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Fated Page 26

by T. L. McDonald

  Will takes a deep breath, his eyes going to the now dormant symbol on my wrist. "When you wouldn't wake up I refused to leave your side. For days and days I did nothing but sit and watch you. Sometimes you would scream, or call out for Jared, or mumble something about Blondie, but you would never wake. I felt so helpless because there was nothing I could do to help you, though Heaven knows I tried. I tried every thing I could."

  The pain in his eyes, the want for me—it's too much. "Will,"

  He reads the tone in my voice well before I can say anything other than his name. "I know. You don't have to say anything. It was always his name you called out, not mine." He tucks a strand of hair that's fallen from my braid behind my ear with a sad smile playing at his mouth. "I'm going to go see if Luca was able to reach Eric. Now that you're awake we've got a lot to do."

  Alone in the room, I throw myself back onto Will's bed and stare at the pale blue lines of the symbol. How could I have been asleep for an entire month? Why was I asleep for an entire month? Was I with Jared? Were we trying to come up with a plan to get him out? We're we caught by Blondie and that's why I'm awake now? Or was I supposed to wake up so the plan could go into effect but now I can't remember what I'm supposed to do? What if Jared's waiting for me right now feeling more and more abandoned each passing minute I'm not there?

  I roll over, growling into the pillow when the worst thought of all comes to mind. What if I wasn't with Jared at all?

  What if he's been suffering through various amounts of torture everyday clinging onto a dwindling hope that I would find him and I never did? What happens when all his hope runs out? What if it already has?

  If only I could remember.

  A burning desire to break something has my hands clenching the pillow. I throw it across the room where it hits the wall with a soft thump before falling to the floor in the most anti-climatic way possible. A frustrated sigh/huff escapes my throat and I scoot myself across the bed until my back is up against the wall. I pull my knees to my chest.

  Flipping my arm over I consider touching the symbol. Chances are I won't remember where I go, but what if this time I do? What if I want it bad enough it happens? The whole mind over matter thing.

  A shimmer ripples over the surface of the symbol. My fingers hover over my wrist. I hesitate. What if my plan of mind over matter doesn’t work? What if I'm asleep for another month, or longer this time? What if I miss Jared's birthday all together and I'm too late to save him? Am I willing to take the risk?

  The door opens before I decide. Seeing the glow of the symbol Kat flings herself onto the bed, knocking my hand away in a matter of seconds. I've only ever seen her move that fast once before when she and Shasta Richards both had their eye on the same prom dress at the mall.

  "Are you insane? Don't touch that thing."

  "I have to. It's the only way to find Jared."

  "Not on your own when it’s all scary and unpredictable, it isn’t. Now stay right there and don't move." Climbing off the bed, she rummages through the top drawer of Will's dresser. Pulling out a pair of long socks she stalks back over to the bed, then promptly wraps it around my wrist securing it with the hair tie holding my braid. "Just in case you get any ideas. No more astral projecting or whatever it is you're doing. At least not until you and Luca drink the tea together so he can go with you, okay?"

  "Kat, Jared's birthday is quickly approaching. There's not a whole lot of time left to wait around. All of his abilities will manifest the moment he turns eighteen. I have to get to him before then. I have to get to him before the Fallen force him into something that could potentially devastate the world."

  "I understand what's at stake Hanna, which is why we have to play this smart and you jumping in head first without testing the depths of the water is just plain dumb. You were asleep for a month. Are you really willing to risk that happening again?" Kat argues, echoing the very thoughts I was having myself before she came in. "Because if it does, you're going to leave the rest of us up the creek without a paddle and no way to find Jared in time. So promise me Hanna, you're not going to do anything stupid."

  "When did you get to be so wise?" I say half teasingly.

  Straightening her shoulders in an air of superiority, she grins. "A lot has changed while you were asleep. Now is that a promise?"

  "Fine, I promise." She does have a point after all, a point I was coming around to myself if I'm being honest. I want Jared back more than anybody, but if I'm going to succeed, then I've got to do it the right way. And soon.

