Single Mom, Billionaire Boss

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Single Mom, Billionaire Boss Page 14

by Sheri WhiteFeather

  “Angel wings. Pillows. It all sounds so pretty.”

  “I want tonight to be pretty.”

  “It is, Garrett.”

  “We’re going to dance before we have dessert.” He didn’t want to wait that long to kiss her. The music was already calling to him.

  “I’d like that.” She swayed a little in her seat. “I wonder what Sally Sue would think of what became of her house.”

  “I think she would approve.”

  “I think so, too.”

  “There was some personal information about her in the speakeasy brochure.” Not a lot, but enough to draw Garrett in. “They say that she loved her husband dearly and mourned him terribly when he died.”

  “Is losing him what led her to running a speakeasy?”

  He nodded. “Supposedly, that was a big part of her motivation. Before he fell ill, he and Sally Sue would frequent other illegal drinking establishments. It was the highlight of their aging lives.”

  “Now I adore both of them.” Meagan made a dreamy face. “Thank you again for bringing me here.”

  “It’s my pleasure.” The first of many dates, he thought, with the woman who bewitched him.

  Garrett called the waiter over again, only this time he spoke quietly to their server, keeping Meagan from hearing what he was saying.

  “What are you up to?” she asked afterward.

  “I put in a request for a song.”

  “How will I know which one it is?”

  “Don’t worry. You’ll be able to tell.”

  About ten minutes later, they finished their meals, just in time for the band to play “Could I Have This Kiss Forever,” a duet recorded by Whitney Houston and Enrique Iglesias.

  Meagan snapped to attention. “This is it, isn’t it? What you requested?”

  “Yes. This is what I chose.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  He thought so, too. “I figured the band would be familiar with it since they played a few other songs by the same artists.”

  “Good call.”

  He stood and approached her. “May I have this dance?”

  “You can have as many dances as you want.” She looked up at him and whispered, “And kisses, too.”

  Garrett escorted Meagan onto the dance floor. They moved beautifully together, with the same sensual rhythm they shared when they were in bed.

  He kissed her passionately, the lyrics of the song tumbling in his head. He was a teenager when it first hit the airwaves, but he remembered how some of the girls in school used to swoon over it.

  Meagan pressed closer, and he slid his hand along the back of her dress, enjoying the feel of her body next to his.

  They danced to four mesmerizing songs, and he kissed her during all of them.

  “Are you ready for dessert?” he asked.

  Yes.” She spoke softly. “Angel wings.”

  “Or pillows,” he reminded her.

  They returned to the table and scanned the dessert menus that were given to them.

  “Both types are available,” she said.

  “Then let’s go for broke.”

  They agreed on a platter of each, eager to indulge in the powdered-sugar sweetness, no matter how soft or crunchy the pastries were. The waiter brought extra plates, so they could share.

  Meagan ate her portion lavishly. “I can’t decide which one I like better.”

  Garrett nodded. “I don’t have a preference, either.”

  “They both remind me of Navajo fry bread but for different reasons.” She studied him from beneath her next bite. “Maybe we should make fry bread together sometime.”

  “Sure. Why not?” He smiled. “I can make it with the best of them. But it’s always fun to get at powwows, too. That’s another thing we should do together.”

  She stopped eating. “Since we’re going to keep dating and planning events, do you think you could spend some nights at my house?”

  “Yes, of course. I’d love to.”

  “Thanks. It’s nice to hear you say that. It will make Ivy happy to have you there. But I’ll bring her to your place on other occasions, too.”

  “I’ll be glad to have both of you as my guests.” But tonight, it was only Meagan.

  She returned to her dessert and then lifted her hands. “I’m making a mess.”

  So was he but not as much as she was. He gestured to the wet towels that had been provided. “That’s what these are for.” He went ahead and used his, shooting her a teasing grin. “But you can lick your fingers if you prefer.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of doing that here.” She lowered her voice to a discreet level. “But I just might need a shower when we get to your house.”

  Damn, he thought. Could she be any sexier, reminding him of how badly he wanted to get wet and soapy with her? He leaned in to the table and said, “Imagine that. I just might need one, too.”

  * * *

  Still reeling from their date, Meagan stood in Garrett’s luxurious bathroom, removing her clothes. She piled her jewelry on the counter and gazed at her lover.

  “Aren’t you going to get undressed?” she asked.

  “Yes, but not until you do.” He was watching her, like a hawk zeroing in on its prey.

  Meagan suspected that she was going to get eaten alive, unless she took a big juicy bite out of him first. “This is as far as I go, until you take something off, too.”

  He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Are you giving me an ultimatum?”

  “Yes, I most certainly am.” She drew an imaginary man with his broad-shouldered, narrow-hipped body in the air. “It’s your turn, Garrett.”

  “Fine.” He took off one shoe.

  She stifled a laugh. “Seriously?”

  “Yep.” He drew an outline that represented her, creating all sorts of curves. He even dotted her imaginary breasts with nipples. “Now you.”

  Both of her shoes were already gone. “This isn’t fair.” It was like playing strip poker with half of your clothes already gone. All she had left was her dress and underwear.

