Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1

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Girls Just Want To Have Fun: 5 Hot BWWM Romance Stories In 1 Page 49

by BWWM Club

  "That's one theory as to our abilities," Grady replied, remaining where he was in the air. "There's a whole series of Jewish and Christian scholars who state that the Nephilim were the offspring of angels who had sex with human women. Of course, the scripture on this is limited, and seemed to state that the Nephilim were giants, with perhaps the story of Goliath being one of them. Another train of thought is that we're demi-gods of some sort. Me, I don't really have a clear theory one way or another. I choose the word Nephilim because that's what my father taught me to use.

  "There aren't many of us left," he continued, setting down on the ground. "But we have what you might call superhuman abilities. Most have far fewer abilities than I have."

  "What do you mean?"

  Grady walked over to a cabinet set into the wall, and opened it. Inside, Renee was shocked to find the pale white and red outfit of The Horseman hanging on a mannequin inside. "This is what I mean."

  Renee came over and reached out a hand, almost afraid to touch the fabric. When the costume didn't disappear, but instead felt solid under her fingertips, she realized it was real. "You.... you are The Horseman?"

  "In the flesh," Grady said, holding out his arm and pinching the skin for her. "The suit is made of a Kevlar and advanced polymer weave, so it's pretty strong on its own. That combined with my own natural abilities means that for a lot of things, I'm pretty much invulnerable. But I knew there were some things that can hurt me. I'm not Superman or anything like that."

  "Like what?" Renee asked, intrigued.

  "Well, most guns I meet on the streets won't do much more than mess up the fabric and leave a good bruise," he answered, pointing to some small rips in the cloth. "I heal very fast, so you may not have ever noticed them even. Getting back to the ammo, any normal pistol round short of a fifty caliber won't break my skin. In rifle rounds, five-five-six, or the ammo shot out of an M-16, will hurt, but only cause a minor wound. A larger round like what is shot out of an AK-47 or a lot of hunting rifles can hurt me, especially in a vital area. And of course, with the rise of police wearing body armor, the idiots on the streets are shooting armor piercing rounds. Those can cause some damage too."

  "So what did you do to treat me?" Renee asked, bringing the conversation back to the mysterious lack of stitches, blood, or even scars on her body. "And why am I not dead?"

  "These little wonders," Grady said, holding up a small vial about two inches long. Inside, a silvery liquid sat, seemingly moving around on its own. "An invention of my own device. They're nanobots, tiny little robots, each the size of a red blood cell. Individually they're not all that smart, but when they work together, they immediately organize and can do amazing things. This little vial here has the computing power of your top of the line home computer, but more than that, the individual bots can do things to the body that are amazing. I designed them to assist me in repairing myself when I get injured, which has happened. After all, I can't exactly stroll into the ER dressed as The Horseman."

  "No, that wouldn't do well at all," Renee said, looking at the vial. "So you injected me with this, and they fixed the damage."

  Grady nodded, but then exhaled. "There might be side effects though. Renee, I programmed the nanos to work on my body. They have in their programming an idea of what a baseline body is supposed to be. That baseline is me. They are designed to repair and return my cells to my normal abilities. I've never tried this stuff on a regular human before."

  "So, what are you saying?"

  "I'm saying there may be some side effects. Who knows, you might end up with light brown hair like mine, although I think that's unlikely. They're mostly focused on internal body systems, such as the lungs, heart, bones, muscles, and such."

  Renee looked down at her skin, which was flawless and unmarked. "Why? Why'd you risk bringing me here? Why'd you inject me with these nanobots?"

  Grady took a deep breath, and looked her in the eyes. "Because I've fallen in love with you. Because I wake up every morning, and I'm crying. Either I'm crying that you're not there in my arms, or I'm crying because I'm so happy that you are. Because all of my powers, my abilities, all of it are meaningless without you in my life. And because I would move heaven and earth to make sure you are happy."

