Untamed: A Billionaire Romance

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Untamed: A Billionaire Romance Page 29

by Kira Blakely

  But Nash didn’t stop. He held on to my breast with one hand, and the fingers of the other still worked inside me.

  My breasts heaved, pressing against his chest as he remained over me. When my breathing began to normalize a little and I opened my eyes, he started pulling his fingers out of me. That smile on his face was wide and satisfied.

  “Show me what you can do,” he said and stepped away from me suddenly. The smooth material of my dress slipped back into place as he took a few paces away from me.

  I could still hardly believe it. My body was reeling from the explosion that had just occurred. I bit down on my lip as I watched him.

  Nash Preston in his expensive tailored suit, with those perfectly punishing eyes, with that square jaw, his arms at his side. He was asking me what I could do? I had only fantasized about this moment before.

  I fell to my knees, still keeping my face tilted up to him. Nash was grinning, looking down at me with expectation. His erection thrust against the front of his pants. My vision had adjusted well to the darkness by now, and I could see how big his cock had grown.

  “Not until you show me what you have,” I said, arching my back, with my palms on the floor of the balcony.

  Nash gave a short laugh. He was amused, or was pretending to be, because his face gave away how turned on he was. His eyes were glazed over, and he was glaring at me with a fixed determinedness. Within moments, he had unbuckled his pants, unzipping them so that they fell to the floor in a heap around his ankles.

  No boxers, which meant a full view. And that cock was even more than I had imagined. This man had everything. He grabbed himself, pointing his throbbing rock hard cock at me.

  “Now you see,” he said and I nodded, sitting up on my haunches. My back was straight, as I reached both my hands to the back of my head. I shook my hair as it tumbled down in a golden curtain around my shoulders, barely grazing the back of my waist. Nash’s eyes glimmered as my hair fell.

  Then I reached for the nearly invisible zipper on the side of my dress. While I pulled it down, I kept my eyes on Nash. He was stroking himself, harder now, watching me with a harsh manic glare. Just like me, Nash was out of his mind.

  My breasts popped out in full view as I slid my dress down. It bunched at my waist, as I remained on the floor, looking up at him.

  “What are you going to do now?” Nash asked. His voice had grown hoarse, and I could see that he was struggling. I had barely done anything yet, and he was already losing control.

  I grabbed my breasts with both my hands. With my thumbs and forefingers, I pinched my nipples. They were hard and sensitive to the touch. I winced and threw my head back from the feeling. When I straightened, I saw that Nash’s hand was working away at his cock. That massive velvety cock that I wanted inside me. I had just had an orgasm, but I wanted more. This time, I wanted him to use his cock to make me come.

  “Damn, Bonnie, fuck,” Nash growled under his breath as he watched me tease my nipples. My hair fell in waves over my bare shoulders as I continued to pinch and pull my nipples. Keeping my eyes on Nash, I imagined his mouth on them. I was so close to coming again.

  I heard him grunt, and then he was coming. His neck grew red and thick, and he kept his glazed ferocious eyes on me as he orgasmed. His cock moved in his hand. I was entranced by his orgasm. How absolutely powerful he looked. How strong and athletic the muscles on his legs were. How his cock looked so big even though his hands were also massive.

  Nash grunted again, as he finished. His free hand shot out, and he grabbed the banister to lean on it. His breath was choked up; his neck was still red. And I remained sitting on the ground, with my dress bunched up at my waist.

  Nash looked at me, panting. Was I supposed to say something? Was this going to turn out to be another one of those moments when he pushed me away?

  He smiled, and I almost cried out with the gush of emotions I was feeling.

  “I wonder what boring things the others are up to?” he said and I couldn’t help myself, I burst out laughing.

  Nash smiled and bent forward to pick up his pants. I took his cue and started sliding my dress back up. Well, at least he wasn’t going to be rude about it. Maybe Nash Preston wasn’t the big asshole I always thought he was. But it had only been a few minutes since we both came. It could have been too early to judge him yet.

