The Best Man's Baby: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance

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The Best Man's Baby: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance Page 6

by Tasha Blue

  Carla accepted the card from him and felt relief rush over her. She knew that providing for a child was probably not a big financial issue for him; who knew if this had happened before? All the same, she was glad that he was there.

  "I don't expect you to drop everything over this," she told him softly, "but I am ready to let you be as involved as you like." She took another business card from his stand and scrawled down her own number. "You should have my cell, too."

  Daniel cast his gaze over the digits and nodded slowly. He looked up at her again. "I want you to stay in touch," he told her firmly. "Sonograms, Lamaze classes, doctor's appointments, you name it. I want to do all of that with you."

  "Thanks." Carla said, with a tired smile. The last couple of days had been overwhelming, but knowing that Daniel was going to step up for his part of the responsibility was at least some relief.

  She had expected an argument from him, or blame, or a discussion about options, but he had offered her simple and unconditional support. She admired him for that. "I better go." she then said. "I left my apprentice alone at the bakery."

  "Sure." Daniel said, standing to walk her back to the elevator. "Just know that I am here for anything you need."

  After she was gone and Daniel was back in his office, he was able to let the facade slip a little and felt a tidal wave of panic wash over him. This was the first time that a night of fun had resulted in a pregnancy and Daniel had no idea what he was doing. He could offer every financial support to Carla, but they barely knew each other. He didn't want to leave her on her own to raise his child when he had been the one to seduce her that night, but he was also unprepared to be a family man.

  His career was on fire, he was dating Brooke, and he liked his expensive apartment with clean walls and expensive gadgets. He just had no idea where a baby or former lover would fit into that picture.

  He needed some moral support of his own. He texted Cliff and they arranged to meet at their usual bar at once. His friend was triumphant when he told him the news.

  "Ha!" he laughed. "Finally life's catching up with you; welcome to my world, Daniel. What are you going to do?"

  "Well, I'm going to support her, obviously." Daniel said with a shrug. "What else can I do?"

  "What if you took it a step further? Would you try for a relationship with her?" Cliff suggested. "I've always said that you needed a nice girl for a change. Carla is a nice girl."

  "She might be a nice girl, but she's also a stranger." Daniel reminded him. "She's a baker, for crying out loud! What am I supposed to do? Drop everything and buy a three-bedroom place in the suburbs?"

  "Don't be so dramatic, Dan,” Cliff said. "You're going to be fine. I'm just saying that you shouldn't be so quick to dismiss the idea of a more settled life."

  "Hmph!" Daniel scoffed. "I'll support the girl, but I'm not going to be some boring old man with a beard, arguing over the arrangement of the lawn's flowerbed."

  "You'd rather be an overworked hotshot hanging onto the purse strings of some selfish brat in a pencil skirt?" Cliff said disdainfully. "I think this is a good chance for you to take a look at what you want for life."

  "You used to be a lot like me, Cliff,” Daniel reminded him. "Back when you were in corporate law and living the high life, too."

  "I sure was." Cliff agreed. "So, I'm the perfect person to tell you that it wears you out. It shortens your life and there is no real quality in a life like that. I'll tell you something, Daniel, I don't ever think back on a single day of that part of my life with longing.

  It was fun then, but wouldn't trade five minutes of my life now for a week of that time. You need to think about this. You used to be relaxed. We used to call you ‘daring Dan’. You were always having a laugh and acting as the clown. Now you just take life so seriously. You've created this aloof, larger-than-life rich lawyer persona and just don't know how to have fun anymore."

  "I thought you were always complaining that I had too much fun,” Dan replied. "Now you want me to have more fun?" He frowned at his friend.

  "Sleeping with tons of women is not the type of fun I'm talking about, Dan." Cliff told him. "I'm talking about cracking a smile when a joke is funny, instead of barely moving your lips. If an unplanned pregnancy gets you away from the office and back into the real world, then I'm all for it."

