The World At End (Book 1) (Left Alive for the Dead Series)

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The World At End (Book 1) (Left Alive for the Dead Series) Page 9

by H'deel Batnij

  My brows creased my forehead with worry. “I do want more. And you haven’t forced anything upon me...I’m just not ready...for that…”

  “Why?” he asked confused and curious.

  Thank God for the sunset or else he could’ve seen my cheeks blaze more than a thousand suns. My heart hammered in my chest. “I’ve never...been with a guy every aspect,” I confessed to him finally. My eyes meet his handsome face.

  He looks appalled with his mouth hanging open in shock. “You never...twenty-one years old…uhm...what...what….just what?!” he continued to stammer flailing his arms in the air. “Are you saying you’ve never, ever been with a guy before at all in your whole entire life?”

  “No,” I said keeping my answer short. “Never.”

  He scoffed a chuckle. “Well, aren’t I the luckiest man ever?!”

  I laughed throwing my head back. “You are my first.”

  He looked shocked again. “You mean you and me the day of twister that was your…?”

  “My first kiss...yes.” I blushed.

  “Awh man,” he smiled to himself like a goofball and wiped his face with both of his hands from the truth. “So you really are a virgin, aren’t you? Damn I should have known from the way you kiss.”

  I shoved him playfully. “Are you saying I suck at it?”

  He chuckled. “No baby, I’m only saying you have a lot to learn.” He grabbed my hand in his, and kissed the back of it. “Lily, take as long as you want. I don’t care. As long as I have you I don’t care.”

  “Even if you turn into a full rage hormonal young man?” I teased.

  He smiled. “Yes, even that. Whatever it takes to keep you here with me. I don’t want to rush things. I don’t want to make you feel rushed,” he said earnestly.

  My heart quickened its pace from his words, and from the close proximity he was leaning in to steal a kiss. Instead of kissing my lips, he kisses my forehead gently, softly. Oh, he turns my thoughts into mush.

  He continued giving me a sweet, sincere smile. “I promise you, you being a virgin and new to all of this, we’ll take it slow, okay.”

  “Okay,” I smiled and kissed him.

  We heard a growl come from the roof from right behind us. Josh didn’t hesitate flinging his sharp hunting blade straight into his head. “Wow! You’ve got good aim,” I tell him.

  He throws me a cocky grin. “Well, my days of practice are when I walk for some fresh air.”

  I shake my head with a giggle. So full of himself, I thought.


  Halfway through November already, Gwen’s stomach began to slightly show. I think she was maybe three months pregnant. I’ve begun to worry. She’s starting to wear baggy shirts a little bit bigger than her tall skinny frame, and I hope no one will notice.

  Giving the girls a break after training them - we begun a little kick boxing on the punching bag - I was frustrated at most of them. None of them know how to throw a punch and they punch like a bunch of girls…


  You get the picture.

  Josh’s hand appeared around the corner of the open door with a bouquet of orange and red lilies. He slowly peered in his head with a wide grin. I smiled in return. “For you,” he said walking in.

  “Oh Josh. You didn’t have to.” I take them in my arms analyzing them. They were in perfect shape, beautifully wrapped in carnation paper. “Where’d you get them from?” I asked while setting them down, and continuing my clean up in the place. It’s become my place.

  “We have a flower shop a couple of blocks down to the right. You don’t know what I had to go through to get them from the greenhouse.”

  “You stole these and you went outside without telling me?”

  “All for you baby.” He grinned teasingly with a mischievous look in his eyes and placed his hands behind his head in a relaxed stance. “And I didn’t steal them. No one was running the place except a couple of crazies. So I took them without regret. I’m surprised some of them are even still alive in the greenhouse.”

  “You didn’t have to…” I kiss him on his lips. “And no more going out without me or without me knowing. God knows what could happen to you.”

  “I think God at this point is nowhere near here.”

  “Guys! Guys! Guys!” Speak of the devil and all scientific purposes, Brian comes out of nowhere rushing in the training room. “I have just created the latest invention! We must head out to the surface to test it!”

  “Oh lord!” I roll my eyes. “Is this another one of your mini flying failed satellites that NASA first invented before you?”

