Hotter Than The Caribbean (Building Love Book 2)

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Hotter Than The Caribbean (Building Love Book 2) Page 11

by Stacy Hoff

  “I can show you what I can do with a long, thick object that’s fun to hold.” She slid her body down his chiseled chest. Their skin rubbed together inch by inch. It was impossible not to stop and marvel at the sight of him completely naked. Luis was more handsome than she could have imagined. Tall, well-defined, and lean. Muscles filled out his athletic frame. The man is brilliant. A business maven. A good soul. And he’s built like Michelangelo’s David.

  She touched his broad, tan chest. Sprigs of black hair tingled against her fingertips. The dark curls defined his pectorals, a sinful outline. She ran her right hand down his chest, letting it travel to his waist. Her fingers fanned out against muscular hips and thighs. The man was built to accomplish more than merely strenuous workouts at the gym.

  “Dios mío. Keep doing that,” he ground out. “Absolutely amazing.”

  “Plan on it feeling even better.” She bent down until she was balancing on her knees. Then she took the length of him into her mouth.

  “Lord, it is even better,” he grunted.

  “Mmm-hmmm.” The vibrations in her voice hopefully enhanced the effect of her ministrations. Judging from his physical reaction, it was working well. His body was tense enough to be a bow cocked with an arrow.

  His hands wrapped around the back of her head, caressing without pushing. Until a flick of her tongue, up and around his underside, triggered a low groan. “You better stop that,” he warned. His hands nudged her away from him. Then he scooped her up and tossed her flat on her back on the bed.

  “I wasn’t done,” she teased.

  “You’re done for now. I haven’t had a chance to start.” Instantly, his mouth wrapped around her nipple.

  A tidal wave of lust washed over her. Rising higher when his mouth trailed toward her belly. Then further south, to her own nest of curls. The feel of his tongue against her inner core was a lightning bolt, followed by the sensation of her body floating in a sea of bliss. A tiny wave rippled through her, gathering strength, and speed, until it grew into a deluge. “Oh!” she exclaimed, her entire body shaking.

  He lifted himself up, and slid next to her. “That was the preview. How do you feel about the main event?”

  “Lucky I already bought my ticket to the show.”

  He laughed. He hopped himself off the bed and took a step toward a white nightstand next to the bed. Watching his body move was like watching living art. Each part of his body fashioned with enough beauty and precision to make a sculptor jealous. The artist in her wanted to stop the show to sketch him. The woman in her wanted to get the show on the road.

  After rummaging in the drawer for a minute, he grabbed an item and turned to face her. The small silver packet he held was easily identifiable. Seeing her nod, he went back on the bed. He tore the foil open with his teeth and flashed her a grin. The devilish expression morphed into wide-eyed sincerity. He held the open packet in one hand while he softly touched her face with the other. “Te quiero, Mel. Quiero hacerte el amor.”

  Her lips curled up into a smile and she let out a little laugh. “Not sure what you said. I wholeheartedly agree anyway.”

  “I said I want you, Mel. I want to make love to you.”

  Luis was a man out of a romance novel. Sweet, despite his tough exterior. Sincere in his desire for her. And very sexy. But even more than those wonderful traits, she felt something deeper. She was drawn to him somehow. As if bound by an invisible tie.

  “I want this, too,” she said, voice barely louder than a whisper.

  “Say the rest to me,” Luis said. “Tell me that this is not just about the sex. Tell me you want me, as I am.”

  She bit her lip and nodded slowly before responding. “Yes. I want you.”

  The next thing she knew, he was on top of her. Sliding himself inside her. Moving slowly at first. Each powerful thrust its own rapturous torture. Shimmers ran through her. A flash of heat searing through her body. From belly to brow.

  A bead of sweat dripped from Luis’s face onto her breast. Their eyes met until he leaned over to claim her mouth. Her eyes closed, and she felt herself free-fall into an ocean of sensations. When his speed increased, shimmers and tingles danced over her naked flesh. These quakes morphed and grew, transforming into a living landslide. Unleashed by an unstoppable force of nature.

