Stealing Dallas (Search & Seek Book 2)

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Stealing Dallas (Search & Seek Book 2) Page 4

by Amanda Mackey

  The warm water pelted down, eliciting a moan from me. Pure Heaven. My muscles sagged with relief as I slouched against the tiles, relishing in the sensation for a moment.

  My life had become a soap opera. Stay tuned for the next episode. If things weren’t so serious, I would have laughed. Trust a man to complicate things. A sexy one at that. Would I change anything if I could? All of it. I’d change it all for the two brothers who’d been torn apart. If it meant me never having met Jagger, I’d do it all in a heartbeat to keep his family together. By his family, I mean Dallas and him. I’d sacrifice my growing feelings and the thought of never having met him in the first place if I could take everything he’d been through away.

  “Rose?” The deep voice boomed from my room, causing me to jump a little.

  “Out in a minute,” I called above the water, dismissing my daydream.

  Needing a little more time, I lathered up the soap and washed myself before turning the faucets off and wrapping myself in a towel.

  He stood in the middle of my bedroom carrying a tray with a sandwich and a glass of wine on it. Wow! He’d actually gone to the trouble of making me something when I’d agreed anything out of the cupboard would do. His eyes clouded over as he froze, watching me, droplets sliding down my shoulders from my hair onto the towel. Roaming from my head to my toes and then back up again, he whispered, “Rose.”

  Placing the tray on the bed, he swaggered over to me, a predator who had sniffed out his prey and was moving in for the kill with a beautiful confidence.

  Now it was my turn to become paralyzed. Christ! I’d seen that look on his face in class. In the back room. He was wild with need.

  “Fuck!” he gasped as he stopped in front of me, his blue/green eyes darkened to the point of appearing navy. “You shouldn’t have walked out here in that, sweetness.”

  “You called me. I―” No more words would leave my mouth with his closeness and his unbridled attention.

  Lifting a hand, he swiped his fingers over my wet shoulder and then, sucking the moisture off his pointer, he groaned. “Water with a hint of Rose. So sweet.”

  The touch and endearment had me shivering. “Jagger. I need to get my food.” My appetite had morphed into something else, and if he didn’t move, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stop myself from diving in, headfirst.

  His ample mouth lifted at the corners, changing the shape of it into something fuller and more decadent I wanted to devour. “You are one sexy woman, Miss McAllister.”

  His thumb found my face just below my left eye. It feathered the skin backwards and forwards, soft and delicate.

  I continued to stare at his mouth as he formed words but I couldn’t process them properly.

  “That’s it, darlin’. You want my lips on you?”

  My oversensitive body responded as if separate from my brain by leaning in closer.

  “Eyes on mine, Rose.”

  When I didn’t respond because of his tongue that came out and swiped over his lower lip, both his hands came to grip the side of my head, helping it up. At the same time, he bent down so we were on a more even keel. The heat coming off him was burning me to a crisp. He was wanting my answer but all that came out was, “Weren’t you going to wash my car?”

  It wasn’t that my car needed it or that I even wanted him to do it, but when he was in my personal space, tempting me with his sex appeal, my brain shut down.

  “I’ve changed my mind. There’s suddenly a new offering. I’ll ask again, do you want my lips on you?”

  My head began to nod as a delayed response to his question. “Yes.” I wanted his mouth everywhere all at once.

  Needing no more invitation, I was assaulted in what I could only describe as a feeding frenzy of epic proportions. He knew how to kiss. Damn.

  Mouthwatering lips kneaded mine while his tongue ransacked inside. His chest vibrated with his rumble. So sexy. He was all male. Strong and fiery, but with an ability to be frighteningly tender.

  Dragging his mouth away with a quick bite to my bottom lip, he begged, “Make me forget, sweetheart. Make the pain go away for a bit.”

  Was that what he was doing? Using me as a balm to soothe his anxiety? Was I meant to deny him or comply? If I pushed him away, surely he would take it to heart. The tone of such an endearing plea couldn’t be ignored. It was borderline begging.

  “I want you,” he croaked, just a whisper away.

