Untamed: A Billionaire Romance

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Untamed: A Billionaire Romance Page 34

by Kira Blakely

  “Hey, don’t get too close,” Jackson warns. “Your boyfriend might get jealous.”

  I pout at him. “You wish.”

  I get off the couch, stretching my arms as I stand next to the window.

  “So, since we finished early, what are you going to do?” Jackson asks. “Go back to New York?”

  “I was actually thinking I’d stay here for a couple more days,” I answer, my gaze beyond the glass. “Maybe travel north to see the lights.”

  “Ah, the Northern Lights. Is that part of your bucket list?”

  I just shrug.

  It’s more of a birthday present to myself actually. My birthday is coming up in two days. Since I’ve always wanted to see the lights and I’m already in Finland, I thought I’d go see them. I was going to go see them alone but I suddenly realized that maybe I should try asking Nathan to come with me. It’s my birthday, after all. I should be a little more selfish and this way, I’d have two birthday presents.

  “Well, if you’re going, I know someone in Helsinki who can make all the arrangements,” Jackson says.

  I look at him. “You do?”

  “Yeah. He owns a rental car agency. I’ll give you his number and address.”

  I smile. “Thanks.”

  “No problem.” He starts scribbling on a piece of paper. “Just tell him the great writer, Jackson Wills, sent you. He’ll give you everything you need.”

  “So, here is the map to Rovaniemi.” Anton spreads out the large sheet of paper on the counter in front of me. “It’s a long drive but there are plenty of scenic spots, good hotels, and restaurants along the way.”

  “Good.” I trace the marked route on the map. “As they say, half of the adventure is in getting where you need to go.”

  “And this is the print-out of your hotel reservation.” He hands me a smaller sheet of paper. “My cousin owns the hotel so you get a small discount.”

  “Great.” I place both the map and the reservation inside my backpack. “Thanks, Anton. Jackson’s right. You’re the man who can get everything done.”

  “Not true,” Anton protests. “Just ask my wife. She’ll tell you.”

  I chuckle.

  “You married?”

  I shake my head. “I have a boyfriend back home, though.”

  “Shouldn’t he be here? The Northern Lights are very romantic, you know, good for couples.”

  “I know.” I tap my fingers on the counter. “That’s why I’m going to ask him to go with me. The hotel room is big enough for two guests, right?”

  “Ah.” Anton grins. “Yes. It’s big. The bed is especially big.”

  I lift an eyebrow as Anton gives a wink.

  “Anyway, I hope you enjoy.” He hands me my keys. “And drive safely.”

  “Thanks.” I put the keys in my backpack as well. “Really, thanks for everything.”

  Anton nods. “Give Jackson my regards. And tell him he still owes me a drink.”

  “I will but just in case it’s a while before then…” I place a bill on the counter. “Go ahead and buy yourself one.”

  “Thank you.” Anton smiles. “You’re very kind. Your boyfriend must think the world of you.”

  Does he? I wonder as I go to my rental car, slipping behind the wheel. He’s never elaborated on what he thinks of me. I guess now I’m about to find out. If I really mean the world to him, then there’s no reason why he can’t hop on a plane to celebrate my birthday with me.

  “I’m sorry, Sam, but I can’t.”

  I almost drop the phone at Nathan’s words, my heart sinking as I fall against the pillows on the bed.

  “I’d love to. I really would. But I’m just too busy right now. We can just go some other time, all right?”

  But it’s my birthday, I want to tell him. I want to shout it out loud. He seems to have forgotten. Probably, he forgot to ask his personal assistant to remind him or maybe she forgot to remind him. The new one’s not very good, after all, not like Abby. In any case, he doesn’t seem to know my birthday is coming up. As much as I want to tell him, I’ve decided not to. I’d rather die than act like a needy girlfriend. Besides, there are some things people have to remember themselves and if they can’t, never mind.

  Anyway, I’m not a kid anymore. I can celebrate my birthday on my own. At least, I’ll still have the lights.


  “It’s okay,” I lie. “I understand. I don’t know when I’ll be back in New York, probably not for a while, but I’ll let you know.”

