Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1 Page 28

by BWWM Club

  “Where are you going?” Olivia asked. “I thought you were going to help me with the muffins.”

  “The muffins are done. I just saw you take them out,” Angelina said as she began walking to the door.

  ‘But the frosting…I like it better when you do it.’ Olivia sounded like a whiny child. Angelina looked at her as she fumbled with her keys in one hand.

  “I love you too, sweetie but I really have to go,” she said. “I think you are right. Maybe I do need to face him and just talk to him.”

  “And I hope this time you are going to be honest. Don’t just hide behind your high horse,” Olivia said as Angelina opened the door. She leaned against the door and looked at Olivia.

  “Hide behind my high horse? What is that even supposed to mean?”

  “You let things blow over a little too much. I mean, you feel something and instead of talking about it, you just stay silent because you don’t want someone to be offended and because of that you end up getting hurt.” Olivia was walking towards the door. “Remember, you used to do that to me in college all the time, as much as I hated it and that is what you are doing this time. I admit I don’t know Adrian as well as you know him but I know this much, you have never had a man who is more honest than he is with you.”

  Angelina looked at her and shrugged. She was right and it was about time she came clean to Adrian about herself. After all, she did need to come clean before she expected him to do the same.


  Adrian had not been the kind of man to form ties that would leave him feeling empty when he was not with the one he had feelings for. When he first met Angelina, he thought he had finally found the woman he would have been honored to spend the rest of his life with. And he still felt this way but there was something about her that he had yet to understand. As far as he was concerned, he was an open book, at least as far as the women he had been with were concerned but every time a woman from his past came up, it seemed to upset Angelina. He didn’t understand why, mostly because he knew in his heart of hearts that there was no other woman who made him feel the way he did.

  He leaned back in his chair and caught a glimpse of the time. Ten fifteen. He had not talked to Angelina since the previous night when they attended the cocktail party. Even though she had not been very excited about the party, he had thought he would convince her to go and then hopefully crown the evening in his own way. He was still staring blankly into space when he heard a knock on his door. He looked up just in time to see Sophia Gallagher walking in.

  “I hope this is not a bad time,” she said with a smile.

  “Sophia,” he said in a surprised tone. “Come on in.”

  He could not help but look at her as she made her way into his office. She was wearing a short V-necked dress that left little to the imagination. Her hair was loose on her shoulders, as usual in luxurious waves.

  “I hope I am not interrupting anything,” she said as he stood up and led her to the couch in his office.

  “Not at all. It’s just one of those mornings.” She smiled at him showing off that dimpled cheek she knew he loved so much. “So, what brings you here and when did you get into the country anyway? I thought you were still in Belfast.”

  “Why? Did you try looking for me or something?” She was smiling at him seductively and he smiled, shaking his head.

  “No, that’s just the last place I saw you and I remember you saying that you wouldn’t ever relocate if your life depended on it.” He crossed one leg over the other. “Now you are a senior partner in a law firm in a foreign country.”

  “What are the odds, right?” Sophia said, smiling again.

  “Took the words right out of my mouth.”

  “I guess I grew up and needed something different,” she said.

  “And did you find it?”

  “I did. I never saw myself in the legal business or anything but I did find what I was looking for.”

  “What do you mean you never saw yourself in the legal business? You studied law in Harvard,” Adrian pointed out.

  “I did, but in all honesty I did it just to make grandpa happy. Law school was kind of a condition of my trust fund.” She smiled guiltily.

  “Bet old man Gallagher is rolling in his grave,” he said.

  “No, not really. Like you mentioned earlier, I am a managing partner in a law firm,” she pointed out.

  “Well, there is that little fact,” he said.

  Sophia looked into his eyes for a long minute before she bit her lower lip.

  “But if I have to be completely honest, I also had another motive to come to the party.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

  “Yeah, I was…I was hoping to bump into you…and I did,” she said in a soft voice. “Once I found out that the company…”

  “AppGene?” Adrian asked.

  “Yes. When I found out that AppGene was under Corday Inc. I just thought I would come and…” Adrian knew where all this was going. He rubbed his temple and turned away from her. “I didn’t think that you were already seeing someone and…”

  “Sophia,” he said cutting her short. “I am happy with Angelina. I want to build a future with her. Do not try and make things complicated because we have been over for a very, very long time.”

  “I know but I still have feelings for you and I don’t think anyone can ever love you the way I do,” she said but Adrian shook his head again.

  “Angie loves me and I love her back, more than words could ever tell.” A smile formed on his lips. “She makes me feel things I never thought I could feel for anyone.”

  “But you felt something with me. You loved me, Adrian,” she said, her voice low and hurt. “I know you did.”

  “I did, but it was not the way I love Angie.”

  “She really is something special to you, isn’t she?” Sophia said after a long silence.

  “Like I said, more than words could ever tell,” he nodded. He stood up and walked to his desk before he sat on its edge. “Sophia, you are a good woman and I know someday you will make some lucky man somewhere very happy.”

