The Great Transformation
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George, Stefan, 246
Germany, 6, 19, 24, 30, 32, 196, 213, 222, 252–253, 254; and Bolshevism, 199; cartels, 226; colonial policy, 226; and the Concert of Europe, 8; currency, 224, 238; customs tariff, 226; and disarmament, 250; and England, 13; factory legislation, 153; Fascism, 25, 32, 246, 250; and France, 12, 226; foreign investment policy, 12; a “have-not,” 221; industrial revolution, 183; inflation, 24; labour, 251; leaves the League of Nations, 253; National Socialist Revolution, 24; and the peace interest, 19; preparations for war, 252; prosperity, 252; social insurance, 226; workmen’s compensation, 154
Ghost dance, 168
Gibbins, H. de B., 38
Gilbert, Thomas, 296
Gilbert’s Act, 100, 111, 285
Gladstone, William Ewart, 222
Godwin, William, 88, 89, 127, 132, 296
Gold, 137, 203
Gold standard, 3, 26–27, 31, 80, 141, 144, 169, 201 ff., 211, 223, 226, 234, 236, 252, 254; collapse, 21; and currency, 224; failure, 28, 29; origin, 32; and the peace factor, 14; restoration, 149; table of countries off, 275; in the United States, 211
Goldenweiser, A., 165, 278, 301, 302
Government. See Popular government.
Grant, Irene, 11
Great Britain, 20, 30, 253, 254, 299; balance of power, 269; and Bismarck, 8; currency, 235–236, 242; expansion, 5, 6; and Fascism, 250; foreign policy, 222; general strike, 236; and laissez-faire, 149; National Government, 235; off the gold standard, 24, 27, 149, 208, 252; trade, 216, 238; unemployment benefits, 288
Great War. See World War I.
Greece, 16, 33, 236; currency, 27
Grey, Sir Edward (Lord Grey of Fallodon), 269
Guilds, 69, 73
Habeas Corpus Act, 146, 264
Haberler, G., 220
Habitation versus improvement, 35 ff.
Hadley, A. T., 234
Hales, John, 38
Halévy, Elie, 286
Halifax, Lord, 254
Hamburg, 66
Hamilton, Alexander, 222
Hammond, Barbara, 179, 287
Hammond, J. L., 179, 287
Hammurabi (in Babylonia), 53
Hampshire, 98, 296
Hanse, 66
Hapsburgs, 271
Hartley, David, 119
Harvey, J., 285
Hastings, Warren, 222
Haushofer, Karl, 272
Haute finance, 10, 14, 18–19, 23, 29; England, 11; France, 11; function, 10–11; organization, 12
Hawtrey, G. R., 59, 75, 193, 272
Hayes, C. A., 197
Hazlitt, W., 131
Heatley, D. P., 272
Heckscher, E. F., 38, 173, 283, 284
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 116
Heimwehr, 249
Helvetius, Claude Adrien, 119
Henderson, H. D., 72
Henry VIII, King, 233
Herriot, Edouard, 154
Hershey, A. S., 17, 272
Herskovits, M. J., 280, 282, 171
Heymann, H., 250
Hilferding, Rudolf, 26, 276
Hindenburg, Paul von Beneckendorff und von, 24, 246, 250
Hitler, Adolf, 199, 246, 247, 251, 254
Hobbes, Thomas, 119, 172
Hobson, J. A., 276
Hofmann, A., 272
Holland, 29, 271; and Fascism, 246, 249
Holmes, E., 285
Holy Alliance, 5 ff., 17
Hoover, Herbert, 25
Householding, 56
Houses of Industry, 287
Howlett, Rev. J., 288, 290, 296
Humanity. See Society.
Hume, David, 119, 192 ff., 270, 272
Hundred Years’ Peace, 3 ff., 198, 273–274; bibliography, 272
Hungary, 5, 13, 24, 249; and Bolshevism, 196; and currency, 27; and Fascism, 246, 249
Hungry Forties, 181, 234
Huskisson, William, 232
“Ideal system” (economic), 8
Immigration, 214
Imperialism, 16, 158, 192, 218, 221– 222, 214–215, 227
Import tariffs. See Customs tariffs.
Imports, 221
Improvement versus habitation, 36 ff.
Incas, 54, 280
India, 54, 167–168, 173; and currency, 280
Indian Reorganization Act, 302
Indians, American. See North American Indians.
Individual, rights of, in society, 245
Indo-China, 6
Industrial Revolution, 7, 8, 36, 39 ff., 81, 93, 124, 135, 169, 173; causes, 42–43; cultural effect, 164; defi- nition, 42–43; England, 31, 36 ff., 182; Europe, 182–183; origin, 32; social conditions, 41–42, 182
Industry, 16
Industry-houses, 112, 122, 126
Inflation, 24, 25, 27, 148, 235
Inheritance Act, 189
Innes, A. D., 38
International institutions, 3–4. See also Balance of Power; Gold standard.
