Sink or Swim

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Sink or Swim Page 9

by Jamie Canosa

  Chapter Seventeen


  ~Fifteen Months Earlier~

  Allie stood, glaring at her reflection in the full length mirror that hung from the back of her bedroom door. Why did she always buy bikinis? They made her look fat. Why hadn’t she at least tried to get in shape? Sit ups? Jogging? Something . . . anything. How the hell was she supposed to compete with Dean’s herculean physique when her greatest physical exertion was attempting to outmaneuver her drunken father?

  She continued to assess her belly, all the while mentally berating her lack of effort, until a horn cut though her self-recriminations.

  “Let’s go, Al!”

  “Come on! Hurry up!”

  Allie stuck her head out the window, intent on telling them to hold their horses, and found Amy and Sarah grinning up at her from the bed of Dean’s truck. She couldn’t fault them their excitement. They’d been planning their day at the lake for a month—it had taken Dean that long to find the time—but it was finally here, and she was just as excited as they were.

  With a quick wave, she ducked back inside, snagged a t-shirt from her drawer, and pulled it over her suit as she raced down stairs. Thankfully, her father was already long gone. Sandals, keys, and she was out the door.

  “Took ya long enough.”

  “Shut up.”

  Dean greeted her with a laugh and a brief kiss, before checking on the girls in the back and pulling away from the curb. The sun was shining and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Perfect.

  Allie’s hair whipped in the breeze through the open windows as they cruised toward the edge of town. Twenty minutes and several knots later, they pulled off the main road and bounced their way up to the edge of the lake.

  Dean passed her a blanket, which she spread out on the shore while he helped his sisters unload Sarah’s camera bag and a basket packed with food. Sandwiches, water bottles, and those mini bags of chips. It wasn’t fancy, but it was more than enough.

  Allie lounged on the blanket beside Amy, while Dean and Sarah got into some kind of chip war. The sun beat down and she could already feel it heating her skin. She’d have to be careful, if she didn’t want to burn.

  The morning passed in a hazy lull of sunbathing and animated chatter from the girls. Allie was just drifting off into a sated slumber when Sarah went tearing down the dock shouting at the top of her lungs. She flew off the end of the dock, tucked into a tight ball, and executed a perfect cannonball that resulted in a splash Shamu would be proud of, soaking the rest of them still lying on the shore.

  Dean shouted, Amy screeched, and Allie laughed her ass off.

  “Come on, guys! Get in here!”

  “It’s too cold!” It definitely was not too cold, but Amy had always been squeamish about fish infested water.

  Allie couldn’t really blame her. If she stopped to really think about it, she probably would have been skeeved out, too. So, she didn’t. She just took off running full speed down the dock, hot planks burning her bare feet, and plummeted into the water, raining down yet another wave of fishy water on the blanket dwellers.

  Amy screeched again and started shouting something about freaks and fish poop. Yeah, Allie definitely wasn’t going to think about that. She floated on her back, but barely got in a couple of lazy strokes before she realized Dean was up and moving. Fast.

  “You’re gonna pay for that one!” He was sprinting down the dock, while simultaneously pulling off his tee.

  The sight of his deeply tanned, washboard abs distracted Allie long enough for him to get the jump on her. Literally. She barely caught a glimpse of that drool worthy sight before he was off the edge and sailing straight toward her. Water sprayed in her face as he splashed down right beside her. That was definitely cheating.

  The moment he resurfaced, Allie dunked him and then took off for the other side of the lake. She didn’t really stand a chance. With all those upper body muscles he built hauling lumber, he was an excellent swimmer. Luckily, she had Sarah on her side. The two of them tag teamed Dean, which evened the odds, while Amy sat and cheered them on from the shore. Perfect.

  Hours later, when the temperature began to drop, Dean boosted them both back onto the dock before joining them for another round of sandwiches. Sarah dug out her trusty old Nikon and started shooting. She wandered toward the lake, taking shot after shot of what Allie was sure would turn out to be beautiful pictures.