  Sophia let out a cynical laugh. “You don’t get it, do you Adrian?” she started as she looked up at him. “I don’t want to make some man out there happy. I want to make you happy. Only you, no one else.”

  “It can’t happen, Sophia. I am happy with someone else. You have to accept that.”

  Adrian noticed her brushing off a quick tear before it even had a chance to roll down her cheek. She was always good at hiding her emotions.

  “Does she let you do things to her…the way I used to?” she asked. “Does she let you cuff her and whip her and tell you that she’s yours? Because I know how much you used to love that, Adrian. So, tell me, does she allow you to dominate her?”

  Adrian forced out a laugh and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “That is none of your business,” he said.

  “Is that a no, Adrian?”

  “No, it’s a ‘it’s none of your business’.”

  She stood up and began walking towards him.

  “Then if you don’t do it with her, do it with me. I know you miss it and I can make you happy, Adrian.” She touched his arm lightly. “You can start right now. Punish me for not wearing any underwear.”

  “You are not wearing underwear?” he asked as he looked at her.

  She shook her head.

  “Bend me over your desk, master. Make me count the lashes on my bare ass,” she begged.

  He held her shoulders and pushed her away.

  “No,” he said sternly. “And I am not your master, Sophia. That relationship ended a long time ago, because of you.”

  “But I realized my mistake, ma- Adrian. All I want is for you to take me back and make me yours the way you used to,” she said again as she looked into his eyes.

  “I belong to someone else, Sophia. And if there is anyone to blame it is you, remember?”

  “Then make us both feel better.
Punish me for breaking your heart,” she begged again. “She doesn’t do it for you, Adrian. Do it with me.”

  “Angie knows I am hers and she is mine. And I don’t need to dominate her. She makes me happy just by being herself,” he said in a cool voice. “I think it would be better if you left, Sophia.”


  “You need to leave.”

  “But I need to be with you. I came from Belfast for you.”

  “I never asked you to.”

  “You didn’t need to. I only ever wanted to be yours. I would move the earth if you asked me to…”

  Adrian tightened his grip on her shoulders.

  “Sophia!” he suddenly said cutting her sentence short. “You need to leave and I think it would be better if you left on your own accord before I call security.”

  “You would do that to me?” Sophia asked, her voice low and surprised.

  “I will be forced to since you clearly don’t want to listen to reason.”

  “But Adrian….”

  “Sophia. I want to save you the embarrassment,” he said in a soft voice. He let go of her shoulders and walked to the door. He had just opened the door when he saw Angelina walking towards the door.

  “Just in time, huh?” Sophia said flashing him an insincere smile.

  “Sophia…hi…I didn’t know you were here,” Angelina said as she looked at her.

  “She was just leaving,” Adrian said as he looked at Sophia and then back at Angelina.

  ‘Oh,” Angelina said, walking into the office.

  “Yeah, hence the open door.” Sophia began walking towards the door. “It was nice to see you again, Angelina. We should do lunch sometime or drinks.”

  Angelina was confused.

  “Su…Sure,” she said as she forced out a smile.

  “But I definitely have to pass by The Parisian one of these days,” Sophia said. She was now standing right in front of Angelina.

  “Feel free. I will be honored to have you,” Angelina said. This time, her smile was real.

  “Honored to have me,” Sophia echoed. “You got a really modest one here Adrian.” She turned to look at him. “Kudos.”

  She turned to look at Angelina again and blew her a kiss before she walked out. Adrian closed the door and sighed as he pulled her close to him.

  “Adrian,” Angelina said in a whisper as he held her tightly against his body. He was stroking her hair gently.

  “Baby,” he said in a soft voice. “You went silent on me. You had me worried.”

  “I was just being a big stubborn baby,” she said in a soft voice. “We need to talk, Adrian.”

  He pulled away from her and looked into her eyes.

  “Yes but before anything, you cannot befriend Sophia. She is not who you think she is,” he said.

  “What? Your ex?”

  “She is not to be trusted. She is not your friend,” he said again.

  “Why?” she pulled away from him and walked over to his desk. “What are you not telling me?” she asked in a soft voice as she sat in the same spot he had been on earlier. Adrian took a long deep breath and began walking towards her.

  “She came here for me,” he said in a soft voice.

  “I know that. She told me all that last night before she realized she was talking to her ex’s girlfriend,” she pointed out. “So what’s new?”

  “I don’t mean that she came here, to the States for me. I mean, she came here, today for me. She threw herself at me…”


  “She even told me that she wasn’t wearing any underwear,” he added.

  “Excuse me?” Angelina couldn’t believe the same woman who had left the office looking so proud and acting so kind was capable of that kind of idiotic hypocrisy. “But she asked me out to drinks and lunch and everything…”

  “Like I said, she is not to be trusted.” He began walking towards her. “And I know you got upset last night. Maybe it was all about her?”

  “I just feel like everywhere I turn, women from your past seem to be springing up. And for some reason they are all still going after you. It’s like they are junkies…and you are that fix they need so bad.”

