Sasha's Game

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by Candace Smith


  by Candace Smith

  Copyright 2010 Candace Smith

  Strict Publishing International


  “Come with us, Sasha. I promise I’ll stay near you the whole time we’re there.” Liz watched her pretty co-worker frown, and she knew Sasha was preparing to offer excuses and decline again.

  ‘The Penitentiary’ was a new membership only after-hours club, catering exclusively to restaurant and bar employees. The doors did not open until two in the morning, and the management had strict security in place to assure they did not end up with the already inebriated crowds that had been partying all night. This was a condition of the license that had taken months for the club to obtain.

  On the first visit, you either had to have the ‘Get into Jail Free’ promo card, which permitted the bearer and their guests to pass through security and drink free for the night, or you had to be accompanied by a member. Patrons were careful which guests they invited, because they could be barred if their friends misbehaved.

  None of the customers could determine the method the exotic club had designed to decide membership status when you were invited to join, and laminated ‘Security Clearance’ passes which designated your membership rank were given to you at the door if you had passed whatever profile they were accepting.

  As far as anyone could tell, it did not seem to be based on the number of visits, cultural background, age or sexual orientation. The members consisted of everyone from the snooty waiters from ‘Nighttime Wonders’, to the flashy strippers from ‘Dreamers’. Everyone wanted to be issued with the coveted ‘Prisoner Inmate’ cards. College kids, reluctantly working in the trashier places in town, seemed to pass the grade, while their coked-out college dropout waitresses did not. On rare occasions, shift workers from other trades received special passes. Nurses working the late shift had membership cards that read ‘Infirmary’, and the shift workers from the distribution center had cards reading ‘Commissary Supplies’.

  The bartenders at ‘Finnegan’s Rainbow’ had been handed their membership badges two weeks ago, after Liz was lucky enough to receive a ‘Get Into Jail Free’ card as part of a tip from a woman who looked like she had stepped off the pages of a high fashion glamour magazine. The sophisticated woman had asked Liz who Sasha was, and Liz pointed down the bar to her busy roommate.

  Sasha’s section was always standing room only, so the woman sat at the end of the bar by Liz and ordered a martini. She seemed to be studying Sasha with a bemused smile on her face, and occasionally lifted an eyebrow at what was being said. The woman’s handsome escort arrived, and as the woman stood to leave she pointed Sasha out to him. His intense stare at the pretty girl disappeared just before a smile curled his lip, and Liz shrugged, figuring Sasha had earned two more fans.

  The tavern they worked at was miles away from downtown, so they were unable to network with other people in the business and afford themselves a way to be invited into ‘The Penitentiary’ as a guest. They had been trying to figure out how to get into the club for months, and reluctantly decided their remote bar was not in the promo card distribution area. Angie and Beth shared in the excitement to finally be able to enter the club that had received rave reviews from the society that had been become members.

  ‘The Penitentiary’ was known as ‘The Block’ by the regulars, and Liz and her other co-workers had been going there every weekend after finishing their busy shifts at ‘Finnegan’s’. They had unsuccessfully tried to convince Sasha to join them.

  Sasha’s dark hair swished across her slender waist as she once again shook her head and quietly said, “No thanks, I’ve got studying for mid-terms.”

  Beth rolled her eyes. “You’ve been using that excuse for weeks. Sasha, Brian is not coming back. I don’t even know why you’d want him to. If I’d caught my guy screwing my roommate, he’d looking for a college across the country to apply to.”

  Sasha knew they could never understand her feelings for the unfaithful young man. She certainly did not want him back. It was the side of herself that he had exposed her to, and the unusual things he did to arouse her, that she missed.

  Sasha really thought they were in love, until she had come home early from English Lit and heard the passionate sounds coming from her roommate’s bedroom. Softly giggling, she silently crept down the hall to her room passing Debbie’s partially opened door. She was almost to her bedroom when she heard a very familiar man’s voice say, “Damn, you’re incredible. God it’s good to have a woman who knows what she wants and how to take it.”