  "Good. Now that that’s out of the way I have soooo much to tell you. You missed a lot while you were playing Sleeping Beauty." She settles in beside me in full gossip mode. "First of all, Luca and I are now dating and have been since right before senior prom, which was awesome by the way. Luca was like the hottest guy there in his punked out tux. Seriously, like all the single girls and some not so single girls were drooling all over themselves." I can't decide how to feel hearing this - angry because they went to prom when they should have been looking all over the Earth for Jared, or overwhelmingly sad because Jared and I missed it? "Also," Kat says continuing on. "You completed enough of your finals before you, you know, fell into a coma of sorts, so you graduated." She grabs my hands waving them in the air. "So Yay!" I can't help but laugh.

  "Second, I had the luxury of meeting Cassidy who's a total bitch by the way. Her and this Thomas guy have their own faction of Guardians within The Order trying to undermine us at every turn in an attempt to get Jared back before we do. But Eric, the leader of our particular faction, has proved on more than one occasion how badass he is against Thomas and Cassidy as well as all The Fallen he's gone against.

  "Third, Owen is playing double agent. He's got Cassidy convinced he's on their side when in reality he's reporting everything they say and do back to us. And lastly, Adam has become besties with Eric and has gotten pretty handy with a knife while I myself have mastered fighting while still looking good in pumps." She lifts her leg displaying her plush dark purple stilettos.

  "You've fought The Fallen?" Everything else I can believe, but Kat fighting The Fallen and coming out unscathed is pushing it a bit far.

  "Not exactly. I haven't actually made it out of the basement yet. So far I've only gone up against the duct-taped dummy down there."

  "And that's where you should stay. I don't want you anywhere near The Fallen Kat. You or Adam."

  "Okay, okay. I get it, you can let go of my arm now, yeesh. You're a lot stronger now you know."

  I release her quickly. I hadn't even realized I'd grabbed her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to grab you like that it's just the thought of you or Adam coming face to face with a Fallen is not something I ever want to happen."

  "Me either, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared."

  "You will never be prepared," I say a little to ominously and I see fear spark behind her eyes. Which is probably a good thing. She should be afraid.

  "Right, so, anyway, I guess that's all that's happened since you've been asleep."

  "You mentioned everyone except Will. What was he doing during that time?" I have a feeling I already know. Especially since Will pretty much already told me himself, but for reasons beyond me, I still need to hear her say it. Maybe I like torturing myself.

  "I think you know where Will spent the majority of his time during this past month. The boy barely left your side if he could avoid it." She looks at me with sympathy. "I'm glad I'm not in your shoes."


  "Because it's one thing to have two boys in love with you, it's another to love them both back." She gives me a reassuring pat on the leg that's anything but, given what she just said. Love them both? I can't love them both. "So anyway, I'm going to go run you a bath so you can have some ‘think time’ before Adam gets here so long as you promise you'll leave the symbol alone."

  "Scouts honor. I won't touch it."

  "You better not." And with that she leaves me alone with my thoughts being torn betwe
en Jared and Will.

  Is Kat right? Do I love them both? I fell head over heels for Jared, but could I have also fallen for Will too without even realizing it? Without ever meaning to?

  I slap the palm of my hand against my forehead. This is ridiculous. I don't have feelings like that for both of them...do I?


  The smell of blueberry pancakes fills the entire house. Coming out of the bathroom, I take a big whiff. My stomach growls in anticipation as I follow the scent down the hall and into the kitchen.

  Adam is standing at the stove flipping pancakes. He spots me mid-flip. The turner in his hand falls to the floor, splattering pancake batter onto the front of the stove. Within seconds I'm being scooped up and crushed in his arms, my feet dangling in the air.

  "I've been worried sick about you," he mumbles into my hair. He lowers me back onto my feet, holding me at arms length. Gray eyes like mine roam over every inch of me from head to toe. "Are you okay, really okay?" With the way he's looking at me I know he doesn't mean just physically.

  There's really no easy answer to his question so I settle for saying, "I'm okay. Hungry though." It's technically not a lie. Physically I'm fine. Emotionally not so much, but I don't want to worry him. I peer around him at a stack of pancakes piled up on a platter on the counter. "These smell delicious."