International Labour Office, 27
International order and peace, 260–261
International system, 4–5, 16, 21 ff.; failure, 29, 252; monetary, 16
Internationalism, 10, 207
Intervention, international, 5
Interventionism, 38–39, 69–70, 155, 161, 207, 215–216, 217, 225, 231, 239
Investments, foreign, 11, 15
Ireland, 246
Italy, 5, 24, 32, 221, 245–246; Bolshevism, 199; currency, 26; Fascism, 245–246, 249, 250; industrial revolution, 183; preparations for war, 252
James, Isaac, 118, 296
Japan, 221, 252, 270; Fascism, 246
Jesus, 249
Judaism, 249
Johnson, Charles S., 303
Jones, Edward, 296
Jowett, Benjamin, 56
Jugoslavia, 245
Kaffirs, 165, 171, 302, 303
Kett’s rebellion, 37
Keynes, John Maynard, 195
Kingfish. See Long, Huey.
Kingsley, Charles, 102, 165
Kingsley, Mary H., 302
Klages, Ludwig, 246
Knight, Frank H., 250
Knowledge of constitutive facts, 264
Knowles, L. C. A., 184, 272
Kouwenhoven, John A., 11
Kpelle, 62
Kraal-land system, 171
Kula ring, 62
Kula trade, 51, 52
Kwakiutl (tribesmen), 53, 171
Labour, 41, 71 ff., 81 ff., 171 ff., 234; code of, 91; division of, 282; enforced, 91, 92, 99; independent, 104; nationalization, 73; nomadic, 172; obligations, 120
Labour exchange, 110, 113, 176
Labour legislation, English, 73
Labour market. See Markets, Labour.
Labour organization, 90, 288 ff.
Labour parties, 150, 236, 243
Laissez-faire, 122, 124, 138, 143, 145, 147, 154 ff., 286
Land, 36, 39, 71 ff., 81, 187 ff.; colonies, 188
Landflucht, 293
Langer, W. L., 273, 276
Lassalle, Ferdinand, 26, 111, 113
Lasswell, H. D., 272, 273
Latin America and Fascism, 246
Latvia, 25, 249, 251
Laud, William, Archbishop, 37
Lawrence, D. H., 246
Lawson, 110
League Council, 23
League of Nations, 27, 29; balance of power, 22, 249; collapse, 24; gold delegation of, 242
Leathes, Sir Stanley Mordaunt, 272, 276
Leigh, Robert D., 11
Lenin, Wladimir Ilyitch, 16, 24, 26
Lesser, Alexander, 301
Libel Act, 142
Liberal philosophy and Fascism, 265–266
Liberal State, 3, 29, 31, 195
Linton, Ralph, 278
Lippmann, Walter, 46, 148, 155, 272, 288
Lipson, Ephraim, 282
Lithuania, 25, 251
Lloyd George, David, 155
Locke, John, 111, 117, 129, 233
Loeb, E. M., 171, 281, 282
; London, 181, 196, 202
Long, Huey, 249
Lorimer, Frank, 302
Lowie, Robert Harry, 277
Luddism, 85, 175
Lueger, Karl, 154
Luson, Hewling, 296
Luther, Martin, 116
Luxembourg, neutralization, 8
Lyons, 173
Lysis (Michel le Tellier), 276
Macaulay, Thomas Babbington (Lord Macaulay), 185, 233, 234
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 116
Machines, 77–78, 124–125
MacIver, Robert M., 10
Madagascar, 6
Mair, L. P., 171, 301
Majendie, 292
Malinowski, Bronislav, 50, 277
Malthus, Thomas Robert, 88, 89, 103, 109, 118, 121, 127–129, 131, 143, 231, 285, 299
Manchester, 142, 174
Mandeville, Doctor, 114
Mankind. See Society.