  Watching Sarah enjoy herself, Allie was completely unprepared when Dean launched his attack. Tickling her ribs mercilessly, he watched her buck and squeal, while Amy just sat back and laughed. That little traitor.

  Finally managing to pry away one of his hands, Allie rolled up onto her knees and took off, sprinting across the open field. She didn’t have to look back to know Dean was right behind her. She could feel him closing in.

  Still, she was taken by surprise when he grabbed a hold of her arm, spun her around, and planted a shoulder in her stomach. It didn’t hurt, but it definitely knocked the wind out of her as he lifted her off her feet.

  “Put me down, you caveman!” She hung nearly halfway down his back, pounding on him with her fists and laughing so hard tears formed in her eyes.

  “Don’t make me tickle you up there,” Dean warned with a quick slap to her butt.


  Laughing, Dean lowered her slowly down the front of his body until she was standing on her own again. His arms encircled her waste, pressing them tightly together and Allie was so wrapped up in him that she didn’t even realize Sarah had been snapping away the whole time. Later on, she gave one of the pictures to Allie. The sun was starting to set and the image was over exposed, but—just like the entire day—it was absolutely perfect.

  Dean only released her when a black Dodge Ram with mud coating its shiny rims rolled up to the lake, a tall, towheaded guy behind the wheel.

  “Who the hell is that?”

  It was rare not to recognize someone in a town so small, but Allie couldn’t place him, either.

  “Don’t have a stroke, Dean.” Sarah flounced up beside them, grinning widely at Dean’s obvious annoyance. “It’s only Laura’s big brother. He’s giving us a lift to the movies tonight.”

  As if on cue, an equally blonde girl bounded from the back of the truck toward their small group.

  “He’s on leave from the military. Isn’t he dreeeamy?” Amy drew out the last word and cast a wink at Allie as Dean growled.

  Allie could only sigh. Those girls were going to drive him crazy and he was going to let them.

  “Are you guys ready?” Laura was half out of breath and bouncing on her toes by the time she reached them. Clearly, the girl was destined to be a cheerleader. “This is going to be so great. I can’t believe you guys can actually come.”

  Neither Amy nor Sarah looked particularly comfortable with the blatant reminder of what a rare treat it was for them to go to the movies, and Allie’s hand itched to slap the girl upside the head. Before she could do anything that might constitute assault, however, Dean stepped in.

  “Okay. Don’t stay out too late.”

  “We know. We won’t.”

  “Call the house if you need anything. We won’t be here much longer. Have fun!” The girls were already piling into the back of the truck, as Dean called after them. Ever the protective big brother.

  “They’ll be fine.”

  “I know.” He stood still watching until the truck pulled out of sight before turning his attention back on Allie. “Now. Where were we? Oh yeah. Right about . . .” he stooped and in one quick move scooped Allie over his shoulder again, “here.”

  She continued to protest and squirm as he carried her toward his own truck. Not that it did any good. The blanket they’d used earlier for their picnic laid in a heap in the corner. Dean shook it out across the bed of the pickup, before unceremoniously dumping her on it.

  “Here we go.” He hauled himself up beside her and sprawled out across the blanket.

leaned back on her arms, locking her elbows and tilting her head to let the warm breeze blow over her face. The sun was beginning to set over the lake and the view was breathtaking. A sharp tug on her wrist took her by surprise, and she fell backward into Dean’s waiting arms.

  Laying her gently beside him, he pillowed his hands behind his head and smiled. “Perfect.”

  And it was.

  Warm and content, Allie watched the sun until it dipped below the horizon, blanketing them in twilight. When nature’s show was over, she turned to find Dean watching her.


  “Nothing.” He smiled lazily. “You just look beautiful.”

  “Dean . . .”

  “You do. So beautiful, in fact, that I can’t help myself. I have to kiss you.”

