Faulted Lines: Beginnings Series Book 21

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Faulted Lines: Beginnings Series Book 21 Page 31

by Jacqueline Druga

Unless Dean found a way around that tracker, which Joe doubted, something was up with Jason’s claim that Dean was at the mobile.

  It was something Joe would check out.

  “Ready?” Jason asked.

  Joe snapped out of this thoughts only to see that Jason had booted down.

  “Joe, you all right?”

  “Yeah. Yeah. Jason, is there a problem that has you out here this late?”

  Jason looked at him curiously. “Are you suspicious of me again, Joe?”

  “No, just curious.”

  “As a matter of fact. I hate telling you this.”


  “Because you’re gonna think I’m bull shitting. But, something is not right with the time machine. I’ve been running the sequence, as I always do, to prep for the trip, but it’s not running right.”

  “The machine?”

  “Actually, the machine is running fine. I did five short trips with rabbits tonight. Four went without incident.”

  “Then what is it?” Joe asked.

  “See, while it runs, across the screen a trillion numbers zip,” Jason explained. “It’s not counting up right. A few are missing. And to figure out each one, I have to go through each and every pattern against a normal run.”

  “If the machine is running, how can this be a problem?”

  “It depends on which number is missing. If an important number skips, which is what I think it’s doing, then we have problems. Know how I said I did five trips and four were without incident. Well, the fifth, the rabbit never arrived.”

  “Not good.” Joe said. “Can you figure it out?”

  “Yes. Without a doubt. I will. It’s just a matter of how long it will take. I can’t chance sending them to the future until; I make sure it runs without incident.”

  “I understand.” Joe walked to the door and opened it.

  “Joe, I need you to know something.” Jason followed him out.

  “What’s that?”

  “I know you won’t believe it because I gave you so much shit about going back to the future. But this is bothering me. It’s out of the blue.”

  “As all mistakes are.” Joe stepped in the jeep.

  “But this is strange, Joe.” Jason joined him in the jeep.

  “How do you mean?”

  “It’s not natural.”

  “Jason, it’s a time machine, what about it is natural.”

  “Okay. Let me see if I can explain. Excuse the metaphor, I mean nothing by it.”

  “Go on.”

  “Say your car breaks down. If the tires go, brakes wear down, engine overheats, all part of the natural car break down process if that makes sense.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  “But if your brake line is cut …”

  “Ah,” Joe nodded. “I see. Something like this doesn’t happen on its own.”


  “Do you think it’s been sabotaged?”

  “I’d say yes if I didn’t have the safeguards against it. Every single safeguard is intact. Nothing has been tripped no one is getting in the lab. Danny put a 24 hour surveillance and sensors all through the … Holy Shit!” Jason gripped the edge of the door.

  Joe instantly hit the brakes. “What? What?”

  Turning in his seat, Jason looked out the back of the jeep. “Did you see that?”


  “The flash.”

  “I caught a flash, but, it’s probably lightning. Looks like a storm brewing. What did you see?”

  “Bright and blue. But... but I only caught it in my peripheral vision.”

  “Was it at the lab?”

  “No to the left. About 20 yards. Whew. That was way close to the lab and I never saw lightning strike and look like that.” Jason breathed out.

  “Well, one thing. It won’t happen there again. Lightning doesn’t strike twice.” Joe prepared to drive, glancing in the rearview mirror as Jason started to turn around.

  No sooner did both of them make an inch of a move, that another flash, this one bigger, and with hint of blue lit up the interior of the jeep.

  Slowly both of them turned to look.

  “What did you see?” Joe asked.

  “Just the flash of light.”

  “Are we sure that didn’t come from the lab?” Joe asked.

  “I’m positive. Why would you ask that?’

  “Because I’ve never seen lightning like that.”

  “Me either, Joe. But then again, my quantum door never lights up like that either.”

  “We can chalk it up to my drinking imagination, or senility, or we can go back and look.”

  Jason nodded. “I say let’s go check it out.”

  They did. They turned around. Checked out the quantum lab. The time machine was untouched and showed no signs of even receiving power. They searched the area where they believed the light came from.

