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Indignation Page 8

by Celinda Santillan

  “Witches of the Selene bloodline are powerful. They are capable of that and much more.”

  “The Selene bloodline is dead. There’s only one left and that is Annalisa, but she’s not a witch.”

  “You do remember that most of the witches were sent to the underworld for Selene’s betrayal to the God. They were sent to Hades.”

  Julian frowns. He finally understands what Miranda is trying to tell him. “If he resurrects a witch of Selene’s bloodline-”

  “He will try to reborn you to a human.” She finishes for him. “This is dangerous. You need to stay away from the Underworlders, or its followers.”

  “He can’t resurrect a soul without permission of Shiva, and Thoth.”

  “Goddess Shiva and God Thoth?”

  “Yes. I will need to pay them a visit in my favor.”

  “You alone? How will you get to them? The God will never let you in the Heavens.”

  “Yes he will. Caledonia will escort me.”

  “She prefers to be called Caillech. Why would she risk helping you? “

  “It’s Caledonia for me. She has a dislike to Hades as well as me. I have a feeling she will listen to me and see reason.”

  Miranda pushes a strain of her blonde hair behind her ear. Her hand gently caresses his. “Please be careful. Do not challenge Hades for position.”

  “I won’t. I will just stop any chances he has on returning me as a human.”

  “Gabriel is here. I can sense him.”

  “Leave before he figures out what you’ve told me.”

  She shakes her head and smiles. “He would be foolish if takes a form of punishment on me.” She turns around to leave.

  “Miranda?” He calls out to her.


  “Thank you for the information.”

  “Only for you Julian. Remember that.” She walks away. The men stare at her with dreamy eyes. Miranda is the spouse of Gabriel, they shares each other’s blood. That blood gives her authority, power, and compulsion surrounding her. If it wasn’t for her kind heart she would have controlled the Elims to her benefit without Gabriel interfering.

  He focuses back on Alyssa. He can feel his eyes turn darker than black. His hands ball into fist at his sides. His demeanor changing to one of a killer. He can’t believe he didn’t notice it sooner.

  A man has his arms wrapped around her. Her back is pressed against his front as she seductively sways her hips to the ground, making the man’s erection show clearly. The image itself sent him in jealousy, but he ignores his jealous thinking that it’s anger towards her sovereignty that is making his anger rise above control. The truth is hard for him to face when all he can do is shake in rage as she dares to be in such a position with another man in front of him.

  His hands tighten around the steel bars. His eyes narrow down at the small glass she holds high above her head. It’s a shot glass. Now he focuses on her eyes. They’re unfocused. He clenches his jaw when he witnesses as the man presses his lips to her exposed neck. He’s not going to stand and let a stranger take advantage of her even if it’s her own fault.

  Julian jumps over the rails of the second floor to land gracefully on the first. No one notices his jump, they are all too busy dancing, drinking, or having sex in the shadows. He easily spots her. The shot glass exchanged for a bottle of champagne it seems. He pulls her by her arm.

  “What the hell?” The man tries to pull her back.

  Julian bares his teeth to him. His eyes turn all black, no white surrounding them. “Try to go near her and I will engrave the headstone on your grave.” The man cowards away from his eyes. He might be human, but he can sense the anger of an immortal, even if he doesn’t know it.

  Julian pushes pass the dancers with his grip firmly on Alyssa’s upper arm. How could she be stupid enough to put herself in situation like that? The fact that she drove to the club clouds his mind. What happened while she was inside her house with Brandon and Jim? She obviously needed an outlet, so what did go on in that house that he doesn’t know about? Whatever it is, drinking for her wasn’t supposed to be a choice. The Alyssa he knew would have never exposed herself to the club scene.

  “Let go of me!” She yells over the music. Her words are slurred from drinking straight from the bottle. She tries to pull her arm back, but it only feels like a tug. She doesn’t even have the energy to fight him.