  “That could be arranged.” She loved it when he was in a playful mood, not stressed or exhausted.

  “Arranged, huh?” Quick as a flash, Dean rolled on top of her, planting his hands on either side of her head to hold her in place.

  Allie only had a moment to suck in a surprised breath before his lips were on hers. When Dean knew what he wanted, there was no stopping him. Not that she would have. His tongue traced the seam of her mouth and then forced its way inside. Honey. The taste of honey—and Dean—flooded her senses.

  Allie groaned at his intrusion as her hands wrapped around his biceps. She kissed him back with everything she had, and the kiss went on, and on . . . and on. His hands eventually left her face to slip her arms above her head, where his fingers tangled with hers.

  Pinned by Dean’s delicious weight and entrapped by his miraculous lips, Allie started to soar. His excitement spurred her own as he moved over her, rubbing against sensitive areas. The friction sent a jolt straight to her core, causing Allie to gasp and Dean pulled back to bury his face in her neck. They lay there, in each other’s arms, as they tried to regain control of their breathing, and other bodily functions.

  “You okay?” Dean’s voice was still rough as he pushed up on his elbows to stare down at her.

  “Mmhmm.” She could have just lain there all night enjoying that view, but if they didn’t leave soon she’d never make curfew and there’d be hell to pay.

  “Good, because I think we’re about to have a problem.”

  “What problem?”

  No sooner had she spoken than a wet drop splashed across her cheek. Dean grinned as he wiped it away with his thumb, only to be replaced by another. And another. A steady pitter-patter rose up around them and Dean laughed. Scrambling to his feet, he pulled Allie up beside him and wrapped the blanket around her shoulders.

  They’d just made it inside the cab of the truck when a crack so loud it sounded like the skies had broken open boomed and Allie jumped a clear mile.

  “It’s only thunder, Al.” It was too dark to see his face well, but she could hear the smile in his voice.

  “I know that, smartass. It just surprised m—”

  A second crack sent another tremor through her. Not quite as violent as the first, but still enough to make Dean chuckle. He shifted in the seat, pulling her close to his side and locking his arms around her.

  His lips pressed against the sensitive skin of her ear and his warm breath washed down her neck as he leaned in to whisper, “I’ll keep you safe.”

  Allie shut her eyes and burrowed deeper into his solid body. How she wished they were talking about more than just some thunder and lightning. She’d never—not a single time—ever even considered telling Dean the truth, but in that moment, she wanted to so badly it frightened her.

  Sheets of rain washed over the windshield, leaving no visibility at all. They wouldn’t be going anywhere until the storm passed. Pulling the blanket more tightly around herself, Allie rested her head on Dean’s shoulder.

  She must have drifted off because when she woke again, they were no longer at the lake. Dean was still beside her, one arm wrapped tightly around her shoulders, but through the windshield, she had a clear view of her front door.

  The rain had tapered off to a steady drizzle and she could see lights burning in the downstairs windows. A quick glance at the dashboard clock confirmed that she was hopelessly late.

  Her father hadn’t been happy, hadn’t cared one bit about the storm, and hadn’t been sober. Three strikes that had added up to one of the worst beatings Allie could remember. She’d had to make excuses against seeing Dean for almost two weeks while she healed up. But, it had been worth every second of it.

  That’s what Dean had to go and ruin with all of his goddamn questions. The only bit of happiness in her life, at all. Dammit. She was so mad at him for that. Why couldn’t he just go on being her clueless boyfriend? Why did he have to care so much? Love her so much? Too much? It had fucked up everything. And now he was gone.

  Watching him turn his back on her and walk away had been one of the hardest things she’d ever had to endure—and that was saying something. But it was what she’d wanted. What she’d needed. For him. Her life was a shit storm of epic proportions and she wasn’t about to get him caught in the squall.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Every day was the same. After a full day of class and then work, Dean plopped down at the kitchen table long after everyone else had gone to bed with a cup of coffee and tried to make himself focus. It was a lost cause. Every five fucking seconds his thoughts would drift out the door and across the street. She was in that house. She was always in that house. She never left. He never even saw her anymore.