  “Jason, over here.” Joe said.

  Jason’s light joined Joe’s. “Burn mark.” He bent down to the ground. “It still feels electrical.”

  “Could this be a result of the pending meteor?”

  “I doubt it. Could be though.” Jason said as he stood and dusted off his hands. “But it was definitely some kind of charge that hit here.”

  “Then it has to be lightning.”

  “I’d say that too. Weird lightning.”

  “You think … you think this may have something to do with what happens in the future.”

  Jason rubbed his chin. “It could, Joe. Thinking about it, it could. Which tells me one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  Jason exhaled. “I better get to work on that sequence. Because this is weird, this is too weird.”


  “Did I tell you?” Jenny walked in almost a swishing stroll, side by side with Jimmy, hands folded behind her back. They moved about the last row of the living section. “Ellen spoke to me about a wedding.”

  “I think it’s great that her and Frank are getting married again.” Jimmy looked at the expression on her face. “You don’t?”

  “No, that’s not it. I think it’s wonderful that they’re gonna reunite legally. But …” she stopped walking. “There’s something not natural about it.”

  Jimmy laughed.

  “It’s always been like Dean is the husband, Ellen Hayes. Frank was just …”

  “The other man,” Jimmy said. "Always been that way.”

  “Of course.” Jenny turned her body to face him. “There’s nothing wrong about being the other man.”

  “God, you make my heart beat faster.”

  “Why, James Slagel.” Jenny tucked her hair behind her ear. “You are such the smooth talking guy.”

  “I can do more the talk smoothly.”

  “Really, she giggled leaning against one of the houses. “Why don’t you put your money where your mouth is?”

  “How about I put my mouth…” He moved right against her pinning her to the wall, mouth hovering. “Right … here.”

  They kissed.

  As if neither of them had kissed in a while. The kiss was food and both of them were starving.

  They breathed heavily, while kissing. Jimmy pushed hard against Jenny. He paused the kiss to whisper in her ear. “Where can we go?”

  “Empty house, last one.” Jenny grabbed onto is head and kissed him again.


  The kissed stopped.


  At the same time, their lips separated slowly and as they pulled on each other they both turned their heads to look.


  Robbie’s laughter carried as he, Elliott and Jess entered the edge of the living section. “Weird lightning.”

  “Robbie,” Elliott scolded softly. “They aren’t nuts.”

  “No, drunk.” Robbie laughed.

  Jess asked. “How many are coming over for this late night game of Bowman Hold em.”

  “Four more I think,” Robbie said, then shot out his hand to stop th
em from walking. “Look,” he whispered.

  They did.

  Elliott questioned. “Why is Jason going into Dean’s house when Dean isn’t there?”

  Jess replied. “Margaret’s there.” His eyes widened. “Margaret.”

  “Whoa.” Elliott added. “They certainly are making the most of this court working together.”

  “This is great,” Robbie snickered and brought the phone to his ear.

  “Who are you calling?” Elliott asked.

  Robbie held up a finger. “Say, hey, Dean. Yeah, I know it’s eleven. Why are the kids up?” Robbie bobbed his head. “Okay, check this out. Jason, just finished having a few drinks with my dad is now … sneaking into your house with Maggie.” Robbie made a curious face. “Dean? Why aren’t you mad? Oh. Okay. Bye.” He hung up.

  Elliott asked “What did he say.”

  “He had to go. Billy was fighting with Joey.” As Robbie placed the phone back into his holder, he nearly missed when Jenny’s blood curdling scream rang out.

  “Sound like Jenny,” Jesse said.

  “She’s with your brother.” Elliott said. “We just saw them.”

  Robbie grabbed his radio. “Jimmy. Jimmy come in. What’s up?”


  It was obvious by the sound of Jimmy’s voice he was moving. “Chasing it. Robbie. Chasing it.”

  “What?” Robbie asked. “Over.”

  Jimmy’s voice crackled over the airwaves an announced it as the same time, Jess saw it. “Monster.”

