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Soul Bound (The Soul Mark Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Cara E Holt

  “No!” I exclaim. This cannot be happening. At the sound of my voice Devlon turns and his eyes find mine. He tilts his head to the side and observes me and then walks towards. If he is surprised to see me here he certainly doesn’t show it.

  “Hello my Shee-ra.” He greets as he comes to a stop in front of me. He wears his trade mark black leather jacket.

  “Is that what I think it is?” I ask pointing over his shoulder to the cauldron that floats above the water of the pond.

  He smiles that half crazed smile I remember so well. “The Dagda cauldron in all its glory. You know this hasn’t been seen for centuries. Many believed it to be a legend.”

  Puzzled I look at him. “Why is it here? How did you know where to find it?”

  Devlon taps the side of his nose and winks. “Can’t tell you all my secrets can I. The four treasures move, you see. They move with the generations, to places that each generation holds dear.” He walks to come and stand beside me so that he can observe the cauldron being slowly lowered to the ground where Rhoswen and the other man stand.

  “You loved this place as a child. Do you remember? It was always one of your favourite days out.” I shiver as I remember that Devlon has known about me for a long time and had watched and observed me from afar since we were both children. “The cauldron is associated with water, so it seemed like a sensible place to start.” He pauses and looks at me. “I’m sorry about Melantha. Did you like the lilies?”

  My eyes water up and I look away from him. “I’m going to put them on her grave.” He nods and turns his attention back to the pond.

  “How did I end up here?” I ask him. My eyes not leaving the cauldron. Even from here I can feel its magic. It is as if it calls to me.

  “Ah, well you see my lovely friend Magnus over there got you here. You’re not here in the physical. We just needed your soul here you see. The cauldron will only reveal itself to one of Tuatha blood.”

  I hesitantly place my arm on his. “Please don’t do this.”

  Devlon laughs and pats my hand. “It is done pet. I have to dash now, things to do and all but I’ll be seeing you very soon Ebony.” He steps forward then walking away from me towards where the others wait for him. He stops and turns around facing me once again. “Have a think about what side of this war you choose Ebony. I will get what I want, I always do in the end.”

  The blackness returns as quickly as it came before and I open my eyes to find myself on the floor with my Dad and Lorcen hovering over me.

  “Lorc.” I say as I try to sit up. “What are you doing here?”

  He smiles at me and strokes my forehead. “You summoned me love.” Lorcen takes my hand and helps me to stand. My Dad is anxiously running his fingers through his mop of brown hair.

  “What happened?”

  “I’m not sure really. I think Devlon used magic to summon my soul to him. One minute I was here and then the next I was in England at the pond at Houghton Hall.”

  Dad looks at me in surprise. “Why on earth did he need your soul? And why there?”

  Here’s where I drop the bad news. “Devlon has the cauldron.” I tell them both and watch the severity of what I have just announced sink in.

  “Shit!” Lorcen blasts and then he looks apologetically at my Dad who pats him on the shoulder to tell him it’s okay.

  “How did he know where to find it?” My father asks as he begins pacing up and down in front of me and pulls anxiously at his lip.

  “He figured out what we couldn’t. The treasures move with each generation of Tuatha. When they move they move to places that hold special significance to that person. He knew that was one of my favourite places as a child.”

  Lorcen frowns. “He didn’t try to take your blood though?”

  “Well no.” I shake my head. “But then it was only my spirit that was there not my body, so he wouldn’t have been able to take it.”

  My Dad stops his pacing, a grave look on his face. “I need to alert the watcher council of this news.”

  I give him a reassuring smile. “Go Dad. Go do what you need to do.” I turn to Lorcen. “We need to alert your Mother.”

  My Dad gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and then grabs his keys and jacket and leaves the house. Lorcen pulls me into him and hugs me.

  “Were you on your own when I summoned you?” It would have been a bit hard to explain if he had been on the field with all his team mates and he had just disappeared.

