The Diary of a Side Chick 4: A Naptown Hood Drama (Side Chick Diaries)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 4: A Naptown Hood Drama (Side Chick Diaries) Page 12

by Tamicka Higgins

  Tron nodded. “Yeah,” he said. “I’m supposed to be helpin’ her move back to her mama’s house tomorrow.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Reese said. “You don’t think that she thought I was here or nothing, do you?”

  Tron shook his head. “Naw,” he said. “You ain’t say nothin’ when I was on the phone with her. She ain’t even ask me where I was or nothin’. I just wanted to make sure that I called her back before her ass is over here actin’ crazy, or worse, up at the club tonight or somethin’. I ain’t got no more time for her games and bullshit. I’m just try’na be coo until they babies drop and shit.”

  “So, she is havin’ twins? You sure of that?” Reese asked.

  Tron shrugged. “Fuck if I know,” he said. “I mean, that is what she told me, and I don’t know why a chick would lie about some shit like that. But, the more and more I think about it, she prolly out in these streets and fuckin’ a lotta niggas, don’t she?”

  Reese looked away while she thought. “I guess,” she answered. “Everywhere we would go, niggas would be hollerin’ at her.”

  “Yeah,” Tron said. “I bet.” He imagined her body. And it amazed him how a woman with such a beautiful body could be so damn bitchy and selfish at the core. “She not like you. She a hoe.”

  Reese playfully tapped Tron’s toned chest. “Don’t say that,” she said. “She used to be my friend.”

  “Y’all ain’t friends no more, are you?” Tron asked, already knowing the answer.

  Reese let out a sigh. “Naw,” she said, trying to think of how to explain her point of view. “Desirae…Desirae… It’s like she think that she’s better than me or something. All she ever talked about was herself and her body and anything else to do with her. Then, she had the nerve to basically call me ugly and shit, prolly just cause I’m not build like she is.”

  Tron liked how Reese was opening up to him. Sure, she was just a fuck as well, but the fact that she was telling him exactly what he wanted to know about Desirae was more than enough. He was just looking for the right reasons to demand that Desirae go through with a paternity test. The more and more Reese talked about Desirae’s provocative habits and clothes that she wore out in the street, the clearer it was becoming to him that he needed to make sure that hoe was pregnant by him and not some other nigga. Bitches were always looking for a way to come up on a nigga’s success. And Tron was not going to let that kind of shit happen with him.

  Tron lay up in the bed with Reese for a little while longer. He contemplated dicking her down one good time before they left, but decided against it. He had things to do and really didn’t have time. There would be a next time because she had the kind of pussy that he could really get used to having on a regular basis.

  Tron walked Reese downstairs and to the front door. Reese, looking like she had stars in her eyes from last night, turned around before she walked out the door and said that she would text him. Tron nodded and said he would do the same, as he pushed the front door closed. No sooner than he could turn all the way around, Tyrese was there. His boy was walking right toward him, with a grin on his face.

  “Damn, nigga,” Tyrese said. “You was upstairs Mandingo-in that bitch last night.”

  Tron shrugged. “Had to,” he said, in a very matter of a fact way. “I was up there long dickin’ that pussy. A fuckin’ grudge fuck is what you call that.”

  “I knew it, I knew it,” Tyrese said, his balled up fist up over his mouth. “I knew that was exactly what yo ass was doin’, nigga. Fuckin’ her to get back at your baby mama. Man…she gon’ kill you when she find out.”

  “Man, whatever,” Tron said. He walked right on passed Tyrese and made his way to the kitchen. Tyrese followed behind Tron as he continued. “She prolly ain’t gon find out,” he said. “And if she do, I could give two fucks less about that hoe. Fuck that bitch. If she wasn’t pregnant, supposedly, with my kids and shit, I prolly wouldn’t ever even talk to her again and shit. Just ignore that bitch like the piece of trash that she is.”

  “So now you done spent the night, long dickin’ her old best friend,” Tyrese said. “Man, I’m tellin’ you, once she find that shit out, she is gonna make your life a fuckin’ hell. Mark my words, nigga. She will, most definitely, find out about that. You know how chicks be and shit. If the Reese chick is mad at her old friend, she gon say something to Desirae eventually that she thinks Desirae don’t know about – the one leg up, kind of thing, I guess. You know how chicks be, nigga. You already know. Don’t be brand new with me, bruh.”