  “Should we head back in and mingle with the gentry?” he asked, zipping up his pants. He extended a hand to me, which I caught to help me back up. I beamed at him, a happy satisfied smile.

  “Lead the way, good sir,” I joked and he gave me his arm. I must be dreaming.



  The way Nash kept a firm grip on my waist as we walked around the ballroom made me feel like this wasn’t an act. That through some stroke of luck, Nash Preston was actually interested in me. Attracted to me. And I could finally live my wildest fantasy.

  He shook hands with a couple of people, and introduced me to some more celebrities. Our encounter on the balcony had made me strangely confident of myself. I felt less like a bruised puppy who he was being charitable toward, and more like an actual date. Is this what Nash Preston did on all his dates? I wasn’t judging. I was just glad it had happened.

  A sudden cheer in the crowd drew my attention from my otherwise distracted thoughts. I realized I was still clinging to his arm, while several people had turned to look at us in unison. Then my eyes went to the man on the small stage at the front of the room. He had clearly mentioned Nash’s name or something, because now people were clapping, looking at us.

  “I have to do this; will you be okay by yourself?” Nash said, looking over at me. I was confused, still dazed, but I nodded my head. I was conscious of eyes on us, as Nash left my side and began walking toward the stage, fixing the cufflinks on his wrists.

  This man had just made me come. I couldn’t get that thought out of my head as I watched him walking up the steps and shaking hands with the MC. Those fingers had been inside me, I blushed. It was our little secret.

  Then the man was saying something again into the mic and I decided to pay attention. The bright stage lights were on Nash now, as he stood beside the MC. He was the most handsome, dashing man in the room, and he had just jerked off to me on the balcony. I couldn’t stop myself from biting down on my lip.

  “The Preston family has made the largest donation for our very worthy cause, as they do every year,” the MC was saying. My eyebrows shot up. Nash had made a donation already? He hadn’t mentioned it to me.

  People around me were clapping and cheering, and I instinctively clapped as well.

  “Luther Preston’s son, Nash, is here to represent the family this year. And he has very kindly donated a sum of three million dollars for this spectacular diamond necklace,” the MC was now holding up a long rectangular blue velvet box.

  The crowd erupted in applause again as my eyes widened. Had I heard that right? Nash had donated three million dollars? He was standing humbly to the side, with one hand thrust into his pocket, smiling at the MC.

  The man was quick to snap open the velvet box, and the crowd around me gasped and sighed when the diamond necklace was revealed.

  “The famous Antoinette, designed by none other than Devos Jewelers in Paris,” the man added, while people continued to applaud. I couldn’t believe what I was looking at.

  “It has belonged to Lady Marseille’s family for two generations, and she has very graciously donated it to our cause.” The man was now speaking directly to an old lady in the crowd. Everyone turned to look at her. I could only see the back of her snowy white head as she held up a champagne glass to acknowledge the applause she was receiving.

  “The necklace is set in platinum, with 181 carat diamonds in triple strings,” the MC drew our attention to the necklace again. It sparkled wildly under the stage lights, catching my eye as I looked at it dreamily. It was stunning, and my hands robotically continued to clap.

  “And now, Mr. Preston w
ould like to say a few words,” the MC said, handing the mic over to Nash, who took it, with that charming smile on his face that I knew was melting several hearts in the room.

  I couldn’t stop blushing as I looked at him. I wasn’t sure what I was more excited about just then, the fact that I had seen his cock recently or that he had just bought this beautiful piece of legendary jewelry.

  “Thank you, Mr. Rubio, and thank you, everyone. As you all know, my father and I have been deeply dedicated to this cause ever since we lost my mother to breast cancer fifteen years ago. We are indebted to the organization for the progress they make each year in research and donations. I would also like to thank Lady Marseille, who very kindly donated this beautiful diamond necklace to the cause, which I will now gift to a very lucky lady.” Nash was speaking like a natural. He was good on stage, very charming and all eyes were on him. And then his last two words jolted in my ear.

  “Bonnie Calhoun, will you please come up on stage?” Nash said before my mind could fully register what he had implied.

