Rancho Diablo

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Rancho Diablo Page 2

by Michael O'Connor

  “Scream all you like,” Tonya said, crouching before her. “It’s sweet music to my ears.”

  Gripping Zoe’s throat with one big hand, she pressed the bulbous head of the dildo against the pink rim of her anus.

  “Not my ass!” she croaked in desperation.

  “Yes, your sweet ass,” Tonya replied.

  Zoe yelled hoarsely, as the dildo stretched and split her bottom. The pain was nauseating. At the end of her savage thrust, the testicle spikes pricked the tender flesh of her buns, increasing her agony.

  Tonya raped her with long, deep strokes, savouring her sobs and whimpered protests, along with those of her sister. Ten minutes later, breathless and drenched in sweat, she withdrew the shit slicked dildo, stood up and pushed it against Jenna’s lips. She turned away in disgust. Tonya gripped her jaw with one hand, pinched her nostrils between the thumb and forefinger of the other and forced her to open wide. The messy, foul smelling dildo head was forced into her mouth. She gagged on the vile taste, as Tonya pushed it back her throat.

  “You can suck it or choke on it,” she declared. “What’s it to be?”

  Jenna was in no position to reply. The dildo was slowly withdrawn from her mouth and she began licking her sister’s sticky anal juices from the black latex shaft. She was only allowed to stop when it was spotlessly clean and glistening with her saliva. Satisfied, Tonya reached down and slowly withdrew the buzzing vibrator from between her rear cheeks. Jenna uttered a small sigh of relief. It was Zoe’s turn to cringe in disgust, when the object was presented to her lips.

  “Make it nice and clean,” her aunt urged. “Otherwise, I’ll ram it down your throat.”

  Sobbing, Zoe began licking her twin’s shit from the vibrator. She found the taste repugnant, but managed to look as though she Was almost enjoying it.

  “Bet you’d like something to wash away that shit taste,” Tonya said, afterwards.

  Neither girl replied. She picked up her bourbon bottle, took a swig, then bent over and pushed the bottle neck up between her buttocks. As she tilted the bottle, raw Jack flooded her bowels. The twins watched in astonishment, as her anus swallowed the coppery nectar, like the mouth of a thirsty drunk. She did not unplug the bottle from her rectum again until it was empty. A trickle crept from her hole and down her inner thighs, but her clenched cheeks held most of the bourbon inside.

  “You first,” she told Jenna, thrusting her rear back against her face. “Spit it out and I’ll beat you senseless.”

  Jenna forced herself to open her mouth. Tonya grunted, then expelled a brownish jet of bourbon from her anus, accompanied by a loud, wet fart. The putrid spirit hit the back of the girl’s throat and gurgled down into her belly. Her stomach lurched with the first breathtaking swallow, but she somehow managed to keep down the horrid bowel brew. Zoe was treated to the second shot, some of which splashed over her face, from the velocity of Tonya’s fart.

  As she stood up, the fat lady’s bottom dribbled bourbon. She wiped it with her right hand, which she then rubbed over Jenna’s face.

  “Clean your sister’s asshole,” she told her, grabbing her free hand and forcing it down between Zoe’s legs.

  Jenna used two fingers to wipe the sticky mess from her sister’s rim. At Tonya’s command, she pushed both fingers up inside her and stirred them around. When she withdrew them, they were tanned and sticky.

  “Wipe them over her tits,” her aunt commanded.

  Jenna obediently smeared her twin’s bare breasts with the pungent syrup. Zoe was then ordered to do the same to her. Tonya spat on them both and used Zoe’s pussy as an ashtray, while she smoked a cigarette. When she was finished, she ground out the butt on the vee between Jenna’s thighs, scorching her pubes and blistering the skin beneath.

  “Let me give you a couple of presents for the road,” she said, reaching once again into her top drawer.

  She held out two objects for the inspection of the twins. In her left hand was a red silk G-string, stolen from Jenna. In her right, she held an unopened beer bottle.

  She crouched before Jenna. “Your choice.”

  She chose the G-string. Smiling, Tonya squeezed it into a tight ball and pushed it up into the girl’s anus, until it had completely disappeared.