  “Go on.” He prodded her.

  Her dress didn’t have a zipper. But, thank goodness, she managed to divest herself of the garment without it getting stuck over her head. That wouldn’t have been very graceful. She doubted that Garrett would have cared. He was too busy checking out her bra and panties.

  She turned in a slow circle, showing him every angle. She’d worn her very best lingerie.

  He kept checking her out. “I’m a lucky man.”

  And she was a lucky woman, being admired by him. “You need to catch up.”

  “I will,” he said, even if he just stood there, looking at her. “In due time.”

  She moved forward. “Maybe I better help you.” She unbuttoned his shirt and then put her hand on his fly. When she toyed with his zipper, he sucked in his breath. She could actually hear air whistling past his teeth.

  The game was over. Neither of them wanted to linger over their clothes anymore. He whispered “hurry” in her ear and they both got naked as quickly as possible.

  He pulled her tight against him, and they kissed hard and fast.

  She thought that he was going to take her, right then and there, against the sink. But he hadn’t forgotten their original plan.

  He released her and turned on the shower. Meagan stepped inside the stall while he produced a condom from somewhere in the bathroom and joined her.

  “You’re prepared,” she said.

  “Always,” he replied. “Now you get wet first.”

  She moved to stand under the showerhead, letting the water pummel her. It soaked her hair and skin. She didn’t need to worry about her makeup smearing too badly. Her lipstick was already eaten off, and her masc
ara was waterproof.

  Garrett put his mouth against hers, and they kissed once again. He wasn’t playing nice. He was fully aroused and groping the hell out of her.

  She tried to get on her knees for him, but he wouldn’t let her, telling her that if she went down on him, he wouldn’t last.

  Meagan found all sorts of power in that. He found power, too, in rubbing his big, hard body all over hers.

  He pumped out a handful of liquid soap and lathered every part of her. She washed him, too. But mostly they were just doing it to feel good. This wasn’t about getting clean. If anything, it felt dirty. So magnificently dirty. She reached for the condom, but Garrett beat her to it. He already had it in his hand.

  He struggled to open it. The packet was downright slippery. She used the extra time to press the front of her body against the back of his. He turned and kissed her, biting at her lip.

  Somehow, in the midst of the frenzy, he tore into the packet and put the protection on. Pinning her against the wall, he lifted her up, encouraging her to wrap her legs around him.

  Three heartbeats later, he slammed into her.

  Steam filled the glass enclosure, rising up to the top. She repeated his name, over and over in her mind. His stomach muscles flexed with every thrust. He was so doggone hot she could have screamed. By the time this was over and he quit manhandling her, she would probably have his thumbprints permanently imbedded on her butt.

  She’d never had sex like this before.

  Meagan came first. He soon followed, his climax bursting like a volcano. The water kept running, the sound of it shooting past her ears.

  Good God.

  They slumped into each other’s arms, too spent to speak. If he hadn’t been holding her, her knees would’ve buckled.

  He rolled his forehead against hers, keeping his hands around her waist. Content to be with him, she closed her eyes, grateful that he wasn’t letting go.


  As the weeks passed, Meagan couldn’t begin to count how many times she’d awakened next to Garrett, breathing in the scent of his skin. They saw each other as much as possible, and each moment was as glorious as the last.

  On this quiet Sunday afternoon, they were at her house, preparing to take themselves and Ivy out to lunch.

  “Let’s go to Burbank Billy’s,” Garrett said.

  “Really?” Meagan fastened her daughter’s shoes. “That’s where you want to eat? A fast-food joint?”

  “Heck yeah. I love Billy’s. It was my favorite place when I was a kid. And Ivy can play there.”

  “Me pay!” Ivy said, obviously listening to what he was saying.

  “See?” He grinned. “She’s totally on board.”

  “Okay.” Who was Meagan to argue with the majority? “I wouldn’t mind a burger and fries myself.”

  “And a milkshake,” he added. “It wouldn’t be complete without a shake.”

  “Chocolate?” she asked.

  “I’m kind of partial to the strawberry. Their apple fritters are good, too.”

  She laughed. “Do you realize that all we ever do is eat? And that there’s always something sweet involved?”

  “Yeah, but nothing is as sweet as kissing you.” He reached down and picked Ivy up, twirling her in his arms. “Isn’t that right, princess? You like it when I kiss your mama, don’t you?”

  The toddler nodded. “Garry kissy.”

  “Yep. Just like this.” He moved toward Meagan and planted one right on her lips.

  Ivy squealed and clapped.

  “Show-off,” Meagan said, nudging him away and then pulling him back again. He was darned hard to resist.

  They left the house and piled into his truck. He owned several cars, but, on casual outings, he drove a big Ford pickup. He didn’t look like a CEO today. He looked more like a California cowboy, with his blue jeans and scuffed leather boots. But Garrett was a chameleon of sorts. He could be highly polished or decidedly rugged, depending on his mood.