  “Okay. I have to go. Bye.”

  The line goes dead, and I let the phone fall from my hand, frowning.

  As if it wasn’t bad enough that he had to say no, he had to be in a hurry to get off the phone, too. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want to talk to me. I hate to think of it but what if he doesn’t want me anymore? What if he’s grown tired of me?

  He said he was sorry, didn’t he? Now, stop being paranoid and just enjoy yourself. It’ll be your birthday present to yourself.

  Right. Whether or not Nathan is here, it’s going to be my birthday and I’m still going up north to see the lights. I’ll be damned if I let anything ruin it.

  With a renewed sense of determination, I get out of bed, grabbing my things before heading to the door.

  If I’m going north, then I need a thicker jacket. Luckily, I know just where to get one.

  “Excellent choice, ma’am,” the saleslady says as I hand her the thick, white jacket I’ve chosen. “Let me just put this in a bag for you.”


  The purple jacket was my first choice then the pink one but in the end, I decided to go with a pristine white jacket as a contrast to my black backpack and the colorful skies I’ll be under.

  While waiting, I look around, the store packed not just with all kinds of outdoor clothing but a wide range of outdoor gear. Before, I rarely went to stores like this but ever since I started working for the Seeker, I’ve been spending more and more time outdoors so I’ve been stopping at shops like this more often.

  A fishing rod catches my eye and I approach it. I tried fishing a few months ago. It wasn’t very successful but maybe I should try it again, on a lake this time.

  I’m about to touch it but I stop as something else catches my eye – a canvas bag that has the logo of Landers Innovations. Now, I’ve seen one before. Nathan’s company gave it away at a few employee gatherings. He even gave me one, I think. But to see one here? In Helsinki? What are the odds?

  I look at the owner of the bag – a woman not more than thirty. Brunette. Fair complexion. Average height. A bit on the slim side.

  Nope. I’ve never seen her before.

  Just as I’m debating whether to talk to her, she turns her head and as our eyes meet, hers grow wide, her chin dropping.

  Does she know who I am? Why is she so surprised?

  “I’m sorry but have we met before?” I ask her, confused.

  She shakes her head. “N-no.”

  Yet, she clearly recognizes me.

  “I’m Sam.”

  “Lila,” she introduces herself as she shakes my hand, her own still trembling slightly.

  I glance at her bag. “You work at Landers?”

  “Yes. I’m new.”

  “Shouldn’t you be at work?”

  “I’m… I’m on vacation.”

  I lift an eyebrow. “You are?”

  She’s new and yet she’s on vacation?

  “It’s my birthday, you see. So Na—Mr. Landers gave me a vacation.”

  That near slip doesn’t escape my notice. Her birthday, huh? Since when does Nathan give his employees birthday presents? How does he even know their birthdays? Or maybe my question is how can he know their birthdays when there are over a hundred of them and not know mine?

  Something’s off. The way this woman is acting so nervously is proof enough. Plus, she almost said Nathan’s name, which means they’re on a first-name basis.

  Very suspicious.

nbsp; “Those paper bags you’re holding,” I say as I glance at them. “Are they from Mr. Landers, too?”

  “No. I mean yes. I mean…”

  “Ma’am?” the saleslady calls my attention.

  I go over to her, paying for the jacket. The next time I turn my head, Lila’s gone. Probably, she ran away with her tail between her legs. And I have a hunch why.

  Expensive presents from Nathan. First-name basis. Pretty face. Flustered, caught-in-the-act look. Hasty getaway.

  Nathan must have cheated on me and slept with her.

  The thought is enough to suck the air out of my lungs. The image, which I try in vain to push away, makes me want to collapse on my knees and sob.

  I should have known our relationship wouldn’t work. Nathan is just so attractive and naturally, he can’t stay away from every woman he attracts, not when the woman he wants is far beyond his reach. Or maybe he realized commitment is too much work, that it’s not what he wants. Maybe he changed his mind about me.