  I could no more reject him than I could breathe properly in his presence. Very gingerly, I brought a hand up and released the knot in my towel, feeling it unwrap and shimmy to the floor.

  Jagger drew in air, lowering his head to drink me in. With better light in my bedroom than had been available in the back room in the prison classroom, he could truly appreciate what I had to offer. My body was in proportion, of that I was happy. I didn’t have to work too hard to keep it that way. The one thing my mother had given me was good genes.

  I observed his body’s reaction to my nakedness through his skin-tight tee. His nipples were erect atop his mounded pecs. His chest was unevenly rising and falling, causing his abs to contract and release. Such finery. Oh how I could write a creative piece on his body.

  “The wicked things I want to do to you right now.” He took everything in as I stood in all my glory.

  “You have me naked. Now I want you to undress.” It was bold of me, but I was being completely honest. His physique deserved to be on display.

  Reaching up behind his neck, he lifted his shirt off with one hand, throwing it to the side, gifting me with his tight, flesh. It truly was divine and I couldn’t keep from touching it.

  Grazing my palms up his stomach, over the valleys and rises, I rested them on his hardened pectorals, chafing his nipples in the process.

  “Fucking hell, Rose. Don’t tease me. Don’t be gentle, either. Give me everything.”

  The taste of him I’d already had told me he liked it intense and brutal. I just wasn’t sure if I had it in me to be enough. To be what he needed.

  He obviously noticed my hesitation. “Hey. Don’t overthink it. Listen to your body, not your head. What does your body want to do to me?”

  My body wanted to feast on every inch of him. It was pleading with me. My brain, on the other hand, was taking two steps back.

  “I’m not sure I can be the woman you want me to be.”

  Placing his hand on the side of my neck, he stroked my jaw with his thumb. “You already are, Rose. You just have to let go. I’m not your student anymore. We’re just two people attracted to each other who want to have sex. It’s not wrong of you to delve into your darker side and let it come out in the bedroom. Don’t be ashamed or embarrassed. Feel it and go with it. Now, what do you want to do to me?”

  Gulping hard, I steeled myself for what I was about to do, apologizing to the horrified prim and proper side of me.

  Without another thought, I removed my hands from his chest and rammed my face toward a nipple, taking one in my mouth and sucking and biting.

  “Yeah. That’s it. Jesus, sweetheart. Suck harder.”

  He was dirty-mouthed, but it tweaked my libido into clawing her way out and cheering with glee. Sharing my assault on the other pellet, Jagger’s cusses and mutterings filled the room. He gripped my head hard, holding me in place, pushing his chest into my mouth. I’d never sucked a man’s nipples before. His, however, with their perkiness and plushness, drew me in. I wondered if every man would like what I was doing, or was it only Jagger?

  He was beginning a low whine as I ratcheted up my feast into a slick dance with my tongue, teeth, and lips. “Shit. Shit. That feels so damn good.”

  My hands found his shorts button and fumbled until it was open and I could lower them down his hips. I knew what I was unwrapping. The package within was an optimal gift. Now I could enjoy it without worrying about getting in trouble by my peers.

  Underneath his boxers my prize grew as my fingers did the walking. Removing my mouth from his nipple, I lowered to my
knees so I could truly appreciate him.

  His hands were still in my hair, squeezing and releasing. “It’s all yours, Rose.”

  Glancing up, I found his eyes shuttered, watching me with an intensity I was becoming familiar with.

  I rubbed my face over his sheathed bulge, dragging a pained sound from him. “Put your mouth around it.”

  Slowly, to tease him some more, I pried his boxers from his muscly thighs, freeing his throbbing appendage. It perked up, glad to be free. It stood at attention for me.

  Dropping my hands to my sides, I used my mouth only. My lips connected with the satiny head, enveloping the tip and no more.

  “Fuck, woman. Your mouth is perfect. So warm and wet.” He pulled on my hair and I groaned at the sensation prickling my scalp, with a mouth full of male flesh.

  My tongue flicked and circled while my lips rolled over the bulbous rim. God, he was so smooth there. Sounds vibrated out of my mouth and onto his cock as I moved down the shaft. The motion had him twitching and moaning. He spread his stance to allow for better balance.

