Stealing Dallas (Search & Seek Book 2)

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Stealing Dallas (Search & Seek Book 2) Page 16

by Amanda Mackey

  Fury at the deluge of memories flooding my brain made me turn my back and slam my hand down on the counter. “I should have stopped that asshole. I should have done more to protect my brother!”

  Rose wasn’t going to back down as she closed the gap. Her shoulders were back and her face was determined. “You did everything you could. Everything. You had to work to pay the bills and support your family. It was a terrible situation. Nothing you could have done would have changed the outcome.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. We’ll never know.”

  “Look. It is what it is. The past is gone. Let’s just focus on tomorrow and the rest of your life. You get to make things right now.”

  Blowing all the air from my lungs, I sagged. She was right, of course. I needed to move forward and not let the fucked up past get to me. It was time to let go. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you.”

  Being the strong woman she was, her arms came around my waist in comfort. I let her soothe me. Her apple shampoo and whatever perfume she put on that morning filled my senses, grounding me to her. My lifeline. My rock.

  “I think I need that wine,” I soothed, brushing my lips across her forehead.

  “Go into the living room, pick out a movie, and I’ll bring in the wine after I’ve called for Chinese.”

  That was my woman. Taking charge and giving me what I needed. I gladly walked to the sofa and fell onto it, loving how welcoming her home made me feel. My home and soon to be Dallas’ home.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Waking, knowing I had some time up my sleeve, I left Jagger snoring and took a quick shower before dressing in a pair of denim shorts and a pale blue tee.

  While I’d tossed and turned the night before after Jagger and I had finished the bottle of wine and takeout, I’d thought of a brilliant idea. I’d kept it to myself and was going to keep it as a surprise.

  Holding off on breakfast until I got back, I grabbed my purse and car keys and quietly drove downtown to the pet store.

  I needed to be as quick as possible because I wanted to get home before Jagger woke up. Heading inside, I made my way to the back, where I knew the live pets were. An assistant came up beside me.

  “Can I help you?” the young guy asked.

  “Yes. I’d like to purchase one of these turtles and everything I need to house it and feed it.”

  “Certainly. A large fish tank will suffice until it gets too big. You just need to pick out the one you want. While you’re doing that, I’ll gather the rest of the items for you and take them to the counter.”

  “Thank you. That would be great.”

  There were numerous sizes, but being an animal lover, I chose the biggest one, wanting to give the little turtle as much space as possible. We were going to have to keep an eye on Dallas to make sure he was gentle, but between both Jagger and I, we would handle it.

  The assistant had some frozen fish, rocks, and a bag of sand.

  “Being omnivores, they also eat lettuce, so alternate between the two. The rock is for your turtle to rest on when it’s not swimming.”

  “Awesome, I appreciate your help.

  We put everything inside the tank, I paid the money, and then the assistant carried it out to my car, for which I was grateful. The turtle was in a container of water with a lid, which I’d been told to put in the tank once I’d filled it with water so the turtle could slowly adjust to the new temperature.

  It was just after 9 a.m., so I had a couple of hours before Dallas arrived. Hiding it from Jagger would be tricky. The bathroom was out because he’d take a shower. Perhaps I could leave it in the garage, using my car as a shield. Hopefully the turtle would be okay until then. Wherever we decided to put the fish tank would be where it ended up, because I needed to run the garden hose through the house to fill it up and it would be way too heavy to move it once it was full. We’d just have to set it up once Dallas got here. I would give him the turtle and then worry about the rest.

  Dragging the large tank out the passenger side door, I left it on the floor, making sure the little guy was okay swimming around in his container. He seemed okay, so I made my way inside to make coffee and breakfast.

  The house remained quiet. I was happy for Jagger to rest. It had been a traumatic week. Sleeping it off would help him recover. I’d give him until 10 a.m. and then wake him so he was ready for Dallas’ arrival.

  Coffee pot on, I poured some muesli into a bowl and filled it with milk before slipping out the back door onto the small patio where there was a compact table and chairs, I’d purchased a few weeks ago.

  The day was perfect. Clear blue skies with just a hint of a breeze. It would take a bit of getting used to having two males in the house. I was used to my own company and space. It was a big step for everyone, but hopefully we could make it work.

  The sliding door opened and I looked up to find a sexy, disheveled Jagger standing just outside, stretching, giving me an unobstructed view of his ripped torso, bared to his boxers.

  “Morning,” I sang, hoping my voice didn’t give away my wonderment. His cut body would always hold my complete attention. It truly was a work of art and I loved art.

  “Like what you see, darlin’?”

  Turning my head away to let the heat in my cheeks settle, I murmured, “You know I do.”

  His laughter got my attention. I loved the sound. It came infrequently, but when it did, it stoked every happy cell in my body.

  Pulling out one of the chairs, he straddled it backwards, the muscles in his arms flexing gloriously as he clung to it. There was nothing finer than Jagger draped over my furniture. “You can have at it later. It’s yours to do what you want with it.” His lips curved into the killer smile that left me a muddled mess.

