Wolf on the Run: Salvation Pack, Book 3

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Wolf on the Run: Salvation Pack, Book 3 Page 9

by N. J. Walters

  The fight was far from over.

  But he was as stubborn as she was. More so. He could offer her a place in their pack. And when she was strong enough, he’d offer her a place by his side and in his bed forever.

  The walk back took longer than their mad dash through the woods, and by the time they neared the cabins, Cherise was coming around. “Cole?”

  She blinked up at him and he could tell she was having a difficult time getting her bearings. “Everything is okay.” And if he said it often enough, maybe he could convince her.

  “Why are you carrying me?” Before he could answer, she stiffened in his arms. “Put me down.”

  He stopped and slowly released her legs but kept his arm around her shoulders to steady her. Cherise glanced over at Gator and Jacque, who had both stopped when he had. She stepped away from Cole and turned to face him.

  She licked her lips and his cock sprang to life. It certainly wasn’t appropriate considering he was stark naked, but there was nothing to be done about it. Cherise’s gaze caught the change in him and her eyes widened. “Uh, where are we going?”

  “Back to the house. You need food and you need to rest. And I need to tend the cuts on your arms.” They’d already stopped bleeding, but he wasn’t sure how quickly they’d heal, how different she was because she couldn’t fully embrace her wolf.

  Cole wanted to shake her. Then he wanted to haul her into his arms and never let her go. “Why the hell did you run?” He’d meant to stay calm and controlled. Really he did. But Cherise was making him crazy. Him, the man who was known for his iron-clad control had none where this woman was concerned.

  She flicked her gaze to Jacque. “I can’t stay here. I can’t bring my problems to your door. My former pack isn’t that far from here. Maybe a three-hour drive. You think they won’t be searching for Keith and his buddies when they don’t turn up at home?”

  “You’re protecting me?” Cole thumped his fist against his chest. “Us?”

  Cherise nodded. “Yes. You know what they’re capable of.” She turned to Jacque. “You have a mate and so does Armand. You don’t want Ryan Hatfield hunting you.”

  “That’s the alpha of the Kentucky Pack?” Jacque asked.

  She nodded. “Yes. And he’s one mean son of a bitch.”

  The smile on Jacque’s face was one Cole recognized, and there was nothing pleasant about it. “So am I,” his alpha replied.

  “We can sort this out at home.” Cole wanted to get Cherise back where it was safe and feed her. He wasn’t certain if the others could tell or not, but she was on her last reserves, her body trembling in the early morning chill.

  Without a word, Jacque shifted and trotted on ahead.

  “Let’s go.” Cole ignored Cherise’s protests, swept her into his arms once again and began to walk.

  “You really have to stop carrying me everywhere.”

  He shook his head. “No, I really don’t.”

  Cherise didn’t know whether to be amused or furious at Cole’s heavy handedness. But honestly, right now she was glad not to have to walk. She was so tired she was almost sick with it. Her legs were shaking, her muscles protesting everything she’d put them through the last few days. She rubbed her forehead, trying to ignore the pounding in her skull.

  She was hungry, possibly slightly dehydrated, and the sleep she’d had today was the first she’d had in days. It was stupid to run without being at full strength, but she’d felt she’d had no choice. And look what had happened. She was back right where she’d started.

  A large black wolf surged by them. The creature glanced at them as he passed by. Cherise recognized his eyes and his scent. He was also carrying her backpack in his mouth. It was Gator, the one she’d run from initially. He raced on ahead and disappeared down the trail, taking her belongings with him.

  “How much farther?”

  “Not far.”

  She knew Cole was mad with her. A muscle flexed in his jaw and she could practically hear him grinding his teeth together. His eyes were like green fire in the early pre-dawn light. His nostrils flared and his gaze narrowed.

  He was also aroused. His cock had grown before her very eyes, going from flaccid to aroused within seconds. Cherise swallowed hard, feeling the telltale signs of her own arousal. She looked away from him, hoping he couldn’t know the way her nipples tightened and her pussy ached. But there was no hiding the scent of her desire, not from a werewolf.

