Warrior Class - Sky Cutter

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Warrior Class - Sky Cutter Page 26

by S. L. Kassidy

  Ashni still smiled, her eyes sparkling. “Maybe I am.” She leaned down and kissed Nakia. Nakia returned the kiss and whimpered when Ashni pulled away. “But, if I am to die, you have more reason than he does, so I’ll accept it.”

  Nakia pursed her lips. “You’re a smooth talker when you want to be, but we both know you wouldn’t let me just kill you.”

  Ashni gave her a lopsided grin, looking quite diabolical. “Well, I wouldn’t make it so easy.”

  Nakia had no doubt this was true. “Well, you work things out with your goons. I’m meeting with Bashira and we’re going shopping.”

  Ashni groaned. “Can you try not to bankrupt me in the process? I have a campaign to conduct once the weather settles down and would like to be able to feed my troops.”

  An impish smile settled on Nakia’s face. “Maybe this is my true scheme. It would save the West, after all. Save Phyllida.”

  “If you want to save Phyllida, kitten, all you have to do is ask me.”

  Nakia wanted to doubt that she had so much sway over Ashni, but she believed her. Ashni continued to open up to her, trust her, so she believed it possible. Ashni would give her the world. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around Ashni and pulled her close.

  “Don’t mess up,” Nakia whispered.

  “I won’t. Go enjoy your day.” Ashni kissed her forehead. This simple show of affection flooded Nakia with so many emotions that all she could do was obey or she’d embarrass herself.

  “I’ll be back for dinner.”

  “I’ll miss you until then.”

  Nakia chuckled a little. Ashni was certainly smooth. She hoped she hadn’t made a mistake.


  Majeed didn’t seem to suspect anything about being invited to dinner at the last minute. Ashni did things like this with soldiers she liked every now and then. She had no reason to invite him until now. He probably thought he had impressed her in some way or that she finally recognized his value. Idiot.

  She enjoyed watching Nakia pretend not to notice him when he sat down at the table. Nakia had been regulated to her position as the official cupbearer for entertainment purposes. He waved a greeting to the other guests, who included Layla, Naren, Adira, and Saniyah. The dinner would be construed as a strategic meeting for their trip back West in a couple of months since her top people were there. Majeed might think he was being picked to go on campaign with them. He might even think he had a promotion coming to him, considering high status of those around him.

  “Wait, wait, wait. How is this dinner without any dip?” Naren asked, surveying the food with great interest.

  “By the Great Eagle, I wish you showed this much interest when we’re on campaign,” Adira said.

  “Dips are vital to dinner," Saniyah said with a smile, obviously teasing Adira. Ashni shot Nakia a look, hoping she understood that couples joked around with each other. If Nakia understood, then Ashni wouldn’t get in as much trouble over it the next time she teased Nakia.

  “Really? I always thought dumplings were vital to, well, any meal.” Ashni used a skewer to collect a dumpling and pop it in her mouth. She glanced at Majeed, who fidgeted on his cushion.

  “Oh, please, we all know if you could eat pastries at every meal and not lose all of your teeth, you would,” Adira said.

  Ashni couldn’t argue that one. She ate another dumpling and, for a moment, imagined feeding one to Nakia. Save that fantasy for later. It wouldn’t be a fantasy for long once they got this dinner/trap out of the way. She eyed Majeed and watched him squirm a little more. He scanned the table.

  “Captain, is the food not to your liking?” Ashni asked, moving from the dumplings to something to satisfy her sweet tooth. Some shredded beets worked for the moment.

  He blinked. “Huh?” He glanced up at her.

  “I was wondering if the food wasn’t too your liking. You haven’t touched anything.” Ashni looked over the meal. It wasn’t huge by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, it was the dinner she would have if these, those closest to her, were eating with her rather than having to foil a very poor attempt on her life.

  “The chicken is always amazing,” Layla said. She made a show of popping a piece of shredded chicken into her mouth. She licked her lips as she chewed.

  “Maybe the food isn’t good enough for him,” Adira said, frowning at him. She didn’t have to pretend to like him.