  Renee was floored, shocked at the heartfelt honesty in Grady's voice. In her twenty four years on Earth, she'd never heard what Grady was telling her now. She'd had men tell her she was pretty, she'd had men tell her they wanted to have sex with her (mostly with cruder language). But never had a man so completely and honestly said he'd fallen in love with her. She blinked, and said the first thing that came to her mind. "Grady......"

  "Yes?" he asked, his voice tentative and filled with doubt. She reached out and took his hand, and placed it on her chest over her heart.

  "This is yours. You've had it for weeks now, and I cannot imagine a day without you. You've swept into my life like some sort of Prince Charming, and now I find out you're actually a superhero. But it doesn't matter, you're Grady Voelker to me, and I love you."

  Grady pulled her into an embrace, and she could feel for the first time how scared he had been. His muscles still trembled from the adrenalin and the fear since the shooting, and she wasn't sure but she thought when he buried his face into her hair, he may have been crying. She closed her eyes and listened to his heartbeat, and felt the warmth of his skin against her cheek, and the smell that was distinctly Grady.

  Their embrace broke, and Renee stepped back, looking up into his eyes. "So this is your secret lair, huh?" she asked, smiling. "Well, aren't you going to give me a tour?"

  Grady wiped at his eyes and laughed, nodded. "Sure. First off, we're in Del Mar still, at an office building that is owned by Voelker Consolidated." He led her over to a heavily tinted window, which was black with the night outside. "Come daytime you'll be able to see quite a view of the Pacific from here. We're on a cliff and surrounded by private land, so it's really quiet. The bottom floor of the building holds my accounting department, which helps to explain why I have this building to the shareholders. The top three floors are my own private labs. Since I've actually turned out some things that I've let some of the other branches of the company use and release, nobody creates too much of a fuss."

  "Well, that and you own the company," Renee quipped. Grady laughed and nodded.

  "That too, although like most modern corporations I don't own it all. Technically I own forty percent of the company, my mother owns another twenty percent, and the rest is owned by various public groups, charities, trust funds, investment houses and the like."

  He led her away from the window and back over to the cabinet where his costume was still on display. He touched a control surface next to the open door of the cabinet, and three more doors rolled up, revealing a high powered and futuristic arsenal. "Like I said, I'm damage resistant, but I'm not totally invulnerable. So, I have these for those situations that may arise that call for a bit more than what I can do with my bare hands. Some of this stuff is in the experimental stage still, like this." He picked up something that looked like a very wide bracelet with finger rings attached. It wasn't quite a gauntlet, but it wasn't decoration either. "If I can get the power supply down right, this will amplify my hand strength by a factor of four, and give me the ability to also apply a concussive force with every punch. Kind of like having a hand grenade go off, but without the smoke and fire. I developed it for breaking down walls in one shot. Depending on the building, that's kind of hard for me to do right now. You get some of these older houses, or a multi-story building made of concrete and steel, and I'm going in through the front door or a window just like anybody else."

  "Just how strong are you, anyway?" Renee asked. Grady closed the cabinets and pointed towards the stairs.

  "Two floors down is my real training gym, not that one in my house in Imperial Beach. You can guess, it's all custom made. Right now my best bench is about three thousand pounds, and I can't really give you a guess
on any of the other big lifts. I tried to find my best deadlift one time, and I cracked the concrete under my feet. I need to find a first floor place with a rock or steel floor if I wanted to really check. Hmm, that's an idea, I could buy one of the aircraft carriers the Navy is decommissioning. If it can take the force of an F-14 landing on it, I'm sure it won't mind me doing a workout."

  Renee cocked her eyebrow and looked at him. "You have the money for an aircraft carrier?"

  "Well, not personally in my bank account..... but I can write a check for a down payment," he deadpanned, before breaking out in a wider grin. "I'm just glad you love me for things besides my checkbook."

  "I do," Renee said, turning and wrapping her arms around his waist. She kissed the swells of his chest muscles, pausing to bite gently at his nipples. "But, this base of yours is missing something?"

  "What's that?" Grady replied, stroking her hair as she kept kissing and licking.

  "A bed."