  She heard Debbie laugh and say, “Sasha’s just a little on the shy side, Brian, and besides, I thought that’s what you liked about her. You know, the whole ‘I am the man, I am in charge’ bullshit.”

  Sasha’s numb legs finally worked to turn her back towards Debbie’s bedroom and she pushed the door open, not wanting to believe what she knew she was going to see. The couple was naked and lying back on pillows surrounded by tangled sheets and blankets that were hanging half off the bed. Their flushed, sweating bodies told Sasha the truth.

  The lovers looked up, startled. “Oh, shit, oh, shit, oh, shit,” they exclaimed in unison, and Debbie grabbed for a sheet to cover herself while Brian leapt out of the bed.

  “Sasha…oh god…Sasha, wait. I can explain.” Brian was hopping on one foot trying to get into his boxers as he heard her door slam shut and lock.

  Why do they always say that? “No, Brian, you can’t explain,” Sasha said through his banging on her door. He finally gave up when she refused to say anything else to him, and several minutes later Sasha heard him leave the apartment.

  Debbie spent the next two hours crying and pleading as Sasha packed her belongings. It was a furnished apartment and Sasha only had to pack her clothes, school supplies and a few personal things from home. She called Liz and explained what had happened while Debbie cringed as she stood across from her, listening to Sasha’s cold unemotional voice inform their friend of her discovery. Debbie realized she had just lost her entire group of friends over a stupid, quick fuck with Brian that had lasted a little longer than they had planned. They were usually finished and watching television in the small living room before Sasha made it home.

  Sasha asked Liz if she could stay with her for a few days. That was six months ago and Liz had actually needed a roommate at the time, so Sasha moved in permanently. With Liz’s recommendation, she immediately filled an open slot at ‘Finnegan’s Rainbow’ and quit the job at the ‘Lion’s Den’ where she had been bartending with Brian. Sasha settled into the quiet routine of school and work.

  She had given a lot of thought over the past few months as to why she seemed unable to move on. She had managed to avoid all contact with Brian, and there was no possibility of reconciling. Reluctantly, Sasha finally admitted to herself that over the year she had dated him, she had allowed Brian complete control over her. He had dictated the entire relationship, and even at work he would whisper for her to do things she would have never before considered.

  On one occasion, he had discretely unbuttoned her blouse to an extent that she had to be careful how she leaned over the bar. Brian whispered, “Wait on the guy in the suit. He’s been staring at your tits since he sat down.” Brian indicated a good looking man who looked to be in his late thirties, and the man flashed Sasha a smile. His jet black hair emphasized his blue eyes, and Sasha thought the stranger was rather handsome, in a dangerous looking sort of way. Leaning over the bar, she placed the drink in front of the businessman, hoping her breasts would not spill out. She turned crimson as she realized his eyes never left her chest as he thanked her.

  Brian would get incredibly turned on by making her do things like that, and Sasha’s initial mortif
ication from these scenarios was quickly replaced by her own arousal as she found herself nervously anticipating what the next unexpected task would be. They would relive these tense encounters in bed later, culminating in a passionate session. Brian would grip her arms over her head and stare down at her growling, “You my bad girl, Sasha?” as he plunged his cock frantically into her hot moist pussy, bringing her to gasping completion. She had never experienced such intense orgasms.

  That was what Sasha missed, the incredible sex, not the man. The thought of telling a new partner she needed this dominance to feel complete, was embarrassing to her. She had heard about people like that; she just was not one of them…or was she? Sasha was confused and scared, and had absolutely no idea what to do about it.

  Liz continued trying to coax Sasha into going to ‘The Block’ with them. “Sasha, please, I promise if you don’t like it, I’ll take you right home and never bring it up again.”