  Adrian held her neck and kissed her deeply.

  “I will only be a fix to one person and that is you, Angie,” he said when he pulled away. “And if I have to shout it from the mountain tops then I will.”

  Angelina smiled as he stroked the side of her face.

  “You make what I want to say so hard,” she started.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “I wanted to talk about why I was so upset last night...and that other time with Jolene…” her voice trailed off. What she had in mind was not as easy as she had anticipated. She looked at him and sighed.

  “Out with it, Angie. What’s going on?” he asked.

  She opened her mouth to speak and then realized this was going to be one long conversation and his office was definitely not the place to have it.

  “Can we get out of here?”

  “Where do you want to go? The restaurant? I still haven’t had that breakfast I was calling you for.”

  “I was thinking, somewhere more intimate,” she started. “And your place is closer to your office.”

  Chapter 10

  When they got to Adrian’s place, Angelina had her conversation all planned out but as soon as they were indoors, she realized Adrian had other things in mind. He pinned her against the wall and kissed her deeply. The kiss was so intense that she was almost breathless by the time he pulled away. He looked at her and exhaled loudly.

  “I have missed you so much baby,” he whispered.

  “I missed you too,” she said as she looked at him.

  He slipped a hand behind her neck and caressed her gently. She did not know why but she felt like she was being undressed for the first time. She was blushing as she looked at him.

  “I don’t want to talk right now,” he said as he looked at her.

  “What do you want to do?” she asked.

  His eyes ran down her torso, over the bulge of her breasts and then back up to her face. Without a word, he took her hand and led her to the bedroom. They had just walked into the room when he turned around and looked at her before he took her handbag from her hand and let it drop to the floor. He put his hands on her waist and pulled her top over her head. She was breathing hard as he looked down at her. He slowly walked around her, the same way an artist would walk around a fine sculpted piece, Angelina thought. He stood behind her and swept her hair off to one side before he kissed her neck slowly, gently. She closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side as he worked his way from her shoulder blade to the base of her neck. He secured his hand around her tummy and began working his kisses upwards until he got to her earlobe. She sighed when he nibbled on her sensitive lobe.

  He gently pushed her against the wall and began running his hands on her back. She was moaning and sighing as he kissed her shoulder again and began working his way down to the straps of her bra. She sighed silently when he undid the clasp of her bra and let it fall to the ground. He slipped a hand to her front and gently brushed against her nipple before he slipped a hand lower to her tummy. He went on to kiss her, slowly working his way lower on her body until he got to her waistline.

  “Turn around,” he commanded silently.

  She did as he asked and he began undoing the buttons on her jeans. She felt ridiculous standing there in her jeans and heels while he was still fully dressed, even his tie was still in place.

  “Your shoes. Take them off,” he commanded again and she did as he asked.

  She looked down at him as he pulled down her pants. She stepped out of her pants and looked at him, her heart beating hard and fast. He knelt in front of her and pulled down her panties. She was breathing hard and fast as he made her spread her legs wider, giving him access to her pussy. She closed her eyes when she felt his mouth on her pussy. He was kissing her, licking her, tasting her and sh
e couldn’t do anything more than just stand there and take it. She was shaking, every part of her had come alive when he licked her and sucked her. He was not fingering her, but he might as well have been doing it because she was shaking and shivering as her body erupted in a series of orgasms. By the time Adrian pulled away, Angelina could barely stand up. Adrian got on his feet and kissed her. She could taste herself on his lips and on his tongue.

  She looked at him when he pulled away and he picked her up in his arms. He walked her to the bed and gently laid her down before he began taking off his clothes. Angelina thought that he was undressing too slow, almost like he was teasing her. When he finally pushed his boxer shorts off, she had regained all the energy she would need to pay him back for his amazing oral skills. He had just joined her in bed when she suddenly got up and got herself on top of him. She could tell from the way he was looking at her that he was as surprised as he was turned on.

  “My turn,” she said in a soft voice before she lowered her head and began kissing him. He was holding the back of her neck as she kissed him, gently forcing her tongue into his mouth. He moaned softly when she pulled away and worked her way down his tummy. She marveled at his chiseled torso and kissed him softly, gently running her tongue down his perfect abs. Her nipples were brushing against his skin as she lowered herself to take his long girth in her mouth.

  Adrian raised his head and looked at Angelina in awe when she took him in. She had practically swallowed his entire length. He moaned his pleasure as she sucked and licked him. He was always amazed at her gag reflex. He had been with women who would have considered themselves experienced but no one had ever been able to take him orally the way Angelina did. She swallowed him to his base and every time she pulled back, she would roll her tongue on his tip. He was in heaven and it took everything he had not to thrust forward, not to drive himself deep inside her. She was a pro at this and the thought that she might have done this to someone else made him extremely jealous. He hated the fact that someone out there had her before. If he could, he would have rewritten history and met her earlier just so he could have her to himself.


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