  “I was with Noah that’s all and well he knows I have a demanding mate who summons me at her will.” He teases me and winks.

  “So what next?”

  “Next we portal home and tell my mother and Blaine’s parents the bad news and we begin to prepare for a war like no other.” Lorcen pulls out his mobile and rings Noah and tells him to get Blaine and Megan and to meet us back at our house sharp. I sift us home and we are joined by the others moments later.

  Noah sits himself beside me and nudges me. “You know you could just ring him if you need to speak to him.”

  I grin. “Where’s the fun in that.”

  Blaine looks at me and then at Lorcen frowning. “This better be urgent.”

  “Devlon has the cauldron.” I blurt it out, well there’s no point beating around the bush with news of this scale. I watch all their faces drop as the reality of this news hits home.

  “We need to get home and tell our parents.” Lorcen tells Blaine, who nods in agreement. Since the dance the relationship between them had been less strained, I wouldn’t yet class it as at friends level but there seemed to be a understanding between them.

  We all sift back to the Fae realm. Blaine goes straight to his realm and we portal into the unseelie court to see Lorcens Mother. When we arrive the Queens council chambers are in session so we head over there. The council chambers are set in a circular room in the castle that holds wooden pews that go round in rows. The queen sits at the head of the circle on a throne like wooden chair. We walk into the centre and all the noise and chatter quietens.

  “Mother.” Lorcen greets as he bows his head to her. “We bring grave news.”

  Queen Eira stands from her seat and gestures with her hand for Lorcen to continue. “My brother has the dagda cauldron.” Gasps and grumbles come from all around us as people react to the news.

  Queen Eira holds her hand up and this silences everyone. “Does he also have what he needs to activate it?” She asks Lorcen as her eyes fall on me.

  “No, Mother.” Lorcen replies. Queen Eira begins pacing, rubbing her hands together as she takes in this news.

  “We need to prepare our armies. Arturo, call every available soldier back from home leave immediately.” She directs her instructions to a foreboding looking man sitting three seats to her right, who bows and stands and sifts out of the room. “Lord Calder, arrange an appointment with the Seeress circle for me please?” Another Fae man bows and sifts out on her command. “I want all portals to the human realms closed down with immediate effect. Only I or the seelie king and queen and our sons will have open access.” She sits back down and sighs, she takes a big drink of whatever is in her silver goblet. If it is wine, I could do with something alcoholic myself.

  “Are the seelie court aware?”

  Lorcen nods. “Blaine is delivering the news as we speak.”

  Queen Eira nods seeming satisfied. “Lorcen we need everyone’s support in this coming war. I need you to go to the elven realm and seek an audience with king Galaeron. This effects everyone, not just the Fae.” She looks to me and smiles. “Ebony you can stay here with us while Lorcen is absent.”

  Lorcen holds a hand up. “Sorry Mother but I’m not leaving her side. If I go she goes with me.” He says it forcefully making no doubt he will not compromise on this and it gives me the warm and fuzzies to know he wishes to protect me so fiercely.

  “I can see this is not up for discussion.” She frowns but her lips curl slightly in threat of a smile. “Then take our best guards with you as extra se

  “I will be the princess’s personal protector, my queen.” A voice from behind us answers and I turn to see Drustan and he gives Lorcen and I a quick smile.

  “Noah, Megan can you arrange escort to the seelie court ? We need to leave immediately.” Queen Eira turns to the full council chambers. “Council is dismissed for today. We will reconvene in the morning for an emergency meeting.”

  Once everyone has sifted out bar the six of us, she relaxes somewhat and allows her emotions to show. She sifts to us and kisses Lorcen on the cheek and then myself.

  “May be if I could see my son, I could talk some sense into him.” I’m not sure who she is trying to convince that this would work.

  “Forgive me my queen, but he wouldn’t listen.” I say this as gently as I can because at the end of the day this is her son when all is said and done.