  Daniel shook his head disbelievingly. He knew that he had changed since college, but he had more responsibilities now. As his reputation had grown, he had not been able to joke around and skip a late night, because that's not how one rises through the ranks of a competitive law firm. Of course, once he started regularly choosing working late over goofing around with friends and chasing corporate women, instead of mixing with all types of people, it did make him change.

  Daniel had become much more serious than he used to be; almost untouchable. He decided not to take offense at Cliff's blunt manner, but instead, he chose to give some thought to his friend's earnest words. Perhaps he should offer more than his money and really get involved in the pregnancy and raising the child. Maybe a son or daughter would soften him and give him a reason to smile.

  The next day, he told his secretary that he was going to be coming into his office late. He decided to stop by Carla's Cakes. It made him smile when he saw the cutout cupcake sign swinging from its frame, with Carla's name painted on it in swirly letters and inside there was a line of people. Behind the counter was a young redheaded girl and then, emerging from the kitchen, Daniel caught sight of Carla.

  She was in her element here and that bright smile which made her stand out from the tight-lipped and stern women from the legal world was glowing on her face. She was laughing as she took time to speak with her customers as they ordered and nobody seemed to mind the wait.

  In fact, it seemed that some of the customers were just as interested in catching up with Carla as they were in buying her baked goods. She was so friendly and open and Daniel enjoyed watching her brighten up peoples’ days.

  He joined the line and felt out of place in his expensive suit among all the happy and carefree people gathered there, all talking with one another and seeming at home. Finally, he reached the head of the line and couldn't help but laugh, when Carla looked up, spotted him and exclaimed "Gosh!" with wide eyes.

  "What are you doing here?" she asked him with a gasp.

  "I wanted to talk to you,” he said with a soft smile.

  "Oh." Carla looked around her busy store and asked him if he wouldn't mind waiting. He nodded amiably and walked off to stand at the side of the store to wait for her. He was enjoying the time away from the firm; watching people in good moods enjoy good treats. Finally, Carla was free and she invited Daniel into the kitchen to speak in private.

  "I hope you don't mind me dropping by,” he said looking around her kitchen with interest.

  “No. Is everything alright?"

  "I felt like maybe I was too... standoffish with you when you came by yesterday. The news was a shock to me, of course, but I just wanted you to know that I do want to be involved, not just by helping out with costs, but with helping you with the pregnancy and then, when the baby comes, being involved as the father."

  Carla smiled widely and she stepped forward to hug him from gratitude. Daniel was surprised by her display of affection and patted her back awkwardly until she drew back. He felt himself blush in the first time since he couldn't remember when. Daniel was great at seducing women, but he still felt like an awkward teenager when a girl wasn't being sensual, but was instead, affectionate.

  "That's all I wanted to say." Daniel said, pushing his hands down into the pockets of his pants.

  "I'm glad you came." Carla told him with a smile.

  The two looked uncertainly at one another for a moment until Daniel said he had to go and waving goodbye to her, he left the bakery. Seeing Carla in her own world made her seem all the more beautiful. Daniel had thought she was very attractive, but it was when he saw her interacting with other people that he could s
ee that she was also kind and open. She encompassed all of the things that were missing in the harsh business world he lived in. He was still unsure about the prospect of a new baby, but he resolved to do what he could to be there for both Carla and the child.


  It was a relief for Daniel to get away from Brooke's constant complaining and demands for a while, in order to accompany Carla to her first sonogram. He hadn't told his girlfriend about the pregnancy because he knew that she would blow up over it and Daniel was in too much of a panic over the situation already, to deal with her having a fit of rage.

  Instead, he just continued with her as though nothing had happened and was grateful for once to have a distant girlfriend as it meant that she didn't notice his agitation or question his absences.

  Daniel met Carla at the doctor's office and she smiled shyly at him. She wasn't yet showing, but Daniel was sure that she appeared to be glowing more than before. He greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and guided her into the clinic with an arm around her shoulder.