  The clapping continued, as several people turned to look at me. It was vastly noted that an outsider from their billionaire-circle had accompanied Nash to the gala. It wasn’t surprising, therefore, that all eyes turned to me now. I was stunned into silence, shaken and staring at Nash on the stage.

  “C’mon up, Bonnie. Don’t be shy,” Nash said with a slight laugh, and some people in the crowd cheered.

  I gulped and started walking toward the stage, my hair flowing behind me now as I made my way. I hadn’t bothered to pin it up in a bun after the balcony. There were goose bumps on my flesh as I climbed the steps, trying very hard not to trip.

  “Congratulations, Ms. Calhoun, very lucky indeed,” the MC said into the mic, as Nash walked over to me, beaming from ear to ear.

  “Nash, seriously…” I said, keeping my voice low. He walked around me so that he could place the necklace around my throat.

  “I had to buy something,” he said, in an equally low voice, and I barely heard him. I felt the coolness of the stones sting my skin when he slipped it around my bare neck.

  The crowd was applauding again.

  “Turn around, madam, you look stunning,” the MC said and I had no other choice but to face the crowd with a three-million-dollar diamond necklace around my throat. I was blushing deeply, giving Nash a nervous smile as he stood beside me, like a proud parent.

  “Thank you, Mr. Preston; thank you, Ms. Calhoun. Now, we should move on to the next item,” the MC said.

  Nash stretched out his arm toward the steps, indicating that I should leave the stage. “After you,” he said gallantly, and I walked quickly, desperate to get out of the limelight.

  I tried to maintain composure as I weaved through the crowd, because several eyes were still on us. Nash was following me, still stopping to shake hands with people he knew. Eventually, I came to a stop when I found a little clearing in the crowd. I turned to look at him, the heavy diamonds still weighing me down.

  “I really can’t accept this, Nash,” I said immediately.

  He was smiling at me, his gray eyes sparkling. “It looks lovely on you, Bonnie. Really, keep it, please.” His voice was earnest, more gentle and humble than I had ever heard it before. What was going on? Did he feel guilty for buying my company? Did he want something else from me? I couldn’t wrap my brain around it, which only made me more nervous.

  “It doesn’t matter how it looks, Nash. I just can’t accept a thing like this,” I continued, still speaking in a hushed voice. People were turning to look at us, and I didn’t want to make a scene.

  “Bonnie,” Nash said and placed a hand on my waist, “stop worrying about things. I know you detest this world, but it’s for a good cause and it’s a gift. I don’t expect anything in return; you can be sure of that.”

  I gulped as I stared into his clear gray eyes. How could I accept this necklace from him? How had all this happened? I wanted to take his word for it, that he wanted nothing in return, that he wasn’t just playing a game.

  “Forget about it for a bit, and lets just enjoy ourselves for the night,” he said, pulling me closer to him. And he was right, it was so easy to forget about everything else when I was with him.



  Bonnie wore that diamond necklace with grace and elegance, and it suited her personality, too, glittering, standing out in the crowd. I wished that she would forget her moralistic views for one minute and just enjoy the beauty of my gift. And thankfully, slowly, as we walked around arm in arm, she was calming down.

  I still couldn’t stop thinking about the balcony. Bonnie Calhoun’s breasts; I’d had my fingers inside her. I wanted more, because nothing had ever felt so good. I had never wanted a woman so badly, and she was such a tease.

  I got a whiff of her strawberry-scented shampoo as she walked beside me, and I closed my eyes to enjoy that moment. She had always been this fresh, fiery and full of life. It was always a battle with this one; she kept me on my toes.

  “So, you just drink lots of champagne and shop for diamonds at these things,” she was saying with a smile on her full lips as she took a sip from her glass.

  I chuckled and shook my head. “C’mon, Bonnie, you’re enjoying yourself,” I said, staring at the way her tongue shot out of her mouth to lick her lips. I wanted it in my mouth, I wanted that mouth on my cock. Everything about Bonnie had the capacity to make me come. Every part of her body was a minefield.

