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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

Page 23

by BWWM Club

  “And have you tried telling him that? Communication is a very important tool in a relationship,” Olivia pointed out as she took the cooking sticks from Angelina. She spritzed the salad with some white vinegar and began tossing.

  “I think I have been a little black and white as far as that is concerned,” Angelina said.

  “Really? Have you actually told him what you have just told me? Using the exact same words that you have used with me?”

  Angelina sighed. “No. Not really.”

  “Then that is exactly what you need to do. Go to him and tell him what is on your mind.” Olivia began tossing the salad. “Maybe then you won’t have a problem with him.”

  “I don’t have a problem with him.”

  “Really? You don’t?”

  “Really, I don’t,” Angelina lied. She looked at her best friend and sighed. “I just don’t know how I am supposed to talk to him sometimes,” she added. This time, she was telling the truth. Olivia gave her a sympathetic smile and then poured a glass of wine before she handed it to her.

  “We all have that one person who does that for us,” she said as she poured herself a glass as well. “Talk to him. If anything, for your peace of mind,” she added in a soft voice.

  “I don’t know how to start,” Angelina said.

  “You know the best thing about relationships, it’s that you are friends first.” Olivia took a long sip of her wine. “Talk to him the way you talked to me.”

  After a beautiful Italian dinner, Angelina went to bed as Olivia stayed to catch up on her TV shows. Angelina held her hair up and changed into a long night shirt. Olivia’s words were echoing in her head as she looked at her phone. She had pulled up Adrian’s number and she was looking at it wondering if she should talk to him.

  She took a long deep breath and then dialed his number. No sooner had she done it, she realized that she had made a mistake.

  “Angie,” she heard Adrian’s voice when he picked up. Her heart was racing.

  “This was a mistake…never mind,” she said quickly before she hung up.

  “I am a colossal idiot,” she thought as she fell back on the bed. “I am no Olivia. I am quiet…reserved and everything but she is outspoken. My complete opposite. I can’t just do what she says. It is not as easy as she makes it sound.”

  She was still lost in her thoughts when her phone rang. She looked at the screen and sighed. It was Adrian. She had half a mind to ignore it but knowing him, he would probably have driven over if she didn’t pick up.

  “Hello,” she said in a tired voice.

  “Is everything alright?”

  “Yeah. Why wouldn’t it be?” Angelina said in the calmest voice she could master.

  “Well, I have a number of reasons but the one that comes to mind is the fact that you called me a minute ago and then hang up on me. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” she sighed.

  “Don’t lie to me Angie,” he said. There was a long silence as she thought out the conversation in her head. She was trying to think of all the right words to say but she soon realized that there were no right words. Not with what she had in mind. “Angelina,” Adrian said in a warning tone.

  “I am…we need to talk,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Alright. What about?” he asked.

  “Us. Me and you and where this whole thing is going,” she answered.

  “So you finally want to DTR or whatever the kids are calling it these days,” he said. She could almost picture him smiling when he said that.

  “Well, yeah. I need to define the relationship, Adrian. I need to know what you expect from me and I need to let you know what I need in you.”

  “I think that is reasonable. Do you want me to come over right now?” he asked. Angelina shook her head as if he could see her.

  “No. I would like you to but Olivia’s sleeping over,” she said. “I don’t think it would be appropriate to have you over tonight.”

  “So, what do you suggest?”

  “I need to see you before the gala. I am flexible but I don’t know about your schedule.”

  “I always have time for you, baby,” he said in a soft voice. Angelina felt her cheeks flush. “How about breakfast tomorrow?”

  “Sounds great,” she said.

  “Good. How does nine sound?”

  “Sounds great.”

  “Well, then, I will see you tomorrow at nine.”

  “Do I get to pick where we go for breakfast this time or are you going to whisk me away to some place an hour from town?”

  “I don’t mind having a taste of what you have in mind. You pick the restaurant,” he said.

  “Maybe I don’t want a restaurant.”

  “What? You want a private breakfast? Maybe some kind of in house thing? Breakfast at the office maybe?”

  “I will text you the address. Meet me there,” she smiled. “Goodnight Adrian.”

  “Good night, Angie,” he said before she hung up.

  She put the phone on the pillow next to her and smiled as she closed her eyes. She had the perfect idea for breakfast the following day and she was more than a little sure he would not like it. She didn’t know why she felt the need to punish him but it seemed like the right thing to do. After all, he did also try to force his world on her.

  Chapter 5

  When he first got the text from Angelina giving him the directions to where they were supposed to have breakfast, Adrian didn’t really know what to expect. He was supposed to be going to the office later for a meeting at around midday…it was the price of passing off a Middle East trip. He gave the address to his driver and sat back eager to see what Angelina had in store for him. But when his town car pulled up in a food truck park, he was a little more than confused. He stepped out and walked up to one of the tables where Angelina was seated and looked at her.

  “Is this a joke?” he asked as she stood to greet him. He slipped an arm around her and pulled her to him.