  "Are you nervous?" Carla asked him anxiously. "I'm nervous."

  It was twelve weeks since the wedding and for Carla, the pregnancy still hadn't quite sunk in. She felt like she was living in some strange dream, even more so when Daniel put his arm around her. The lawyer was always so calm and collected as though nothing fazed him. Carla wished for some break in his professional manner and something more emotional to show. He reached out for her hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.

  "There's nothing to worry about,” he told her with a warm smile. "This is only a sonogram."

  "To check if everything's OK." Carla added with wide eyes. "What will we do if there's a medical issue?

  He stopped short for a moment at her comment and then shook his head. "Let's just hope for one healthy baby." Daniel said with a calming smile.

  They entered the examining room and Carla laid on the table and lifted her top to show her slender stomach. The consultant covered her belly in a fine layer of cold gel, prepared the machine, and then began to run the wand over Carla's middle. Carla gasped at the coolness of the gel and reached for Daniel's hand from nerves.

  Daniel took hold of it and felt once again that rare shyness that came over him when a woman was sharing genuine emotion with him. He turned his attention to the consultant instead, to shake the uncomfortable feeling of timidity.

  "How is everything?" he asked.

  "Just a moment..." the consultant murmured. She captured a few screenshots of the image and then smiled reassuringly. "Everything is fine," she told them. "You have one healthy baby in there. It will be a while before we can tell you the gender, but I can confirm the date of conception and give you a due date of the fifteenth of May."

  "The fifteenth of May!" Carla gasped. "Daniel, did you hear that?"

  "I heard," he said in a whisper.

  Carla was disappointed that there was not more awe or emotion in Daniel's voice, but she didn't know that beneath his calm veneer, a strange feeling of longing was beginning to stir. He'd never thought that he'd want children until much, much later, but seeing the screen shots of his tiny bean-sized baby and hearing its heartbeat as it pulsed through the machine, he felt an instant bond to his unborn child and to its mother.

  The consultant printed the photographs and handed them to the couple.

  "Do you want to keep one?" Carla asked him, offering him a print.

  Daniel did, but he knew that Brooke was the nosy type and he didn't want her to find out about the pregnancy through a photo found in his sock drawer or wallet. He shook his head.

  Carla didn't understand his indifference. Daniel had said that he wanted to be involved, but he was as hard as steel as he went through the process while Carla was a mess. She felt every kind of emotion coursing through her; fear, excitement, panic, love.

  They went their separate ways after the scan and Carla didn't see him again until the following week when he came to pick up copies of her medical bills, which he had insisted he pay in full. She invited him in to wait as she went for the paperwork and offered him a coffee, which he accepted.

  She gathered the documents and she laid them on the coffee table of her tiny little sitting room, before bringing out two cupcakes to eat with their coffee and curling up beside Daniel on the sofa.

  She was wearing her old jeans and an oversized knitted sweater. If she had known Daniel was coming, she would have worn something more flattering. He didn't seem to notice. In fact, he seemed a little downcast.

  "Are you alright?" she asked him.

  "Hmm?" Daniel replied. He looked up at her as though breaking out of a trance and looked at her with a vague smile. "Oh, yes, I'm fine." he said. "I've just had a long day."

  "Do you want to tell me about it?" Carla invited.

  "You don't want to hear about it." Daniel assured her. "It's dull work."

  "I thought you said it was thrilling." She smiled at him wryly.

  "It can be." Daniel nodded. "It can also be frustrating and endless."

  "Tell me." Carla repeated, looking earnestly at him.

  The lawyer couldn't imagine that Carla genuinely wanted to hear about his warrants and disclosures and arguments with judges, but she was leaning forward with an open expression and waiting to listen, so he gave in and began to talk.

  As he told her about his day and she listened with no judgment, competitive interjections or criticisms, he began to feel some of his pressure drift away and before he realized it, an hour had passed.

  "I've been keeping you," he said apologetically.