  Funny, too, how things were moving right along between them. Everyone in their inner circle knew they were together. The other employees at the resort knew, too. Sure, it had caused a buzz at first, but the gossip had died down soon enough. Of course, Garrett had made it known that disloyalty among the ranks wouldn’t be tolerated. Even his accountant, who owned the firm where Meagan had stolen money, accepted the status quo. Meagan figured it was probably just for the sake of keeping Garrett as a client. But at least no one was treating her like a leper.

  When they stopped at a red light, she turned to look at her lover, studying his handsome profile. Then she said, “I saw my parole officer yesterday.”

  He glanced over, a slight furrow between his brows. “Did you tell her about us?”

  “Yes.” She’d been nervous about coming clean to her PO, uncertain what the reaction was going to be. “She wasn’t particularly happy about it, but since I’m not breaking my parole by dating you, she couldn’t scold me for it. She did express her thoughts, though. Mostly, she was concerned about how it could affect my job if things don’t work out between us.”

  “Your job isn’t in jeopardy, Meagan, and neither is this romance of ours.” He reached across the center console to put his hand on her arm. “It’s just getting started the way it should be.”

  She smiled, pleased with his answer. They were doing their best to follow a normal path, to enjoy each other’s company the way new couples were supposed to.

  The light changed, and he crossed the intersection. “You’re still my fantasy girl.”

  And he was still her dream guy. If she could have straddled his lap and kissed him senseless, she would have, even if he was behind the wheel.

  When they got to Burbank Billy’s, Garrett carried Ivy inside. After their order was ready, they sat at a table in the play area, so Ivy could nibble on her meal with the promise to play once she ate enough of it.

  Finally, they let Ivy dash over to the plastic jungle gym, where she climbed inside and poked her head through an oversized hole, along with another little boy about her age.

  Meagan was still picking at her food, but Garrett had already finished his double cheeseburger and extra-large fries. He’d drunk half of his shake, too.

  “Hungry much?” she asked.

  A silly grin stretched across his face. “Yeah, and now I’m going back for an apple fritter. Do you want one?”

  “Thanks, but I’ll pass.” Her stomach would burst apart if she stuffed it beyond its capacity. “But you go ahead and have at it.” Garrett and his hot-guy abs. It boggled the mind.

  Before he left, he scooted onto the bench seat next to her. “You sure you don’t want a fritter?”

  “I’m sure.” She laughed when he threatened to kiss her, the way he’d done at her house. The exaggerated kisses Ivy liked.

  “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

  “You can catch me up later.”

  “I’d rather catch you now.” He stole the kiss he was hankering for, leaving her hungry for more.

  While he was gone, someone approached the table. Meagan glanced up to see Andrea Rickman, an emotionally troubled, hard-drinking blonde she knew from her old club-scene days with Neil. At the time, Andrea’s boyfriend, Todd, had been one of Neil’s best buds. For all Meagan knew, Andrea was still part of that reckless circle.

  Meagan wanted to run and hide, but there was no escape.

  Especially when Andrea said, “I noticed you earlier, but I didn’t want to intrude. But now that you’re sitting here by yourself, I thought it would be okay to come over and say hi. Truthfully, I didn’t even know you were...out.” She said the last part with trepidation, obviously referring to Meagan’s prison stint.

  Meagan hardly knew what to say. “I’m just having lunch.” It was a stupid
reply but the best she could do under the circumstances.

  “Is that your daughter?” Andrea asked, glancing toward Ivy.

  “Yes. She’s mine.” And Neil’s, but that went without saying. Clearly, Andrea already knew that.

  “That’s my nephew she’s playing with.”

  Meagan looked over at the little boy Ivy had befriended. She acknowledged the connection with a quick nod.

  Andrea said, “I’m here with my sister.” She motioned to a table on the other side of the play area. “She got married about the time you...”

  Went to prison, Meagan thought. Andrea kept referring to that. But why wouldn’t she? They hadn’t seen each other since then.

  “I broke up with Todd,” Andrea told her. “My sister convinced me to get rid of him. He treated me like a doormat, like Neil did with you. I thought it was awful that Neil didn’t want anything to do with your baby. Todd sided with him, of course. But it made me mad. Sometimes I still see him and Todd when I go out, but I never speak to either of them.” Silence, then a concerned “Are you doing okay now?”

  “Yes, things are good.”

  “Because of the guy you’re with?”

  Yes, Meagan thought. But she didn’t say that.

  Just then, Garrett returned with his apple fritter, and Andrea turned to look at him.

  Before things got ridiculously awkward, Meagan said to him, “This is Andrea. She’s an old friend of mine.”

  “Oh, hey. Nice to meet you.” He offered a smile. “I’m Garrett.”

  His name didn’t appear to ring a bell. But there was no reason for Andrea to know who Meagan’s victims were. The blonde smiled casually at him.

  Then she said, “I better go. It looks like my sister is ready to leave. It was good seeing you.”

  Meagan replied, “You, too.”

  After Andrea and her family left the restaurant, Garrett asked, “So how old of a friend is she? Did you go to high school with her?”

  “I know her from Neil.” She repeated everything Andrea had said to her. “It was weird, running into her like that.”


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