  Grady picked her up and swung her around, carrying her towards the stairs. It was about halfway across the room before she realized he wasn't walking, but instead flying across the room. "You haven't seen the floor below yet."

  She saw the genius of his precautions, as the stairwell turned out to have no stairs in it. Instead he floated them both down, where she found that the floor below was furnished into a plain but decent studio apartment. The one corner had a king sized bed, which he carried her over before laying on the crisp cotton sheets. He hovered over her, his hair still almost blindingly bright. "Better?"

  "Much," she said. A thought came to her, and she grinned. "Now, let's see how well you can hover while distracted." Renee scooted down the bed, until her head was level with Grady's belt, which she undid quickly. The tuxedo pants were easy to unfasten and slide down his muscular thighs, his cock falling out to dangle in front of her. He wasn't fully hard yet, but was already at half mast. Grinning at the erotic playfulness of it all, she reached out with her tongue to flick at the bobbing shaft, tickling him until his huge cock was steely hard. She licked up and down his shaft before sucking on just the head, laughing inside as she felt him stutter in the air. "Hmmm, maybe we should change positions before you fully lose it and drop onto me?"

  "Y.... yeah," Grady gasped, slowly moving over and descending to the bed. "I've never done that before."

  "I should hope not," Renee teased before swallowing his cock again. She bobbed up and down on his cock, letting her tongue play over the sensitive underside while she massaged his shaft with her lips. Grady entwined his fingers in her hair, and she realized suddenly just how careful he had to be, even when they made love (it had gone far beyond just sex a long time ago, she admitted). When you have the strength in your hands to flip over a car, all it would take is a moment of losing control, and he would seriously injure her. She fixed eyes on his while she lovingly sucked his cock, pulling off when he was ready. "Someday," she whispered, slinking her way up his body to kiss his lips, "I want to be able to take everything you have. And I mean everything. Until then, just know I love you."

  "I love you too," Grady replied, capturing her lips in another kiss. His hands came to the back of her dress and eased the zipper down, before sliding the straps off her shoulders. Renee slid her body from side to side to assist, and was soon down to just the satin thong she had worn under the dress. Grady's hands massaged and cupped the soft globes, kneading the dark brown flesh until she was moaning in need. She slid back, down his body, until the slick pantie covered mound of her pussy rubbed against his cock. It was maddening, being so close to what she wanted with still the thin barrier of satin in the way. She didn't want to get off to remove them, but she needed him inside her. NOW.

  "Fuck the panties," she growled, pulling them to the side. Grabbing Grady's cock, she guided him to her entrance, pushing back as the thick head spread her open. They'd been having sex for months now, so while they could take it slow, they didn't have to, like now. Her need overcame her desire for patience, and she thrust back, filling herself with him in a single flaring explosion of heat and pleasure. She cried out at the feeling. "Oh God!"

  Settling back, she lifted her body, feeling him pierce her even further, until his cock was in those secret depths that no other man had ever reached in her. Taking a deep breath to adjust, like she did every time, she opened her eyes to look down into his. "So are you naturally this blonde?" she asked, shifting her hips back and forth in small strokes. "I gotta say, it's a good look on you."

  "I like this look better," Grady said, reaching up with his right hand to stroke her breast. He rubbed his thumb over her dark nipple until Renee couldn't resist riding him any longer. Lifting her hips, she plunged herself down, sending shockwaves from every nerve ending in her body. Her need took over, lifting and impaling herself over and over on his massive cock. Her eyes grew wide as they locked on Grady's, and she planted her hands on his lower chest, using the leverage to help her legs and hips.

  Time slowed down for Renee, even as her hips sped up. Their eyes said more than their words ever could as their bodies pleasured themselves. Grady's cock rubbed against her clit with every downward plunge, the thick flared head rubbed against the inner walls of her pussy, the two movements creating ripples through her body. When the two waves intersected, lightning flashed across her vision like a strobe light. She could barely breathe, and knew she couldn't last much longer.