  She knew the second he scented it. He slowed and almost came to a halt before he picked up speed and started walking even faster. If his jaw grew any tighter, she was afraid it might crack under the strain.

  “Not this time,” he warned. “I rushed you into bed without taking proper care of you. This time you eat and rest first.”

  Eat and rest first. The words echoed in her brain. Did that mean he planned to make love to her after? Cherise didn’t think that was wise, all things considered.

  Silence surrounded them and Cherise found herself enjoying the waking of the forest as night finally lost its grip. Faint gold and amber light bathed the horizon as Cole carried her across the yard to his home. The early morning dew was heavy on the shrubs and ground. An owl hooted twice and then went silent.

  Cole deposited her on the front porch, grabbed a pair of jeans that were slung over the railing and yanked them on. They covered him, but they were in no way decent, not with the rather large bulge pushing against the zipper.

  Cherise’s breath caught in her throat and she glanced away.

  He caught her face in his hands and gently drew her back around. He lifted the hem of the large shirt she wore and rubbed it carefully over her cheek. “The small nicks on your face have healed.” His voice was gruff, but his touch was tender as he cleaned the dried blood from her face.

  When he was done, he stared down at her, his gaze filled with intensity and a depth of emotion that left her breathless. “Don’t leave me again.” After he made his outrageous demand, he kissed her. And there was nothing gentle about this caress. He plunged his tongue past her lips and into her mouth, tasting every inch. He stroked her tongue, claiming it as his own.

  She curled her hands into fists against his chest to keep from throwing her arms around him and returned his kiss, helpless to do anything else. What was it about this man, this werewolf, that drew her like no other? She didn’t like feeling this out of control, but there was little she could do against his powerful allure.

  He finally broke away, leaving her gasping for breath. His chest heaved in and out as he sucked in air, and she knew he was as affected by the kiss as she was. “Let’s go inside.” He took her hand and held it in an iron grip. He wasn’t hurting her, but she knew there was no way she could get away from him unless he released her. And she didn’t think that was going to happen anytime soon.

  A part of her was relieved by that fact. The thought of being out in the world alone, hunted by those who wanted to hurt her wasn’t a pleasant thought. Being here gave her a reprieve. Oh, she really didn’t believe it could last, but she was grateful for it nonetheless.

  Cole opened the door and urged her inside. She stopped short just inside, and he bumped into her. He moved around her so he could shut the door behind him. Everyone was there. The entire pack. She hadn’t expected that and she should have.

  Stupid. She really needed to start thinking straight again. She glared at Cole, blaming him for scrambling her brains.

  Gator strode toward them. He was now fully dressed in faded jeans and a short sleeved T-shirt that showed off the tattoos that ran down both arms. She couldn’t quite make out what they all were, but they appeared Celtic in design and she could make out a snarling wolf’s head and another wolf with its mouth open on a howl. With his black hair hanging around his shoulders and the earring in his ear, he looked totally badass even though he wasn’t quite as tall as the others.

  He stopped right in front of her, his laser-blue gaze piercing her. “I’m sorry if I frightened you, chère

  Cherise couldn’t believe he was apologizing to her. She’d snuck out under his watch and then run from him, making him chase her through the woods. Any other male from her former pack would have been railing against her and swearing retaliation.

  “I don’t understand you people at all,” she admitted.

  One corner of Gator’s mouth kicked up into a sly grin. “That’s okay. Most folks don’t.” His expression turned serious again. “I wasn’t sure if you knew who I was or if you thought one of your former pack had found you. That wasn’t my intention. I was pissed you managed to get out the front door before I discovered you missing.”

  He seemed more chagrined with himself than angry at her. She answered him honestly. “I knew it was you, but I ran anyway. And then everything got mixed up there for a bit.” She dragged shaky fingers through her short black hair. “I thought it would be best for everyone if I left.”

  “But you’re not going to do that again, are you?” It was Cole who spoke up, his low voice vibrating deep within her.

  “I won’t make promises I’m not sure I can keep.” She wasn’t going to lie to him.

