Faulted Lines: Beginnings Series Book 21

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Faulted Lines: Beginnings Series Book 21 Page 11

by Jacqueline Druga

  Henry’s eyes were open for the person who walked around with fresh new scratches.

  He had just gotten a drink, and stepped away from the bar when Hal approached.

  “Well,” Hal, hands behind his back, walked a circle around Henry in examination. “I must admit, you look very good in the uniform.”

  “Really? You think?”

  “It is perfect for you. You truly should consider training and joining us.”

  “I might.”

  “You look sharp.”

  “Thanks, Hal,” Henry grinned.

  “Captain.” Hal corrected.


  “When you wear my uniform, you call me Captain.” He grinned arrogantly, gave a swat to Henry’s arm and walked to the bar.

  Henry huffed. “They’re all alike.” But just as he did, he saw it. As Hal spoke to Hap, across the bottom of his neck was a scratch. Henry’s brought his own hand to his view.

  “Who’s all alike?” Robbie walked up behind him. “I hope you aren’t speaking about us … baldy.”

  Henry, startled, merely mumbled, “Shut up, Robbie.” As he watched the scratch on Hal’s neck.

  “Seriously, Henry.” Robbie touched the uniform. “It looks good. Real … why are you staring at my brother Hal?”

  Henry turned around to face Robbie. “For your information he has a …” Henry’s eyes widened when he saw Robbie’s cheek. “Scratch.”

  “Huh?” Robbie asked.

  “Hal has a scratch, so do you …” Henry pointed.

  “Oh, yeah, this I …”

  “Hey, Guys.” Dan interrupted. “Henry, we’re all real proud of you joining the UWA.”

  “Thanks,” Henry said. “It’s a trial basis. I …” he stopped. He saw. He shifted eyes from Robbie to Hal to Dan. Dan had a scratch above his eye. What was going on? Was this an odd occurrence, or did Henry never notice anyone’s injuries?

  “Henry?” Dan called his attention. “What’s wrong?”

  “How … how did you get that scratch above your eye?” Henry asked.

  “Well, I …”

  “No …” Frank groaned out overly dramatic. “No.” he slapped himself in the head as he approached Henry. “Tell me it’s not true. Tell me you didn’t go traitor and leave us for my brother.”

  Dan interjected. “It’s a new trial basis thing Hal’s offering.”

  Frank flutter his lips. “Probably because he needs to recruit. He did that in the old world you know. Fuckin could never get anyone to join without bribing them. Watch out Henry, he probably locked you in somehow.”

  Henry rolled his eyes. “Frank, it’s only …” Henry’s eyes widened.

  “What?” Frank asked and looked behind. “What?”

  Henry pointed. “What happened to your ear?”

  “I scratched it.” Frank answered.

  Robbie snickered. “Henry, what is it with you and scratches today?”

  “For your information,” Henry said. “Everyone seems to have been freshly scratched for some odd reason.”

  Dean’s voice intervened. “Tell me about it. Look at this.” He rolled up his sleeve as he joined the circle.

  Just as Henry’s eyes laid upon the scratches, down came Frank’s hand onto Dean. Henry quickly saw this as odd and raised his eyes with curiosity to Frank.

  Frank cleared his throat. “Dean, I have to show you something. Come here.” He yanked on Dean without waiting for response, and pulled him away.

  Henry didn’t stop watching.

  “Henry,” Robbie snapped his finger. “What is wrong with you?”

  “The scratches,” Henry whispered.

  Dan snorted a laugh. “Well you’ll see them on a bunch of us.”

  Henry quickly looked at Dan. “What do you mean?”

  Robbie answered. “About fifteen minutes ago about two dozen chickens got lose, we were chasing them and fixing the wire fence.”

  Henry breathed out. “Oh, that makes sense. Everyone else chasing them?”

  Robbie nodded. “Every available man.”

  “Thanks, Robbie.” Henry said. “That explains a lot.”

  Henry breathed easier. Of course using the scratches as a means to expose the mutilator was a moot. But Henry could at least take comfort in the fact that everyone was buying his UWA trial basis soldier story, and no one knew the real reason for the bandana.