  “Fuck all that,” Tron said. “And they not even friends no more, or that’s what Reese was sayin’ when we was layin’ up in the sheets and shit. So, really, if you think about it, I ain’t do shit wrong. As far as Desirae know, I met that bitch somewhere and ain’t even know who she was or that she was her old best friend. Ain’t like Desirae ever introduced us or nothin’, no way. Fuck her and whatever she think. I know that bitch tried to trap me. Some of the shit Reese was tellin’ me about that hoe.”

  “Is it bad?” Tyrese asked. “Like, did she have that kinda pussy that just about every nigga in the city done ran through and shit.”

  Tron looked at his boy, not wanting to admit what he was about to admit. He nodded “Yeah, I guess,” he said. “I mean, she definitely wasn’t no pure, virgin kinda bitch or nothin’. That’s for sure.”

  “Man, I told you what you betta do,” Tyrese said. “I told you that yo ass better get a fuckin’ DNA test or whatever they call it so you can make sure that she ain’t just try’na get paid off of your ass. You know these games that these hoes out here, especially nowadays, will play on a nigga. Man, trust me bruh. You betta get that shit just so that yo ass can be sure.”

  Tron pulled a gallon of orange juice out of the refrigerator and set it on the kitchen counter. He nodded his head. “Yeah, that’s what I’mma do,” he told his boy Tyrese. “I’mma be over there tomorrow, helpin’ her move back in with her mama and shit.”

  “Look at your ass,” Tyrese said, holding back a big snicker. “She already got your ass on daddy patrol. Watch her crazy ass be pullin’ out the phone tomorrow when you get over there and try to take pictures and shit so she can put’em up on her Instagram or some shit.”

  Tron looked at his boy Tyrese. “Nigga, fuck you,” he said. “I ain’t bein’ in no picture with that hoe.”

  Tyrese walked away. “I got shit I gotta do today,” he said. “I’m tellin’ you, nigga. Watch your back. Once that chick find out that you fucked her old best friend, she probably gon’ drop a fuckin’ bomb on you or some shit. She already tried to kill your ass – cause of death: stabbed to death by a fork. All she need now is a real good reason to really go psycho bitch on your ass.

  Tron shook his head. “Yeah,” he said. “Same goes to you. Watch out for Nalique, before she come beat that ass and shit and have you runnin’ back over here cryin’, again.”

  “Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Tyrese said. “Whatever.”

  Chapter 8

  When Desirae finished packing up some more of her stuff, all that was left in its original place in her apartment was the television, the entertainment system, and her bed. Everything else was packed into boxes or stuffed into bags. She knew that she was going to get hungry soon, so she thought she would go out to grab something to eat rather than taking the time, and energy, to cook something. Just then, as she decided that, she also decided that tonight just might be the night to go see Reese.

  “She was callin’ me, beggin’ for forgiveness,” Desirae said. “And I’mma give it to her.”

  Desirae grabbed her phone and went right to Reese’s number. She called, looking forward to hear what front she put on when they both damn well knew that she had been laying up with Tron in the middle of the day. Why else would she ever, ever, ever be over at Tron’s house? Why else would she have been in that bar, ducked off to the side? Desirae knew that she needed to be as nice as she could be so that Reese would not think anything was up.

bsp; “Hello?” Reese answered.

  Desirae laughed. Reese sounded as if she was clearly surprised at the fact that she was calling her. “Hey, Reese,” she said. “It’s Desirae.”

  “Oh…” Reese said. “Hey?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, girl,” Desirae said. “I ain’t catch you at no bad time or nothin’, did I?”

  Before Desirae could even come to the finish line of her sentence, Reese was already answering. “Naw, naw,” she said. “You ain’t catch me at a bad time.”

  “Okay,” Desirae said. “Well, I was thinkin’ about the other day and stuff. And I still don’t know if I trust you to be my friend and shit, Reese. I just thought I would call you because I’mma be goin’ out and gettin’ somethin’ to eat in a minute and was thinkin’ maybe I could stop by and we chat for a minute or somethin’?”