  “No, no, no.” Majeed shook his head. “It’s not that. I imagined we’d talk about the upcoming invasion and that was why I was invited. It’s almost time for me to leave the desert, yes? I can be of much better use to you in the West.” Majeed beamed.

  Ashni couldn’t understand why he thought that. There was nothing outstanding in his record to show he could handle serious warfare. Even the men who trained him suggested he’d do best as a sentry in a calm territory. Almost everyone who met him claimed he was skittish, but he didn’t accept that. He hadn’t done anything at his station beyond complain and almost get killed by some playful teens once, which seemed to prove everyone right.

  Ashni took some bread and broke it in half instead of answering. She bit into the bread before gathering some of the shredded roasted chicken, careful of the gravy with the chicken. She ate that with the rest of her bread. Chewing slowly, she watched him and saw that he was sweating enough for a bead to slide down his cheek.

  “Is that right? General, is he right in assuming he will be better use to me in the West?” Ashni asked.

  “I could always use someone to test Saniyah’s new catapults on,” Adira replied as Saniyah fed her a piece of bread.

  Ashni nodded and Majeed’s face fell. “I have plenty of combat experience.”

  Ashni almost laughed aloud. Naren snickered, but covered it up by shoving food in his mouth. Layla laughed outright, which made Ashni laugh. Majeed had the nerve to glare at them.

  “You mean the combat experience where three teens throwing rocks at a tortoise almost killed you?” Adira asked with an arched eyebrow.

  Majeed narrowed his gaze on Adira. “They were attacking me and it was an ambush.”

  Everyone except Majeed chuckled. There had been witnesses, all who said it was an accident. Majeed had been trying to get the teens to leave the area without paying attention to what they were doing. A rock hit him on the side of the head and knocked him out. He tried to have the kids arrested and executed, not thinking about how there were investigations when people were to be executed. He would have done well to leave the matter alone, but now the whole army knew the true story thanks to the investigation.

  “I’m bored,” Ashni said. She grabbed her wine cup and motioned for Nakia.

  Nakia poured the wine and Majeed leaned forward as Ashni was about to drink from her goblet. For a second, Ashni swore there was delight in his eyes as she put the cup to her lips. She downed her wine in one gulp. Majeed was practically on the table by the time she lowered the cup. He watched her intently. She ate another dumpling as sweat gathered on his forehead.

  “That is some delicious wine. I’ll have more,” Ashni said and held up her goblet again. She sipped this time as Majeed’s expression fell and his face paled. “Captain, you look as though you’re expecting something.”

  His breath hitched. “Something? What would I be expecting?”

  “For my sister to fall down dead, maybe.” Layla drew her sword and aimed for his throat. He gasped and another bead of sweat ran down his face.

  “Ex…excuse me?” he stammered, gulping as the tip of the finest cursed steel touched his neck. He probably could feel the damned sword breathing the fires of Hell on him. If Layla’s hand slipped, he’d feel the burn all the way to the ends of his hair before his head fell off his shoulders.

  “You dare to think you can poison the Queen?” Adira asked, leaving the ‘idiot’ unsaid, but clear in her tone.

  He gasped again and put his hand to his chest. “I would never! If anything, she’s the one who would attempt to kill you.” Majeed poin
ted at Nakia. “This filthy outsider is the one serving the Queen wine.” He had the nerve to growl at Nakia.

  “You should tell whoever spies for you that just because someone is unhappy with me one day doesn't mean they will stay unhappy with me.” Ashni held up the vial and feigned examining it for a moment. “And she wouldn't have known what this is to purchase it in the first place.”

  “I would never!” Majeed broke into a serious sweat as he stood up. Layla still pointed her sword at him.

  “I’m sure you wouldn't. Just like you would never bad mouth foreigners in the presence of three of them.” Ashni sucked her teeth. This guy really is a moron.

  Majeed turned and ran right into Naren as he tried to escape. Naren wasted no time putting Majeed in a hold, subduing him with ease. Shaking her head, Ashni cackled.

  “Sometimes I forget you can even fight,” Ashni said to Naren.

  Naren made a face at her and strengthened his hold on Majeed as the idiot tried to wiggle away. Majeed grunted and shouted, but Naren ignored him. “Can we get back to dinner now?”