  "It's not a problem." Carla assured him. "I was just staying in tonight. To be honest, it's nice to have some company. It's also nice to get to know you. I mean, it's been a strange start, but you're going to be the father of my child. We are going to be working together for rest of our lives with this baby."

  Daniel let out a long breath at the thought. "I've hardly had time to let it sink in." he told her.

  "Tell me about it!" Carla said with a light laugh. She picked up her cupcake and peeled off the paper, taking a bite of the sponge and getting pink frosting on her nose.

  Daniel spotted it and laughed out loud. Carla was taken aback at the sound. She'd never heard him laugh and her eyes widened in surprise which made Daniel laugh again and he reached over to wipe off the frosting with his thumb. He picked up his own cupcake.

  "You made this yourself?" he guessed.

  "I did." she said, lifting her chin proudly.

  He peeled back the paper and took a bite. He couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten something sweet and simple like a cupcake. He was a vol-au-vent and aperitif sort of man, but as soon as he bit into the frosting, he knew he'd been missing out. He chewed with an appreciative sound and swallowed.

  "Amazing. You’re good at this."

  "I am, aren't I?" she replied with a laugh. "It must be good. You're smiling."

  "I smile." Daniel said defensively, lowering one brow at her.

  "‘I smile’." Carla mocked, mimicking his serious expression.

  A genuine smile of amusement formed on Daniel's face. It had been a while since someone had made him laugh. He enjoyed being in the company of a woman who felt comfortable enough to tease him. Brooke barely felt comfortable enough to have a conversation that wasn't about work.

  "I guess I've been a bit overworked lately," he confessed with a tired sigh. "It's hard to shake it off at the end of the day."

  "Mmm." Carla sympathized. "It seems to me that you just need to learn to relax."

  The baker bit into her cake again and this time got frosting around her lips. Daniel noticed it and smiled again.

  "You've got frosting on your mouth." he told her.

  "Where?" she reached a hand to her mouth to wipe it away, but missed.

  Daniel leaned in to wipe it away again and then, before he'd really thought about what he was doing, he kissed her instead; softly, and sweetly. Carla let him kiss her but when he drew back she stayed f
rozen in surprise, though her heart was about to beat right out of her chest.

  "I'm not looking for anything serious,” she repeated in a slow whisper.

  "Me neither." Daniel replied, that hungry and haunted look coming to his face once more. She gasped and felt fire burst in her, consuming her with need for him. She slipped her arms around his neck and just like that, they lost control of themselves once again, giving in to that animal attraction that drew them together like magnets.

  His hands moved over her clothes and into her hair as he kissed her hotly, growing breathless as his need for her became urgent. She smelled so good, she felt so soft and strong, and there was something about the knowledge that part of him was already growing inside her, that made him need her desperately.

  Daniel's lips ran over her ear and neck and he whispered, "Make love with me...,” and then he chuckled, "I promise not get you pregnant this time."

  She laughed a little, but her body was anxious for him and the smile faded as her lips moved over his skin. They pulled each other's clothes off and worked their way to her small bedroom. She laid him down on her bed and though part of her wanted to indulge in him, her raging hormones demanded satisfaction and the feel of him inside of her. She straddled him and he moaned loudly as she slid his thick erection deep into her, and began to move with him and against him. He grasped her hips and rocked her gently at first, but then harder, and more swiftly as their passion ignited in a blaze. He pulled her toward him and closed his mouth around her dark nipples, sucking and tugging on them with his lips and teeth, making her arch her back and minutes later, she came on him, sighing sweetly and moaning as the ecstasy overtook her.

  Watching her like that only increased his hunger for her, and he drove himself deeper into her, pulling her to him and kissing her hard, his hands tight on her body. He lost himself in their heat and pleasure, just as uninhibited and sensually as she did, reveling in the feeling that there was so much more to their connection than just sex. She climaxed again, he couldn't stop himself and he came with her, the two of them reaching a pinnacle together, and then drifting back down to earth in each other's arms.


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