  Cole growled, the sound menacing. Gator slapped Cole on the back. “Leave it for now, my friend. Let’s eat. I don’t know about you two, but I’m starving.”

  “You’re always hungry.” It was a woman who spoke. Gwen. She beckoned them to the table. “Let’s eat and talk.”

  Cherise eyed the alpha who sat beside his mate. Louis, the alpha’s brother sat next to Gwen. Then came Armand and Anny, who gave her a sympathetic smile. Gator was already in the kitchen bustling around.

  “After you.” Cole held out his hand and she brushed by him. She hadn’t taken a step when he settled his large hand on her lower back. She wasn’t sure if he was offering her comfort or reminding her of his presence, a warning not to run from him. Either way, she was very aware of him, which she was sure was the whole point.

  Wonderful smells were wafting from the kitchen. Gator had two huge cast-iron pans on the back burner frying onions. He chopped mushrooms and added them to the pans, his hands practically a blur as he used the knife. Several electric grill pans were lined up along the countertop heating while thick steaks sat marinating in a large bowl. How had he gotten the food on so quickly? Sure, he’d hurried on ahead of her and Cole, but still. The man was fast in the kitchen.

  He placed the steaks on the grill pans. They sizzled and the smell of cooking meat made her stomach rumble. Gator left the steaks grilling and opened the oven door. The delicious aroma of baking bread tickled her nostrils. Her stomach growled again. “Can I do anything to help?”

  “Sure.” Gator indicated the pans on the back of the stove. “Keep an eye on the mushrooms and onions so they don’t burn.”

  Cherise could sense every eye on her and glanced toward the table. Sure enough, everyone was watching her. As one, their gazes turned to Gator, and she could see the disbelief written on their faces. Anny even seemed slightly perturbed. Cherise grabbed the spatula sitting on the counter and stirred the sizzling vegetables. When she couldn’t stand the scrutiny any longer, she glared back at them. “What?”

  “Gator doesn’t like anyone messing in his kitchen.” It was Anny who answered.

  “He rarely lets any of us help when he’s cooking,” Louis added, looking amused.

  Cherise looked to Cole for confirmation, but he was slouched down in his chair with his arms crossed over his massive chest and his expression gave nothing away.

  Gator strode back to the grill pans and deftly flipped all the steaks. He shrugged. “I want Cherise to feel at home.”

  She looked back at the thick black pans and stirred the contents yet again. After living among humans all these years, it was hard to get used to the blunt honesty of werewolves again. They rarely bothered to lie, not when a keen wolf’s nose could scent any physical changes that accompanied it. It took a lot of skill to lie to a wolf, and most never bothered to try. But those that could pull it off were extremely dangerous.

  “They about done?” Gator asked.

  Cherise shook herself out of her reverie and nodded. “Yes.” The last thing she wanted to do was burn their breakfast.

  “Pile it in there.” He indicated two bowls that sat on the counter. Cherise transferred the contents of the pans while Gator piled the steaks on two large platters. He grabbed both and took them to the table, placing one on each end. She grabbed the bowls and did the same. Cherise slid into the empty seat next to Cole.

  Gator went back to the kitchen and pulled two pans of yeasty rolls out of the oven and transferred them to a large basket before joining them at the table. “Y’all can thank Anny for the rolls,” Gator drawled. “She already had them on by the time I got home.”

  Anny blew him a kiss and Gator grinned.

  Jacque pushed back his chair and stood and the group went quiet. A low hum of power seemed to surround him as he spoke. “Don’t run from us again, Cherise. The world is a lonely place for a wolf alone. You have a home here. With us.” He sat again and reached for the platter of steaks. He didn’t take one for himself, but forked one on to his mate’s plate first before doing the same for himself. “Let’s eat,” he prompted.

  Cherise sat there reeling. It was one thing to offer her a meal and a place to stay for a few days. It was another thing entirely to offer her a permanent place in the pack. She wanted it. Oh, how she wanted a place to belong.

  She cleared her throat and Jacque lifted one dark eyebrow in question.

