him. He knew she was going to have a hard time balancing the vibrator and concentrating on him. But he didn’t care. It was not about her at that moment. It was all about him and after all, she was being punished…

  Chapter 4

  Having Olivia over was almost always great for Angelina. She would go into full on mother mode and she would go out of her way to give Angelina a perfect meal. On that day, Angelina hadn’t even expected to see Olivia but when she showed up at her door with a bottle of wine and a bag of groceries, Angelina just smiled.

  “I can’t turn away a friend who comes bearing gifts, now, can I?” Angelina said as she stepped aside for her to walk in.

  “Put that away,” Olivia said when she sa
w the microwave dinner on the kitchen counter that Angelina had intended to eat. “I came fully stocked ready to make you a beautiful, delicious healthy dinner.”

  “What do you want?” Angelina asked.

  “Nothing. Just some company,” Olivia said.

  “Need some help?” Angelina was getting a pitcher of iced tea. She poured herself a glass and walked back to the counter. Olivia shook her head as she unpacked the groceries.

  “No, I’ve got everything I need right here,” she said.

  Angelina looked at her friend and then noticed that all the ingredients were already prepared.

  “I see you had already got one thing right,” Olivia said gesturing at the bowl of salad on the counter.

  “Well I had to make at least one thing,” Angelina said with a smile.

  Olivia looked inside Angelina’s fridge and pulled out the Worcestershire sauce. She walked to the counter and began arranging potato pieces in a baking tin as Angelina sipped on a glass of iced tea.

  “Not that I don’t appreciate you doing this for me but what the hell are you making?” Angelina asked as she watched Olivia who was now arranging sweet potato pieces. She seemed to have some kind of system going on that Angelina couldn’t quite figure out.

  “Potato and sausage Italian style,” Olivia said as she slowly placed chicken and beef sausage pieces randomly on potatoes before she poured the Worcestershire sauce on the mixture.

  “Alex’s family influencing you a little too much, I see,” Angelina pointed out. Olivia shrugged.

  “Well, yes. Of course,” she stuck the dish in the oven. “His family maybe a bit of a pain in other things but where food is concerned, I gained a whole lot.” Angelina smiled as she took another sip of her iced tea. “I mean, just the other day…maybe a couple of weeks back, we had gone for that family reunion, remember, I had told you about it?” Olivia started and Angelina nodded.

  “Yeah and you somehow forgot to bring me the lasagna. I will never forgive you for that.”

  “Well, you sure can hold a grudge, can’t you?” Olivia rolled her eyes. “So, anyway. At the reunion she tells me that she wants my help in the kitchen because she loves the way I make my white cake. I had tried getting out of it…telling her that the only thing I ever did differently was a dash of caramel but she insisted.”

  Angelina nodded as she took another sip.

  “So, because I didn’t want to offend her, I followed her into the kitchen. And when we were there she decided to rain holy hell on me about the whole marrying Alex and divorcing him and then doing it all over again,” Olivia continued

  “You can’t blame her. Keeping up with the two of you is exhausting,” Angelina pointed out.

  “Well, to be fair, marriage doesn’t work with us…but we really thrive as a couple,” Olivia said.

  “As long as you are happy, I don’t really care.” Angelina was now taking the last sip of her iced tea.

  “I am happy…and so is Alex. And I guess that is the thing people in his family need to realize. But according to his mother, the two of us are living sinful lives,” Olivia said with a smile.

  “The woman is a staunch Catholic. She could very well be canonized one day…I did meet her, remember?”

  “I know, but that is not my fault.”

  “I’m confused. What isn’t your fault exactly?”

  “The marriage thing. It’s just not for us.”

  “I should really not be asking this considering I have known you for life,” Angelina started. “But how come I have been to two of your weddings and two divorce parties?” she asked.

  “Well, I will answer your question with this question. Do you know about Emele Sande?”

  “The chick with a great voice from the UK? I love her,” she said excitedly.

  “Well, she and her boyfriend had been together for ten years and when they finally got married, their marriage didn’t last a month. They got divorced and that was the end of that,” Olivia said snapping her fingers.

  “One month? That’s so weird,” Angelina said.

  “I know. Even Kim Kardashian’s marriage to that first guy lasted longer than that.”

  “But what does that have to do with you?” Angelina asked. She still didn’t understand what the relationship was with her best friend and the celebrities.

  “Some people feel society’s pressure once they change their status,” Olivia started. “I think I am just one of those people.”

  “You and Alex,” Angelina said.

  “Yeah…guess the heart wants what the heart wants. And these two hearts just want to be together, just not because some piece of paper commands them to be.” Angelina smiled at her.

  “You really do have a way with words, you know that, right?” she asked and Olivia grinned widely.

  “Secret weapon…hidden talent? Take your pick.”