  He naively hoped that would change on graduation day. Some small, pathetic part of him had actually expected her to show up for the ceremony. When they called his name and his gaze drifted over the audience, he hadn’t even realized who he was looking for until a wave of disappointment washed over him, finding only his mama, Amy, and Sara in his cheering section.

  They did their best to make the day special for him. The balloons tied to the front steps made him smile as they pulled into the driveway. They couldn’t really afford frivolous things like balloons, but it was their way of showing how proud they were of him. Mama even cooked up his favorite meal. Mac and cheese with barbeque pulled pork mixed in. It may not have been some fancy five star cuisine, but it tasted that way to Dean.

  Still, something was missing and it wasn’t very hard to figure out what. While he shook hands with his teachers, he silently fumed that Allie wouldn’t get the same honor. When he saw those balloons out front, it soured his soul that she’d never known that kind of love. And, even as he ate his mama’s fine cookin’ he couldn’t help wondering what she was eating. If she was eating.

  Shit, he was going to lose his friggin’ mind.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Dishes, laundry, cooking, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, repeat. Allie felt like Cinder-fucking-ella. But she wouldn’t complain. The routine worked and the weeks since her mother’s funeral had been pretty quiet. Little things here and there—pinches and slaps—but no fists, or feet, or random objects, so she counted that a success.

  Graduation came and went. She knew Dean had done it because she saw balloons tied to the front steps across the street. It wasn’t much, but it was their way of celebrating his accomplishments. Allie thought it was beautiful.

  All of her classmates had gotten their diplomas and were moving on to bigger and better things. But not her. Not Allie. She was stuck. She’d resigned herself to her new existence as her father’s personal slave.

  As long as she did what she was told, followed the rules, and never complained she was safe. Allie stuck to the routine like glue and tried to stay out of sight, keeping holed up in her room until her father left for work each morning, then clamoring through her list of chores to make sure everything was in perfect order and dinner was on the table before he got home again. She’d filled her mother’s role perfectly, and did all of it with just as much enthusiasm.

  The rest of the time she spent lying on her bed staring up at that
fucking white ceiling. She didn’t speak to anyone, unless her father spoke to her—which he didn’t. She tried not to think anymore. There was no reason left to worry. Dean would be safe and, as long as she kept her father happy, so would she. At night she’d lie in bed and will herself not to dream. The nightmares still came on a regular basis, but those weren’t the worst.

  Now she dreamed of happy memories, too. Days out by the lake with Dean and his sisters, teaching them how to fish. Dates they’d gone on to the movies or the local bowling alley. Or times when they’d just sat in his truck for hours, talking about nothing in particular. Those were the worst. Because inevitably, she’d always have to wake up again.

  When she heard the front door slam shut, she startled out of her thoughts. Shit, she’d gotten distracted and he was home already. Wiping clean the last glass, she shoved it in the drying rack and headed for the stairs, but she was too late.

  “Allie, I think I’d like some company for dinner tonight.” Her father removed his jacket and hung it in the closet near the door.

  Allie’s feet itched to race up the stairs and out of his sight, but that wasn’t an option. She’d been given a command. Obediently, she turned and went back into the kitchen, taking a seat at the table while he helped himself to some of the chili she’d prepared. He didn’t pour her any, for which she was grateful. She really didn’t want to eat.

  “So, tell me, what have you done today?”

  What had she done? Was this some kind of trick question? “Um . . . well, I finished the laundry, and cleaned the floors, and made dinner.”

  “And it’s very good.”

  A compliment? She didn’t even know those were a part of her father’s vocabulary.

  “Thank you.” He shot her a hard glare and she quickly added, “Sir.”


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