  “You don’t know how many nights I’ve lain awake picturing this very scene in my head. You on your knees. No hands.”

  “Mmm.” What else could I say with my mouth full?

  Gliding my tongue and lips down the length of him, I made a point of clenching my jaw all the way down so as to provide some friction. I was rewarded with a thrust of his hips and a deep grunt. My gag reflex let go as I attempted to stuff him all the way in, but he was just too long.

  With a hiss, he latched his hands under my armpits and drew me away and up. “As much as I want to spill into that sensational mouth of yours, oh teacher of mine, I have other plans.”

  He was in the zone, seemingly forgetting about his personal struggles. Pleased with myself for helping him achieve that, I let him carry me to the bed and throw me down in the center.

  Flashbacks of our tryst in the storage area of the prison classroom had me grinning.

  It had been sinfully wrong. Teacher and student. But now it was sinfully right. Hot guy and horny woman.

  With a predatory air oozing out of him, he stalked on his hands and knees up my body, drinking in my curves, the hard swallow evident when his throat muscles contracted.

  “So perfect,” he admired, hissing air into his lungs.

  I was surrounded by copious amounts of muscle as he caged me in. A prisoner to his body. His energy was electrifying and contagious, leaching onto me. Drowning me in pheromones. A toxic yet heady mixture of sexual narcotics I was already addicted to.

  “Arms up, Rose.” His face shadowed mine, lips plump and ready for some more warfare, brow pinched with need. A soft command compelling me to obey.

  I lifted up, letting my hands touch the bedhead, a move that caused my chest to jut out. He knew what he was doing.

  Vulnerable and open, I allowed him full access. “God, Jagger. Touch me. I need to feel you.” Parting my legs, he fit comfortably between them as he held some of his weight on his elbows at my head.

  His distended cock sat on my pubic bone, teasing me with its bulk. Tingles shot through my groin in anticipation.

  A victorious grin tipped his mouth up. “I am touching you, sweetheart. Can’t you feel how hard I am for you? You’ll have to be more specific. I’m a little slow on the uptake today.”

  Smart ass. He was teasing me. I didn’t have a dirty mouth like him but I knew he was wanting me to say things I normally wouldn’t. Fine.

  “Suck my aching breasts.”

  “Mmm. With pleasure.”

  I lifted off the bed when his moist, hot mouth latched onto my left nipple, his hand pushing my breast upwards to give him plenty. Ravenous sucks and licks ensued with a symphony of strangled, throaty whines in the mix.

  Instinctively my hands came to his head for traction but he wasn’t having it. “Get those arms above your head, or I stop,” he gritted out as I chanced a look into his eyes. Lost to lust. That was how I would describe him in that second. A male consumed with sexual thoughts, feelings, and desires. He’d stepped over the edge of restraint and was all about the pleasure.

  Whimpering at how insanely hot he was with his hair sticking up where I’d gripped it, I complied, not liking it, but not hating it either.

  His mouth came to rest on my other breast when he was sure I had obeyed. The sensation was exquisite as he expertly kneaded me into a squirming mess of frustrated desire. His tongue flicked while his lips pulled and rolled. The same as I had done to him.

  Moments later, with my head rolling from side to side, his hands left my breasts and moved down to push my legs further apart as he came to his knees at the junction of my thighs.

  “Well, look what we have here,” he murmured, giving me a cheeky grin. “Part two of my three course meal.”

  The words had lust barreling through me. “Jagger!”

  He didn’t reply, just went in for the kill. Full lips tasting and devouring my swollen folds, opening me with his eager tongue.

  “Ah, shit!” I cried out, pushing myself up and into his face to get more pressure.

  “You taste so fucking good, Rose. Delicious. I’m so damned starving.”

  My belly stirred with all the makings of an epic release. My fingers gripped his scalp, holding him in place as I moved my hips in synchronization with his ministrations. Every nerve was heightened and on fire. I wasn’t going to last. He was driving the train with no brakes and it was on a fast track to derailment.

  “Come on my mouth and tongue,” he mumbled, not pulling his insatiable mouth away fully.