  Jenny’s mouth hovered the straw as her eyes peered at Henry. “It’s so sad.”

  “What is?” Jimmy asked.

  “Henry,” Jenny slurped her drink. “Look at him.”

  Jimmy turned.

  “No,” Jenny stopped him. “Don’t look. He’ll know we’re talking about him.”

  Jimmy snickered. “Okay, what about him.”

  “It’s sad that he has to hide behind the UWA get up because he is ashamed that the mutilator got him.”

  “It’s vanity.”

  “I know, but still. It’s a lie. Don’t be afraid for people to know you aware a victim, right?” Jenny said. “I mean everyone knows he was attacked, shaved bald and marred for life.”

  “True, but Henry doesn’t know this.”

  “True.” Jenny shifted her eyes to Robbie who walked by. “How are things going with your family?”

  “Good.” Jimmy nodded. “They are forgetting me less.”

  Jenny sighed out in relief. “That’s good to know. Please don’t take it personally.”

  “Oh, I don’t.”

  “I mean, I’m sure Joe and they love you even though they rarely talked about you.”

  “They didn’t talk about me?” Jimmy asked.

  Innocently, Jenny shook her head. “Not much. Then again they didn’t talk about Hal much either. He went through the same thing.”

  “You mean they forgot to include him too.”

  “Oh, sure.” Jenny waved out her hand. “I can remember many of nights while we dated, that he was troubled by it.”

  “Wait. Whoa.” Jimmy halted her. “You dated Hal?”

  “Oh, sure, while John was comatose.” Jenny shrugged. “It’s allowed in Beginnings. Secondary, sometimes third relationships are very acceptable in Beginnings, as long as the husband, or primary approves.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “I didn’t tell you this. I’m sure I did.”

  Jimmy blinked in surprise. “You may have. I’m not sure. So much has happened. So, if I’m not being too forward, how many relationships do you have?”

  “Only one now.” Jenny sighed out. “Patrick and I just broke up.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Jenny crinkled her face. “It was overdue. I told him today.”

  “So, like …” Jimmy edged to her, and whispered “All those little thoughts I’ve been having.” He turned his body and lowered his mouth to her ear. “About you and I. They can actually happen?”

  Jenny lowered her head in a snickering blush.

  Joe grumbled after catching glimpse of Jenny and Jimmy’s flirtatious ways. He checked out his watch, and began his approach to the pair.

  “You flatter me, James Slagel” Jenny said. “I can’t seem to get enough of you.”

  Jimmy spoke seductively, “And I can’t get enough of you either, Jen … Ow.” Jimmy went forward when he was the recipient to a soft smack to the back of his head.

  “Get enough, and get over it.” Joe said. “Come near the podium, I like my boys to be by me during these things.”

  “Sure enough, Dad, thanks.” Jimmy grinned as Joe walked away.

  “See.” Jenny nudged him. “He remembered.”

  Joe checked out his watch, then pulled index cards from his chest pocket.

  “Hey, Joe.” Upbeat, bubbly and holding a clipboard, Danny approached. “You didn’t show for make up.”

  “What?” Joe turned around. “What in Christ name are you talking about?”

  “We’re broadcasting of course, you know Frank is the only one who gets TV, but the rerun
plays in Bowman. Make up for the camera.”

  “Christ, Danny. I don’t want make up.”

  “Your call.” Danny shrugged. “If you want to look pale.”

  Joe stared for a moment.

  “Or maybe not.”

  Joe grumbled, put on his glasses and looked down to his notes.

  “Anyhow, got a minute, I’d like to review what will happen.”

  “You’ll find out like everyone else.” Joe said as e read his cards.

  “No, I know what the meeting is about. I want to review how we’ll do it.”

  “Danny.” Joe raised his eyes over his glasses. “I’ve been having the meetings for years. I know how we’ll do it.”

  “But, Joe, I’d like to try something new. And besides I think you should be familiar with the slide presentation before we show it.”

  “Slide presentation?” Joe asked. “What in God’s name do we need a slide presentation for?”

  “Impact. No pun intended.” Danny snickered.

  Joe just stared.

  “Impact. Meteor. That’s the point of the meeting right?”

  “Danny, no slide presentation.”