  “Guards.” Ashni waved for the men, who took Majeed from Naren.

  They dragged him away screaming. “You can’t do this to me. You can’t prove I did anything. Don’t do this!” Thankfully, his pleas and voice faded into the distance.

  Naren wasted no time sitting back down to eat. Sighing, Layla sheathed her sword. Ashni beckoned for Nakia, who sat down next to her, on her pillow. She put her hand around Nakia’s waist.

  “Adira, you’ll handle Majeed after dinner,” Ashni said.

  Adira glanced at the end of the hall. “After breakfast. Let him sweat it out. I want him to admit he didn’t buy that vial.”

  Nakia blinked and her forehead wrinkled. “Wait, he didn’t buy it? Then why did he have it?”

  “The seller of this particular poison will only sell it to a select number of people. A lowly captain wouldn’t be among that number. Unfortunately, if he doesn’t tell us who gave it to him, we can’t accuse the person we suspect,” Ashni explained.

  “I better put some good men on him or he might not last through the night,” Adira said.

  Ashni waved it off. “I’ve done it. The guards know which cell to place him in and they have orders to will watch him. Let’s enjoy the meal.” After all, how often would she be surrounded by her favorite people?

  Chapter Seventeen

  MAJEED NEVER GAVE UP who purchased the poison. A couple of weeks after his arrest, he was found murdered in his cell, which didn’t surprise Ashni. She knew who was behind both the assassination attempt and his death, but she wouldn’t breathe the accusation without proof beyond her word and Adira’s findings. If she didn’t have true evidence, she would end up embarrassing herself. Adira decided to keep digging, but they both knew nothing would come of it. Ashni now focused on Nakia.

  Nakia’s bed became her bed, mainly because she couldn’t convince Nakia to share her bed. It wasn’t like she’d take away Nakia’s rooms and Nakia liked having a space of her own. Ashni respected that. Besides, it didn’t matter whose bed they were in once they settled in.

  “Let me hear you, kitten,” Ashni whispered into Nakia’s ear.

  Ashni was behind Nakia, one hand massaging a plump breast and the other enjoying itself between Nakia’s legs. Nakia purred as Ashni caressed her, two fingers inside, feeling quite at home. Nakia’s hips moved with her. She was not shy in the slightest anymore.

  “You feel so good, kitten,” Ashni said before kissing Nakia’s neck. She considered marking Nakia, right there where everyone could see, but there was no point. She’d already left marks all over Nakia’s chest and by now everyone knew who pleased Nakia at night.

  Nakia whined and arched into Ashni. The pressure of Nakia’s wonderful ass against her made Ashni moan. This was one of the most amazing things she had ever experienced and she would be with Nakia all day if she could. All too soon, she felt Nakia flutter around her fingers and go slack with only her hand holding the Princess up.

  Before Ashni could say anything, Nakia turned and kissed her. Ashni liked this and could get used to this. She needed to make sure Nakia liked it as well, checking in with her every now and then. It was a lot to take in, after all, even if they had been at it for weeks now.

  “You are so delicious,” Ashni said, nuzzling Nakia’s neck.

  “You’re all sweet talk,” Nakia replied, weakly wrapping her arms around Ashni and pulling her close.

  “Goes well with you being all sweet. You all right?” Ashni stroked Nakia’s side, enjoying soft skin and feeling Nakia relax from her touch.

  “How could I not be?” Nakia yawned. “Stop checking on me.”

  “I just want to make sure…” Ashni glanced down to see Nakia was asleep. It was not out of the norm, especially when Ashni had her way with Nakia for a few hours.

  As far as physical intimacy went, Nakia seemed quite accepting of it now. There were times when she initiated kisses and she was eager for Ashni’s touch. She hadn’t worked up the nerve to touch Ashni beyond curious caresses to her arms or running her hands through Ashni’s wild mane. Ashni wanted to go with the flow, but she also wanted to make sure Nakia wasn’t doing it to do it. Despite her words, there were times when Nakia would reach out, as if needing to touch Ashni, and then pull back, like she wasn’t sure of herself or if she was allowed to touch Ashni. Ashni wanted her to know it was all right, but Nakia always pulled back.