  “Uh…mmm…” I giggled foolishly. Actually giggled. He knew damn well how to mess with me. “Coffee. Inside.” My finger pointed to the kitchen, selling me out by shaking.

  He licked his luscious mouth, further adding to my meltdown. Standing, he took a couple of steps before turning back. I swear he purposely flexed his stomach. Everything in him tightened. “Last night in your bed was so fucking hot, Rose. The way you took control and loved every inch of my body. You worshipped me. I’m still tingling.”

  Normally Jagger took charge, but last night he’d lain back and let me go to town. What a feast. I’d been given free rein on the banquet that was his masterful physique. Just talking about it had me ripe with need.

  God, he was going to drive me crazy.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Today was one of those days that you’d file away in your memory banks for all of time. In less than an hour I’d have my family back. The last piece of my heart to be put back together. Nothing could crush my spirit.

  I was all kinds of nervous about seeing my brother. Could I give him the life he deserved? Could I handle his high needs? Rose and I would both be working, although I planned on keeping it to part-time. Dallas needed me and had already spent too much time with strangers.

  Pouring a coffee and joining Rose out back allowed some quiet time with just the two of us before chaos ensued. A good kind of chaos.

  “You ready for today?” she asked, smiling almost shyly.

  Sitting down, I didn’t hesitate. “I’ve been ready my whole life. I just hope what I give him is enough.”

  Even without lifting my eyes, I could feel her concentrated stare stabbing into me. “Oh, it will be more than enough. All he needs is you. Nothing else matters. He’ll shine now.”

  Her words could unman me in the blink of an eye. Looking up, I found her deep, soulful gaze full of compassion and belief. Belief in me and my ability to take on the role of brother and father. It astounded me. With her by my side, I began to imagine I could pull this off.

  Placing a fist over my heart, I pounded it a couple of times and then kissed it in a show of gratitude.

  We sat together until we were both finished our drink
s and I moved into the bathroom to take a shower and dress for the ensuing auspicious occasion.


  The clock was moving too damn slow. I’d been pacing for the last five minutes.

  “Sit down. You’re making me nervous,” chastised Rose.

  “I can’t. I need to be moving.” Adrenalin was pumping furiously through my system, making me antsy.

  “They’ll get here when they get here. Agent Crowther has it all under control.”

  “It’s not that. It’s just…” Fucked if I knew what it was. Anticipation? Joy? Fear? It really didn’t matter because I couldn’t stop it. “Never mind.”

  My ears pricked up when I heard the sound of an engine near. I stalked to the window, pulling back the lace curtains to peer out. Sure enough a black SUV slowed and turned into the driveway. I was ready to pee my goddamn pants. Sucking in a deep breath, I attempted to pull my shit together and met Rose at the front door.

  I couldn’t speak. I just stood there like a pillar of marble, waiting.

  Agent Crowther got out first and opened the back door. Everything happened in slow motion. The sneaker was the first to appear. Then the gray slacks, followed by the shock of sandy hair. I was out the door so damn fast.

  Dallas stood and took a second to register who I was but as I gained ground, his face went from neutral to ecstatic.

  “Jagger! Jagger! Jagger!” He was jumping up and down, his eyes squeezed together from the mother of all smiles that split his cheeks.

  In a second I was on him and had my arms wrapped around him, squeezing the life out of him, the tears bucketing down.

  In that moment, I was me. I was Jagger. The person without a criminal history. The guy who hadn’t been beaten and abused. The son who hadn’t buried his mother. I was free from all of that as I felt the flesh and blood beneath me. My reason for existing. I breathed him in, never wanting to let go. I’d been to hell and back but the back was the best and most important part. I’d made it. I’d fucking made it. This was my moment.

  I clapped him on the back, then pulled back so I could look at him.

  “I love you so much. I’ve missed you.” It was broken and husky through my tears.

  The joy on his face was priceless. “Jagger’s here!” he sang, clutching onto me for dear life.

  “I’m here, buddy, and I’m never going anywhere again.”

  “I’ve been on a plane ride.”

  “I know. How cool is that? It got you home a lot faster.”

  Letting go but placing my hand on his shoulder, I turned to find Agent Crowther and Rose standing side by side, watching. They’d given us our moment, which I was grateful for. Rose had fat tears rolling down her cheeks and even the tough FBI agent had softened.

  We walked over to Rose and Dallas clapped his hands.

  “The nice lady is here. She’s pretty, isn’t she?”

  Laughter bubbled out of me. He’d remembered Rose from her visit weeks ago to Prescott. Brilliant.

  “Hi Dallas. Welcome home,” Rose cooed, embracing Dallas and rubbing his back. I loved the sight of my two favorite people connecting.

