Sasha's Game

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Sasha's Game Page 9

by Candace Smith

  Darien felt her pulsing against his hip and his shaft stiffened in response to her arousal. He knew his silence was damning her to an emotional hell, and yet he waited for her to ask. The question had not formed yet. He was aware of that. It would. His ability to remain patiently quiet until she sorted it out amazed him. Just a few words would guide her to the question he needed to hear, but it had to come from inside her, without his help.

  Sasha’s breathing began to change into staggered gasps as her mind whirled in confusion and panic. ‘What if she had failed? Would he let her try again? Is this the end? So soon?’ The questions bombarded her from all her senses until she wanted to bolt from his arms and to hide her head and moan in shame.

  She had reached a tenuous grasp on the reality of her desire with the feelings of her center resting so casually against his thigh, begging for his touch. Finally, she spoke in a voice barely above a frightened whisper. “Darien, did I please you? Did I do something wrong?”

  Darien had not realized he had been holding his breath until he exhaled deep from his lungs as she whispered the words. ‘Did I please you?’ It would become her mantra and what she would desire above all things. Her emotions and fears had led her to the conclusion he had waited in tortured silence to hear, and it was as if a hard shell encasing his heart fissured, allowing rich red blood to renew the withering muscle that had been kept sealed away in loneliness and pain. He took several calming breaths before he answered.

  “Yes, Sasha.” His thumb stopped strumming and his hand circled her arm in a soft grip as he nuzzled his chin across the top of her head. “You pleased me.”

  Sasha’s fist opened and her trembling hand feathered across Darien’s chest. She turned her head and kissed him where his heart beat just below the surface, and he felt her lips form a smile. Relief loosened her belly and her mind reeled with pleasure. “I’m glad, Darien. I was so afraid I had done something wrong.”

  “You were perfect, Sasha.” His hand moved from her shoulder to below her bottom, caressing each raised mark. His marks. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer, trying to pull her into him, making them one.

  Sasha curled a gentle grip with her fist onto his chest and rubbed her head against the broad expanse of warm muscle, completely satisfied and exuberant that she had given what he had wanted. Her back throbbed mildly in time to her heartbeat and the sensations folded together. She had never felt so at peace, even with Brian when they had been at their best together.

  Sasha supposed she was falling in love. Real love, not the adolescent infatuation of her youth, and her mind and heart worked together, reassuring themselves she would not be hurt. The little girl in her smiled encouragement. Her heart belonged to Darien, but at what cost? As naïve as she was, Sasha knew that to have Darien’s love she would have to give herself, all of herself, to him. The small, insignificant part of her brain that fought for independence, collapsed under the burden of such overwhelming serenity and acceptance from its host, and she sighed at its loss.

  Sasha turned her head and kissed his jaw. Darien looked down and smiled into her pretty green eyes. He dipped his head and found her lips, and their tongues met half way while they searched each other’s mouths with slow deliberation. Darien’s grip tightened as his kiss became demanding, almost overpowering in its claim.

  He rolled her on top of him and she spread her thighs, gently stroking his shaft with her slick cleft. She tried to maneuver her entrance over him and became frustrated as he shifted his hips, avoiding the contact. She managed light strokes of his cock along her folds, arousing her to an impassioned frenzy.

  Inwardly, she moaned at this new game of denial, but outwardly, she relaxed in his embrace and waited for his next demand. If only he knew how badly she needed him inside her. Her core was drawing deep, empty pulls as her juices flowed in preparation, permeating his groin with the smell of her passion.

  He knew. He could feel her trembling need as he embraced her with one strong arm and locked her mouth to his with the hand on the back of her head. Her lips opened and she tried to press into him, to take back some control and end the torment. He parried her demands by retreating his own assault to a slow, deep promise, and tears of her frustration dropped onto his cheek as she quieted her kiss to match his pace. Her pussy stopped its chasing, rubbing demand and settled into a slow roll along surface his cock.

