Perfect Match

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Perfect Match Page 22

by Monica Miller

  “Because… You have a fever right now?” I answered and he stared at me in shook.

  “Oh, you’re so paying for this,” he said and in the next moment he was in front of me and lifted me on his shoulder and I started laughing and yelling to put me down again. “I can’t hear you! Did you just say I am smocking hot, Ems?”

  “No, put me down!”

  “What? The most beautiful man you’ve ever seen? So cute, love!”

  “You’re awful!”

  “Handsome? Yeah, I’ve been called like that.”

  “Just put me down!”

  “Okay,” he said and next seconds I was standing on my feet again and I felt a little dizzy and I had to place my hand on his shoulder for support and he gave me a sweet smile.

  “I kind of think it’s really hot here,” I said as I pulled of my shirt and he started at me. “Yes, two can play this,” I agreed and started running again.


  We both stopped when we heard voices coming from the hall and we stared at each other.

  Let’s take a little review. He was really sick and I shouldn’t have let him go out of bed and now here we were after a food fight in the kitchen and we were both shirtless, but I still had my leopard print bra and we were covered in syrups and everything.

  And now Matt’s mom was in the kitchen. Man, we’re in trouble! I thought when her eyes landed on us.

  Chapter 21

  This feels like falling in love

  ~*~ Emma West ~*~

  I took my time after getting out of the shower and I felt tired. I wondered what would have happened if Matt’s parents didn’t show up. He was shirtless and looking as good as always with ketchup, vanilla syrup and mayonnaise on him and I was only wearing my lace leopard print bra and I had strawberry syrup all over my hair, and ketchup and other few flavors.

  I took a shirt out of Matt’s closet and also a belt I thought it could look good on top of it. Matt’s shirt was longer than some of my skirts so it felt like a mini-dress. I unbuttoned two buttons from the top and sat for a few moments on the edge of his bed.

  Opening his nightstand, I found my Prom earrings there. I remember I pulled them off while making out with Matt because they were bothering me.

  And yes, I do remember every detail of that night too well. Not that I think about it often. Because I don’t. That would be weird, since he’s my best friend and all… And it’s not just that, but we really work as friends. When I do think about it, it feels surreal. It’s been so long since that happened I’m not even sure that’s real. I think it was… product of my pervert imagination when it comes to Matt. I remembered the dream I had before he moved to Los Angeles and I scolded myself for it. It wasn’t my only dream like that, and I shouldn’t have them. He’s like the greatest person in the world, but neither of us are actually boyfriend/ girlfriend material. The longest relationship I had is with Morgan and it lasted for three months, then we broke up, got back together for a month, broke up again…

  The thing I hate the most is that no guy I’ve been with made me feel the way Matt does. No one made me feel shivers down my spine, or made my heart beat that fast like it does when Matt looks at me.

  Our first time together here, my first time actually, was perfect. But I couldn’t afford myself to have anything with him because I didn’t trust myself with him. It’s messed up. I decided to stop thinking about it and I shoved my earrings into my pockets and headed to the kitchen.

  Matt was still there cleaning, as his mother told him and his lips turned into a soft smile when he saw me.

  “You know, you look really hot in my shirt,” he commented and smirked and I rolled my eyes. “Ready to give me a hand here?” he asked looking around the kitchen.

  I shook my head and he glared at me then I laughed and went for a mop and started cleaning the floor. I couldn’t believe we were so immature! Matt was always a little bit immature, because that’s just how guys are, but I was the mature one and acting like that… Well, I can’t say I didn’t enjoy that. And after all, Matt was still shirtless, covered in syrups. And it was really funny, but he glared at me every time I laughed.

  After about two hours the kitchen looked clean, cleaner than it was before we even started the food fight. I sat on the floor and leaned my head on the fridge. I was so tired I could sleep there.

  “That was something,” Matt said with a grin as he sat next to me. “We should do that again sometimes.”