  “I’ll grab his bag from the trunk.” I almost didn’t hear Agent Crowther speak, I was too focused on my woman and my brother. Rose was a natural with him. She was speaking to him as if he was a person and not a lesser individual like many people did.

  My heart was so full it was overflowing. Taking the bag from the guy who had brought Dallas home, I held out my hand and shook it generously.

  “Thanks, man. I owe you everything.”

  He nodded and offered a small smile. “This is the best part of the job. A happy outcome. Glad I could be a part of it. Take care of that boy. He’s a gem.”

  “You can count on it.”

  Rose thanked him too and we watched him drive off before making our way inside.

  “You go show Dallas his room and then meet me back here.”

  I gave her a quizzical look but she just nodded down the hall for me to do as she asked.

  “Come on, buddy. Let’s get you settled.”

  “Settled,” he mimicked.

  Opening the door to the spare room, he sucked in an exaggerated breath. “This is nice, isn’t it? My room.” He worked his large tongue furiously, blinking heavily as he walked around the space, checking everything out. “Is this your room too?”

  “Ah no. You get your own room all to yourself. So, you like it?”

  “It’s great. I like it.”

  I put his bag down on the bed. “Let’s go get you something to eat. You hungry?”

  “Yep. I’m starving.” He rubbed his belly in large circles.

  Leading him down the hallway, I stopped short when I saw Rose. She stood in the middle of the living room with an oversized container filled with water. I stared at it in wonder as I realized there was a turtle swimming around inside.

  My head shot up. Her broad grin was infectious. She had bought Dallas a damn turtle. I was speechless. My heart couldn’t take any more. It had overflowed and was spilling into my other organs. Love was too small a word for what I felt for the astounding woman in front of me.

  “Dallas? Look what Rose got you. Go have a look.” All the while, I stared at her in awe.

  When Dallas just stood there, Rose encouraged, “Come on. See what it is.”

  Padding across the floor he stopped in front of her and I followed. Rose held it up so Dallas could see what was inside.

  He yelled out. “Turtle! It’s a turtle! Jagger. It’s a turtle! Look!”

  I was overcome with emotion at Rose’s gesture. To see such joy on my brother’s face was indescribable. I didn’t even realize I was laughing.

  “Come on, I’ll show you his house.”

  She motioned for us to follow her into the garage. On the other side of her car sat a large fish tank with a rock and other items inside.

  “When did you do this?” I asked, shocked. We’d been together the whole time. Hadn’t we?

  “This morning when you were snoring away.”

  “You did this for Dallas?”

  “Of course. He mentioned how much he loved turtles when I first met him. I thought it might help him settle in.”

  Side-stepping Dallas, I gripped her hard, laying a lip-smacking kiss on her. “I love you so fucking much. I can’t believe you did this.”

  “I love you too. I would have liked to have it all set up but you would have got suspicious at the sight of a garden hose snaking through the house.”

  “Jagger! Jagger! Can we put the turtle in?” Dallas begged, jumping around.

  “Of course. Anything you want, buddy.”

  I stood for a second, taking it all in. Rose. Dallas. The damn turtle. Fuck. I was the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet in that moment. As much as I hated my time in prison away from family, it brought me Rose. I never would have met her. I never would have fallen so hopelessly in love and I never would have been able to share my life and my brother with such an incredible woman. It had all worked out the way it was meant to. The hard road was always a road worth taking. I saw and appreciated that now.

  I was never going to take anything for granted ever again, least of all these two people.

  Pressing Rose into my side, I pulled Dallas in too. “God, I love you both. I can’t say it enough. This is the happiest moment of my life. I’m home. Finally.”

  The End


  First and foremost, I would like to thank Limitless Publishing for allowing me to pursue my passion. You guys believed in me when others didn’t, and I am so grateful for that. Each and every one of you are dedicated and so hardworking, it’s a credit to the company.

  Toni Rakestraw, my editor. We have worked together for around two years now, and I think it’s safe to say we know what to expect of each other. You have such a good eye for picking up things I would never see in a million years! My books are so much more polished because of your talent. Thank you!

  My re
aders, obviously. You continue to amaze me with your faith in my work and support. It’s nice to know there are people out there who love what I do and fall into my stories as much as I do.

  My family. Without your unwavering support, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I’m proud of the woman I have become, and by you enabling me to chase my dreams, it has shaped the very foundation of my world.

  My friends, far and wide. Writing has opened up doors to people I never would have connected with. Models, photographers, other authors, editors, scriptwriters, singers. The list is endless. A special thank you to my best friend, Cheree Schramm, who has been with me from day one, and ALWAYS buys my books. I love you and your family, and I’m so thankful to have someone as kind and as generous as you in my life.

  About the Author

  I am married and a mother of two beautiful children, living in sunny Queensland, Australia. I’ve been reading books ever since I can remember and love all things related to books. Writing has become an extension of that and I hope to pursue a full time writing career. I love spending time with family and hope to one-day travel to Italy and England.





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