  She finally gave in and figured that maybe the girls would realize she was a lost cause when they saw her bored expression and what a drag she was. “All right, I’ll go with you. I really do need to study though, so let’s not make it an all-nighter.” She was hoping that maybe this depressing ultimatum would get her off the hook.

  “The test is Monday and you know you’re going to pass,” Liz reassured her.

  Sasha forced a smile that did not quite reach her pretty green eyes, and the girls grabbed their purses and headed to Angie’s car. A few minutes later, they pulled into the back parking lot of an old warehouse, and Sasha was amazed to see the parking lot was almost filled with vehicles confirming the building was not as abandoned as it appeared.

  “‘The Block’ is downstairs. I know it looks kind of creepy on the outside, but they really fixed it up nice.” Angie hit the key and the car chirped as the doors locked.

  The women walked down a flight of stairs at the back of the building and knocked on a gray metal door. The door opened to a separate inner door with bars like a jail cell, and a large man glanced through the rails at the membership cards her friends held up. Using a key from a large round jailer’s ring, he ushered them in.

  He scanned the membership cards through a machine on the desk beside him, and he asked Sasha for her driver’s license, and that was scanned as well. Pushing a button on the side of the machine, a laminated ‘Visitor’s Pass’ with Sasha’s name on it churned out of a slot in the side and the man attached it to a lanyard, telling Sasha she had to wear it while she was in the club and that she was to turn it in when she left. As the excited women walked away, they missed the look of relief on the doorman’s face when he punched a number on the phone on the desk. “She’s here.”

  The friends walked down a corridor lit with overhead fluorescent lights leading to another barred doorway. “A little over-kill,” Sasha mumbled, feeling slightly claustrophobic.

  “Wait ‘til you see the inside.” Beth was obviously looking forward to her reaction as the barred door slowly opened. Sasha felt as though she had entered another world as she counted three separate bars surrounding high black tables. There was a huge dance floor packed with people gyrating under wildly moving lights, and on the stage, a band played loud music under the blue and red flashing ‘Penitentiary’ neon. Stairs curved up each side of the stage, ending in dark, open hallways. Sasha’s friends led her to an empty table while she tried to take it all in.

  A waitress dressed in a spandex black and white striped mini-dress took their order. Sasha’s eyes widened and she absently licked her lips as she noticed one of the young woman’s hands was manacled to the side of her tray. Sasha followed her movements as the waitress made her way back to bar to place their order. The bartender was dressed in tight gray coveralls that were open at the neck, revealing a tan broad chest, and Sasha’s eyes focused on the handcuffs hanging from his belt. She felt an unexpected spasm in her core that was reminiscent of her time with Brian.

  I have to get out of here.

  “Admit it.” Liz had to speak loudly to be heard over the music. “It’s incredible.”

  “It’s definitely not what I expected. It really has class.” Sasha thanked the waitress when she returned with their drinks, and politely turned down dance invitations. Liz headed towards the dance floor, and Sasha had the table to herself.

  “Hello.” A man’s deep voice spoke almost directly in her ear, and Sasha jumped a little, not realizing someone had come up behind her. As the man walked around to face her, he leaned in close so he could be heard. “I’m Darien. Welcome to my club,” he said, holding out his hand.

  Sasha reached out to shake hands with the man, and was surprised when he quickly turned it over and brushed a kiss across her knuckles. “I’m Sasha,” she stuttered.

  His blue eyes frowned down at her. “You’re not joining your friends on the dance floor. Don’t you like the music?” he asked.

  “Oh no, the music’s great. I’ve just been on my feet all night,” Sasha explained. “It’s my first time here and I’m really enjoying looking around. The atmosphere is remarkable. I never would have guessed from the outside.” She briefly regretted insulting the exterior of the building. “It’s so nice to have a place like this to go to after work.”

  “That was the plan, to have everyone coming in sober and with tip money to spend.” The man winked at her mischievously, and Sasha squirmed. The man was incredibly good looking. “I’m glad you like it. We own the building and deliberately kept the outside natural because it tends to keep down curiosity seekers. We’re planning on putting a regular nightclub towards the front side of the building next year.”