  “This has gone beyond pleasure for me. Has it for you?” Ashni whispered, her eyes stuck on Nakia.

  Sighing, Ashni shook the thought away. She enjoyed being able to touch and take Nakia. It didn’t matter if Nakia was still unsure about touching her. They’d get there eventually. Ashni fell asleep, needing at least a few hours. The next morning, Ashni woke first and went to work.


  Yawning, Nakia awoke shortly after Ashni left. A servant informed her that the Queen had been gone for almost an hour. She inhaled Ashni’s scent on the pillow and it caused her to sigh in contentment.

  She bathed and dressed, putting on the garb of the Roshan Empire. It was comfortable and felt better against her skin than her tunics did. The servants agreed the new clothing suited her, which made her smile. She shouldn’t care about slaves and servants’ opinions, but sometimes she had them pick outfits for her to wear, and they never failed to get Ashni’s attention.

  She wandered to the throne room and wasted no time cuddling next to Ashni. She greeted Ashni with a kiss to the cheek. The Queen didn’t object, smiling as soon as Nakia’s lips touched her.

  Ashni adjusted her body, so that Nakia sat between her legs. She wrapped her outer robe around Nakia, which was normal for them now. Nakia settled against her warm body. She felt secure and safe against Ashni. She remembered how Ashni stopped Amal with a look when he thought he could strike Nakia. She wondered what would happen if someone genuinely came at her while she was with the Queen.

  “Do you want to sit with me while I see people?” Ashni asked.

  “Do I have to sit here quietly like a good girl?” Nakia countered with a teasing smile.

  Ashni chuckled. “I never like you quiet.”

  Nakia snickered slightly, trying to cover up the blush that burned her face by ducking her head. It would be easy to assume this was all about sex for Ashni if the Queen didn’t let her cuddle up to her like this, on the throne, and in front of any and all who happened by. So, she relished the Queen’s body heat while she ate breakfast, which was cold.

  “Do you want me to send for a hot meal?” Ashni asked.

  “No, no. I’ll eat the fruit and bread. The hard-boiled eggs aren’t bad cold either.” There was plenty for her to eat, even if the main things were cold.

  Ashni dared to arch an eyebrow. “You’re going to kiss me with egg breath?”

  Nakia sneered. “Well, not with that attitude.”

  Ashni made a face at her and Nakia was beginning to see that the Queen could be quite a child
when given the chance. Instead of engaging, she focused on eating, needing to build her energy again. While she busied herself with food and tea, which was thankfully warm, Ashni’s first appointment arrived. Nakia listened with half an ear until something caught her attention.

  “Wait, why would you need a budget increase if you have already cut workers?” Nakia asked, poking her head up from the tray.

  “I was going to ask that,” Ashni said in a slightly singsong voice.

  Nakia wanted to smile, but held off. It was good Ashni didn’t reprimand her for speaking out of turn. For the moment, she glared at this man, who was trying to put something over on them.

  The man gulped. He stammered and ran his hand through his hair. Apparently, he thought he could come in and make demands and no one would question him. Idiot.

  While they waited for an answer, Ashni’s hand found its way under Nakia’s shirt and caressed her abdomen. Nakia held in a purr and went back to her meal. By the time she again checked into what was happening, someone new was there. Nakia listened and found she had more questions to ask. The official had the nerve to look at Ashni, like Ashni was supposed to stop the interrogation.

  “What? She’s got a solid line of inquiries there. Any answers?” Ashni asked with an arched eyebrow.

  “You’re just going to let this barbarian question me?” The official stomped her foot. Maybe the whole Roshan Empire was immature.

  “I think I just did. I also wouldn’t refer to her as a barbarian again, unless you dislike your position that much,” Ashni said.

  The official yelped and looked back at Nakia. An impish grin curled onto Nakia’s face. That’ll teach you to call me a barbarian, barbarian. Not that she meant the ‘barbarian’ remark. Nakia was coming to accept that a different culture didn’t automatically make people savages. As she opened up to the people around her, she began to even appreciate their culture. The official apologized.


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