  “Oh please. NASA ain’t got nothin’ on me. Come!” he said in a rush and left the room.

  Josh took my hand in his and we headed upstairs. Everyone began to get ready by getting strapped up with loads of guns and ammunition. Even the girls held mini handguns and revolvers. I hope they know how to use them. We haven’t gotten to the guns part yet in training. “Hey Lillian,” Naomi said. “Can I borrow your crossbow?” she asked biting her lip as if I’d say no.

  “Of course not. Whatever makes you happy.” I smiled.

  She jumped happily on her feet as she skipped to the one room her, Anna, and I shared. I followed her to the room to retrieve my good empty shotgun, and placed nine shells in its barrel while I had it resting on my lap. After the last one in, I pumped it. And heard a calling whistle by the door. “Damn. My girlfriend is hot with a shotgun.”

  “Turns you on?” I winked placing the shotgun over my shoulder and having my hand gripped on its handle behind the trigger and my finger resting beside the trigger.

  “You have no damn idea, baby. I think I’ve chosen quite wisely this time.”

  “Maybe you're just lucky,” I told him as I passed him not leaving my eyes off him, and sent him a blow-kiss.

  He followed me after two seconds, and grasped my free hand in his.

  Driving to a secluded area far away from the club - and not in my car (sad face) - I wonder what kind of invention this was that Brian has us dragged out to the middle of nowhere. Whatever it is I hope it’s good.

  Reaching it, we jumped out of the big truck - it was one truck they carried many supplies in - with our guns in hand. No one dared to stay behind in the club alone. Not even Christopher who seems to be a bit strict with Gwen lately because of her pregnancy as he fears they might get kicked out and be thrown to the wolves - in this case, the dead. The poor guy looked like he was walking on nerves and tension.

  We were on a highway partially deserted. Cars were more a little upfront with heavy unmoving, nonliving traffic. The truck was parked some distance way back, we had to walk behind Brian and Martin, and Brass and Old John once Brian and Martin reached the spot they desired. Each and every one of us looked around for any sudden movement beyond us. “Perfect,” Brian spoke loud for all of us to hear. We were almost near the cars upfront, and there were a couple of dead bodies lying around with flies buzzing around them. “Martin, get me a corpse.”

  Martin made his way by running to one of the dead corpses that were closest to us, and dragged it by its rags. “Ugh, the smell is over intoxicating. Smells worse than bad vagina,” Martin complained.

  “Uhm, I think it’s nothing compared to a vagina,” Rachel defended our women part.

  Most of the girls muttered in agreement.

  He let go of the corpse to where Brian wanted it. “Jeez, okay, hold your pubic hairs.” He gave his hands in surrender.

  “Ugh, and you want to be with him, Anna?!” Julia complained, and Darcy and Marcy giggled in the background.

  Anna looked at her with a blush and sad face from her remark. “Cut it Julia,” Brass told her.

  And all three got quiet.

  Oh, Brass has her on a leash. At least he can shut her up or them...Before I did.

  Brian bent down on one knee pouring some type of mineral black powder inside of a corpse’s open chest. “What in God’s name are you doin’?” Old J
ohn asked him.

  “Just give me a minute,” Brian told him. I’m guessing no one knows of this invention except Martin.

  Concentrating on his careful pouring, he was pouring by the ounces. Once he was done it looked like twenty ounces of the unknown stuff. I can see just the tip of the hill appearing out of the busted chest.

  “Martin,” Brian ordered with a snap of his fingers. He handed him an army helmet. I arched a brow. “Okay,” he told us in a geeky way placing the helmet on top of his head carefully and slowly like it was a bomb…

  Then it clicked in my head….

  Oh shit....

  “Oh what’s left of humanity’s grace, if you guys want to live after this stunt, I’d haul my own ass to a far distance...You have fifteen seconds!”

  Gwen and Christopher were the first smart ones to make a move. And everyone followed to separate hideouts. “Martin,” Brian ordered snapping his fingers again without looking at him.

  I’m not sure how far we were supposed to go, but I didn’t stray too far. The stuff doesn’t look that harmful. Josh and Naomi hid with me behind a strayed car in the middle of the grass between the two opposite highways.