  Queen Eira nods, her eyes full of sadness. “He is lost to me. Where did we go wrong? He was loved growing up.”

  I’m not sure I should but I reach out and squeeze her hand to try and let her know that we understand how hard this must be for her. “As if these last two weeks haven’t been hard enough for you all.”

  I give her a sad smile. “At least all this will keep our minds busy. Oh Damn!” I exclaim and look at Lorcen, “Scott comes home today.” I really wanted to be there when he arrived home and I guess now I would miss it.

  Lorcen gives his Mother a questioning look and she nods. “We’ll portal home as soon as we are done in the elven realm love.”

  Chapter Sixteen.

  Once plans are made we sift to Lorcen’s quarters in the castle and I can’t help but smile being here. The last time we were here we were newly mate bound and had spent those first few days hidden away in these rooms lost in each other. Lorcen pulls me into his arms and looks down at me and smiles. “What has put that delicious smile on your face?”

  I smile and blush in response. “Just good memories of the last time we were here.”

  He nods and smiles wider. “Those few days were the best days of my existence.” He leans in and kisses me.

  “Mine too.” I reply as I rest my head against his chest. “Elves hey? Are they anything like the ones in lord of the rings?”

  Lorcen laughs. “Ah Tolkien got some of it right. I’ll fill you in on what you need to know while we shower.”

  I lift my head and look up at him, checking if I heard him right. “While WE shower?” I emphasise the we.

  Lorcen waggles his eyebrows in that cute but still sexy way. “Yep.” He grins and slaps me on the backside before chasing me into the bathroom.

  An hour later I am washed and changed and I am wearing possibly one of the poshest dresses I have ever worn. It is red velvet embroidered with silver flowers along the bodice and down the arms that flare out at the sleeve. Lorcen circles me inspecting the dress. “One thing is missing.” I look at him in question as I can’t think I am missing anything when a silver tiara appears in his hands.

  “Wow.” I exclaim as I look as I stand closer to take a better look at it. “Are those real rubies and diamonds?” I reach out ever so gently and touch it.

  Lorcen nods. “Of course. This is your first royal engagement as my mate, so your crown is required.” He comes nearer and places it carefully on my head. It is heavier than it looks. “Now you look like a fae princess.”

  I turn to look at my reflection in the floor length mirror before us and I have to agree I do look very regal. I notice then a crown upon his head and smile. “Nice head gear.”

  He chuckles. “These crowns have been in our family for generations. Many a princess and prince have worn these.”

  As if I wasn’t nervous enough about wearing it, I am even more so now.

  “Are you ready?” He asks offering me his arm. So I take a deep steadying breath and give him my arm. My first royal visit! I had to remember that here I was a princess, a future queen and I really wasn’t sure how to behave when in my royal capacity, I mean I’m just an ordinary girl from northern England.

  We sift into the courtyard and Drustan and a troop of around fourteen guards await us, all sat astride beautiful but huge unicorns. Lorcen leads me to the front to where his unicorn stands beside a beautiful smaller one with a glistening white coat. It is so white it looks like the snow on the ground. I reach out my hand and stroke its mane.

  “Who does this beauty belong to?” I ask in wonder as I stroke it. He comes up behind me placing one hand at my back.

  “This one is yours. It was supposed to be a surprise for Christmas.” He tells me into my ear.

  I turn to face him and look at him wide-eyed. “Mine? You’re shitting me, right?” I shout loudly overcome with excitement and quickly cover my mouth with my hand, probably not appropriate language for a princess. I wind my arms around his neck. “I love her Lorcen. Thank you.” I’m rewarded with that dimple inducing smile again. Lorcen leans down and gives me a quick but firm kiss.