  “Yeah, you name the time and place,” I answered and he laughed. I let my head on his shoulder and he took my hand in his. “By the way, how are you feeling? We shouldn’t have…”

  “Oh, stop it,” he cut me off. “I’m fine. I needed this, do you have any idea how you feel after you lay in bed for a few days? I was so tired all the time!”

  “Yeah, but you’re fine now, right?”

  “Yes, Emma, stop worrying, okay?” he said and slowly caressed my cheek with his thumb.

  After what happened these days between us in New York and here, at Hilary’s party on Valentine’s Day and the way he kissed me in the rain… I can’t say I was expecting any of this, but I am not complaining. I love the feeling of his hand on mine, the way he looks at me and how my heart starts beating when he kisses me. I have no idea what this means for us and I have no idea what will happen when we’ll get back to Los Angeles, but if I learned something so far is that you have to enjoy the moment.

  And the moment was here, Matt holding my hand as we stood there on the kitchen floor, both of us tired, and he was still having marks of our rebellion on him.

  “I am so tired,” he whispered and I laughed and rolled my eyes. “I’ll go take a shower and I’ll take you home afterwards, okay?” he asked and helped me get up.

  “Sure,” I answered with a smile and he nodded as he made his way up the stairs.

  I smiled to myself then went to sit on the couch and I started switching channels. I always do that. I can never find something interesting on TV. But switching channels saying “I don’t like this”, “nor this” is more interesting.

  “Hey,” Matt whispered and I suddenly opened my eyes and he smiled. “Sorry I woke you, you should stay here tonight.”

  I couldn’t believe I’d fallen asleep in five minutes. I knew Matt wasn’t the type who’d just stay in the shower for hours so it must’ve been about 10-15 minutes, 20 tops since he was all dressed up in a pair of jeans, a Beatles t-shirt and a jacket on top.

  “Oh, no, my mom would just freak out,” I said and sighed. “You know how she’s like and since she doesn’t really trust this thing, us living together in L.A. is… I don’t know.”

  “Yeah, I know,” he said and took my hand.

  We walked in silence towards his car and he opened the door for me as he always does and we drove in silence till we reached my house. The only thing I heard was a random song in the radio, but its volume was low.

  “It’s so weird having to take you home,” he said when we reached to my house. I nodded.

  It felt weird after living for over a year now with Matt having to stay in a different house.

  “See you tomorrow though, right?” he asked and I smiled.

  “Like I have a choice,” I said with a sarcastic tone and he glared at me. “Sure, Nicholls,” I added and he smiled.

  I reached to open the door and he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him, crashing his lips onto mine. I kissed him back without hesitation and wrapped my hands around his neck. It was weird how relaxed I was kissing him, since he was my best friend and yet he made me feel so many different sensations.

  We stood there another five minutes I guess, then I noticed the light was on in the living room so, even though I didn’t want to, I had to.

  “Okay, I’ll pick you up at 10. I think it was a good idea to come back home,” he said with a smile.

  “Yeah, some of us should be working now, but who cares?”

��Your boss tells you when you have to work, Miss West, so now we can… I don’t know. Have a vacation. It’s on me, don’t worry,” he said touching my cheek with his thumb and I felt shivers all through my spine.

  “I have to go,” I told him and he nodded and kissed me again. I could get used to this.

  “Me too,” he replied and as I walked out his car I wondered if I said that out loud.

  My parents were still awake when I entered the house, they were watching a movie in the living room and the house seemed empty… I wondered how they manage their time now since Rick and I were living in Los Angeles and for the first time in about 20 years they were alone again. That must be hard for them.

  “Where were you, Emma?” my mother’s voice scolded me as soon as they saw me.

  “Give her a break, honey, she’s never home, she’s young. How are you doing, darling?” my father asked.

  “I’m okay,” I answered with a wide smile. Wider than it should be, I thought for myself. “Can I stay with you?” I asked with a shy voice and they looked at me in surprise, since we haven’t done anything in family for over 5 or 6 years. In my last high school year I was so busy and the other ones… I guess I just grow up and we got more distant every day.