  Grady's cock swelled within her, and she knew they were both rushing towards a body shaking climax. His eyes opened wide, and she swore they flared brighter than ever, sending a final course of energy straight to her brain. Her mind exploded as her pussy squeezed and milked Grady for everything she could. Orgasmic waves ripped through her, and her fingers dug into his chest. His cock filled her with liquid heat that added to her joy, and Renee knew that just as much as Grady needed her, she needed him.

  It took long, wonderful minutes for the last ripples to trickle from her system, like small sexual aftershocks. She lay on Grady's chest, kissing the light sweat of his skin, and basking in the afterglow. "So how are you going to cover this up?" she asked him once she could think again. "We had a TV reporter sitting next to us when I got shot. I doubt you can just tell her it was a simple flesh wound."

  "Private hospital," Grady replied. "After that, we let the HIPPA laws do their thing. I mean, a hospital can't even confirm or deny someone is there unless the patient agrees to it."

  They cuddled in warm affection for a few more minutes, when another question came to her mind. "So does this mean I'm going to get super abilities like you? The way I see it, you healed me from death and less than an hour after waking up we just had some.... well, some pretty awesome sex, and I don't feel overly drained at all."

  "I don't know," Grady whispered, kissing her left temple. "But if you do, that'd be pretty cool too."

  "Yeah," she said, before raising her head. "But I do know what I need now, even more than sex with you."

  "What's that?"

  Renee grinned and patted her stomach. "Food. Apparently, having nanobots bring you back from the dead and then having sex with the man I love gives me a rumbling in my stomach that even a pothead would be jealous of."

  Chapter 7

  As Halloween came closer and closer, Renee felt like her life was going through faster changes than even the summer of her eleventh birthday, when she'd started puberty. Since Grady injected the nanos, she'd grown over four inches in height. It had gotten to the point that she just bought long basketball shorts that hung below her knees, knowing soon enough they'd be above the knees. With the increased height though, there was no weight gain at all, and her body leaned out, taking on the leggy, modelesque look that had Martin drooling every time she stopped by his office. "Honey, I don't know what you did, but if you have another dose of it, share it with me," he told her one day. "I could become bigger than the Ford Agency with a portfolio of girls who have your body."

  "Careful Martin, you keep talkin
g like that, and you're going to start sounding suspiciously like a straight man again," Renee retorted, grinning. "Besides, I just came by to tell you I'm taking at least a hiatus from the business."

  Martin's face hung in disbelief, and he ran his hands through his hair. "Why does this shit always happen to me? I finally get myself a talent that can get me to the next level, and what does she tell me? Oh Martin, I'm taking a hiatus. Fuck my life."

  "Oh come off it you drama queen," Renee said with mock frustration. She knew Martin, and knew his tirades were just part of his personality. Indulging him in them would just make them last longer. "Besides, I only said hiatus."

  "The way you said it makes it sound suspiciously like retirement," Martin said. He sighed again and looked over at her. "Well, I can't blame you too much. I've seen your boyfriend. If you had any suspicions I'd gone straight, just let me near him. I've got no problems with him at all."

  Renee rolled her eyes and laughed. "That's the Martin I've come to know and love. I promise you, at least one more shoot just for you to add to the agency portfolio. But not until after New Year's at least. I've got some stuff lined up on the DJ front, and let's be honest, this whole thing with Grady is taking up time too."

  "Yeah, that part doesn't seem all that difficult from my point of view," Martin said. "You know, I should be pissed off at you, and there's a part of me that is. But most of me is happy. You've been a good person to have around for all this time. Hey, just promise that no matter what, I get invited to the Voelker Consolidated Christmas party?"

  Renee laughed and nodded. "Of course. First of all, most of the employees would probably enjoy having you around."

  "And second?"

  Renee came over and kissed Martin on the cheek. "And secondly, you're my friend. But I gotta run for now."


  "So what's the tape measure say?" Renee held her breath, hoping against hope. She was wearing a t-shirt and her basketball shorts, and stood against the wall in her bare feet. The tile under her feet was slightly cold.


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