  Everything, he wanted it all from her, and agony flew through her veins and nerves as her passion waited like a wild cat preparing to strike at the first indication of weakness. But Darien was not weak, and Sasha began to realize this new feeling would be one with which she would become familiar. He would always keep her on edge, always waiting, always begging for the guiding sign to the next stage of the game.

  The kiss continued for a few moments, and then his hands began pulling and pushing her gently down, and as much as she wanted to scream at the unfairness, her overriding concern was to pleasure him. Her mouth feathered soft kisses down his chest, belly and at last to the pulsing source she wanted captured between her own thighs.

  She rested on her haunches with her head lowered as a tentative lick circled his crown and she swung her hair over her shoulder. Her tongue followed his fleshy length to the base where with one small hand she began caressing his tightening sack. Like fingers reading Braille, her tongue tasted and discovered, circling and gently nipping around the ridge until her mouth finally devoured him.

  Her core squeezed in answered desire as he moaned while her mouth worked his cock deep into her throat. Focusing on his pleasure, the clenching of her weeping core became part of the act itself, and he was enjoying her suffering. At last, he erupted and Sasha swallowed, determined not to allow one drop to escape.

  She rested her head on his thigh for a moment, until she felt his hand reach down to hers and pull her back up onto his chest. He kissed her and wrapped his arms around her, cradling her back on his chest as they lay side by side. Silent tears of frustration soaked the pillow at her own denied fulfillment, as Darien’s breathing slowed to the regular rhythm of sleep.

  Close to dawn, she awoke to Darien’s hand caressing her breast. Her nipple obediently peaked to attention and he kissed her behind her ear. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning, Darien.” Sasha stretched her legs, running the length of his to mid calf, which was as far as she could reach. She snuggled back into him, deliberately squirming her bottom into his groin in an attempt to arouse him.

  He laughed softly, kissed her again and began to get up. “Come on, let’s get washed up. You have a busy day today.”

  Sasha lay still for a moment, confused. He had denied her last night and ignored her obvious attempts for attention this morning. She watched his back as he walked towards the bathroom, and a few seconds later she heard the shower. Shuffling out of bed, she headed after him.

  “What am I going to be doing today?” Truthfully, she had to give some thought to what day it was. “Oh, it’s Friday. We have that dinner tonight, right?”

  “Yes, you’ll be spending the day with the other ladies.” He held out his hand to her and she climbed under the water.

  “Doing what?” The warm spray stung the welts on her back and she moved away from it.

  Darien turned her towards the water again. “Let the water run down that. It will only sting for a second.”

  She faced him and let the water trail down the marks, and eventually, the warmth did feel much better. Her head rested on his chest as he continued. “You get to spend all day getting pampered at ‘Serenity Speaks’ spa.”

  “A spa? I’ve never been to one.” Sasha looked up and smiled. “It sounds like fun.”

  “The other girls certainly seem to enjoy it,” he chuckled.

  They finished bathing and he handed her a robe to put on. He picked up the phone and dialed the kitchen. “Clara, Sasha and I will be out on the terrace.” He listened for a minute. “Yes, Ellen heard right.” There was another pause. “We can talk ab
out it later, but I appreciate your offer.” He hung up and guided Sasha down the hall.

  She stopped him by the end room. “Can I look inside?”

  “Of course.” He opened the door and led her in. It was a large, comfortable guest room with windows that looked back into the woods instead of down the hill towards town, and it had a small bathroom and walk-in closet.

  “I think I like this one, Darien. I know you want me to take the one next to yours, but this is a little more private.”

  “I was kidding about that, Sasha. If you want this room, you can have it. The whole idea is to give you a space to yourself. Just let Clara know any changes you want made in furniture or colors. Anything you want; I want you to make this comfortable.”

  They continued out to the terrace and Sasha stared out over the railing. “This seems surreal, somehow,” she said softly, as she gazed over the hill.

  “I know it seems like a lot to absorb, but that’s because your mind is trying to dissect things instead of just letting them happen.” He began gently massaging her shoulders. “Eventually, I hope you’ll learn to look forward to the changes instead of analyzing them with such trepidation.”