  “Sure, sweetheart,” mom told me and her voice melted.

  “I’ll be back in five,” I told them and they smiled as I rushed towards the stairs.

  I changed my clothes and I was relieved that they haven’t noticed I was wearing a man’s shirt. Seriously? I thought my mom would notice and I took carefully Matt shirt out and I realized it smelt like him. I sighed and heard my phone rang as I put my PJ on. I reached for my phone and a smile crossed my face as I saw the text.

  “Goodnight, beautiful.” it said. Just two simple words. But they meant the world.


  I woke up at 8 AM without alarm, and stretched as I looked at my phone. I had no missed call or a text. I sighed as I went to take a shower. I thought about the previous day, spending the day with Matt, covered in syrup and all the stuff we found available in the kitchen, then the ride home, how he kissed me in his car, so sweet and perfect…

  Then the night I stood there on the couch with my parents, just talking, laughing like we hadn’t done in quite a while. We watched movies and laughed at the characters, and I realized how much I’ve missed them and I wished Rick would be there to make it perfect. And to be a family again. During the years we haven’t actually got together, even in holidays, because my parents got used to go on cruises and I spend Christmas at home, with Rick, Monica and Matt… And the others.

  Last Christmas, for example, it’s only been the four of us. Ben had to work and Monica was so upset, maybe she wanted to go again to some cold country, like the time they went to Canada, but he went to work instead, in Florida. So we stood there, all four of us. In the first day Monica was really depressed, but Rick managed to entertain her along the way.

  Everyone knew Rick had this huge crush on Monica. She knew that, too and she felt it was cute and I didn’t know if I liked the fact that she was acting that nice with him and made him get his hopes up. Rick was positive about the fact that he’d end up dating her at some point, but I couldn’t see that one happening. Not because he isn’t good looking, because he is. But he is younger than her, and Monica is dating Ben.

  When I got out of the shower it was already 9:15 and I put on a Victoria’s Secret blue lace underwear, a transparent white shirt and a pair of short jeans. I wondered if I should wear heels, I had no idea where Matt was planning on going, but I always thought shorts look awesome with heels so I decided on a pair of black sandals. After I finished with my natural makeup, which means eyeliner, lipstick and mascara, I heard the doorbell. I arranged my hair once more and shoved my phone into my back pocket.

  “Matthew, is always a pleasure to see you,” my mother said. “Are you planning on taking my daughter away today, too?”

  “I’m sorry, Mrs. West. I don’t think we’ll be that late today, though. The sky is pretty clouded so it may rain, so…”

  “Good morning, mom. Matt,” I said with a smile wider than should have been. He smiled back and I felt the butterflies racing in my stomach.

  “Emma, you are going to catch a cold dressed like that. I was just telling Matthew that I don’t enjoy the fact that he’s taking you away from us these days.”

  “I’m sorry. My boss is such a creep, so I couldn’t get off work. But I’ll try my best to get home more often.”

  I took my jeans jacket to please my mom and managed to get out of the house, and then Matt took my hand. I smiled to myself and bit my lip as he opened the door of his car.

  “Your boss is a creep, huh?” he asked as he looked at me. “I’ll keep that in mind, Miss West. Don’t you hope to get any bonus any time soon,” he finished his sentence when he got back on the driver’s seat and started the engine.

  “And what kind of bonus you had in mind? And by the way, where are we going?”

  He looked at me for a second and leaned to me, pressing his lips on mine. His tongue slowly massaged mine and I put my hand on the back of his hand, pulling him closer. He pulled out of the kiss way too soon and smirked. God, I hate him so much sometimes.

  “It’s a surprise actually,” he said and pressed the radio button and the silence in his car was changed with the beat of Metallica’s Nothing Else Matters. “Have I ever told you just how much I love this song?” he asked as he turned the volume higher.

  “Nope, never… Only that you listen to this one all the time and I can’t sleep… No trouble at all,” I said sarcastically and he laughed and put his hand on mine as he started singing “Every day for us something new”.