Mann, J., 291
Mantoux, P. L., 127, 287
Manufactures, 98
Market economy, 31 ff., 75 ff., 105, 136, 187 ff., 195, 223 ff., 231 ff., 303; ancient Greece, 56; definition, 42, 43–44, 45, 71; England, 31; successor of Speenhamland, 106
Market system, 40, 44, 78, 85, 129, 136–137, 139, 145, 155 ff., 162, 171 ff., 195, 226; collapse of, 243; self-regulating, 31–32
Markets, 29, 43, 45–46, 56 ff., 171 ff., 187 ff., 201 ff., 228, 257–258, 276– 277, 281–282; corn, 289; customs and ceremonies, 64; definition, 59; fairs, 63; free, 146; India, 167; labour, 73, 75, 81, 82, 84, 92, 122, 132, 141–144, 169 ff., 184–185, 190, 225, 233, 239, 300; land, 75, 169 ff., 187 ff., 225, 239; local, 61, 64– 65, 67; money, 18, 75, 169 ff., 239; national, 64, 68–69, 120; one big market, 75, 187; origin, 66–67; ports, 63; real estate, 187; self- regulating, 3, 40, 42 ff., 60, 71 ff., 87, 132, 137–138, 141, 144, 147 ff., 154 ff., 198, 209, 217, 225, 280; United States, 210; world, 79–80
Marshall, Dorothy, 297
Marshall, T. H., 299
Martineau, Harriet, 94, 102, 104–105, 233, 286, 297
Marx, Karl, 8, 26, 76, 88, 113, 131, 158, 174, 285
Massie, J., 297
Materialism, 31, 42
Mayer, J. P., 272
Mead, Margaret, 166, 301
Meeting of Sufferings, 111
Melanesians, 302
Mellonie, F. C., 297
Mendershausen, Horst, 11
Mercantilism, 38, 70, 73, 77, 90, 284
Meredith, H. O., 83
Metternich, Prince Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar von, 7
M’Farlane, John, 108, 296, 303
Micronesians, 279
Middle classes, 17, 25, 104–105, 139, 180, 182, 194, 195, 196; Austria, 197. See also Classes.
Mill, James, 166
Mill, John Stuart, 26, 88, 212
Millins, Mrs. S. G., 165
Mines Act, 152
Minstrels, 277
Mises, Ludwig von, 26, 46, 148, 185, 198, 204, 234, 235, 287
Mitchell, W. C., 286
Mond Plan, 299
Mond, Sir Alfred, 288
Money, 25–26, 56, 61, 71 ff., 81, 204, 205, 208, 211–212, 282–283; com- modity, 137, 202, 205; Egypt, 53– 54; free, 214–215; token, 202, 205, 208; United States, 235. See also Currency; Wealth.
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat de, 70, 233
More, Hannah, 179, 196, 289
More, Thomas, 116
Morgan, John Pierpont, 29
Morgans, 29
Morocco, 13, 20
Mowat, R. B., 273
Muir, Ramsay, 273
Munich, 253
Münster, Treaty of, 7, 270
Mussolini, Benito, 26, 199, 246, 251
Nasmith, James, 297
National Charity Company, 112
Nationalism, 16, 207–208
National Socialist Revolution, 24
Nazism, 250, 253
Netherlands. See Holland.
Neutralization, 8
New Deal, 24, 211, 236, 237
New Lanark, 178–179
New Poor Law, 232, 233
Nicholls History of the Poor Laws, 290
Nonconformity in established society, 260
Norman, Montagu, 253, 254
North American Indians, 168, 301–302
Norway, 8
Oastler, Richard, 174
Ohlin, B., 189
Oil industry, 149
Okeden, 292
Old Age Pension Act, 287
Oncken, H., 273
Operative Builders’ Union, 177
Oppenheim, L., 272
Orange State, 221
Ortes, Giammaria, 108
Ottoman Empire, 5, 8
Outdoor relief, 100
Owen, Robert, 88, 89, 111, 113, 115, 125, 133 ff., 165, 176, 178 ff., 235, 268, 297, 302–303
Owenism, 175 ff.
Owenite movement, 175 ff., 294
Owenite Societies, 176
Pacific Islands, 221
Pacifism, 5, 11
Paine, Thomas, 97, 297
Palestine, 246
Palgrave, Sir Robert Harry Inglis, 298
Palmerston, Third Viscount, 269, 274
Panopticon, 126, 146
Pantlen, Herman, 284
Papen, Franz von, 247
Paris, 181
Paris, Bourse of, 13
Parish serfdom, 289
Parliamentary Reform Act, 105, 124, 174, 232
Paternalism, 82, 92
Pauperism, 82 ff., 108, 123, 128, 232, 296 ff.; bibliography, 296 ff.; first appearance in England, 109; rural, 93–94. See also Speenhamland; Poor Law.
Pawnee hand game, 168
Pax Britannica, 14
Peace, 7, 17, 18, 22, 23, 276; African, 301; “armed peace,” 14
“Peace interest,” 7 ff., 11, 14, 273–274
Peace Treaties. See Treaties and particular Peace Treaties.
Peasantry, 67, 182, 192, 197; and Fascism, 251
Peel, Robert, 143, 185, 232, 233
Pelican Inn, 82
Pengwe of West Africa, 62
Penrose, E. F., 190, 210
Persia, 20
Pew, Richard, 297
Pharmacopœia, 152
Phillips, W. A., 273
Physiocrats, 115, 141, 195
Piracy, 274
Pirenne, Henri, 63, 270, 272, 281, 283 ff.
Pitt, William, 112, 122, 143, 185, 285
Pitt, William Morton, 296
Pitt-Rivers, 301
Planning and freedom, 262 ff.
Plato, 119
Poland, 5, 24, 25
Polanyi, Karl, 7–10, 241, 245