  Clara arrived with their breakfast and they sat down. Sasha sipped coffee, picked at a Danish, and finally asked, “Darien, last night, was that some kind of a test? It seemed like it to me.”

  He chuckled. “There you go trying to analyze again, Sasha.”

  She noticed he never did answer her question. He dropped her off at the spa on his way to the club. The reception area was beautifully decorated in cream and heather greens, and Mel was waiting for her.

  “Ronnie and Katie are already back there. Come on, isn’t this the greatest?” Melinda grabbed Sasha’s hand.

  “I’ve never been to a spa before,” Sasha admitted. She was wide-eyed as she walked down the hall of the luxurious building. There were exercise rooms, a hair salon, tanning rooms, saunas… Sasha finally gave up trying to memorize all of the pampering treats available to them. What she did notice, was that as large as the building was, it seemed to be devoid of customers.

  When they came towards the end of the hall, Mel led her into a locker room where the pretty girl immediately began to strip off her clothes. Sasha noticed her nipples were pierced. Sasha had already decided that Mel was a little on the wild side. “Just put your stuff in one of the lockers. There’s a robe inside on a hook and some slippers.” Mel’s bouncing black curls matched her personality.

  “They’re not very busy today,” Sasha noted, as she began to undress.

  “The third Friday of the month is sort of reserved for…well you know.” Mel turned around in her short white robe and her bright blue eyes saw the confusion on Sasha’s face. “Oh,” she fumbled, “I guess you don’t know.”

  Sasha pushed her feet into the slippers. “I don’t know what?”

  Mel began to look distressed. “Um, ladies like us. See, the staff knows our secret, but it’s kind of hard to explain to… let me see, how does Katie put it? Oh yeah, it’s kind of hard to explain to ‘people who don’t have our exotic taste of adventure’. Isn’t that such a cool way to explain it?”

  “I still don’t get it. How would anyone know?” Sasha followed Mel out of the room.

  “Well, for one thing, most of them don’t show up with three welts across their back and ass,” she laughed.

  Sasha turned beet red. How could she have forgotten? “Oh my god, Melinda. I can’t let anyone see me like this.”

  “That’s why we have our own special day and, believe me, these ladies know how to work out all the kinks.” Mel pushed her way into a room where Katie and Veronica were laying naked on tables getting massages.

  Katie was snoring softly, and Sasha saw a multitude of striping welts down her back and thighs. An attendant guided her to a table next to Veronica and Melinda hopped up on the table on her other side. Veronica whispered, “The guys tend to get a little overzealous the first week of their term at the clubs. Katie said Edmond hasn’t been so passionate in a long time.”

  Truthfully, between Ronnie’s rosy red bottom cheeks, Katie’s back, and the fading stripes on Melinda, Sasha was not feeling quite so selfconscious. Veronica looked up at the lady who was getting Sasha situated. “She’s a first timer.”

  “No problem,” the woman answered quietly.

  Sasha lay down on the padded bench, and the woman leaned down and said quietly, “I’m going to loosen up some muscles. If I’m going too deep, let me know. I’m going to put some ointment on you and it might sting for a second.”

  Throughout the day, Sasha saw several other very well dressed women come in for various treatments as her group worked their way through massages, pedicures, manicures, facials, waxing and hair.

  The only thing Sasha was nervous about was the waxing, especially in her bikini region. When she saw that the woman meant to remove everything down there, she balked. Veronica was sitting next to her with her legs spread. “It only pinches for a second, Sasha. It’s what the guys like.”

  “Then why aren’t Katie and Mel doing it?” Sasha asked defensively.

  “Because Ronnie’s a pain slut and loves the rip,” Mel answered and stood up to open her robe where her bald labia hung between her thighs, with another piercing. Katie and I had ours lasered a few years ago.

  Sasha’s mouth fell open as the attendant pushed between her legs. “Are you sure this is what Darien would want?” she was asking Ronnie, but the woman approaching with the wax answered, “It was on your card.”