  “You understand that my former pack is hunting me, that they want to kill me? And I can’t shapeshift. Have never been able to.” She wanted to make sure that was very clear.

  Jacque continued to stare at her with his golden gaze until she was forced to look away. There was pure power shining from his eyes, and understanding. He saw too much, more than she was comfortable with. Everyone around her served up food while she sat there totally dumbfounded.

  “Eat.” Cole placed a large steak on her plate and smothered it in mushrooms and onions. After a moment’s deliberation, he placed two rolls on her plate as well. Looking satisfied, he began to fill his own.

  At a total loss for words, Cherise ate. Everything tasted delicious. The onions melted in her mouth and the steak was tender and juicy. She buttered her rolls, letting the sweet buttery flavor melt into the bread. Once she started eating, her body demanded fuel. She’d really allowed herself to get rundown, which wasn’t smart, all things considered. By the time she’d cleared her plate, she was feeling stronger than she had in days. She was still tired, but her brain was firing on all cylinders and she felt sharper.

  She set her fork down and wiped her mouth with her napkin. Gator was watching her and she sent him a small smile. “That was delicious. I can’t remember ever tasting a steak cooked so perfectly.”

  Gator smiled and she was momentarily stunned by how handsome he was. “See, I knew she knew her way around the kitchen.”

  The others laughed and Cherise felt her cheeks heating. She wasn’t used to anyone teasing her, no one had in a long, long time. Her father had used to joke and banter with her when she was a child. The memory was bittersweet and she reached for the glass of water by her plate and drank half of it in one swallow, hoping no one would see her expression and ask what was wrong.

  “So do you know your way around the kitchen?” It was Anny who asked. Cherise was afraid the other woman might be annoyed with her, but she was smiling and it seemed genuine.

  Cherise shrugged. “I’ve worked as both a waitress and short-order cook over the years. I didn’t finish high school, and there was no money to continue my education even if I’d wanted to. But there’s always a job for someone who can cook and wait tables.” She watched the other woman carefully but didn’t see any pity there.

  “I’m not the best cook, but I’ve discovered I really enjoy baking. Cakes, cupcakes, cookies, pies, bread and rolls. I’m having a lot of fun learning.” Anny shot Gator a
look. “That is when he lets me in his kitchen.”

  Gator laughed and blew Anny a kiss. Cherise nervously looked at Armand. When a male made an advance like that at another male’s mate, a fight usually ensued. But Armand simply smiled at Gator, and then leaned down to kiss Anny on the cheek.

  “I’ll build you your own kitchen if you want,” Armand told his mate. “You know that.”

  Anny shook her head. “No, I’d much rather drive Gator crazy working in his. And if he gets too crazy, I can always go over and cook at the other house. Gwen doesn’t mind.”

  “Any time you want to come over. My kitchen is your kitchen.” Gwen raised her coffee cup in salute.

  Cherise noted the tiny smile playing around Gator’s mouth and realized that this was a long-running argument. They were teasing one another and actually showing affection.

  All through the meal, even though he hadn’t added to the conversation, she was very aware of Cole sitting beside her. There was no way to miss his massive presence. She could feel him watching her but wasn’t ready to face him, to talk to him. Not yet.

  Her stomach growled. She shouldn’t still be hungry, but she was. She was making up for many missed meals. She might not need as much fuel as a full-shifting werewolf, but her metabolism was still much faster than a human’s. She was stronger, faster and needed more calories to survive.

  She knew just how close an eye Cole was keeping on her when he deposited another piece of steak on her plate before adding another roll. She nodded her thanks and went back to eating, instinctively knowing that as soon as the meal was done, her reprieve was over. Cole would want to talk. Cherise wasn’t sure she was ready to face him yet. She was confused about her feelings for him. And no matter what Jacque said about her being welcome here, she wasn’t certain she should take them up on their offer.

  She liked them all even though she didn’t know them well. Liked the way they interacted with one another, the way they treated her with kindness and respect. But these were no tame wolves. She’d seen Cole dispatch the three men who’d hunted her.


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