  Barely recovering from her orgasm, she felt his body tighten. Strengthening, until he felt like steel. When he stilled, a sea of blissful sensations flooded her once again.

  He collapsed on top of her, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist. The sudden kiss on her nose made her giggle. The gesture as sweet as it was unexpected. A physical action to let her know he cared about her, not just her body. And, she hoped, for more than only one night.

  Her heart lifted higher when he nuzzled her neck. I feel like I belong with this man. More than with my own family. Luis accepts me for who I am. Even my tattoo doesn’t scare him off. Instead of berating me, he embraces me.

  As if reading her mind, Luis squeezed her in a loving hug. Then he threw his leg over hers. She entwined her fingers into his thick black hair, never feeling so happy in her life.

  She faintly heard his phone ring, although it lay nearby on the nightstand. He shifted on the bed to reach for it. In the back of her mind, she wondered if a late-night phone call could ever be good.

  Chapter 16

  Luis stared at his ringing cell phone in disbelief. Who would be calling him at this hour? Whoever it was would quickly regret it.

  “Let it go to voicemail.” Mel’s blue eyes blazed with passion, tempting him back into bed.

  “No problem.” He shoved the phone in the nightstand and reached for her.

  She waved him away. “No, it’s okay. I changed my mind. You can answer the phone. I won’t take it personally. I know you run a big business operation. I guess I should be thankful this time they waited until after we made love. Any earlier, and I would have grabbed your phone and cursed them out, New York style.”

  Luis let out a sharp laugh. “I’d hate for you to waste the effort. Not everyone here speaks English.”

  “Trust me, when I got done yelling at them, they’d understand.”

  He laughed harder. “Trust me, if the call happened any earlier, I would have beaten you to the punch.” He stroked her face. “Go to sleep,” he coaxed. “I’ll take the phone in the other room. I don’t want to disturb you.”

  “All right. Come back to bed soon.”

  Her words tugged at his heart. With a brief longing glance at her naked body, he placed the blanket over her. Grabbing his robe and smart phone, he quietly shut the bedroom door behind him.

  He strode down the corridor toward the living room. In the dim light he read the name of the caller. Seriously? He rolled his eyes. This better be important. He stilled, trying to control his temper. Be open-minded, Luis. Stop barking at people.

  He pressed the call back button, hoping to purge traces of annoyance from his tone. “Yes, Francine?”

  “Hello, Luis,” Francine purred. “You sound happy to hear from me. I’m glad.”

  Luis’s hand smacked against his forehead. I did too good of a job. “What can I do for you, Francine?”

  “The question is, what can we do for each other? You know I want to mix business and pleasure. Why keep both of us waiting?”

  Luis cleared his throat and stole a glance down the corridor. No light shined from the bedroom. It was safe to assume Mel was fast asleep. “Francine, please tell me this is not about your wanting a late-night hook-up. What do you really need?”

  “You make a late-night rendezvous sound like such a dirty thing. I don’t know why. I’ll admit I find you very attractive, Luis. I know you find me attractive, too. What’s wrong with our getting together?”

  He silently mashed his lips while contemplating wha
t to say. Not having her quit was important. If she walked off the job he would be responsible. A fight with his brother, or his father, would upset everything he was trying to achieve. Still, the woman needed to learn her boundaries. “What’s wrong is that you and I have a purely professional relationship and I want it to stay that way. Did you call me to talk about business or not?” His attempt at sounding pleasant was failing miserably.

  “Fine,” Francine answered tersely. “I wanted to let you know about a rumor I heard. You should take precautions if it’s true.”

  Why can’t she just spit it out? Ignoring the sudden throbbing in his temple, he asked the inevitable follow up question. “What rumor?”

  ~ ~ ~

  Mel woke up to find herself in a strange bed. After blinking a few moments, her eyes adjusted to the darkened room. I’m on Luis’s yacht. In his bed. I must have fallen asleep. For how long though? Judging from the darkness peeking out behind the window curtain, it appeared to be the middle of the night.