  “What card?” Sasha asked.

  “The guys let them know at the desk if they want anything special, like nail or hair color; stuff like that,” Mel answered.

  Sasha had to digest that. Darien asked them to remove all her pussy hair? All the same, the others seemed so uninhibited about it that Sasha finally agreed. She winced when the strips were removed, and turned red when Katie glanced between her legs. She knew Katie saw the moisture of Sasha’s unexpected arousal at the anticipation of the pain.

  By the time they finished and sat in the lounge drinking water with lemon, Sasha felt completely relaxed and surprisingly a little more sophisticated. The linen slacks and designer blouse Darien had laid out for her to wear, along with the French manicure and shining trimmed hair, made Sasha feel as though she was almost on par with the other women around her.

  The ladies chatted as they waited for their rides. “So, what is this party tonight?” Sasha asked.

  Mel had been admiring her red nails. “We’ll start out with dinner at ‘Nighttime Wonders’ and then go back to Darien’s for the ceremony.” She immediately looked up with an ‘oh shit’ expression. Veronica glared at her and Katie put her head in her hands.

  “What ceremony?” Sasha’s green eyes studied the faces of the women at the table, noting their uncomfortable expressions.

  The timing could not have been better, as all four chauffeured rides showed up promptly at three thirty, and while the women hurried to them, Sasha was still asking what ceremony they were talking about and not receiving any answers as the women quickly got into their cars. Katie opened her window and said, “Darien will explain it to you. See you tonight, Sasha.”

  “Sasha?” a man by the remaining car asked.

  Sasha turned around. “Yes?”

  “I’m Henry, Clara’s husband. I’m supposed to drive you back to the house.” The middle-aged man opened the back door for her.

  “Where’s Darien?” Sasha asked as she climbed in.

  “He’s at the house preparing for tonight,” Henry replied.

  Sasha had so many questions rolling around in her mind, but she remained quiet on the ride home. They pulled up in front of the log structure and Henry had her door open almost before she could reach the handle. “Thank you for driving me.”

  “You’re welcome. I hope you have a most enjoyable evening,” he said.

  Sasha thought she might be reading something into Henry’s cryptic comm
ents about Darien preparing for tonight, and so on. She really needed to talk to him. She found him in the library that led to the game room.


  Darien looked up and gasped. “You look fantastic, Sasha.” He walked over and took her by the hands, pulling her closer to the light from the window. “Did you enjoy your day?”

  Sasha blushed. “Most of it was great,” she admitted.

  Darien chuckled. “You didn’t seem to mind wax the other evening.”

  “Did you really tell them to do that to me?” She was staring at the carpet.

  “Of course. Some of our games will be much more enjoyable now. If you find it too uncomfortable, you can opt for laser like Kate and Melinda did.

  His hand guided her by the middle of her back into the living room where two glasses of wine sat on the table. Fifteen minutes ago, a very panicked Kate had called him and told him about Melinda’s little faux pas. He was going to have to explain the ceremony to Sasha anyway, so he told Katie to let Mel know it was all right.

  With her legs curled under on the couch, Sasha stared at her wine and said, “Darien, Mel said something about a ceremony after dinner. We all had to leave before she could say any more about it.”

  Besides preparing things in the game room, Darien had spent the day deciding how to explain it to her. “In our group, when one of us finds a young woman we would like to add to our family, we have a welcoming ceremony.”

  ‘That doesn’t sound too bad.’ Sasha relaxed a little.

  “Everyone will be welcoming you into the family.” His intense stare had her confused.

  “Well, I’ve only seen William and Eric a few times, but everyone else has certainly made me feel welcome,” Sasha assured him.

  “It’s not that kind of welcoming, honey. My intent is to introduce you to a lifestyle that I hope we’ll find mutually pleasurable. It does, however, restrict our socializing somewhat. Sasha, you and I talked about the Dominant/submissive relationship, remember.”


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