by Karl Polanyi
Political economy, 116 ff.
Politics and economics separated, 259
Polynesians, 279
Poor Law, 73, 82 ff., 123, 143, 285, 300; bibliography, 296 ff.; New Poor Law, 146; and organization of labour, 284 ff.; and the parish, 91; rates, 102; versus revolution, 97
Poor Law Amendment, 84, 143; bill, 143
Poor Law Bill, 122
Poor Law Commissioners, 291, 292
Poor Law Reform, 88, 106, 112, 164; Act, 86, 87, 174, 181; Commissioners, 105
Poor rates. See Rates.
Popular government, 231
Population, 41, 130, 168, 301
Portugal, 29
Postan, M. M., 284
Postlethwayt, Malachy, 108
“Post-war Revolutions,” 23, 248
Poverty. See Pauperism.
Power, Eileen Edna, 284, 291, 292
Power finance versus Dollar diplomacy, 10, 14, 15
Power, function of, 266–267
Prague, 254
Prescriptions Acts, 189
Price, Dr. R., 127
Prices, 71, 120, 129, 201–202. See also Food prices.
Primitive man, 46, 47–48, 55–56
Pringle, 292
Productive organization, 136 ff., 201 ff.
Profits, 44; speculator’s, 260
“Proletarian,” 168
Protectionism, 9, 142, 150, 158 ff., 169, 185, 213, 214, 220, 226, 227, 283–284; Europe, 200; United States, 211. See also Customs tariffs.
Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, 26, 111, 113
Prussia, 5, 154, 247; and Fascism, 246
Prussianism, 226
Public Libraries Act, 152
Public utilities, 16
Puritans, 113
P. W. A. (Public Works Administration), 288
Quakers, 110
Quesnay, François, 88, 119, 141, 222
Railways, 15, 16
Ratcliffe-Brown, 278
Rates, 101 ff., 127
Rauschning, H., 250
Raw material, 199
Real Property Act, 189
Reciprocity, 49 ff., 57 ff., 64, 277–278; centricity, 51, 57 ff., Kula trade, 51; symmetry, 51, 57 ff., 279
Redford, 294 ff.
Redistribution, 6, 49 ff., 57, 59, 279
Reform Bill, 84
Regeneration Societies, 177
Reichsmark, 224, 251
Remer, Charles Frederick, 276
Rhodes, Island, 56
Ricardo, David, 26, 88, 89, 103, 109, 113, 116, 120, 121, 131, 132, 143, 192, 205, 212, 231, 234, 285, 299
“Right to live,” 82 ff., 92, 106, 122
Rivera, Primo de, 246
Robbins, L., 272
Robinson, Henry, 110
Rockefeller Foundation, 11
Rodbertus, Johann Karl, 191
Rogers, Wood, 118
Roman Catholic Church, 7, 9, 154
Roosevelt, Theodore, 155
Rostovtzeff, M. I., 272
Rothschild family, 10, 18, 29
Rothschild, Nathan Meyer, 23
Romania, 6, 25, 251; currency, 27
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 7, 46, 88
Ruggles, Theodore, 297
Russell, Bertrand, 272
Russia, 6, 8, 19, 30, 255; balance of power, 270; Constitution, 265; currency, 25; five-year plans, 24; Socialism, 243, 252, 255
Russian Revolution, 255–256
Sabatier, William, 297
Sadler, Michael Thomas, 174
St. Giles-in-the-Fields, 297
Saint-Simon, Count Claude Henri de, 178
Satanic mills, 8, 35 ff.
Saunders, Robert, 297
Savages. See Primitive man.
Schacht, Hjalmar, 253
Schafer, Felix, 11, 206
Schmoller, Gustav Friedrich von, 284
Schuman, F., 270, 272
Schumpeter, Joseph Alois, 286
Seipel, Ignaz, 237
Serbia, 6
Seven Years’ War, 221
Shaftesbury, Seventh Earl (Anthony Ashley Cooper), 174
Sheep-farming, 36
Sherer, J. G., 297
Sheriffian empires, 5
Siam, 6
Silesian loan, 17
Simon, Sir John, 253
Slaves, 121
Smith, Adam, 45, 46, 92, 97, 108, 115, 116, 117, 119, 129, 146, 173, 221, 258, 303
Snowden, Philip, 26, 236
Social Democrats, 154, 197, 247
Social insurance, 184
Socialism, 31, 242–243
Society, 3, 26, 32, 42 ff., 48, 57–58, 74–75, 76, 88–89, 116, 159 ff., 195, 205–206, 225, 284; and freedom, 257 ff.; and the industrial revolu- tion, 41; integration of, 264; primitive, 48–49, 60–61; research on, 276–277; self-protection, 136 ff.
Sokolnikoff, G. Y., 26
Somerset, Lord Protector, 37
Sontag, R. J., 8, 273, 276
Sorel, Georges, 246
Southey, Robert, 174
Spain, 5, 29, 36
Spanish-American War, 17
Spann, Othmar, 246
Speenhamland, 81 ff., 99 ff., 128, 173, 231, 300, 288–289; abolition, 105; cotton industry, 143; law, 82, 83, 99, 106; literature of, 285 ff.; payment of rates, 96; a war measure? 288 ff.