  The temperature in the room was warm. Or perhaps she was still hot for him. Either way, the blanket could remain on the floor. The sheet was more than enough to curl up in. She wiggled herself into a comfortable position and waited for Luis to come back.

  Several more minutes passed without him. It was doubtful he was still talking on the phone. Maybe he was in the bathroom? Straining her ears, she listened for the sound of running water. None could be heard. Where was he? She contemplated getting out of bed to find him. But it’d be silly—or maybe even needy—to search for him. He was obviously on the yacht somewhere, probably doing something important. Most likely a business deal.

  Propping herself up against the leather headboard, she scanned the room for visual clues. Seeing none, she strained her ears for telltale sounds. At first, she only heard the lapping waves. After a few minutes passed, she also heard Luis talking, his voice faint from the distance. Guess he is still on a business call. Although it does seem late.

  She grabbed her eyeglasses off the nightstand, pulled out her smart phone, and checked the time. 11:35 PM. She hadn’t slept long, only a few minutes. Not much time had passed since they’d . . . She hesitated. They had what? Been each other’s one-night stand? Become lovers? Something more? Or less?

  The phone’s screen displayed a message she missed. The icon next to the message showed Denny’s face in a small round circle. ‘The doctor cleared me to fly earlier than anticipated. I’ll be in Puerto Rico the day after tomorrow. Can’t wait to see you. Hang in there, Sis. The Cavalry is coming!’

  Without even meaning to let go, the phone dropped from her hands. The device tumbled onto the mattress like a floundering fish. Mel felt her life tumbling along with it. I don’t know about the Cavalry, but once Denny arrives, I’ll really need to be rescued.

  ~ ~ ~

  Luis waited for Francine’s response. He walked further into the darkened living room of his yacht. “What rumor are you talking about?” This second demand for an answer would be his last. Damned if he’d need to ask her a third time.

  “Your architect hired Merritt Designs, Inc., to get a kickback. He worked out a deal where they’d pay him for the referral. Apparently, Merritt is having financial problems. I’m sure they were more than happy to get whatever work they could, regardless of the circumstances.” Francine paused. He could almost hear her smile over the phone.

  “I’m sure you’re not done, Francine. You might as well continue.”

  “Okay, I will. What’s worse than their kickback scheme is that you’re a double victim. Merritt was doing poorly financially because they are terrible designers. Not creative. Overpriced for garden-variety work. They’re also notorious for deadline delays.”

  “And you’re recommending . . .” Luis prompted.

  “Nash & Co. to step in. Hire me to do the lobby work as well as the hotel rooms. I’m ethical, on-time, and will deliver you a lobby that will knock your socks off.”

  Luis took a deep breath. “I see. You didn’t mention how you know these allegations against Merritt and my architect. That’s an important piece of information to omit.”

  “How I know doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’m vouching for my own company. I’m fully aboveboard in my dealings. Look, Luis, I can be an asset to you. I keep offering myself personally and professionally. Yet you keep saying no.”

  “Thank you for your offers, Francine. I’m going to stick to the arrangement you and I already have in place. When you decide to let me know how you heard these rumors, you know how to find me. Good night, Francine.” He immediately clicked off the call. The conversation, however, lingered in his mind. Although Francine Nash was a good designer, something about her didn’t seem right. Her ambition to get ahead gave him the vague sensation he was being played. Was he paranoid?

  He sat down on the couch he and Mel lounged on earlier. The room temperature leather felt cold without her. Without realizing it, he ran his fingers lightly over the armrest, remembering the feel of her skin. There was something about Mel that drew him in. Besides the sizzling chemistry between them, they had a lot in common. Screwy family relationships. The need to be accepted and understood. The desire to be our own person.

  Luis thought of Raul and frowned. A part of Luis wanted to be truly accepted—and even embraced—by him. But the chance to connect with his brother had long since gone. Painful as the truth was, Luis understood why Raul hated him. It couldn’t be easy for Raul to cope with an unwanted, bastard half-brother. Was Raul ever going to forgive him for a crime he didn’t commit? Probably not.