  He takes her out the back entrance and pulls her into the dark alleyway. That’s when he finally lets her go.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She yelled at him.

  He glares at her. “Go home Alyssa.”

  “Go home? Are you crazy? I was having fun.” She points at the door blocking her way to the club. “You are no one to tell me what I can or cannot do!” She makes her way towards the door just to be annoyed by the door that is locked shut. She kicks the door in rage. He just lets her. He’s not in the mood for her tantrums. She turns and glares at him. “See what you’ve done? You locked us out.”

  “I said go home.” He threatens her.

  “You go home. I’m staying.” She tries to walk to the end of the alley, but she doesn’t make it farther than six feet before her knees give in from under her. Her head spins. Her sight is blurry to her dislike.

  Julian grabs her by her arm, helping her steadily to her feet. He will be damned if she doesn’t listen to him.

  He turned her towards him, gripping her upper arms tightly. He doesn’t care if he’s hurting her. He wants her to listen to him, to see reason in her condition. “I said go home!” He yells. He’s losing the little patience he has.

  Alyssa squirms under his grip. “Let me go!” She struggles against him. “I don’t want you touching me.”

  He lets her go. “Either you go home or I will take you there myself. You choose.”

  Alyssa stares at him with a cold look. “I choose to stay here.”

  “You don’t know what I’m capable of Alyssa. Listen to me or you will regret it.”

  She clenches her teeth. “Don’t you ever threaten me again.” She hissed at him.

  He takes a step closer to her. “Don’t ever challenge me, Alyssa.” The pull is beyond his power to ignore. He leaned down towards her, their noses almost touching. “Don’t tempt me. I can kill you now and no one will notice that you’re gone.” He coldly whispers.

  “Is that what you want? To kill me?” She punches her chest in countenance. “Kill me then. I fucking dare you to!”

  “I have bigger plans than a simple kill.”

  “I don’t care. Kill me already if that’s what you want. Kill me and get it over with.”

  The closeness of their bodies and air of their breaths are too tempting for either of them to control. They feel the pull of passion against them. Julian leans down and crushes his lips to hers. She doesn’t stop him. They both want this more than anything. For once they are letting go of their hatred for each other and enjoying the Moment which should have always been.

  She bites his bottom lip begging for entrance. He lets their tongues connect. They can’t help the desire building between them. The pull of love, passion, and lust is hard for them to ignore. He hands tug at back of her thighs. She jumps to let her legs wrap around his waist. He walks with her on him until her back is pressed against the brick wall.

  They don’t let their lips pull away from each other. His hand slide from her legs up to the flat surface of her stomach. She moans when he hand cups her breast. The thickness of her bra is getting in the way of her bare skin and his hand. She slides her hands up and down his abdominal. He grunts from the feel of her hands on his bare skin.

  His hand moves back down to her thighs as his other hand holds her body tightly to his. He rubs circles by her entrance. He can hear her heart beat cave into the temptation. She pulls on his belt. She’s feeling the same as he is. They both don’t want any space between their bodies. They both deny the love for each other, but their actions show clearly their want for one a

  Julian can’t help himself. He loves her. He hates the fact that he’s able to realize that from one kiss. Her lips feel soft against his, but rough from the passion she shows. It’s been long since her betrayal and the acknowledgement that it was her who caused him so much harm. How can he love someone who was able to betray him when he turned his back to her?

  No matter how long, no matter what she does, his feeling toward her never fades. It’s always haunting his dreams, his nightmares, his being in general. She’s killing him slowly. He can’t let her break him down again. She knows what she’s done and yet she never explained. She never told him the truth. Right when he gave up on his past to be with a human girl he thought she was, she lies to him. Every kiss, every caress, was a lie. He can’t let her have her way. How will he get rid of the love he has given her for over four centuries?

  She whimpers between his lips. The salty drops of tears slip on his tongue. He pulls away to look at her. Her bright violet eyes that are flood with unshed tears bore into his. Her look is so broken.