  Angelina laughed and shook her head. “So, anyway, I wanted to ask, what are you doing on Friday?”

  “This weekend?” Olivia asked and Angelina nodded. “Nothing really. Alex will be out of town so I am going to probably be spending a quiet night with a pizza in front of the TV. Why do you ask?”

  “How would you like to throw on a sexy dress and a pair of heels? Spend a glamorous evening sipping on a thousand dollar bottle of champagne?” Angelina asked.

  “Definitely beats my pizza and grape soda plans.” Olivia said. “Wait, what’s going on this Friday?”

  “My gala is what is going on this Friday.” There was a hint of disappointment in her voice. “I told you about this.”

  “I know but you also said that getting a gala like that to happen in a couple of weeks is next to impossible,” Olivia said matter of factly. “You cannot blame me for not planning on attending something you actually didn’t expect to happen, Angie.”

  “Well, that’s because you didn’t have the very impressive talented celebrity party planner Jolene Mendez,” Angelina said.

  “Is that the long legged broad you were feeling threatened by?” Olivia asked.

  Angelina rolled her eyes. “I was not threatened by her. Ever.”

  “Oh so the countless times you went on and on about the fact that you didn’t like Adrian hiring her was all about you being what…confident?”

  “One, I was not being insecure about anything,” she lied. “And two, have you seen that woman? She is a celebrity groupie. She will never get old, not with the kind of money she makes. She will always have the Hollywood medical A-team to fix her and she will forever have an upper hand where the everyday person such as myself is concerned.”

  “Which is?” Olivia asked.

  “She is what every woman wishes her life could be,” Angelina answered simply.

  “What do you mean…wait…do you actually envy her?” Olivia asked.

  Angelina looked at her long and hard before she shook her head. The truth was that in a way, she kind of did. There was just something about Jolene that made her uneasy. Her long legs, her perfectly toned skin, her ever bodacious hair…it was like the woman never had a bad day in her life. She always seemed like she woke up looking perfect, makeup done and everything.

  “I don’t envy her…I just don’t like knowing that she is around Adrian,” Angelina said.

  “You are falling in love. It’s written all over your face,” she said with a smile.

  “Please,” Angelina said dismissively.

  “Oh come on. You are hating on a woman simply because she took a few pictures with your boyfriend,” Olivia pointed out.

  “He is not my boyfriend,” Angelina retorted.

  “Wow. Denial much?” Angelina rolled her eyes. “You always do this, sweetie. You start falling for someone and because you are scared of what you are feeling, you create this little bubble for yourself.”

  Angelina looked at Olivia. She knew her friend was right. Olivia was saying exactly what Angelina had been doing lately. And maybe that was why she was so adamant not to do as Adrian asked even though she knew th
at he hated it when she didn’t obey him.

  “Why are you trying to railroad yourself?” Olivia asked.

  “I don’t think it is possible to railroad yourself,” Angelina said with a smile and Olivia rolled her eyes.

  “You know what I mean.” She took two wooden cooking sticks and pointed them at Angelina. “Are you going to toss the salad or are you going to make me do everything?”

  “Well, it’s not like you had asked for my help or anything like that,” Angelina said before she grabbed the cooking sticks.

  “Now, speaking as a person who is both your friend and the sister you never had, I must tell you. Stop doing this to yourself. This…jealousy thing you are doing is going to stop being cute really, really soon.”

  Angelina looked up at Olivia and sighed.

  “He did have a thing with Jolene…maybe I should have mentioned that,” she said. “It was not a big deal, purely physical…but it just went on for a few weeks.”

  “Oh wow. I guess that changes everything then,” Olivia said. Angelina couldn’t help but hear the condescending tone in her voice. “I mean, it’s not like you were a virgin meeting him. Come the fuck on, Angie. Everyone has a past. Everyone has skeletons in the closet and that’s the deal.”

  Angelina nodded and then shrugged.

  “I know…I know but there is a…” her voice trailed off. She didn’t know what she was supposed to say. She trusted Olivia with her life but she had her reservations about telling her what she really feared as far as her commitment to Adrian was concerned.

  “What? Out with it already,” Olivia said.

  Angelina took a deep long breath.

  “Olivia, Adrian has these desires…he is kind of dark in a way,” she started. “He is a little into dominance.”

  Olivia’s eyes grew wide. She was bubbling with excitement.

  “He is into BDSM?” she asked in a whisper. “Does he like tying you up? Whipping you maybe?”

  “Would you keep calm? You sound like a crazed child in a candy shop,” Angelina said. “And yes he is into BDSM and no, I don’t know if he likes the whole whipping thing. It is kind of…I like it, the whole dominant thing but I am not some submissive. If I am going to be with him I would like to know that he is with me because he wants to be and not because he sees me as his property.”


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