  “Looks like you get the beer,” she told Zoe.

  “No!” she shrieked. “Aaaaarrrrggh!”

  Tonya rammed the bottle into her rectum, leaving only the stubby green neck protruding.

  “All we have to do now is wait for the buyers to arrive,” she said, slapping their breasts.

  “Who?” Jenna grunted.

  “You don’t know what I’m talking about, of course,” Tonya replied. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’ve been in touch with a man who deals in white slaves. He’s offered me a very nice price for the pair of you. The men should be here to collect you shortly.”

  “You can’t do this!” Jenna shrieked. “You can’t ...”

  She was silenced by a slap across the face.

  “I can do what I like with you two pieces of dyke shit,” Tonya rasped. “I thought I’d just proven that. Once I’ve been paid, you become the slave trader’s property. He can do whatever he wants with you then.”

  Chapter 2

  There were two traders, both stockily built, dressed in black uniforms and jackboots. The blonde one carried a riding crop in his gloved right fist. The eyes of both were concealed behind dark wraparound shades. Tonya stood in the background, swigging from a fresh bottle of Jack Daniels, watching them inspect the two naked girls.

  “Not often we get a set of twins,” said the blonde man. “How old did you say they were?”

  “We’re eighteen,” Jenna told him.

  The riding crop cracked across her breasts and she shrieked in agony.

  “Lesson one - speak only when spoken to,” the trader growled. “That goes for both of you. Understood?”

  Jenna nodded. “Yes.”

  The crop struck her again, burning a second fiery line across both breasts. “Yes, Sir! That is the correct way to address your Masters. Let me hear you say it.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Jenna whimpered.

  He turned to their aunt. “Both virgins?”

  “Yep. Never been fucked by anyone, except each other. I had a little fun with them earlier, but their cherries are still intact.”

  “They’re very pretty,” he said. “Nice tits, good asses, inexperienced. Should have no trouble finding them a good home. Troy loves blonde virgins. We’ll give you eight grand for the pair.”

  “Ten,” Tonya said firmly. “That’s the price I agreed with your boss.”

  The twins looked at one another, in stunned disbelief. They were being bargained over, like two prize cattle at a fair. Their aunt’s sole concern was to get the best price possible for them. To the men, they were obviously some kind of investment. While the blonde man and Tonya argued dollars, the other trader spotted the neck of the bottle protruding from Zoe’s anus. He pulled it out of her, wiped it on her chest, uncapped it with his teeth and took a long swallow.

  “Fucking warm!” he grimaced. “You have the rest.”

  He pushed the bottle into Zoe’s mouth and poured the remaining beer back her throat.

  “What do you say?” he demanded, after she had almost choked on it.

  “Thank you.”

  His boot struck her bottom so hard she was lifted almost two inches off the floor.

  “Thank you, Sir!” she cried.

  “You’re welcome,” he sneered.

  “You drive a hard bargain, lady,” his partner told Tonya. “Okay, ten grand it is.”

  “They’re worth every cent,” she replied, eyes widening greedily, as he unzipped the bulging money belt beneath his jacket. “You boys care to have a little fun, before you hit t
he road? No extra charge.”

  “We’ll have plenty of fun with these two,” he answered, plainly unmoved by the sight of the fat lady, in only boots and an open shirt.

  While Tonya carefully counted the thick wad of notes he handed to her, the other trader released the twins from the bed and slipped two nooses around their throats.

  “Give us any shit and you’ll choke,” he warned, jerking on the two long ropes.

  Holding a rope each, the men led the terrified girls down the stairs and out to a waiting cattle truck.

  “Adios, bitches,” Tonya cackled, before slamming the front door shut.

  There were four naked girls already in the back of the truck. They hung by their wrists, from steel manacles chained to meat hooks. Before their nooses were removed, Jenna and Zoe were similarly secured.

  “That’s our full consignment,” the blonde man told his partner. “You take the wheel. It’s my turn for guard duty.”