  “There.” Jess pointed to the lurking shadow.

  Robbie, Elliott and Jess started running. Robbie spoke over the radio. “We see it. We’re chasing it to. Looks like he’s heading to the undeveloped section.”

  “Where the hell is that?” Jimmy asked.

  “Where Dad lives.” Robbie lowered the headset and picked up speed. “To bad Frank’s not here. We’re catching a monster.”


  Little Billy leaned his body toward the partially closed bedroom door to listen for voices. He couldn’t hear much, shrugged, gave up and ran back down the hall to the living room.

  “Can you fix it?” Dean asked Hector.

  Hector held the broken lamp. “Probably, can I take it? I’ll have it back before El gets home.”

  “Thanks. She loves that lamp, and she’ll get even more pissed if she finds out Marcus and Joey were playing in here.”

  “If I can’t do it, Henry will.”

  “No.” Dean said. “Henry will tell her.”

  Hector laughed. ‘Probably.” His voiced trailed and eyes went to a photograph turned upside down on the nightstand. “Dean?” he lifted it. It was one of Ellen and Frank.

  “I’m sleeping in here, Hector.” Dean looked at the picture. “I’m sure you can understand.”

  “Yeah. I do.” Hector wrapped the chord. “Man, kids are quiet. You sure they’re fine.”

  “Yea, they’re fine. Probably just getting tired.” Dean looked at his watch. “Shoot. I better wrap them up soon.”

  “Before you do, can you help me find the screw that is missing from this.” Hector bent down to the floor and Dean joined him.

  Billy grumbled. “No, Joey that is not a word.” His hand reached to the Scrabble board.

  “Uh huh,” Joe said. “It’s a Marcus’ word. Right Marcus?”

  Marcus grunted and nodded, following it with a ‘Ba’

  Alexandra added, “I think if we’re talking about Marcus, it should be a word.”

  “Ug? Ug? Ug is not a word.” Billy said.

  “But it’s a Marcus word.” Alexandra defended. “God, lighten up you’re killing us anyhow.”

  “Perhaps I want you three to play by the rules and use real words so you can get intelligent.”

  Joey snickered.

  Bully rolled his eyes. “Okay, some of you.”

  “Where’s our father?” Alexandra asked.

  “He’s in the bedroom with Hector.” Billy replied. “Which doesn’t look good at this moment.”

  “Why?” Joey asked.

  “Because, Hector is a known gay man.”

  “What’s that mean??” Joey asked.

  Billy paused in thought to explain. “Okay, like Ben from Fabrics.”

  Alexandra nodded. “Oh, okay, maybe he’s helping redecorate.”


  The door swung open hard, bringing in, not only cold air, but something else.

  Alexandra screamed.

  Joey laughed.

  Marcus called out, “Da’

  And Billy shouted, “Dad, we have a problem!”

  Dean, having heard the scream, raced in the living room. “Shit.”

  Hector closed the door. “What do we do now?”

  Dean winced. He didn’t know what to do. One hand lay on the back of his neck, as Alexandra screamed and ran all the way to the bedrooms. “I ... I don’t know.” He said looking up to Christopher who stood in the living room in monster form.

  “One thing,” Hector said. “You better do something about ...that.” He pointed in the direction of the bedrooms.

  He heard it. Everyone did. Alexandra’s head was more than likely out the window, because not only was her voice heard in the house, but coming from outside as she shouted over and over. “Pap! Pap-Pap! Help. Pap-Pap help!”

  “Shit.” Dean took off running for the bedrooms.


  Joe was just getting undressed for bed when the blood curdling screams of Alexandra caused him to throw on his pants, rush to Dean’s, kick open the door, burst in the house like Dirty Harry, and extend his revolver.

  They all were around the table and the scrabble board. Dean and Hector included.

  Alexandra screamed when Joe burst in.

  Nervously, Dean peered up. “Uh, hey, Joe.”

  “Is everything Okay?” Joe asked.

  “Yeah.” Dean answered.

  “Yes.” Hector added. “What’s up?”