  It had taken Luis years to finally internalize Raul’s rejection. Years of ignoring the plain truth and trying hard to please him anyway, only to have his best efforts flung in his face like dirt. Maybe this fear of rejection is what had pushed Luis away from deep, meaningful relationships with women. If his own family could deem him worthless from birth, how could anyone else find value in him?

  He got up to pour himself a drink. Striding up to the bar, he grabbed a bottle of rum before changing his mind and putting it down. He didn’t need a drink. He needed Mel.

  Perhaps he was stupid to believe in her. Francine was not the only one who could be playing him. As impossible as it was to believe, his architect, Mel, and her immediate family could be, too. Yet that notion was crazy. There was no way he was wrong about Mel. Her body language was as obvious as her words. She wanted him as badly as he wanted her. He was sure of it and he was going to continue making her want him. Lord, someone’s got to want me.

  His eyes widened at the thought. How am I ever going to shake off the past if I can’t escape it? He retraced his steps to the bedroom. He wasn’t going to wrap his mind around any of these negative thoughts anymore. Not when he could wrap his arms around Mel instead.

  Chapter 17

  Luis contemplated just how much his life had changed during the past twenty-four hours. For the first time in ages he’d woken up in a woman’s arms. His standard M.O. had been to love ‘em and leave ‘em, the lady staying no longer than their tryst. With Mel, everything was different. Not only had he wanted her to spend the whole night, he was in no rush for her to leave the next morning. They’d eaten a leisurely breakfast on his yacht while watching the rising sun. Laughing. Talking. Enjoying the fresh Caribbean air and each other’s company.

  With reluctance, they headed back to the resort to work independently for the day. A million critically important tasks begged for his attention. His real interest, however, was meeting Mel for dinner. She had been reluctant to set a time for some unknown reason. Maybe she was simply being diligent. The type of person who wanted to work until the last possible minute. He appreciated the trait. Tenacity was a highly admirable quality. Not to mention that his project would be benefiting from her persistence.

  Still, she was spending a little too much time on the job. Enough was
enough. He was the boss. If he could enforce a deadline, he could also extend it. At five o’clock the sky was darkening and so was his mood. It was extraordinary to think he could miss someone, truly feel a loss without their presence. Especially someone he barely knew.

  The thought of personal loss made him wince. Didn’t he spend his whole life feeling this kind of loss? Specifically with his own father? The stubborn, callous man he was still trying to woo? Luis had sealed the door to his heart years ago. Opening this doorway again was unthinkable. Yet, here he was, yearning to be with someone he met only a few days ago.

  Perhaps his strange reaction to Mel wasn’t as bizarre as he first thought. The desire for connection and acceptance pulled at him harder than he ever could have imagined. The feeling was an addictive drug. He almost laughed at the idea of himself as a love junkie. Dios mío.

  He grabbed his phone and texted Mel, banging out each letter. ‘I’m finally free. How about you?’

  ‘I’m busy working on your project, Mr. Taskmaster.’

  His lips jerked upward. Mr. Taskmaster, huh? He texted back. ‘I told you, surnames are no longer necessary. We are now on a first name basis.’ I’d like to give her some tasks to perform. None of them involve lobby design. A thought drifted into his mind. One of him bending Mel over whatever couch she installed. Swallowing hard, he shoved the sexual thought aside. ‘I say you’re done working for today. Come join me.’

  Less than a second later, her answer appeared. ‘Yeesh, you’re pushy.’

  He let out a loud laugh. ‘Hahaha. The limo is outside. Meet me in it.’

  The response flashed across the screen. ‘Does everyone jump when you tell them to?’

  He laughed again. Her spunk was more than fun. It was a breath of fresh air to a man who had been suffocating. He tapped his response, gentler now on his smart phone. ‘Jumping is not what I want to watch you do.’


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