  The bearded trader nodded and slammed the steel door shut. A pair of bolts were noisily secured on the outside. In the semi-darkness, the captives warily eyed one another. One of them, an attractive redhead in her mid-twenties, bore the livid scars of a recent whipping, from her breasts to her knees.

  “Comfortable, girls?” the blonde trader sneered, as the truck began moving.

  “Fuck you!”

  The retort came from a heavily built girl, with closely cropped black hair and a gold hoop in her right nipple.

  “What did you say, fat bitch?” he demanded, in a steel cold voice.

  “Fuck you,” she defiantly repeated. “You don’t scare me. What’s your name, anyway?”

  “My name is Kurt,” he replied. “But you will address me as Sir. You don’t work for Mr De Salle anymore. You stole from him, so he sold you to us. It’s time your fat fucking ass learned some respect for your Masters.”

  She spat in his face. “Go fuck yourself.”

  Kurt did not immediately react. He seemed stunned by her defiance. Then, taking a step back, he raised the riding crop in his right fist and brought it down across her breasts. The gunshot sound of the blow was followed by a deafening shriek.

  With white faced primal fury, Kurt unleashed a fusillade of savage lashes that made the captive yelp and dance like a puppet. Zoe shut her eyes, feeling the breeze from the rapidly rising and falling crop. She choked back a sob. The trader seemed intent on thrashing the helpless girl half to death.

  By the time the beating was over, the captive’s knees had buckled and she hung by her wrists, head slumped, whimpering like a whipped dog. But Kurt was far from finished with her. Throwing his riding crop to the floor, he unzipped his trousers and tugged out a fat cock that beating the girl had stimulated to full erection. A hoarse cry burst from her throat, as he unceremoniously rammed it up between the full cheeks of her bottom.

  “Not so brave now, huh?” he growled, wrenching her head backwards by the hair.

  Her body convulsed and she cried out, with every brutal thrust of his huge cock into her rectum. The other captives watched in dumbstruck terror, each learning as memorable a lesson as her unfortunate counterpart. Throughout the rape, Kurt pulled her hair, mauled her crop scorched breasts and spat breathless obscenities. After he had climaxed, he withdrew his cock and wiped it on her buttocks, before stuffing it back inside his trousers. The plump girl sobbed pitifully, tears dripping onto the metal floor. This was one captive who would cause no more trouble, for the remainder of the journey.

  Some time later, Zoe tentatively broke the silence.


  “What?” Kurt barked, reaching for his riding crop.

  “I need to use the toilet,” she whimpered.

  “You’re standing on it,” he replied. “Don’t worry about making a mess. One of you bitches will be cleaning out the truck, once we get to the ranch.”

  Zoe was appalled by the idea of having to urinate like an animal. But her bladder was painfully full and Kurt was unlikely to listen to any pleas for reason. She allowed the golden stream to trickle from her slit and splash onto the floor between her feet. Crouched at the feet of one of the other captives, Kurt watched intently, savouring the humiliating spectacle. Before she had finished, her twin began to urinate, the two steaming puddles becoming one around their feet.

  Soon afterwards, Kurt felt the need to empty his bladder. His chosen toilet was the beaten and subdued plump girl. Standing before her, he aimed a powerful stream of piss directly onto her shaven pussy. She knew better than to utter the slightest protest.

  The big truck rolled on through the night, bearing its human cargo towards their inescapable fate. Kurt reclined on a bed of soft cushions, riding crop close to hand. The captives were silent, each consumed by her own pain and terror.

  Suddenly, the truck rolled to an unexpected halt. The silence lasted a few moments longer, then the bolts grated and the back door was thrown open. A flashlight beam pierced the gloom, casting an eerie glow over the half dozen naked girls.

  “Well, lookee here!” a deep male voice drawled. “Just what do you boys plan on doing with these pretty things?”

  “We bought them, officer,” the driver replied. “They’re just cocksucking sluts somebody didn’t want anymore. We aim to find them good homes.”

  “Slavery’s been abolished,” said the cop.

  “Not as far as our boss is concerned,” said Kurt, crouching down by the door. “Look, we don’t want any hassle and I’m pretty sure you fellas could do without the paperwork. Maybe we could come to some kind of arrangement?”