  Whatever the reason, the result is the same and the pain is crushing, paralyzing. Even so, I force myself to breathe, to move, to walk out of the store and back to the hotel room in one piece.

  As soon as I get there, I pack my things, check out and hit the road. Right now, only the magic of the Northern Lights can help me heal and the sooner I get there, the better.

  I should have known I wouldn’t get there.

  Once again, the whole universe is conspiring against me. As if a broken heart isn’t enough, my car has broken down, too, so here I am, alone, in the backseat of a broken-down car in the middle of nowhere in the dark with no clue how to call for a tow truck – I forgot to ask Anton how – and no food. I wasn’t hungry so I didn’t buy supplies, thinking I’d be able to buy food from a store or a restaurant along the way when my appetite did return. After all, didn’t Anton say there were plenty of restaurants and hotels along the way?

  I suppose this is one of the scenic spots, only hills and trees all around. And bears probably. And my guess is that it stretches on for miles.

  Great. Just great.

  This is probably the worst day of my life, just as bad as that day when I was abducted in Africa. And tomorrow doesn’t look like it’s going to be any better.

  So much for hoping for a happy birthday.

  I don’t even have an Internet connection. That’s how remote my location is. I do thankfully have a phone signal, though – my only lifeline – and so I decide to call the only person who I know can make me feel better at a time like this – Pam.

  She picks up after the third ring. “9-1-1. What’s your emergency?”

  If I wasn’t feeling so rotten, I would have laughed. As it is, my tears start flowing at the sound of her familiar voice.

  “Okay.” Her tone becomes more serious. “Tell me what’s wrong, Sam.”

  I do. I tell Pam everything in between sobs and sniffles, starting from the end of my assignment and my plans to go to Rovaniemi. After I tell her about the incident at the outdoor shop, she stops me.

  “Wait a sec. So, you think Nathan cheated on you?”

  I sigh. “Go on. You can say ‘I told you so’ again.”

  “Nope. I’m not going to say that because there is no proof that it’s true.”

  “No proof? I saw her, Pam.”

  “You saw a woman named Lila who had a Landers Innovations canvas bag and who claimed to be an employee of Nathan’s company. That’s all.”

  “And what about the fact that he gave her a vacation?” I point out.

  “That’s what she told you,” Pam tells me. “For all you know, she could be lying.”

  “I don’t think so. And what about the presents?”

  “She didn’t say they were from Nathan, did she?”


  “Sam, here’s what I’m going to tell you. Talk to Nathan.”

  I shift the phone to my other ear as I lie down. “Why should I? He doesn’t even remember my birthday.”

  “He’s a man. They’re bad at remembering birthdays. Why, even my dad forgets my mom’s birthday, and they’ve been married over three decades.”

  I frown. “And if Nathan lies to me?”

  “Sam, every relationship is built on trust. If you don’t trust Nathan, then your relationship isn’t worth fighting for.”

  I give another sigh. Why does Pam always have to be right?

  “All I’m saying is that you should give Nathan a chance,” Pam adds. “Give your relationship a chance.”

  I sit up, looking at the night sky beyond the window. “And how am I supposed to do that when I’m stuck here? What if a bear mauls me to death before morning?”

  “Um, you survived being in the African savannah at night, remember?” Pam reminds me.

  Right again.

  “If a bear wakes you up, take his picture. You’ll be fine. You’re just upset because you think Nathan cheated on you.”

  I sniff. “You sound so sure that he’s not cheating on me.”

  “There’s only one way to find out. Now, hang up, call Nathan and go to sleep.”

  I pout. “Has anyone told you that you can be bossy at times?”

  “Just do it,” she urges. “Oh, and one last thing.”

  I roll my eyes. “What?”

  “Happy birthday.”

  After the call ends and silence falls over the car, I stare at my phone, thinking about everything Pam said. Should I call Nathan?

  In the end, I take a deep breath and decide to get it over with. It isn’t like I have anything better to do. At the first try, I discover that his phone is turned off, though.

  Well, that’s that.