  I couldn’t see what he was doing or what he was holding, but he was pouring something liquid that looks like water over it, and he was pouring it as fast and gently as he could at the same time. It also looked like - while reading his lips - he was muttering the word shit multiple times. “Man, he’s crazy when it comes to this shit,” Josh said about his best friend.

  “I agree.” And I do.

  Brian shooed Martin away to take cover, and tore part of the rag, and lit it on fire from a wooden match. He placed it in a perfect position on top of the stuff, and ran like all hell broke loose to the cars upfront by his best friend Martin. I have never seen him run so fast like that in the months that I’ve known him, and that was saying something.

  A small spark and smoke had formed with a little firework sound. What surprised my own eyes to see is how the stuff absorbed the corpse’s skin clinging to the bones so tight, you think the skin might tear apart. But no. We waited some crucial seconds when Brian’s head popped out of nowhere. He stood up and jumped flailing his hands everywhere. I don’t know if it was in frustration and disappointment or success. He squeezed his own head by placing it between his hands, and then I knew he was frustrated. He placed his hands on his hips and began debating on whether he should walk back to the corpse.

  Once he made the first five steps, the body blew up, with a loud booming noise, in the sky with rotten pieces showering everywhere and Brian had fallen to the ground from the force of the bomb, protecting himself. He recomposed himself and stood up off the ground jumping high in the air and shouting “Yes! Whoo! Yes! My formula works!” as the dead flesh continued to fall. One part of the face managed to fly on our side and land with a splat on the hood of the car, and my body grimaced from the sound of the landing. “Eww,” I complained.

  Then they were coming at us from everywhere shrieking and growling and coming at us fast.

  Since Gwen and Christopher, Laura, Rachel, Johnny, and Salvatore were hiding behind the big truck, they were the first to climb in. Someone had already started the engine, and I figure it would be Old John since he usually takes the wheel. And I’m sure Brass would be on the passenger side. I can just imagine.

  Brain and Martin ran as fast as they could towards the slowly moving big truck. Not bad for two skinny guys. They shot bullets while they ran to the truck and Brian had to keep the helmet on top of his head while he ran. Darcy and Marcy appeared out of nowhere and climbed into the truck with the help of Salvatore and Alex. I’m not sure when Alex and Rave had made it to the truck. Maybe they were there the whole time…

  Some began to catch up from behind us as Naomi tried to shoot with the crossbow, but failed by missing its head. Instead she got it by the stomach. I slowed down some and let Josh continue to run while I helped her make it to the truck. I aimed high enough for the head, and shot. Pumped, and shot. Pumped, and shot. I continued to do so while I heard the empty shells fall to the ground. I started running again, but while reloading the barrel with whole nine bullets it slowed me down. After refilling its capacity, I pumped it keeping it ready.

  Brian and Martin finally made it once the truck made a U-turn on the same highway. I waited till they passed me, and I began to run behind them. Mickey and Ricky came out of nowhere from behind me on my left side and ran while looking behind them and shooting. “Wait man, don’t leave me man!” Mickey shouted at Ricky.

  “Lillian, come on. Give me your arm,” Josh said having his arms out while hanging on to the metal side bar of the truck. I hand him the shotgun, and he grabs it quickly, and throws it to whoever grabs it behind him. He extends his hand out. “Come on baby,” he urged.

  Naomi and Anna extend their arms to help. I push my legs some more and jump giving my arms to their awaiting grasps and make it as they pull me in.

  I look behind me and see Ricky and Mickey still running. “Run!” we shout to them.

  Christopher taps the metal to the driver, and shouts to slow down a little. I can see so many of them running after them. Once Rickey ran out of bullets he threw the gun at them, and continued to run. We were probably past a mile now. Maybe even more. Mickey tripped, but stood up quick on his feet, and continued to run. Even that caused them to catch up to him as they grabbed him into their awaiting hungry arms and teeth. Shit. I take the crossbow from Naomi, and bend down on one knee while taking Josh’s hand and putting it on top of my shoulder to keep me from falling. He got the message and followed what I wanted him to do. Even though the truck was swaying so much I managed to keep straight, and shoot an arrow at Mickey’s head while they ate him alive. I set down the crossbow, and pushed it back into the truck, and extended my hand out for Rickey while grabbing the metal side bar. “Come on!” I urged him as Josh didn’t utter a word except extend a lending hand as well as Anna, Naomi, and Salvatore.