  “What kind of arrangement?” the cop demanded.

  “See anything you like in here?” Kurt asked.

  “I see a lot I like,” he answered. “Two things in particular.”

  The flashlight beam danced over Jenna and Zoe.

  “You have good taste,” said Kurt. “Why don’t you have some fun with these two beauties? When you’re through, we’ll take them back and be on our way. You forget you saw us, we forget we saw you. Deal?”

  The cop turned to his partner. “What do you think, Lloyd?”

  “I think my dick is gonna burn a hole in my pants,” came the reply. “You got yourself a deal, mister. Toss them two down here.”

  Kurt unlocked the manacles on Zoe’s wrists and flung her out of the truck. She landed in a sprawl at the feet of the cops, with a cry of pain. Jenna followed, grazing both knees on impact with the tarmac. The fatter of the two cops dragged her to her feet and flung her, face down, over the bonnet of the patrol car.

  “Sweet young ass,” he drawled. “Just what the doctor ordered.”

  He drew his night-stick and rapped the insides of Jenna’s thighs, forcing them wider apart. At the same time, he withdrew his cock from his trousers.

  “Ever been in trouble with the law?” he demanded.

  “No, Sir,” she whimpered.

  “You are now,” he snarled, jamming two fingers into her rectum. “Hey, what have we got up here?”

  He tugged the red G-string out of her and held it to a headlight, for inspection.

  “You’re the first chick I’ve ever met with one of these inside her ass,” he declared. “The thing is, my dick is gonna need all the space you’ve got in there.”

  Gripping Jenna by the hair, he balled up the dirty G-string and stuffed it into her mouth. His big hands then gripped her shoulders, as he gradually forced his hard, thick shaft into her anus.

  Meanwhile, his partner had pushed Zoe into the back seat of the patrol car and jammed the barrel of his .38 into her pussy.

  “Take my dick out,” he commanded, crouching over her face. “Come on baby, don’t be shy. You wouldn’t want this weapon shooting off in your pussy, believe me.”

  With trembling hands, Zoe unzipped his trousers and pulled out h
is swelling cock. Both hands stroked the tumescent pole, which quickly reared its head to full erection.

  “Suck it,” the cop grunted, pushing a further inch of cold gun barrel up between her thighs. “And be careful. You bite, I shoot.”

  Zoe roamed her tongue over his rock solid and fat veined length, tasting man meat for the first time in her life. When he was wet, she opened her mouth wide and raised her head to swallow him. She gagged when his cock head touched the back of her throat.

  The car rocked to the beat of the fat cop thrusting violently up between Jenna’s buttocks. He used his cock like a weapon of war, to batter and brutalise her virgin orifice. With her face pressed against the windscreen, she could see the other cop in the back seat, her sister’s head between his thighs.

  The two traders leaned casually against the truck, smoking cigarettes, while they watched the rape of their hot property. The cops had been waiting for them, of course. They knew the slave truck and the route it had to take. It was a game they played and both sides benefited. The cops had their fun and the slavers had a blind eye turned to their business.

  Zoe was sweating, as she sucked and licked the cop in the back seat. Several inches of his gun barrel were inside her pussy. If he should accidentally pull the trigger, in the heat of passion, her virginity would be lost in a most spectacularly messy fashion. His hips bucked, as he fucked her throat. His partner was nailing Jenna’s backside to the bonnet of the car and had her breasts cupped in his huge hands.

  “Troy is gonna love what we’re bringing in this load,” said Kurt, tossing away his cigarette end.

  “Those twins will be worth their weight in gold,” said his partner. “Christ, I don’t think this hard on of mine can wait ‘til we get to the ranch!”

  “I’ll drive the rest of the way,” Kurt offered. “You have some fun in the back. That fat bitch has a surprisingly tight asshole. I had to teach her some manners, but she’ll be as good as gold, from now on.”

  “I’m not into fat asses,” said the other man.

  With a loud grunt, the fat cop spewed his hot cock cream into the depths of Jenna’s bowels. When he was empty, he forced her to kneel on the road, yanked the filthy G-string from her mouth and ordered her to lick his cock clean.


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