  “Actually, no. This is usually my life,” she said. She spread her arms wide. “This, has been my world for the longest time.” Adrian looked around and she could see some kind of disturbance in his eyes.

  “Why? It is a little too noisy, not to mention crowded,” he said.

  “Yes but you will not find anywhere else around here where you can get a waffle sandwich or a breakfast wrap,” she pointed out.

  “What on earth is a waffle sandwich?” Adrian asked, looking confused. Angelina smiled.

  “Why tell you when you can taste it?” she asked waving at one of the food trucks. Adrian watched as a young man, probably biracial walked towards them.

  “Scott,” Angelina said with a smile as she looked at Adrian. “This is Adrian. Food truck virgin.”

  “Then he is definitely in for a treat,” Scott said.

  “I’ll be the judge of that,” Adrian said.

  “Scott is a chef. He comes down here when he is free but most of the recipes prepared in his truck are his very own.” Angelina said proudly as she looked at Scott.

  “I try to be as original as I possibly can,” he said with a smile.

  “So, what do you suggest?” Adrian asked.

  “Are you a vegetarian?” Scott asked and Adrian shook his head no. “Then maybe that waffle sandwich Angie suggested would be a great idea. “Or if you are looking for that adventurous kick, I would suggest the farmer’s breakfast tacos,” he concluded. Angelina looked at Adrian for a long second before he made up his mind.

  “I guess the waffle sandwich is enticing enough,” he said.

  “I’ll have the breakfast sandwich supreme,” Angelina said.

  “Drinks will be on the house. I have made a fresh passion blend that I think you will enjoy,” Scott said before he walked away.

  “So, this is where you get your breakfast from?” Adrian asked.

  Angelina smiled and nodded. “As often as I can. Scott makes the best food I have ever had…okay Olivia does too so I guess one is the best
chef and the other one is a close second.”

  “Noted,” Adrian said.

  It was only a few minutes before Scott came back with their order.

  “This is really good, Scott,” Angelina said when she took a sip of her juice.

  “Organic passion fruit. The best in the market,” Scott said before he walked away. Adrian looked at her and smiled.

  “So this is the moment of truth,” he said before taking a sip of his juice. “That, is a rare but perfect taste,” he said after tasting the rich passion.

  “Try your sandwich.” Angelina began unwrapping her own sandwich as he slowly raised his waffle to his mouth. She paused briefly as he bit into his waffle sandwich. From the look on his face, she could tell that he really liked his sandwich.

  “This is incredible,” he said in awe.

  “I know, right?” Angelina was smiling. “What you are tasting is an unsweetened waffle with a bacon and sausage filling and organic maple spread.” Adrian raised an eyebrow at her.

  “You sound like a menu,” he said with a smile.

  “When I first came to Scott’s truck, I looked over the menu for so long that I practically had the entire thing in my head at some point,” she said as she raised her sandwich to her mouth. “The few favorites of course,” she added quickly before sinking her teeth into her breakfast sandwich.

  “And what are you having?”

  “The breakfast supreme,” she answered before taking another bite.

  “And what does it have, this breakfast supreme?” he asked. She smiled.

  “What doesn’t it have?” she started. “Eggs, bacon, spinach, artichokes, olives…just to mention but a few.” She took another bite and Adrian looked into her eyes.

  “You wanted to talk to me,” he started and she nodded. “About us, you said?” She nodded again.

  “I just thought that it is about time we had a talk,” she started. Adrian was looking right into her eyes as she spoke. “I guess I just don’t know what I am to you, Adrian. I need to know.”

  Adrian slowly put his sandwich down and dabbed his mouth with a paper towel.

  “I don’t understand,” he said.

  Angelina sighed. She did not know how she was supposed to start this talk. It was so much harder than she hoped it would be. She looked at him and once again, she heard Olivia’s words echoing in her head.

  “Talk to him like the friend he is to you,” Olivia had told her. And it was as simple as that. All she had to do was talk to him as easily as she could.

  “Angelina, should I be worried?” Adrian asked. She almost said yes.

  “I need to know what you think about...I need to know…” she was struggling.

  “Why don’t you just say what is in your heart, Angie?”

  “You keep telling me I should trust you but for the love of me I do not have any idea what you are all about, Adrian. And I am falling for you but I just can’ are not exactly an open book and I want to fully trust in you. But to do that I need to know you, all of you,” she looked up at him. He raised a hand signaling Scott who quickly walked up to where they were.

  “This was delicious. Scott. How much do we owe you?” Adrian asked.

  “Oh please, I am always happy to serve at Angelina’s pleasure. And meeting one of her friends is…” Scott’s voice trailed off when Adrian shook his head.

  “I am a businessman too, Scott. I would not be able to walk away from here without paying my dues,” he said reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to him.

  “This is too much, Adrian,” Scott said and Adrian shook his head.

  “I’m allowed to leave a tip, aren’t I?” he asked.

  Scott looked at him and then at Angelina. “You should bring more people like him over.”

  “We would love to stay but I’m afraid Angie and I have to leave,” Adrian announced.