  "I'll make you a plate." Adam rushes back into the kitchen and begins pulling plates out from one of the cabinets near the sink.

  "You might want to flip the pancakes on the stove first. I think they're starting to burn." I pull out a stool, taking a seat at the kitchen island.

  "Right." He sits the stack of plates in his hands down onto the countertop then picks up the turner he’d dropped onto the floor. He glances quickly at both sides, then deeming it clean enough, he flips the pancakes. Catching my eye he shrugs. "Sixty second rule?" I start to laugh and he smiles.

  "How does the saying go? God made dirt, dirt won't hurt?"

  "That's right. Now do me a favor and go tell the rest of the gang down in the basement dinner's ready."

  "Will do." On my way I snatch a pancake or two from the stack on the counter.

  The stairs creak under my feet as I descend into the basement. The moment my foot hits the floor at the bottom a knife whooshes past my face close enough to feel a breeze. I drop the pancake in my hand in favor of clutching my chest. The knife hits one of the stairs behind me with a clang then bounces back, tumbling down three stairs before coming to a rest.

  The loud sound of someone being smacked hard has me turning my head in the direction from which the knife came.

  "Damn it Luca, I could have hit her with that." Kat's face is about as red as Luca's bicep. She casts him a dirty, angry look before rushing to my side. "I'm so sorry Hanna. Stupid Luca got the bright idea to tickle me when I was in mid throw. Are you okay? It didn't nick you or anything did it?" Gripping my face, she squeezes my cheeks turning my mouth into a cross between duck lips and fish lips. She turns my head to the side.

  "I'm fine." It comes out sounding weird through the duck/fish lips. Accepting my answer she lets go and I stretch out my jaw.

  "Sorry Hanna," Luca apologizes. Hands in his pockets, he dares to take a step near Kat who rewards him with a slap to the chest.

  "Damn right you're sorry. That's my best friend standing right there and I'd prefer she be in one piece." She smacks him once more for good measure.

  "Seriously Kat, I'm okay," I say taking pity on Luca.

  "So, what brings you down here?" Kat asks.

  "Adam." I reach down picking up my half eaten pancake. "He wanted me to let you guys know dinner’s ready.

  "You don't have to tell me twice." Taking a chance that Kat might hit him once more he leans in and kisses her on the cheek. "Forgive me and join me for dinner?" He holds out a hand. Blushing she accepts. No guy has ever made Kat blush. She must really like him.

  I really have missed a lot, I think sadly.

  On their way up the stairs Luca gives my shoulder a squeeze. "It's good to have you back Hanna."


  In the corner of the basement Will and Eric spar one another in a full sized boxing ring. "You guys coming?" Will looks my way and the moment he does Eric lands a blow to the side of his jaw knocking him down.

  "Rule number one of boxing," Eric says playfully as he helps Will to his feet. "Never take your eyes off your opponent."

  "I'll keep that in mind." The moment Eric turns, Will side sweeps his leg, knocking him onto his back. "You should too." Bouncing out of reach Will laughs as Eric pulls himself up.

  "Well played little brother."

  Keeping his eyes trained on Eric, Will takes a bow with a mischievous grin.

  Eric tosses his gloves at Will then flips over the ropes, landing with perfect grace. I'd probably break my ankle if I tried that. With a smile Eric pats me on the back of the shoulder as he too heads up the stairs leaving me alone with Will.

  "So, um, I wanted to apologize for accusing you earlier of having something to do with my coma or whatever you want to call it. I wasn't thinking straight."

  "It's cool. Don't worry about it." Holding down one of the ropes Will steps through then jumps the rest of the way to the floor. He takes off his gloves tossing them onto a bench near the wall. His hair is wet with perspiration causing it to curl around the edges, and his shirt, stuck to his frame, shows every curve of muscle underneath. I look away, telling myself I'm not interested in any way, despite the small flutter in my stomach.

  I clear my throat. "Are you coming?"

  "No. I think I'm going to hang out down here a little longer. Maybe go a around or two with Duct Tape Dummy over there." He points over his shoulder to a very beat up practice dummy that's seen better days.