  “Nothing gives me greater pleasure than knowing that I put that smile on your face, gorgeous.” He whispers quietly in my ear so that only I can hear. He steps back from me then and bends and offers me his joined hands to step into which I do and carefully use his shoulder to balance with as he hoists me up and on to her. As we are back in the seelie court our glamour is gone and my fae ears are decorated with the silver cuffs his mother gifted to me. A beautiful dark cloak that has the royal family crest on the back is keeping me warm. We head off out of the castle and as we pass through the streets, the towns people stop and rush forward to get a look at us as we come by. Many cheer and shout, Princess and blushing I smile and wave at them. We pass through the town and out into wide open hills covered in snow. We ride for about half an hour when we come to a stop before a large and very old looking willow tree. It is bigger than any I have ever seen. Lorcen dismounts from Aralt and walks towards the tree and I frown puzzled, wondering what he is doing, surely he isn’t taking a leak? He then kneels and places one ungloved hand onto the trunk of the tree. At first nothing happens and I wonder what the shit he is doing but then the ground beneath us grumbles and to my amazement the willow tree moves, its branches unwinding and almost splits the tree into and forms an archway and from the centre of this newly created archway glows a soft peach light. Lorcen comes back and climbs back on Aralt and leads us forward.

  “Close your mouth love.” He says smiling but without looking at me and I snap my mouth closed and look above my head as we pass under the arched branches. When I look back forward the land before it takes my breath away. It is like a painting from Monet the colours are so varied and vivid.

  “Fuck-a-daisy! This place is gorgeous.” I state in awe and blush as I hear a number of soldiers behind me chuckle at my swearing. Clearly not many females in this realm swear. I look at Lorcen apologetically but he just shrugs and laughs.

  “Beautiful isn’t it?”

  Beautiful doesn’t even cut it as a description as to what my eyes see before me. High rocky cliffs climb up high with long green branches dangling from them and flowers of every colour bloom along the stems. The sky is so blue and free of clouds. It is simply breath taking. The sound of hooves breaks my appreciation of the landscape and approaching us are a group of elven soldiers riding chestnut coloured unicorns. The Elven man at the front of this group carries a large metal type pole in his hands and bows his head.

  “Greetings your grace. We are here to escort you to the castle.”

  Lorcen nods his head and utters a thank you in response and they turn back in the direction from where they came and we follow their lead. Drustan moves in front of us and moves alongside the man leading us.

  “Vartan. How are the family?” They begin chatting like old friends and I look in question at Lorcen.

  “They are friends. Drustan Is part eleven. His grandmother was of elven race.”

  “Ah, so that explains why his ears are bigger than the average fae ones.” I grin and Lorcen chuckles in response.

  We follow the Elven guards along a path edged with flowers that lead us up into the mountains. We round a corner and my jaw drops again as a castle comes into view. This isn’t just any castle though, this is a stunning castle. Green vines with small with flowers grow up the walls framing its majestic presence. To the right side a waterfall falls down the side of the steep cliff. Two small twisted turrets end in an almost tulip shaped peak that houses a fire- like orb from the top. In the middle a much larger turret twists high into the air with its tulip shaped top holding an even brighter glowing orb.

  “Impressed?” Lorcen asks me and I just nod as I am devoid of the ability to speak, struck dumb by the beauty around me. “So have you thought of a name for her?” he gestures his head towards the beautiful creature I am sitting astride.

  “Swiftwing.” I grin.

  “Okay.” He says looking puzzled.

  “She was Shee-ra’s horse in the cartoons. I used to play being Shee-ra in the playground at school and I would ride my imaginary horse swiftwing around the yard.” I offer him as an explanation.

  “I like it.” He tells me smiling and he reaches over and squeezes my hand in his.

  We continue to follow the path until we reach the edge of the cliff face and are standing before a stone bridge that takes us over onto the neighbouring cliff where the castle stands. I pull on swiftwing’s reigns and look ahead of us in panic. We are very, very high up and well yeah I don’t do very well with heights. Lorcen looks across at me and must see that terrified look on my face.

  “You will be fine, it’s not that high and the bridge is sturdy.”


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