  “That’s what I’m asking you.” Joe slowly put his gun away. “What the hell is going on? I have Alex screaming bloody murder for me to help.”

  Scratching his head, with an embarrassed look, Dean began to apologize, but not before the interruption of Robbie.

  Through the open front door, Robbie made his dramatic entrance. Flying in, dropping to the floor, rolling to a stand as he brought forth his M-16, shifted the chamber and claimed, “I’m in.”

  Alexandra screamed … again.

  Billy rolled his eyes. “My sister is going to have a heart attack.”

  Dean’s hand slammed to his own face. “Oh my God.”

  Before Joe could shut the door, Jimmy barreled in, weapon raised. “I’m in.”

  Dean’s hand shot to Alexandra’s mouth.

  Robbie held up his hand. “Everyone Okay?”

  Joe lifted his hand. “That’s what I’d like to know.”

  “Why did you rush in here?” Robbie asked.

  Joe pointed to Alexandra. “She was screaming for help.”

  Robbie brought the headset to his mouth. “Elliott? Anything? Good. Jess? Good. Both hold tight your positions.” He pulled the microphone from his mouth. “Okay, be calm, but we chased the monster into this area. In fact…”

  Jimmy took over. “We saw it run in here.”

  “So we had the trailer surrounded, coming up with a rescue plan. When you saw your, dad, come in. Figuring you were old …”

  “Watch it,” Joe said.

  “Sorry.” Robbie said. “We rushed in. There was no way you’d know what to expect.”

  Slowly, from Robbie, Joe turned his head to the table. “Robert. You say you saw the monster run in here?”

  “Yes,” Robbie nodded. “In fact. He hasn’t come out. So … he’s got to be in here.”

  Dean snickered nervously. “Joe, please, don’t you think if there was a monster in my house, we’d know.” He fluttered his lips.

  Hector laughed too. “Surely someone would have screamed.”

p; Silence.

  Dean gave scolding eyes to Hector.

  “Actually,” Joe said. “Someone did scream.” He walked to the table. "Alex?”

  Alexandra wiggled in her seat, her legs kicked.

  He crouched before her. “Alex, honey.”

  “Yes, Pap. I have to pee.”

  “I see that. Honey, why did you scream?”

  Alexandria shifted her eyes to Dean.

  “Don’t look at Daddy. Look at me. Did you scream because something was here?”

  Alexandra bit her lip then slammed her hand over her mouth.

  “Was there something scary here?”

  Immediately, Alexandra jumped up. “I have to pee!” and she ran from the room.

  Joe gave ‘the eyes’ to Dean and slowly stood. “Joey …”

  “Huh?” Joey asked.

  Joe waved at him. “Never mind. Billy? Was there something scary in this house?”

  “No, Pap, not at all.” Billy said

  Dean smiled and walked behind Billy resting his hands on his shoulders.

  “You sure?” Joe asked.

  “Pap, I wouldn’t lie to you.” Billy said. “There was nothing …. Scary … in this house. Now if you asked me if there was a m …”

  “Bed time!” Dean spoke up. “Let’s go guys. Bed.”

  “Dean?” Joe stepped to him with question.

  “Joe, really, I have to get the kids in bed. They have school. And Jenny will have a fit if they’re tired. Plus, as you can see I have Marcus tonight.”

  “A-huh.” Joe nodded. “Go on.”

  “Let’s go guys,” Dean hustled the kids from the table. “Hector, give me a hand.”

  “Sure.” Hector aided Dean.

  As soon as they left, Joe whispered, “What the hell is going on here.”

  In his ear, Robbie responded. “Dean and Hector are getting awfully cozy.”

  “Christ.” Joe, irritated, shook his head and spun to Robbie.

  Robbie grinned. “Sorry.”

  “Could you guys have been wrong?” Joe asked.

  “No,” Robbie shook his head. “We all saw the monster run this way. We all saw it go in here.”

  “Not true.” Jimmy added, then grunted when Robbie back handed him.

  “What?” Joe questioned.

  Robbie huffed. “Elliott said it ran passed.”


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