  “Well,” Reese said, clearly sounding hesitant. “I guess that would be okay. You don’t wanna talk over the phone, girl? You was pretty mad at me, from what it sounded like.”

  “Exactly,” Desirae said. “I’m not about to let no nigga come between me and my best friend. You said you was up there to just see what that nigga was up to so that you could come back and tell me. I thought more and more about that and thought about how crazy I musta been, trying to accuse you of try’na do something with the father of my unborn children.”

  “Yeah,” Reese said. “I told you that we hadn’t done anything.”

  Desirae looked down at her phone and shook her head. “Yeah,” she said. “I know.”

  Desirae was disgusted beyond words.

  “Okay, well,” Reese said. “When was you try’na come through, girl?”

  Desirae checked the time on her phone. “Shit,” she said. “What you doin’ right now? I can come right now, if that would be cool with you. You know what the roads are like out there today? I haven’t been out much lately, so...”

  “The roads?” Reese said. “They good, Desirae. You know how some of the side streets be. They be kinda bad – messed up. But the main streets are clear, girl. You’ll be alright.”

  “Okay,” Desirae said, very calmly. “Well, I’m about to get some clothes on and head over that way.”

  “Okay,” Reese said. “Girl, let me know when you close.”

  On that note, the two said bye and Desirae dropped her phone onto her couch.

  “I’mma fuck that bitch up so bad,” Desirae said to herself, talking about Reese. She could feel her blood pumping. It was hard to not walk around her apartment with balled fists. As Desirae got dressed, she was so happy that she did absolutely nothing to Reese’s car when she was parked outside of Tron’s place. The element of surprise was one of the oldest tricks in the book. And Desirae was getting a thrill from using it herself. Reese would never know what was coming. And, if everything went according to how Desirae wanted, Tron would never know either. She was already thinking of how she could get Tron to show his real colors tomorrow. All she needed was to get him going, at the right time. She hoped that God would be on her side for this one.

  Chapter 9

  It took Desirae twenty minutes to get over to Reese’s neighborhood. Since Reese stayed with her family, and her family had always been so nice to Desirae, she had decided while she was driving that she would at least be respectful enough to not beat the bitch’s ass in front of her home – in front of her family. Plus, Desirae knew that if she did that, her family would be the ones trying to come out and save a hoe. And Desirae did not want for anybody to get in the way, not for one second.

  When Desirae pulled up outside of Reese’s house, which was in the hood, she called Reese and told her that she was outside waiting. Rather than her coming inside, Desirae suggested that they go somewhere to eat together. Just as Desirae hoped and planned, Reese agreed. Within minutes, she came rushing out of the front door, down the steps, and across the front yard. When Reese got into Desirae’s car and closed the door, she looked at Desirae. The look in her eyes said it all: she felt guilty about something. Desirae got a kick out of the fact that she knew what Reese thought she did not know.

  “Hey,” Reese said. Something about this was just not feeling right to her.

  “Hey,” Desirae said. She then forced a smile. “I was thinkin’ we go eat together somewhere. What is over here?”

  Reese explained the number and types of fast food restaurants that lined a nearby busy road. Desirae pulled off, after saying that going to that particular street was just fine. She drove toward the corner in silence. Soon enough, the silence was too much – like a train coming – for Reese. She just had to say something – anything – to break the ice.

  “Desirae, girl,” Reese said. “I swear to God I was just up in there try’na see what he was doin’.”

  Desirae looked over at Reese. “I know, I know,” she said, nodding her head just as she turned the corner. “The more I thought about it, the more I knew. That’s why I finally called you.”

  “Okay,” Reese said. “I just hate that you thought that I would do something like that to you. Girl, how long have we known each other? I would never do nothing like that to you.”

  Desirae pulled up at a stoplight – a stoplight that was situated at a corner that was rather dead during the night, especially during the winter months. She looked across at Reese and shook her head. “Girl, you is a damn lie.”