  “Move over bitch. I got this,” Salvatore told me with a mean look in his eye.

  God, what’s his problem?! I didn’t move, but kept my arm out. Rickey gave one final push and grabbed Johnny’s and Salvatore’s arms for help. Guess they’re a couple of rubber bands in one bag. I wonder where was the last piece of their puzzle...Julian. Perhaps in the front seat.

  When all of that was over I looked at Josh who never left his eyes off of Salvatore. Salvatore ignored him like he never existed. I grab the bottom part of Josh’s jacket telling him to look at me. He looks down at me, and I say, “Ignore it.”

  I stand up on my feet, and he keeps me at his side feeling defensive. I rest a hand on his chest, and my other free arm circles his waist to keep him close.

  Days passed slowly. Losing Mickey had all of us shaken up, even me. It didn’t stop the glares I kept getting from Salvatore and Johnny, especially Salvatore. The guy had a mean streak against me. Josh didn’t leave me out of his sight as he kept watch over the rowdy boys. Julia and her two girls were on me too. Man, the world is no longer controlled and yet I have a bunch of drama on my back.

  While folding my laundry in the room where I sleep in, there’s suddenly commotion going on. “Get your hands off her!” Christopher’s voice boomed.

  Oh no! I took my pistol and headed to where it all was coming from which was near the kitchen around the corner of my room. Brass is hand gripped Gwen’s wrist very tightly as it seems he was trying to drag her, and Christopher had her held against him tightly. “Hold it right there, Brass.” I pointed my pistol at him while nearing him.

  “Don’t point that gun at me,” he ordered.

  His face became face-to-face with my pistol when I was finally near all three. Everyone surrounded them. Josh was already at my side. “Let her go, and I’ll lower it.” I gave him the mean eye with a serious face.

  He let go slowly, and I lowered my gun by pulling back the knob in its place and coming in front of Gwen and Christopher in defense. “I’m
not allowing it,” he said. “I even put it as a rule. If they want to stay here we have to get rid of it.”

  Still serious, I crossed my arms, and said, “Damn your rules. You can’t just kill it. It’s a baby. It’s a life.”

  “Like I care?!” he boomed. “We have no tools, we’re short on supplies, and we have no experience in delivering a fucking baby. If they want to keep it, then they need to leave.”

  Gwen and a couple of other girls gasped. “You’d let them die out there? Are you crazy?” I squinted my eyes at him.

  “You don’t know most of my crazy.”

  The expression on his face on how careless he was I believed him. Then a thought hit me. “I’ll take full responsibility. I’ll deliver it. But you keep them here, and you leave them alone. Understood?”

  “Is that your bet to the brawl?”

  What?! I can’t believe he’s turning it into a bet. “It’s my bet,” I decided my last, thoughtless decision. “If I lose, they leave and I do too.”

  “And me,” Josh interfered.

  “Me three,” Naomi jumped in.

  Suddenly I saw Anna, Martin, Brian, Rave and Alex make their way to us to behind Gwen and Christopher. I see now who was on my side. The rest stayed behind Brass - Old John, Salvatore, Darcy, Marcy. Ricky, Johnny, Rachel, Julia, Laura, and Julian. Even though Old John had a grief-stricken face hidden behind his facade, I don’t understand why he won’t come on my side. The way he works is confusing. He’s a nice sweet old guy, but I don’t know why he won’t come on my side. Maybe because Brass had chosen him for second in command.

  Brass backing away, he put his hands up mid-way and said, “Done.”

  After he gave me his back, and walked away by shoving Salvatore’s and Old John’s shoulders, I let out what feels like a held in breath. I turn around to face Gwen and Christopher when suddenly Gwen’s arms are thrown around me, and she hugs me tight without letting go. Backing away once she let go of me, she wipes her tears away, and in her breaking voice says, “No matter what happens, if we have a girl I am going to name her after you.”


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