  “You’ll need it.”

  “I doubt it.”

  “I’m telling you Joe.” Danny said. “You’ll need it. And it is so cool.”

  “I’m sure, but no. No slide presentation.”

  “Whoa.” Frank’s voice chimed in. “We’re having a slide presentation?”

  Danny nodded. “A really cool one, but Joe said no. No slide presentation.”

  Robbie jumped in. “Did I hear someone say slide presentation?”

  Frank nodded. “Danny has one. Dad said no.”

  “Why?” Robbie asked. “Why can’t we have a slide presentation?”

  Joe opened his mouth to answer, when Hal stepped in.

  “I love slide presentations.” Hal said. “Who put it together?”

  “I did.” Danny replied.

  “He did.” Frank pointed. “But Dad said no. He won’t show it.”

  Danny said, “And it would make a real … impact.”

  Frank laughed. “Oh, that’s good.” He turned to Joe. “Please, Dad, can we show the …”

  “No.” Joe snapped “No slide presentation.”

  “Fine.” Danny held up his hands. “But, you know what? Just because I know people. And just because I know it will be needed and I’m Mr. Intuitive. I’ll get it ready, just in case.”

  Joe winked. “You do that.” He returned to looking at his notes.

  “So, dad,” Frank said as he nudged him. “When do I get my turn to speak?”

  The cards dropped from Joe’s hand, as Joe was nearly knocked off balance. “Jesus Christ, Frank. You nearly knocked me over.”

  Hal sighed out. “Yes, let’s injure our again father.”

  “I didn’t mean to,” Frank defended. “I’m just getting stronger for some reason.”

  Hal rolled his eyes. “I bet.”

  “No, I am, tell him Robbie.” Frank said.

  “He is,” Robbie replied. “He lifted a jeep last night.”

  “What do you mean, lifted a jeep?” Hal asked sarcastically. “Above his head.”

  “Uh, Hal?” Robbie smiled “That wouldn’t be stronger that would be way beyond stronger. No, he lifted the front tires from the ground.”

  Hal fluttered his lips. “Please, piece of cake.”

  Robbie added. “With one hand.”

  Hal laughed. “Now I know you’re lying.”

  Joe looked over his glasses. “Did you really, Frank?”

  “Yep.” Frank nodded. “Pretty soon that monster will be no match for me.”

  Joe mumbled “If you don’t morph into one yourself.”

  “Oh my god.” Robbie snickered. “Frank, what if you’re the monster. What if you were chasing yourself in the tunnels?”


  “Good God, Robert,” Hal snapped “Don’t encourage.”

  “One has to encourage family. Speaking of which ...” Robbie cleared his throat. “When does Frank deliver his speech?”

  “Yeah,” Frank said. “When, I have it all ready.” He patted his tee shirt pocket.”

  Hal huffed. “It’s the same speech as the meteor and bear, isn’t it?”

  “Nope.” Frank shook his head

  “Let me see.” Hal held out his hand.


  Robbie asked. “Can I?”

  “Absolutely,” Frank handed it to Robbie.

  “Father,” Hal called Joe’s attention.

  “Well, Hal, if you were nicer to Frank.” Joe put his index cards in his pockets. “Let’s get this started.”

  “When do I speak?” Frank asked. “I’m ready.”

  “I’m sure. I’ll let you go up there if... if anyone asks about monsters. Okay?”

  “Go it.” Frank gave a thumbs up.

  Robbie returned the speech. “Wow, Frank, that’s really good. I mean, wow.”

  Frank titled his head with a smile “Thanks.”

  Hal folded his arms. "It's the same speech.”

  Frank shook his head. “No, it’s not. I worked hard on it. Tell him Robbie.”

  “It’s clear Hal, Frank worked hard on that speech.”

  Facetiously, Hal nodded with a smile “I doubt that. And I swear, Frank, if it’s the same speech with different words. I’m killing you. You know, the one where you say, there is a ‘fill-in the blank’ coming, I will take that speech right from your hand.

  “For your information, Bright boy.” Frank tapped Hal. “There isn’t any fill in the blank coming, so there. Never wrote one like that. Never have. Ha. And you call yourself smart.” Frank turned his attention to his father when Joe took the podium. But not for long, Jason sneakily edged his way to Frank and Robbie.