  “It sounds like you will be enjoying the best of both worlds and I’m sure you’ll succeed, if it’s anything like this.” Sasha was positive she had seen the handsome dark haired stranger before. He was well over six feet tall, wearing tight blue jeans and a black cashmere sweater, showing off a remarkably lean, muscled body.

  “Please, let me show you around. I think I’d like it very much if you decided to become a member in my club.” His firm grip clasped around Sasha’s forearm and he pulled her to her feet without waiting for an answer.

  The abrupt move alarmed her, and she looked up into his smiling clear blue eyes. “Um, I had better tell my friends where I’ve gone off to.” Sasha was slightly nervous and still trying to place the man.

  Darien signaled to the waitress and asked her to get Sasha’s friends a round of drinks on the house, and to inform them Sasha was taking a tour of the club. Sasha was unhooking her purse from the back of her barstool and missed the nod that passed between Darien and the waitress.

  Beth, Liz and Angie were already pleasantly buzzed and clinging to their dance partners. When they returned to the table twenty minutes later, the waitress told them that Sasha had met someone at the bar and that they had decided to leave and get something to eat. “Way to go, Sasha!” The three women high fived and continued to enjoy the evening.

  Noticing Sasha’s friends were dancing in the throng of people to the right of the stage, Darien led Sasha up the left staircase. What had appeared to be an open hallway, actually ended after about ten feet with another barred jail door. Darien produced a key card, swiped it, and the door swung open. Sasha glanced quickly behind her at the lounge area as Darien guided her forward, and watched the bars slowly sealing shut again.

  Her feet sank into plush carpet as they made their way down the dark hall. Soft light emitted from lamps spaced beside doors on either side of the hall and the loud sounds from the bar behind them became muffled as they retreated further from the staircase.

  Originally, Sasha guessed the upstairs might lead to the restrooms or office areas, but now she thought it reminded her a little of a darkened hotel hallway. “What’s up here?”

  “These are private rooms for the directors and their guests. Most of our investors are from out of town and the directors like to bring them here to show the club off, but it makes for a late night and it was easier to provide accomm
odation. We certainly have the room,” he added.

  They reached a large wooden door at the end of the hall with a brushed silver nameplate embedded in the center of it, reading: ‘Warden’s Office’. There was no door handle, but Darien swiped the key card again and the door silently opened into darkness. He turned on a light and ushered Sasha into the room, still maintaining the almost capturing grip on her arm. It was a large, comfortable office space with a conference table off to one side, a more comfortable sitting area in the middle of the room, and a huge desk with a dark window behind it. Sasha could see the strobe of colored lights through the window and realized it must look down onto the club. Darien led her to a couch in the sitting area and walked over to the bar to pour them each a drink.

  Sasha was trying to figure a way out of the rather intimate situation in which she found herself and she frowned, looking at the martini he was holding out to her. Sasha usually stuck to wine or daiquiris. She was not much of a drinker.

  “Go ahead,” he encouraged. “It’s a new Vodka we’re promoting. ‘Smooth as water and guaranteed not to give you a hangover’.” Darien recited the distributor’s marketing claim.

  Sasha took the stemmed glass and stared at it for a moment, then she licked her lips and looked up at him. “Look, I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong idea, Darien. I really should get back to my friends.”

  His blue eyes crinkled in a smile as he walked over to the window. “Come here, Sasha, and take a look.”

  Drink in hand, Sasha joined him behind the desk and looked down to where he was pointing. Angie was slow dancing with the man she had been with earlier, and Beth and Liz were laughing and holding hands with men at the table, obviously having a good time. “They’re fine,” he assured her. Sasha felt one of his hands gently massaging the back of her neck, and he raised his glass. “To friends and enjoyment, however we find it.” Out of habit, Sasha clinked glasses and took a sip of her drink to conclude the ritual.


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