Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1 Page 24

by BWWM Club

  “Maybe I kind of like it,” she said, blushing. “But the other day, you said you would whip me and plug me…just because I changed my clothes?”

  “Well, you looked sexy and I wanted to see more of you in those pants.” He pulled away. “I had plans for them later. You ruined my plans.”

  “So, you decided to use me as a slave, your slave?”

  “If I remember correctly, someone was begging me to do all sorts of things to her,” he said with a smile.

  “Because some things are worth begging for,” she thought as she looked at him.

  “I just…This is very new for me. I don’t know how to handle it,” she finally said.

  “What is? Being in a relationship or having someone dominate you sexually?”

  “It’s the domination thing. Relationships are not new for me.”

  “So, what does the woman I love want of me?” Adrian asked. She looked at him, raising an eyebrow over the other.

  “The…the woman you love?” she asked as she looked into his eyes.

  “Yes, the woman I love,” he said.

  “Really?” she asked, a little surprised.

  He moved closer to her and held the back of her neck.

  “If you have to ask then maybe I am not doing a very good job,” he said before he brought his head down to meet her lips in a long deep kiss. “Does that answer your question, girlfriend?” he asked when he pulled away. She looked into his eyes and nodded. “You mentioned something about trust.” She nodded.

  “I don’t know anything about you except the fact that you are a billionaire who happens to invest a whole lot in small businesses and art.”

  “Maybe that is all there is to know,” he said but she shook her head.

  “I don’t even know your birthday, Adrian.”

  “Twelfth of June,” Adrian said. “And I know yours is the second of September.”

  “How would you know that? I never told you.”

  “Well, I made it my business to know. I hope that is okay.” He had a smile on his lips.

  “Well, yours is around the corner. Maybe we should have a party,” she said but he shook his head.

  “I do not like celebrating my birthday. That is not something I usually do.” She looked at him and shrugged.

  “That doesn’t make any sense. You are a billionaire. You can have killer parties on a yacht somewhere serving expensive wine and caviar,” she said.

  “It’s a long story, Angie. I really don’t want to get into it right now.”

  “This is exactly what I am talking about. You cannot feel free around me for some reason.”

  Adrian ran his fingers through his hair. “I come from a pretty broken past, Angie. Reliving it is a hard thing for me.”

  “Well, you did ask me to trust you and I do. But you need to trust me too.”

  Adrian took a long deep breath.

  “When I was born, my mother was a little young so she gave me up for adoption. I got into a pretty decent family but everything went south when my parents died in a car accident,” Adrian started. “I was only eight. So I went back into the system and life in the group home was dreadful. After all, I was a kid who loved art…that was not a very common thing.”

  He was quiet for a long time before he spoke again.

  “Eventually, I got into another home but it was not perfect. The new foster parents were abusive. They never listened to reason. They were always a little too fast to react. The man had this belt and the woman just liked to hit,” Adrian went on rubbing his temple. “It seemed like forever before I finally got emancipated and when I did I tried getting information about my birth and I found out that the foster parents only took me because the state was paying them. And to make it worse, my birth mother who had somehow managed to track me down would send a hefty check every year for my birthday…” his voice trailed off as he looked into Angelina’s eyes. “Like I said, it’s a long painful story.”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me?” she asked as she looked at him.

  “I didn’t want to scare you off,” he said in a soft voice.

  “Why in God’s name would you ever think that I could ever get scared enough to leave?” she asked.

  “Do you blame me? You’ve always been so guarded,” he started. “Even when I tell you that you are mine and I am yours, you still choose to argue with me.”

  She looked into his eyes for a long time before he touched her cheek.

  “I’m sorry,” she said in a soft voice.

  He slowly began moving closer to her, looking right into her eyes.

  He kissed her gently and forced his tongue into her mouth. She closed her eyes when she felt his tongue rubbing against her own. Every hair on her body was erect as he kissed her. His mouth was pressing hard against her own, his lips gently massaging as he kissed her. She pulled away and looked into his eyes breathing hard. He then pulled her back into his body and kissed her again. His hands were everywhere and her nipples were pressing against her dress. He lifted her onto his hips and began pulling down the zipper on her dress. One of his hands was softly caressing her thigh as he kissed her. She pulled away from his lips and he began kissing her neck. He was running his tongue along the length of her beautifully slender neck and nibbling on it. She pulled away and looked down at him.

  “I want you to make love to me,” she said in a whisper.

  He was breathing hard as he looked into her eyes. He roughly pulled the dress up and she raised her hands up over her head. He looked at her and his cock twitched in his pants when he marveled at her breasts still concealed in her bra.

  “Make love to me,” she said again as he undid the clasp on her bra and lowered her on the couch. She looked up at him as he lowered his head to kiss her neck. He began running his lips down to her chest and expertly avoided her sensitive nipples before he went on to kiss her navel. She was getting wet so fast and his cock which seemed to be harder was pressing against her thigh. She closed her eyes when she felt him moving lower on her thigh, getting closer to her pussy. She was moaning and whimpering as his warm breath got closer and closer to her core.