  She sobs hysterically. “Why do you do this to me?”

  He can’t control his own emotions that strike him. He doesn’t cry, but he’s so damn close it hurts. “Why did you kill me? Why did you betray me? Why did you lie to me?” He hisses. He doesn’t care if she sees him broken down. She deserves to see what she’s done to him. What she has caused him.

  “What?” She asked confused. “I never betrayed you. I never cheated on you. I never lied to you. I loved you Julian and you left me. Her eyes lets more tears drop, but she doesn’t look away.

  She lands firmly on her feet. His eyes widen in surprise as she pushes him away from her. Her is sobriety coming back. “YOU LEFT ME! You lied to me! You killed me! You said you loved me, but you lied! I believed you!” She yells. She punches him, not caring that she’s hurting herself more than she’s hurting him. “Damn it! I fucking believed all your lies!” She cries painfully.

  He’s too shocked to respond. Why is she blaming him? She’s the one that wronged him, not the other way around. He grabs her wrist and pushes her back against the wall. “You don’t remember 1567?” He asks her.

  “What? What are you talking about? This isn’t the time for a history lesson.” She stares at him in confusion. She wipes her face clean from the smudged makeup.

  Julian’s eyes bore into hers. “1567 is the year you stabbed me to death.”


  Alyssa opens her eyes. Her eyes narrow to the blurry objects that surround her.

  “Hey, are you alright?”

  Her eyes focus on the figure that looms over her. It takes a couple of seconds before she can make out Jim standing over her. “Jim?”

  “I’m guessing you had a hangover last night?” He asked. “Here take this.” He hands her a glass of water and a small white pill.

  “Thanks.” She swallows them both without much of a fight.

  “Do you want to tell me what happened last night?”

  “I don’t remember.”

  Jim takes a seat next to her on her bed. “Really because it had to be something unforgettable since I had to open the door to Julian carrying you.”

  “Julian? Are you sure?”

  “He didn’t say much. He just said that he was going to take you to your room and then take your car.” He explains.

  She sits up abruptly. “He took me car?” She regrets her movement when her head spins. “Ow.”

  “Just lay down for a while.” He suggests. “Your car is parked in the garage. He must have brought it back earlier in the morning.”


  “So do you remember what happened?”

  Alyssa frowns. What did happen? That when the memoires of the previous night rushed into her mind like a vision. She remembers dancing with Ian. Then Julian appeared and dragged her to the alley. He kissed her. Then he told her something. What was it? What did he tell her that was so important?

  “You remember, don’t you?” She nods. “Do you want to talk about it?” She shakes her head. “Do you want me to call Brandon?”

  “No, I’m fine. I’m just tired.”

  He presses his lips to her forehead. “Alright. I’ll let you sleep.” She grabs his hand before he’s out of reach. “What’s wrong?” He asks her.

  “Lay down with me? Please?”


  Jim lies down beside her. His arms feel good as they wrap around her waist. Without much thought her eyes close. Sleep takes over her almost instantly, but a number appears before her dream does. 1567.

  Julian stares at the Gem of Nephthys. The edges are rough, but the surface is smooth. The dark green color has specks of light green shaping around the stone. The stone is about two inches wide. He gently places the stone inside the heart shaped locket. This will hide the stone from view. He hides the necklace inside the mirror. A gift from the Goddess Caledonia herself.

  His phone vibrates. He answers it as he closes the small portal hidden between the glasses of the mirror.


  “What’s going on Miranda?”

  “Gabriel knows. He has heard that you told Alyssa the truth about your fall.”

  “I don’t think she remembers.”

  “That is not of importance. He has a meeting with the God. They are deciding on plans of action towards her.”

  “What are they planning on doing to her?”

  “I do not know Julian, but it must be life changing. The God never conducts a meeting without importance.”

  He runs his fingers through his hair, a habit he’s learned from Alyssa. “What do I do?”