Spencer, Herbert, 46, 88, 148, 152, 195, 234, 288
Spitalfields institution, 297
Staley, Eugene, 276
Stalin, Joseph, 111
Statute of Artificers, 73, 91, 175, 232, 299
Stephen, Sir Leslie, 111, 126, 286
Stolper, G., 273
Storage (primitive societies), 50, 51, 54
Storm troops, 198
Strafford, First Earl (Thomas Wentworth), 37
Strains and stresses, 218 ff.
Strikes, 238–239
Stuart policy, 38, 39, 79
Stuart, Henry, 291
Sumner, William Graham, 148, 234
Switzerland, 5
Symbiosis, 29, 54, 250, 282
Syria, 6
Tariffs. See Customs tariffs.
Tawney, R. H., 37
Telford, Thomas, 97, 124
Temple, Sir William, 269
Ten Hours Bill, 174
Thirty Years’ Peace, 18
Thompson, E., 303
Thurnwald, R. C., 54, 61, 66, 166, 172, 277 ff., 281, 301
Thyssen, Fritz, 21
Tikopia, 281
Tocqueville, Charles Henri de, 185
Totalitarianism, 29
Town against countryside, 292 ff.
Towns, allowance system in industrial, 294 ff.
Townsend, Joseph, 97, 98, 116 ff., 123, 132, 143, 231, 285, 297
Toynbee, A. J., 172, 198, 270, 272, 286
Trade, 95, 108, 273–274, 281–282; cer- emonial, 64–65; fluctuation, 95– 96; foreign, 216–217, 283; local, 62, 63–64, 66–67; long distance, 62, 66–67; national, 63–64; and peace, 15–16, 23; sea-borne, 41; silent (or dumb), 63; world, 226–227. See also Free trade.
Trade cycle, 97, 215
Trade unions, 113, 150, 192, 213; on the Continent, 184; in England, 184; laws, 155; and Owenism, 176–177
Treaty of Berlin, 1878, 15
Treaty of Münster and Westphalia, 7, 270
Treaty of 1648, 271
Treaty of Utrecht, 7, 271
Trevelyan, G. M., 196, 269
Trobriand Islanders, 50, 52–53
Trotsky, Leon, 24, 26, 251
Tudor period, 36 ff.
Tudors, 79, 195, 285
Tunis, 6
Turkey, 8, 15
Turner, Frederick, 270
Tutorial classes, 11
T. V. A. (Tennessee Valley Authority), 194
“Two Nations,” 123
Ukraine, 247
Ulloa, Antonio de, 118
Unemployment, 91, 98, 150, 218 ff., 232, 245; invisible, 95
Union shops, 176
United States, 29, 30, 226; and the balance of power, 270; and cus- toms tariffs, 226; and expansion, 6; and Fasc
ism, 246, 249; and the gold standard, 27; and laissez- faire, 149; and prosperity, 251; off the gold standard, 149, 208, 238, 252
Universal suffrage, 216
Utopia, 3, 108 ff., 220
Utrecht, Treaty of. See Treaty of Utrecht.
Utu, 64
Vaccination, 152
Vancouver, John, 297
Vattel, Emmeriche de, 269
Venice, 5, 66
Vienna, 24, 28, 154, 181, 298–299
Villages of Co-operation, 177–178
Villages of Union, 113
Viner, Charles, 276
Vives, Juan Luis, 172
Voltaire, Francois Marie de, 88
Wafer, Lionel, 118
Wages, 42, 82, 94, 100, 101–102, 120, 172–173; assessments, 90; urban, and the rural community, 290 ff.
Wagner, Adolph, 212
Wall Street, 28, 221, 238, 252, 253, 274, 276
War, 15, 158, 175. See also individual wars.
Wealth, 116–117. See also Money.
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, 121, 143, 287, 294, 298
Weber, Max, 48, 281, 283
Weimar Republic, 247
Western Europe, 25
Westphalia, Treaty of. See Treaty of Münster and Westphalia.
Whately, Bishop, 185
Whitbread’s Bill, 299 ff.
Whitbread’s minimum wage proposal, 112
Wicksell, Knut, 212
Wieser, Friedrich von, 212
Williams, F. E., 301–302
Wilson, Rev. Edward, 297, 300
Wilson, Woodrow, 23, 24
Wissel, Clark, 301
Wood, J., 297
Woollen industry, 36, 39, 77
Working class. See Labour.
Workmen’s Compensation, 153–154
Workmen’s Compensation Act, 153–154
Workers’ Educational Association, 11
World War I, 21–22, 24, 197, 199, 221; compared with World War II, 30
W. P. A. (Works Progress Administration), 288
Wright, Quincy, 273
Young, Arthur, 112, 288, 289
Young, Sir W., 297
Young Plan, 224
Zamindar, 158
Zapotec Indians, 302
Zeisel, Hans, 11
Beacon Press
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© 1944, 1957, 2001 by Karl Polanyi
First Beacon Paperback edition published in 1957
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Polanyi, Karl, 1886–1964.
The great transformation : the political and economic origins of our time / Karl Polanyi ; foreword by Joseph E. Stiglitz ; with a new introd. by Fred Block.—2nd Beacon Paperback ed.
p. cm.
Originally published: New York : Farrar & Rinehart, 1944 and reprinted in 1957 by Beacon in Boston.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN 978-0-8070-5642-4
ISBN 978-0-8070-5643-1 (pa : alk. paper)
1. Economic history. 2. Social history. 3. Economics—History. I. Title.
HC53.p6 2001