  He began caressing her clit gently, and then working his way down her slit. He was happy to find that she was drenched. He loved the way she felt, so soft and velvety. He looked at her as he gently pushed a finger into her pussy. She was moaning loudly as he slowly worked his finger in and out of her. A smile played on Adrian’s lips. She was so wet that her pussy was making slurpy noises as he fingered her. She moaned her disappointment when he pulled his finger out of her. She raised her head and looked at him as he pushed in two of his fingers.

  “Oh fuck,” she moaned as she felt herself stretching out to accommodate the length and girth of his fingers. She held on to the edges of the couch as he moved his fingers in and out of her, slowly at first and then harder and faster. Considering he had been playing her sexually, dangling the carrot, when it came to fucking her, she was a little more than aroused. She had never wanted him more. She was moaning and arching her back encouragingly as he worked his fingers in and out of her, harder, faster.

  “You have to get inside me, Adrian…please, stop torturing me,” she begged in a small voice.

  He pulled his fingers out of her and cleaned them off before he quickly stripped off his clothes. He pulled her panties off and climbed onto the couch. She was moaning and panting as he positioned his cock at her entrance. She moaned softly and felt her walls tense up when his girth invaded her. Adrian groaned as he buried himself balls deep inside her. He looked down at her and waited until she opened her eyes before he pulled out of her and then pushed himself back in again. He was going into her slow and deep and soon enough, he had his entire length inside her with ease. He was still looking into her eyes as he pulled out of her almost completely before he bucked his hips into her. He placed a hand on her waist and she spread herself wider, taking him deeper and deeper still.

  Angelina was surprised to see that his upper body seemed
to be in complete control. The look in his eyes was very much not like the movement of his hips. He was moving hard and fast, deep and rough until she began moaning loudly. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he gave in to his primal instinct. He was now slamming into her, making his balls slam against her pussy every time. It was the best feeling he had ever had. Nothing could compare to that. Being inside her, fucking her hard and deep, and claiming her with each thrust.

  “You are mine,” he growled as he fucked her.

  “Yes!” she screamed.

  “Say it!” he was now commanding her.

  “I’m yours!” she cried out as she felt herself coming apart. She was moaning and screaming as he went on thrusting, fucking her through her insane orgasm.

  Feeling her pussy pulsating against his cock was everything he needed to get to his climax. He growled and buried his face in her shoulder as he felt himself pouring into her, emptying his very life force into her.

  Angelina cried out as she felt herself releasing again, her second orgasm taking over, getting the two of them to a blissful union. At that moment, every fear, every doubt and every single emotion she had kept hidden bubbled up to the surface and reduced the both of them to a mass of quavering flesh entwined in each other’s embrace.

  “I love you so much,” he said in a whisper, his head still buried in her shoulder. She held the back of his head and grabbed a lock of his hair as she felt another orgasm rake through her. She wanted to say it back. She wanted to say it so much but she had no idea why she just couldn’t bring herself to do it. She kissed his neck softly and exhaled heavily. Adrian raised his head from her neck and looked down at her. There were beads of sweat on his hairline and forehead.

  “You know you don’t have to say it back, right? Do it when you are ready,” he said in a soft voice.

  “I’m sorry,” she said in a soft voice.

  “Don’t be.” He lowered his head and kissed her again.

  Chapter 6

  The next few days seemed to drag for Angelina. Jolene Parker was around and she was so much hotter than she initially looked in her photos as much as Angelina hated to admit it. The two weeks they had before staging the gala seemed more like two years. From the day Jolene came into the gallery, Angelina had been having the hardest time. She hated the way she always seemed to hike her skirt or dress up every single time she was around Adrian, as if her clothes were not already short enough. She would cross her legs and face Adrian before leaning forward so he could have a peek at her generous cleavage. And the way she always seemed to ‘involuntarily’ brush against Adrian…it was infuriating. Not forgetting that she always called her Angelica even after so many times of correcting her…Angelina could not wait for the gala to be over so Jolene could go back to wherever she came from.

  It was almost six in the evening on Thursday, and the gala was just a few hours away. Angelina was in her office packing up, getting ready to leave when she heard her door open. She looked up and saw Jolene walking in. As usual, she had two frantic assistants running in after her hanging on to her every word. She was talking to someone on the phone via a Bluetooth device in her phone while looking at something at her tablet.

  “I know Marcel, but if you bring in the shrimp today, you best believe that I will not pay. I want it fresh and that means you fly it in tomorrow morning. Comprehende?”

  Angelina shook her head. She would have hated to be the person on the other end of that call. Jolene turned and looked at the assistants.

  “What is the status on the valet service?” she asked. The two assistants looked at each other and Jolene shook her head. “You didn’t talk to them yet? Why am I even paying you…well, someone better talk to them before I make a significant pay cut to one or both of you.” she threatened. “Now!” she suddenly yelled making the two run out probably in fear for their lives. “Sometimes I wonder why assistants cannot just be perfect like the rest of us.” Angelina forced a smile as she looked at Jolene. She wanted to blurt out that she was nothing like her, not in the very least.