  Even if he didn’t cheat on me, he really has forgotten my birthday and that brings fresh tears to my eyes as I curl in the backseat, using my new jacket as a blanket. After a while, the exhaustion sinks in and I drift off to sleep, the last image on my mind still that of the man I miss.



  Is that… Nathan?

  No. I must be dreaming.

  At least, I think so until I open my eyes, squinting against the sunlight, and see Nathan rapping on the car window.

  Quickly, I get up, rubbing my eyes before stepping outside.

  “Nathan? What are you doing here?”

  “Picking you up,” he answers. “You need a ride, don’t you?”

  I still can’t believe he’s right in front of me. “How did you find me? Wait. You didn’t put a tracking device on me again, did you?”

  “Of course not. I called your magazine, and they put me through to the guy you’re working with, who put me through to some guy who said you were on your way to Rovaniemi. I asked him if he could track where you were and he did, so here I am.”

  I’m still confused. “But why are you here in Finland? You said you were busy and that…”

  He pulls me close, his gaze taking my breath away. “You didn’t think I’d miss your birthday, did you?”

  He remembered?

  Before I can say another word, he grasps my chin, his lips finding mine and sending a surge of heat all throughout my body.

  Damn, I’ve missed this.

  “Wait.” I put my hands on his chest and push him away, remembering the circumstances. “Did you, by any chance, send one of your employees here?”

  “You probably mean Lila, my new assistant.”

  “Yes, Lila.” I blink. “You have a new assistant?”

  Nathan nods. “The previous one didn’t last.”

  “So, you sent Lila here?”

  He gives another nod. “To make the arrangements for your birthday surprise.”

  “My birthday surprise?”

  “You weren’t supposed to find out, so she got a bit rattled when she ran into you.”

  “I see.” That explains the recognition and the fluster.

  “That’s also why I said I couldn’t come when you called me.” He takes one of my hands. “I wanted you to be surprised.�

  “Well, I am surprised,” I admit.


  I nod. Now that everything’s been cleared up, I feel silly for suspecting he was cheating on me in the first place or thinking he didn’t care. He does care. He’s here, and that’s all that matters.

  I place his hand against my cheek. “Thank you.”

  Nathan shakes his head then plants a kiss on the back of my hand. “Don’t thank me just yet. I still have a lot planned, you know.”

  “Really?” My heart skips a beat.

  “To be honest, I was a little worried when you said you were going to Rovaniemi. It’s almost as if you could read my mind. But I have a feeling you’ll find my plan better.”

  It is better, far better than I could have planned or imagined.

  As soon as we arrive in Rovaniemi, Nathan takes me to a fancy lunch. Then we go ice skating and stroll around until the middle of the afternoon. Huskies pull a sled to our hotel, which isn’t just any hotel – it’s a hotel with glass igloos.

  “Unbelievable,” I gasp as we enter our igloo, the sky seemingly right above us.

  “You’re not feeling claustrophobic, are you?” Nathan asks.

  I shake my head. “I don’t feel like I’m in an enclosed space at all.”

  “Good.” He wraps his arms around me from behind and nuzzles my neck. “Because tonight, I don’t want you to worry about anything. I just want you to enjoy.”

  I turn around to face him, the warmth in his eyes making my chest feel warm in turn. Something tells me I’m not going to be cold tonight.

  “Really?” I ask him. “Are you saying you have something else planned?”

  “Not a plan,” Nathan tells me. “A final present.”

  He takes my hand and places my palm against his crotch. Immediately, his cock throbs, straining against my hand through his pants. My heart pounds, the warmth in my body turning to burning heat.

  I want him.

  Placing my arms around his neck, I kiss him with all my pent-up passion, my tongue becoming entangled with his. My breasts swell against his chest, my sex growing damp as his erection brushes against my thigh.

  I’ve missed him.

  Unable to restrain my excitement any longer, I reach for the hem of his sweater and pull it off then push him down on the bed. As our mouths meet for another wet, passionate kiss, my fingers travel across the expanse of his chest, tracing every dip and curve of sinew. Then I break the kiss to let my tongue follow the paths my fingers have made, delighting in every quiver I send through my lover’s body and every sound I hear him make.


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