  He's avoiding me and we both know it. Things have been weird between us since what I'm now going to refer to as 'the incident' occurred when for one stupid moment he kissed me and I kissed him back. It was obviously a mistake and I regretted it as soon as I did it, but by then the damage had already been done and now I've got to try to find a way to fix it. Confused feelings aside, I don't want to lose Will as a friend.

  "Are you sure? Adam makes the best pancakes in the world."

  "I know. He makes them every time it's his turn to cook." Reading the look on my face he elaborates. "When it became apparent you weren't waking up after a day or two of waiting he and Kat pretty much moved in so we started a rotation."

  "They moved in? And he really only makes blueberry pancakes?"

  "Yep and yep." At the heartwarming smile on my face Will asks, "Why? What's so special about blueberry pancakes?"

  "They're my favorite."

  "Well that explains why he'd take a plate to you every time he made them."

  "He did that?"

  "Every single time."

  I feel like bursting into tears. One of the last conversations Adam and I had before my sleep coma was about how he was afraid of me and I was so terrified he’d never really be able to accept the new me. I'm glad he has because I don't know what I would do without Adam in my life.

  Will hits the dummy in the side of the head with a perfect roundhouse kick then follows it up with several rapid punches to the rib area.

  "Do you want me to bring some down? Pancakes aren't as good when they're cold."

  Will grips the top of the dummies head to stop it from swaying back and forth. "They're not so bad cold. Who do you think ate all the ones Adam left for you?" He looks at me no longer avoiding direct eye contact. "Sometimes you would mumble in your sleep or outright scream and I'd wake up to check on you and they'd just be sitting there, so I figured why not."

  "Because you never left my side," I mumble to myself replaying in my mind what he and Kat both told me.

  "Not once." Suddenly, he's standing right in front of me. I hadn't meant to say that out loud or at least not loud enough for him to have heard it. "Not unless I had to. And only when we had a promising lead on Jared's whereabo


  He takes another step closer. "Do you really want me to answer that?"

  "No," I whisper so low there's hardly any sound. Because if you do, then it makes it real and that's not something I'm ready to deal with. "I-I have to go." Leaving him to stand there watching after me I run up the stairs taking them two and three at a time. The faster I can get away the better.


  Sitting inside a chalk drawn circle surrounded by symbols I don't recognize on the basement floor, Luca hands me a cup of tea that smells like something died in it. I wrinkle my nose not relishing the idea of having to drink it. Pouring a second cup he sits down in front of me.

  Outside the circle, Adam and Kat light candles around the perimeter. Once the last candle is lit, Kat turns off the lights and she and Adam take a seat on the bottom step. The flickering candlelight makes it hard to see them, but I'm glad they're out there. I just wish Will was too. He's been by my side through everything and to not have him here now doesn't feel right, but I understand why he's not and it's not because it was his turn to go on patrol with Eric, even though that was the excuse he gave.

  Pushing thoughts of Will to the back of my mind, I stare at the contents in my cup. It moves around in the cup a little too thickly to really be considered tea. Sludge is more like it.

  "Ready?" Luca asks.

  "As ready as I'll ever be." I'm totally lying. I'm not ready. I'm terrified. What if this doesn't work or what if it does and I find Jared only to realize we're too late?

  "So, the tea's going to taste like crap, but you have to drink it all without throwing any of it up if this is going to work. Once our cups are empty I'll start the ritual that’ll allow me to link with you. You should start to feel very relaxed almost like you’re dreaming and that's when we'll both touch the symbol on your wrist. If all goes well, I should travel with you."

  "Okay. I'm ready." I'm still lying, but I drink the tea anyway. Luca was definitely not kidding when he said it would taste like crap. This is probably hands down, the worst thing I have ever tasted in my entire life. It rolls in my stomach, leaving me feeling more than queasy. Tipping the bottom of my cup up, Luca nudges me to drink the last bit. I pinch my nose closed hoping that if I can't smell it then maybe it won't taste so bad. It doesn't work and I start to gag while willing myself to keep it down. Several deep breaths later the sludge settles. Thankfully without making a re-appearance.


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