  We drove for half an hour or more, listening to rock music. I can’t say I can’t enjoy rock music, he made me learn to love songs like Metallica’s ballads, Guns’n’Roses songs or Nickelback, 30 Seconds to Mars or anything he had on CD. He was really into rock, actually. And sometimes I found that really peaceful. He pulled over next to a forest and then took my hand and we walked through a driveway until we found a green meadow. We walked for five minutes and Matt keep laughing at me because I stumbled on my heels, but he held my hand all the way and helped me get back my balance every time.

  We reached to a place where there was a blanket on the green grass and a picnic basket. Really? I looked surprised at Matt and he just shrugged and smiled.

  “I just thought it would be nice. This was my favorite place in the world when I was in high school. Nobody ever went here and it’s so peaceful,” he said as he sat on the basket. “Plus, I thought we could watch a movie here,” he said, as he pointed at the laptop.

  “I… know this place,” I said as I looked around. “It’s really close to school and I got lost one time and it was truly beautiful. I usually went by the lake, over there. This is really, really amazing,” I told him, sitting next to him as he placed his hand on my back and kissed me. “Yeah, even more amazing,” I added and blushed. You can’t blush, you’re not a high school teenager anymore!

  “I was thinking just about the same thing,” Matt confessed and I smiled.

  We started watching Cruel Intentions, because I know I’ve been talking about the Dangerous Liaisons book for a while now, and we were lying on the red blanket, Matt holding me in his arms and it was the best thing ever. His hand slowly traced my leg and I felt the shivers all over my body and I know he felt it too. It should have been embarrassing I was acting this way with him, but it wasn’t. Somewhere in the half of the movie, or not even half of it, Matt started tracing kisses along my neck and I could no longer pay attention to the movie as we started kissing passionately and Matt was now almost on top of me and my breath was harsh, and so was his. He switched his places and I ended up on top of him, and he ran his hand through my curly hair to get it off my face and kissed me again. I felt how every part in my body was now awake and I was melting there, into his arms and had no idea if
this was really a good choice. I felt how excited he was himself, and I had no idea how to keep doing this. I mean, obviously, I know how, but… metaphorically speaking. Him and I. Being friends. Or more.

  “God, Emma, you are really driving me insane,” he whispered as his lips touched my jawline. I took a deep breath and tried to remember how to keep breathing normally. I sighed and kissed him one more time until he pulled out of the kiss. “I’m sorry,” he said and looked away. “Got carried away. I’m sorry,” he repeated and ran his hand through my hair, and then let it slowly on my back.

  I just nodded and gave him a shy smile as I bit my lip. I had no idea what to do next. I was on top of Matt, my best friend and also the guy that made me feel all those sensations in just one instant. It shouldn’t be allowed or something.

  We kept watching the movie, I mean allegedly. I only had his kisses on my mind and I felt my skin burning where he had touched me and my heart was still beating as fast, even half an hour later. We ate sandwiches and laughed about something I wasn’t really aware of. I was only looking at him and how his eyes glowed when he was telling me something he was passionate about. It was one of my guilty pleasures, to stare at Matt while he was talking like that.

  “You know staring it’s not a good thing, don’t you, Miss West?” he asked and I bit my lip and nodded. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me passionately. I smiled as I put my hands around his shoulders. He teasingly bit my lip and I let out a moan as he kissed me once more. “We should go, Ems,” he said and I nodded. It was getting cold, not that I felt that when he kissed me.

  I helped him pack and when I checked my phone I noticed it was 3 in the afternoon. I had no idea we stayed there for so long! It was amazing how I spend all my time with this man and the time still flies. I could never get bored of Matt Nicholls.

  The drive home was silent, but comfortable silence as the low volume of a rock ballade was heard from the radio. He held my hand all the way and every time we caught red he leaned onto me and kissed me. Definitely, the horns of the cars behind us were annoying at some point, but who cares? I was kissing Matt Nicholls after all. And that was the moment I knew I felt more for him than just friendship.


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