  “Jolene,” she started as she looked at her. “What can I do for you? I am heading out.” She was now putting her laptop in its bag.

  “I just wanted to know if you had spoken to Adrian. I’ve been trying him all afternoon but I cannot seem to reach him,” Jolene said.

  “Can I ask what this is about?” she asked.

  “Well, it is all about…”Jolene started before she looked at something at her tablet. “Listen, I just really need to talk to him. Face to face preferably.”

  “Again, I ask, what is this about?” Angelina’s patience was growing thin. Very, very thin. She noticed Jolene rolling her eyes.

  “Fine. If you must know, it is about the gala,” she said.

  “Well, if it is about the gala then I can definitely help. You don’t need Adrian,” Angelina pointed out. Jolene looked at her and forced a smile.

  “Do I sense a little jealousy here? Is there some kind of boundary I am crossing? I mean, I just wanted to take him for dinner. He is an old friend and after the favor I am doing for him, he kind of owes me that much.”

  Angelina shook her head.

  “He doesn’t owe you anything. This is your job and he is paying you way over market price for what you are doing,” she said, trying as much as possible to remain calm.

  “Relax. All I wanted was to take on old friend for a meal, Angelica,” Jolene said.

  “Angelina. The name is Angelina,” Angelina corrected her as she walked out. “And Adrian is probably working late if he is not picking your call. You may want to try his office,” she said even though she hated that she was giving up such information. “That is unless he is avoiding you,” she thought as she walked out of the gallery. “God I pray that Adrian is avoiding you.” She was now opening the door of her car.

  After she strapped herself in, she started the car and voice dialed Olivia.

  “Hey,” Olivia said when she picked up.

  “Hey. You at home?” Angelina asked.

  ‘Yeah, why?”

  “Get a bottle of wine. I am on my way and I have a million things to vent about,” Angelina said.

  “I’ll throw in some ice cream as well, for good measure,” Olivia said. Angelina wanted to smile but she found that she couldn’t.

  “I will be there in ten,” she said before she hung up.

  By the time she got to Olivia’s place, she had already given up on the ice cream idea. All she wanted was to down glass after glass of alcohol until she couldn’t feel anymore. After all, it was not like she was going to work early the following day. She had an entire day to sleep off the hangover before the gala.

  “Given the situation, I would have usually offered you a whiskey or a bottle of tequila but since I am a good friend, I have to be the sane one,” Olivia said when Angelina got to her place. “So I got a Pinot instead,” she concluded.

  “I don’t care. It’s alcohol,” Angelina said as she took the bottle from Olivia. She pulled the cork out and began drinking straight from the bottle.

  “Whoa…want to tell me about your day, sweetie?” Olivia asked.

  “No, not really,” Angelina said before she took another long sip from the bottle. She kicked off her shoes and walked to the couch. She was just about to take another long sip when Olivia took the bottle from her and poured her a glass.

  “Don’t be an animal,” Olivia said as she handed the glass to Angelina.

  “Honestly, right now I might as well be,” she said as she took a long sip of her wine.

  “What happened?” Olivia asked as she sat down next to Angelina.

  “That Jolene woman…I think she has feelings for Adrian,” Angelina said.

  “Come on. Are you sure? You could have insinuated your own things maybe because you are protective of him or something.”

  “No, I did not assume anything. Not with her.” Angelina took another sip. “Over the last few days she has really been getting on my nerves. For starters,
she has been calling me Angelica…even though I keep on correcting her,” she started. Olivia smiled as she poured herself another glass.

  “That doesn’t prove anything as far as Jolene having feelings for Adrian is concerned,” she said.

  “Well, there is also the fact that I have noticed her body language changes every time she is around Adrian…like she always wears these very short, tight clothes. And when we have a meeting, she is always looking at him and once I even saw her undo her top button as Adrian was talking.” She took another long sip of her Pinot. “And then today, she pulls the mother-load. She came into the office just as I was getting ready to leave and asked me if I knew why she couldn’t reach Adrian. That she had been trying him all afternoon.”

  “Did she tell you why she needed to talk to Adrian so bad?”

  “I did ask her why she needed to talk to him. She said that it was stuff about the event and I said that if it was something to do with the gala I could help,” she went on. “That was when she cracked and told me that she wanted to buy dinner for an old friend. As if I don’t know what ‘old friend’ means.” She took the last sip of her wine and then held out her glass to Olivia.

  “Maybe you should talk to Adrian…he needs to talk to her and explain to her that he is in a committed relationship with you.” Olivia poured some wine into her glass. “Maybe the news will hold more weight if it comes from him.”

  Angelina lifted the glass to her lips.

  “I might have gone off at her a little,” she said.

  “How little are we talking?” Olivia asked and Angelina raised her head.

  “I might have told her in so many words that she was kind of a tramp,” Angelina answered.

  “Might have or did you actually do it?” Olivia asked. “Because I know you, sweetie.”

  “Well if you do then you know that I did actually do more than that…not that I intended to or anything,” Angelina said quickly.

  “Don’t worry. It gets better,” she said as Angelina took another long sip.


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