  She threw back her delicate blonde head and laughed. “I didn’t say I wasn’t,” she said, with a twinkle in her large blue eyes. Her eyelashes were naturally thick and dark, making her eyes look even larger and more innocent. I knew there was no innocence there. This lady was a minx. I’d seen the way she pulled her dress down and played with her nipples. I was already getting hard again just thinking about it.

  “Hello, son,” my father boomed from behind me, and I turned in surprise. I had assumed he wasn’t coming; he had never enjoyed spending his money at these events. But he always did, because he was expected to, and also to keep the family image intact. I noticed the woman on his arms. I didn’t recognize her, and she looked only a few years older than me. My nostrils flared, and I clenched my fists.

  “Hello, Father, I didn’t expect to see you here,” I said, trying not to look directly at the woman who appalled me. We were at this event in the memory of my mother; the least he could do was show her some respect.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world, would I?” Father said in his usual cold-as-glass voice, turning his gaze to Bonnie.

  “And you are Bonnie Calhoun,” he said, extending a hand to her.

  Bonnie smiled graciously and shook his hand, and immediately I wanted to take her out of his presence. He controlled every other part of my life; I didn’t want him meddling with Bonnie.

  “And you are Nash’s father,” Bonnie said, slipping her hand away from my arm. I could see that she had suddenly grown self-conscious, and she tucked in a few strands of her golden hair behind her ears.

  When I turned to Father, he was eyeing the diamond necklace on Bonnie’s throat, which was resting delicately in the dip of her impressive cleavage. I wasn’t sure what he was going to say next, but I could tell that he was preparing for some cruel outburst.

  “I don’t suppose my son socializes with all his business partners in this fashion,” Father said, with a rude twinkle in his eye.

  Beside me, Bonnie continued to smile. Surprisingly, she was keeping her calm quite well. I was the one cracking under the pressure of my father’s scrutiny. The woman on his arm wasn’t making matters easy either.

  “She’s an old friend, like I said, Father,” I replied, trying to draw his attention to me, rather than keep his stare on Bonnie. But Father didn’t budge. He continued to look at her, like she was beneath him. Like he was ashamed that I had chosen Bonnie to accompany me to this gala.

  “Of course, an old college friend. And you have given her a marvelo
us gift of friendship, too,” he said, dropping his gaze to the diamond necklace again. I could sense how uncomfortable that comment had made Bonnie.

  “It is a stunning piece of jewelry, isn’t it?” I said, in a rigid voice, hoping that he would get the hint to stay out of it.

  “And I’m very grateful for it; in fact, I was telling Nash how I can’t accept it.” Bonnie looked at me with strained eyes. She looked like she was very close to just tearing the necklace off her neck.

  “No, you should keep it, my dear. I’m sure Nash feels guilty enough already,” Father interrupted her, and I could feel my jaws clenching again.

  “He shouldn’t feel guilty. It was a business transaction, I sold my company willingly.” A soft chuckle escaped Bonnie’s lips as she spoke. She was trying her best to maintain her composure. I didn’t want Father to say anymore. I wanted him to shut up and walk away.

  He gave a deep laugh, which I knew was a mark of his cruelty. “Yes, you did. And now we will have to tear the building down and convert it into a digital showroom for the new line of electronic products flushing in from China,” Father said, and a deathly silence descended on our group.

  The smile on Bonnie’s face dropped instantly. “A showroom?” she asked and I recognized a tear in her voice. I hadn’t mentioned it to her for a reason. Her office building was a representation of her life’s work. I had led her to believe that her ex-employees would continue to work there, on the same coding projects as before. She wasn’t expecting to hear this, from my father of all people.

  “Yes, didn’t he tell you?” Father asked, his gray brows arching up in mockery.

  Bonnie turned to look at me and I stared back at her, begging her with my eyes to just hear me out.

  “And your codes are going to be used for online games that we are going to start marketing to teenagers,” Father continued.

  “Are you serious?” Bonnie spat out. She had lost all sense of propriety by now, and I couldn’t blame her. “Those codes were written for building cyber security. I worked for two years on them,” she said, her voice raising.


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