  “Glad I have you two together,” Jason whispered. “Would you like to do the test tonight?”

  Frank looked at him clueless.

  Robbie understood. “You mean the future test?”

  “Yes,” Jason answered.

  “Yes!” Robbie said excitedly. “I thought we weren’t testing until Frank got back.”

  “Wait.” Frank interrupted. “We’re testing the machine tonight?”

  Annoyed, Jason replied, “Yes.”

  “Wait.” Hal interjected. “They are testing the time machine? Why do they get to test the time machine?”

  Frank turned to Hal. “Why are you whining?”

  “Because I would like to test the time machine. I’ve not gotten to do that.”

  “Well, you can’t.” Frank told him. “We’re going to the future. You’re not.”

  “Why?” Hal asked.

  “You suck.”

  Hal breathed out heavily and faced Jason. “Is there a reason I can’t go as well?”

  “Why, yes,” Jason replied. “Should something go wrong, you’d be missed.”

  Hal smiled. “Wonderful answer, but I trust your machine. Can I join my brothers? We can make it a brother thing. The three of us.”

  Jason cleared his throat. “What about Jimmy.”

  Hal, Frank and Robbie looked at Jimmy,

  Hal waved out his hand, “I don’t think he’s ready yet for time travel. After all, he just got here. Does he even know?”

  Robbie nodded. “We talked about it. But I agree. He hasn’t put his Beginnings time in.”

  Frank nodded once. “I agree. So what time, Jason?”

  “Nine. See you then.” Jason smirked as he stepped away.

  With a quirky look Hal turned to Robbie. “Why does he look like he’s up to something? You don’t think he has plans to zap us to some unknown place and never bring us back, do you?”

  Robbie shook his head “Nah, if he was gonna do that, he’d only send Frank.”

  “Ah,” Hal smiled then pointed to his father. “We better listen before he notices we weren’t.”

  Joe was mid speech, “Which brings me to my point. Now that you know how
Jimmy was returned, and that Jesse was sent in as a spy, I would like a community vote to bring him back. You may stop by my office tomorrow for a ballot.”

  Frank leaned to Robbie. “I hope he doesn’t ask me to make a couple hundred copies of those ballots. Last time it took me eight hours.”

  Hal quickly turned. “Eight hours? How in God’s name did it take you eight hours to make a couple hundred copies?”

  Frank shrugged. “I lost count.”

  “Figures,” Hal shook his head.

  Joe shuffled to the next cue card. “Good, now we can …” he paused when he saw a raise of a hand. “Yes, Jenny?”

  “Thank you, Joe.” Jenny stood. “Is it true there is a monster in Beginnings?”

  Joe winced.

  Frank smiled.

  A rumbling of voices emerged.

  “Yes, I need to know too.” Someone shouted.

  “I heard it’s huge” Another added.

  “I heard it killed three people in Beginnings.”

  “What?” Joe snapped. “Christ, if three people in this town died, you’d notice.”

  Another questioned out, “Is the monster the mutilator.”

  Joe held up his hand. “We’ll get to the monster in a few …” he paused. He saw Frank patting his chest. “You know what?” Joe said. “Instead of trying to move on and getting interrupted with Monster questions. Fine. Fine. We’ll let Frank handle it.”

  Applause erupted as Frank moved to the podium.

  Hal tossed his head back some with rolled eyes. “As if he needs an ego boost. And this better not be the same speech.” he shifted his eyes to a snickering Robbie. “It is, isn’t it?”

  “Let him go, please.”

  In irritation, Hal huffed.

  Frank cleared his throat. “Thank you. Thank you.” He pointed with a wink. “Thanks.”

  “Good God,” Hal rolled his eyes.

  Frank reached into his pocket. “Because of the seriousness of the situation, I have a statement. Then I can take questions.” He unfolded the paper and read, “There is a monster in Beginnings. Do not worry. I will handle it.”

  Hal’s hand slapped to his own face.

  Robbie laughed.

  The place applauded.

  Frank leaned close to the microphone. “Now I’ll take questions. Bill?”


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