  Immediately, Reese could feel her heart start to pound in her chest. Something just seemed a little too nice about Desirae, especially with the fact that she called after ignoring Reese for the better part of two weeks. “What are you talkin’ bout, Desirae?” Reese asked. “What you mean I’mma damn lie?”

  Quickly, Desirae threw her car into PARK and began to take her seatbelt off. When she was finished, she looked her former best friend dead in the eye. “I mean just what the fuck I said!” she yelled. “How the fuck you gon’ get in my car and just tell a bold face lie, to my face like that, like I don’t fuckin’ know. I know just what you was doin’ up in that club that night. And you know it too, so I don’t even know why you try’na lie. You just a thirsty ass bitch because you couldn’t get no good dick on your own.”

  “See, Desirae,” Reese said, getting a little mad herself. “I don’t know where you get all this attitude and shit from, I swear.”

  “You don’t?” Desirae asked. “You don’t? Is that what you really gon’ say? Girl, I see you for what you really is. No sooner than I really started to think that maybe you was up in that club that night for whatever reason you came up with just now and said, what the fuck happens, huh? Tell me why I rolled by Tron’s place earlier and saw your car there? Huh, tell me that!”

  Reese backed up, like an animal trapped in a corner. How did Desirae just so happen to know that she was over at Tron’s place? She was there when Tron was on the phone with Desirae, and she was sure that he did not say a word about her being there. Quickly, she knew that she needed to say something that would make sense for saying that it was not her. Reese shook her head. “No, Desirae,” she said. “No, I swear. I wasn’t over there today or whenever. That wasn’t my car.”

  Just then, Desirae reached out as quickly as she could and slapped the shit out of Reese. A light scream spilled over Reese’s lips as she gripped her face. The sides had already been stinging from being out in the cold weather. Getting slapped in the face was just incredibly painful.

  “Bitch, I know that was your fuckin’ car!” Desirae let Reese know. “I looked inside and saw that same ole raggedy ass air freshener that you done had since for fucking ever. Look at you, lyin’ and shit to my fuckin’ face again.”

  A tear rolled down Reese’s face. “Well, damn, Desirae,” she said. “You ain’t have to slap me.”

  Desirae snickered, looking at how weak of a woman Reese truly was. She was going to enjoy beating that ass, even if it was the last thing in the world that she ever did.

  “Didn’t have to slap you?” Desirae asked. “Girl, I’m bout to give you way worse than that.�

  No sooner than Reese could process what was being said, she felt Desirae grab a fistful of her hair and pull her face down and into the driver’s seat. Desirae pushed her car door open as she stepped.

  “Stupid bitch!” Desirae yelled, tightening her grip on Reese’s hair. “I swear to God, bitch. I’mma beat that ass so bad.”

  Reese squirmed, flailing her arms about. However, with Desirae standing outside of the car, Reese could not reach her while being held over the consul like a rag doll. Not letting her grip up one bit, Desirae held Reese’s head down with one hand and began to punch the sides with the other. She hit Reese in the head over and over and over again. She didn’tstop until she was too tired to keep her grip on Reese’s hair. When she fell back and into the street on her side of the car, there was a clump of Reese’s hair entangled in Desirae’s hand.

  “Bitch, you was my fuckin’ best friend,” Desirae said, now in deep in her emotions. “And you gon go behind my back and fuck Tron and shit. All the shit I was tellin’ you all these weeks and months and you was really just savin’ that shit so you could get you some too.”

  Reese pushed her car door open and climbed out, into the snow along the curb.

  “Bitch, why the fuck you think that a man like that is gon’ want some hoe like you?” Reese snapped back. “Girl, all you ever talked about was yourself. You know niggas just want you to have somethin’ to fuck. They would never take your hoe ass home to they family or not shit.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Desirae said, heading around the front of the car to get Reese. “You ain’t gon’ call me no hoe but you the one laid up with him over there, behind my fuckin’ back.”

  Reese stepped back at Desirae got close to her, but her movement was too late. Before she knew it, Desirae was swinging at her head like there was no tomorrow. Reese swung back, like any grown woman would, but Desirae’s swings were too fast. Her licks were too hard. And, more importantly, it was so damn cold outside.


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