  My toes curled into the bed as pleasure rolled forward, spiraling from my epicenter, dispersing outwards to every nerve ending. The train did indeed derail and I flew into oblivion with Jagger still latched on, pushing me higher, grunting as he lapped up all I was giving him.

  Crying out, I shook furiously, unaware of anything else but sensation. I was grateful we were alone, because I didn’t go down quietly. Whimpers left me as I clung to every ounce of the annihilation, not wanting it to end.

  “Hot damn, woman. That was so fucking sexy. You flying to pieces on my mouth. I could drink from you forever.”

  I watched him, only half-lucid. He inched up my sensitive body, blanketing me with his size. He rubbed himself against my twitching body, dragging more moans from me.

  “You went off like a rocket, sweetheart. But I’m not done with you yet. I need you on all fours at the edge of the bed. Ass high in the air.”

  God. I could barely compute what he was saying, let alone move. “Too tired.”

  He chuckled. “I guess I’ll have to position you myself then.”

  Picking me up, he dragged me to the end of the bed and flipped me over. Lifting my lower body up, he folded my legs under me so I was on my knees, and then he pulled me down further so I was right on the edge. My ankles and feet weren’t touching anything.

  Pushing my face sideways onto the bed, causing my hips to lift, he left to stand behind me. As sensitive as I was, I was craving to feel him inside me. To fill my channel with his satiny steel.

  “I’m not going to go easy on you, Rose. Brace yourself.”

  Gripping the bed covers, I was rammed fiercely by his thick erection, my wetness making it easy for him to plunge all the way in. When he was balls deep, he stopped, letting out a primal roar.

  “Jesus! Give me a minute to etch this sensation into my brain. You have no idea how good my dick feels trapped inside, my heavy sac tight against your clit.”

  I clenched around him, causing him to twitch inside me.

  “Fuck yeah. Do that again.”

  I did and he rewarded me with a slap on my ass and some serious movement. There was no gentleness to his assault. He was all aggression and power. Every time his tip plowed to the brink, I howled into the sheets.

  “You like it like this?” he puffed out.


  Slapping my butt cheeks again, he climbed up onto the bed on
his knees, pushing my back down and leaning over me, angling himself so he was pushing into me almost diagonally. The change of position had him touching a place inside that must have housed a thousand nerves because a deep ache took over.

  “It’s so good like this,” I crooned, moving my ass back and forth with him.

  “I love fucking you, Rose. Being inside your glorious body, watching it come undone because of what I’m doing to it.”

  Not having orgasmed twice in one sitting before, I was surprised to feel something bigger brewing. I both feared and welcomed it. It was going to ruin me, just like the man giving me the sinful experience. My body wasn’t going to recover. My heart wouldn’t either if it ended up broken.

  “Sweetheart, I can feel you about to shatter. Christ! I can’t hold on much longer.”

  Upping his tempo and groaning with each plunder, I could feel him tighten and enlarge. The deep ache was morphing into a beautiful pain that was like an incredible itch that needed scratching. Jagger was bringing that itch to a head with each stroke.

  “Come on, Rose!”

  His hand left my hip to find and pinch my nipple, giving me just the push I needed. I literally blasted around him, squeezing and pulsating while he held himself there, letting me splinter to smithereens.

  “Fuck! Fuck!” he yelled, holding on while I lost my breath, gasping at the intensity of the explosion. It took minutes for me to settle and then he was on the move again, the short reprieve, holding off his own release only for a moment.

  “Aarrrgh!” A few more deep pistons and he was gushing into me, jerking furiously and bellowing his satisfaction.

  “Rose! Rose!” His hands were biting into my hips but the sensation of him bursting inside me overpowered any superficial discomfort. His internal warmth had my body shuddering again.

  My limbs felt like noodles of jelly. My mind in a sexual meditative state, wallowed in bliss.

  Jagger’s large body crumpled on top of mine, his face burying into my neck. He was still entrenched inside me, the connection too intense to break just yet.

  “You do realize, you’ve now ruined me for all other women?” he purred.

  “I think you must be a little desperate, considering you’ve been isolated from the female population for so long.”


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