  “Nothing. All we can do is wait.”

  He paces back and forth. How will he stop the form a punishment for her? What will they do to her?

  Alyssa feels a tug on her arm. “Wake up, Aly.”

  “Five more mintues Brady.”

  She can feel the covers being removed from her body. “No, now get up.”

  She opens her eyes reluctantly. “Why are you waking me up?”

  “Jim and I are going to go out.”

  “Boys night out? Why am I not invited?” She groans from the florescent light being turned on by Jim.

  “We don’t want you to come with us.” Brady shrugs.

  She throws her purple flower pillow at him. “That was mean.”

  “Don’t mind him.” Jim says. “We are just going out for ice cream with some of the guys. You have to stay here.”

  “I want ice cream too.” She stands up. She disappears into her closet to change into her faded blue jeans and a light purple flannel shirt. She slips her feet into black heeled boots and makes her way back into her room. “I’m ready. Let me get my purse and we can go.” She quickly searches for her small black handbag.

  “Umm… Alyssa?” Brandon calls out to her.


  “You can’t come with us?”

  “After all these years of being around the both of you, I think we can stop calling this ‘boys’ night out’ thing and call it ‘Jim-Jam, Brady’s, and Aly’s night out’. Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?”

  Jim laughs. “What Brandon is trying to say is that you can’t go with us.”

  She frowns. “Why not?”

  His clear blue eyes don’t blink away from her purple ones. “Because your parents are waiting for you downstairs. They want to talk to you and asked Brandon and I to leave so you can do just that.”

  “My parents are here?” She asks. She looks at Brandon for confirmation. He just nods his head at her. “Did they tell you what they wanted to talk to me about?”

  “No.” They both simultaneously say.

  “Okay. Well, have fun and bring me back-”

  Brandon interrupts her. “French vanilla ice cream with-”

  “Pecans as a side topping, not an actual topping.” Jim finishes.

  She laughs at how well they know her. “I love you guys.”

  She leads b
oth men out the door. She hears her father calling out to her from the dining room. She quickly grabs a glass of water before she finally makes her way to them.

  “Dad. Mom.” She greets them with a smile. “The guys said you wanted to talk to me.”

  “We do.” Dev Pike, her father, answers.

  She observes her parents silently. They seem older than they were the last time she’s seen them together. Her father has his faded brown hair cut short, and his hazel eyes just bring out his smile somehow. She can clearly see a few wrinkles appearing below his eyes. He overall is in perfect space for a man who’s in his late thirties. Her mother, Emily Pike, has her usually fashionable suit on. Her amber eyes are faded, but they still match her amber hair. She doesn’t have wrinkles, but you can clearly see the makeup that’s covering the bags below her eyes. She still doesn’t look a day over thirty. If she actually tried, she could look her age. She guesses that it helped that her mother had her when she was only seventeen.

  Alyssa takes a seat next to her father since her mother is on the other side of him. They both stare at her. Their eyes trying to tell her something, but has no idea what it can be. She still has the feeling of betrayal from them. Her father cheated on her mother for years with his sectary, Mila, and her mother just worked so much that she didn’t even see her for months’ time. They both are a terrible example of parents, but she still loves them.

  “What do you guys want to tell me?” She asks. Her mind is surrounding on the different topics that they could possibly what to talk about.

  Dev is the first to speak. He clears his throat. “We’ve got a call from Gabriel. You may not know him, but he’s sort of… someone important.”

  “Dev, let’s just tell her. He told us to. We have to follow orders.” Emily says to her husband.

  Alyssa stares at them confused. “Orders? Can you explain what you’re both talking about?”

  Dev clears his throat again, obviously the topic is a struggle for him to discuss. “We have something to tell you Alyssa. It’s something that we have hidden very well through all these years.” He turns to Emily, who nods to him to continue. He turns his eyes back to his daughter. “Emily and I are not your birth parents.”


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