  Angelina looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

  “We do?” she wondered as she looked at him.

  “Well, I won’t hold you back. I have to be getting back to work anyway. I only have a few more hours here before I head over to the restaurant,” Scott said with a smile.

  “It was nice to meet you, Scott,” Adrian said as he stood up.

  “The pleasure was all mine,” Scott said before he gave a tiny wave to Angelina.

  Adrian picked up his half eaten sandwich and juice and Angelina did the same before the two of them began heading towards the car.

  “Why do we have to leave?” Angelina asked as Adrian’s driver opened the door for them. Adrian was quiet until the car began moving. She watched as he made a call canceling a meeting he was supposed to have and then told his driver to drive them back to his place. She looked at him and shrugged. “Are you not going to talk to me, or what is going on here?” she asked.

  “I’m going to talk to you but not here.” His voice was calm and his body language was amazingly relaxed. She was feeling her anger building up like it had many times before. He always did this. He always got all weird every time she was getting close to him and then closed up. She could almost feel the wall between them.

  “You do realize I actually had things to do back at the office, right?” she asked.

  “Yes but we have to talk,” he said.

  “What about work?”

  “Some things are more important,” he said in a soft voice.

  When they got back to his place, he led them to the living room and looked at her as he took off his jacket and then loosened his tie.

  “Talk to me,” he said as he sat down and patted the couch next to him. She took off her coat and sat down, her heart beating hard and fast in her chest. She had absolutely no idea what she was supposed to say. Back at the food truck, she was still having a hard time but at least she had a clear head. But at that moment, all she could think about was the fact that he was in his comfort zone and she wasn’t. She looked at him and tried to get the right words to say.

  “There are no right words. Just say what is in your heart. Brutal or not, he will have to take it,” she thought.

  “Angie,” Adrian said, making her snap out of her thoughts. “You said you wanted to talk about us. Out with it.”

  “I need to know what kind of relationship we have, Adrian,” she started.

  “I’m afraid I don’t follow.”

  “You and I what kind of relationship do we have?” she asked again.

  “What kind of relationship would you like us to have?”

  “There you go again with your mind games. Why can’t you just give me a straight answer for once?”

  “If I had a straight question, Angie, I would indeed give you a straight answer as you call it,” he said.

  She took a long deep breath. “You and I, are we in a relationship?”

  “Yes,” he said quickly.

  “What kind? Am I your girlfriend? Or just the girl of the moment who you enjoy dominating?” she asked.

  Adrian crossed one leg over the other and placed an arm on the couch.

  “Are you asking if you are my sub, Angie? Is that what this is?”

  There was a long silence before she finally answered. “Well, am I?”

  Adrian smiled and pursed his lips together.

  “What do you know about submissives, Angie?”

  She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She was absolutely blank. She had no idea how she was supposed to answer him. She had never once thought that he would pose such a question to her. And the truth was, she didn’t even know much about BDSM. The little she knew was from E. L. James – the Fifty Shades Of Grey Movie, not book. She had never really found the time to go through three long books even though she had actually set herself on reading them two years earlier.

  “I don’t know much,” she admitted.

  “Tell me the little you do know,” Adrian said.

  She felt her cheeks flush. “Okay…um…I guess they are kind of owned by their masters.”

>   “Or mistresses,” Adrian interjected.

  “Or mistresses,” she echoed.

  “What else?”

  “The masters…and mistresses take pleasure from exerting their authority over them in various ways.”

  “Like what?”

  As she went on, she realized that things were not getting easier. It was getting harder to talk mostly because she wasn’t sure if her words were turning him on or not.

  “Like whipping them and tying them up,” she went on explaining. Her voice was shaking the more she talked

  “Well, is that what you think we are?” he asked.

  “I asked you the same question. You cannot answer a question by posing another,” Angelina pointed out.

  “Maybe I need your input so I know what has been going on in your side of the court. I know full well what I feel for you and where you stand in my life, Angie. I just need to know what you think of yourself where I am concerned,” Adrian said, his voice calm but a little rough too.

  “Sometimes…most of the times, you are so dominating when you are with me. Demanding my obedience and everything and other times you are a true romantic.” Angelina took a long deep breath. “I just don’t know what to think.”

  “I think it goes without saying that everyone hates it when people don’t do what they ask,” he started. “And that’s just me. When I ask something to be done, I expect it to be done and as far as the sex goes, I guess I am just a little kinky.” He pulled her close. “And possessive.” He was so close she could feel his breath on her cheek. “Now, tell me Angie, does that make me the dominant master and you my submissive slave?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “But you have to be in my position to get what I am talking about,” she said. He gently pushed a stray strand of hair from her face.

  “I’ll be honest with you, Angie. I have had submissive women in the past and I owned them but that is not what I want with you,” he said in a low voice. “Unless of course that is what you want.”

  Angelina didn’t know what to do or say. She kind of liked…no loved sex with him. It was wild and passionate, just the kind of thing she loved.


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