Blazing Earth

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Blazing Earth Page 9


  Were there others like them?

  But the question she had not had the opportunity to ask him was mayhap the more disturbing one to her—if she had the power of the healing sun within her and he had the power of the earth within him, what powers did others have and to what purpose did they use them?


  His plans to visit Durrington did not happen as he’d hoped when he invited Thea along with him. Since Tolan also intended to speak on more personal matters, the delays and changes in his plan frustrated him even more. And the guard’s continuing presence, though now more discreet, angered him.

  Two days after the revelations in Thea’s cottage, Tolan tried to speak to Lord Geoffrey about it but was sent away without seeing the nobleman. Tolan did not, however, miss the strange stare from the man he served as Tolan walked out of the keep and toward the gates.

  Lord Geoffrey, with that strange, rambling journey, his eerie questions, and his piercing stare, knew more than Tolan hoped any man ever would. For now, he must have a care not to be seen doing anything that seemed to be more than any other experienced farmer would do.

  An experienced farmer whose tasks seem to grow more numerous with each passing day as the growing season approached. This year, it seemed that Bordan and the lord assigned more and more things to his list of responsibilities. In a way, it felt as though it was an attempt, like Thea’s marriage to Jasper, to keep him near and busy.

  The one thing Tolan did not wish to do was to ignore Thea. So when he saw her going about her visits, he followed her until he could pull her unseen into the shadows behind the miller’s house. They’d not spoken since the revelations two nights ago. Worried over what her reaction would be, he was reassured by the laugh she uttered.

  He would hate to lose the closeness they had. He would hate to lose the ease between them. He would hate to lose her. And they’d still not spoken of many things that would not wait for their journey to Durrington.

  “How do you fare, Thea?” he asked as he pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. The glow surrounded her, and heat filled her. “Are you well?”

  “I am, Tolan,” she said, just before he claimed her mouth with his and made speaking impossible.

  How had he never noticed the way she carried the health and the heat of the sun within her? Never had his father spoken of any others like themselves, so Tolan had never been looking for others. He thought his duty was simply to tend the lands and keep the circle safe.

  “Can you walk with me now?” he asked, holding out his hand to her. “I would speak to you.”


  “Thea,” he answered back. “A simple walk and I promise not to ravish you before the others.” He shook his hand and waited for her to accept. “Tell me where you must go and I will walk with you there.”

  Finally, she grasped his hand.

  “To the last croft before the west field. Bringing some ointment for Riletta’s joints,” she said. He walked in that direction, entwining his fingers with hers as they did.

  “I am headed in that direction as well. Come.”

  And he made certain to walk right down the main path of the village. She tugged her hand from his and stopped at the last moment before they stepped from the shadows that hid them from the view of others.

  “I am not ashamed, Thea. Not ashamed to be seen with you, or visit you night or day. We are not a secret. Not to them,” he said, nodding to the villagers in sight. As he watched, she glanced at him and then to their neighbors and friends. She looked back at his outstretched hand.

  Tolan tried not to laugh aloud when she accepted it. Some barrier had been crossed then, but he did not press her for more now. They walked several paces out of the shadows and onto the path. Granted, the first few people to see them did stop and gape a bit. Then smiles and winks greeted them, warming his heart and relieving a great deal of concern.

  “I am not ashamed of being with you, Tolan,” she said softly as they walked along. “I just did not wish to the center of gossip and whispering.”


  She did not have to say that final word for him to hear it, for he understood her meaning quite well.

  “I know why you do not wish to discuss marriage between us.” He kept his voice soft and held her hand as he spoke words he knew would be disturbing to her. “And I will respect your wishes on that.” For now. “But there is too much that is good between us to allow you to walk away or to step aside, Thea.”

  He was pleased when she did not pull them to a stop or resist his words. His blood began to race when she squeezed his hand. From where he walked, he could see the tears in her eyes and the way she swallowed several times against them. Tolan gave her time to gain control. Once again, she surprised him.

  “There is much good between us, Tolan. And I do not wish to walk away from it. From you.”

  They walked in now-companionable silence toward Riletta’s cottage and Tolan tried not to smile. So, no matter what she would do or say from this moment on, he would hold that declaration in his heart. When they reached the edge of the village, where the cottages ended and the large furrowed fields began, he stopped once more.

  “Come and eat with us this night.”

  “But Kirwyn—”

  “Kirwyn is old enough and he knows how it stands between us. Blythe will be there as well.” At her upraised brow, he nodded. “My son tells me his heart is set on her.”

  “Truly? Now?” she asked.

  “Aye. Against my counsel and my wishes,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. “The only thing I can do is to keep a watch on them and make certain things proceed as they should.”

  “As though you could stop them?” she asked. She gave a laugh then and the sound of it echoed around them. “I will come this night, even if only to watch you try to hold back the rain.”

  He wanted to be angry, but seeing her laugh forced him to shake his head. “I just want the best for him. I want him not to make the mistakes of youth. I want . . .” He shrugged. “I want what any father wants for his son.”

  Pain flashed in her eyes then and was gone an instant later. Though it was fleeting, the depth of it filled him with a sense of loss.

  “I must see to Riletta now, Tolan,” she said. “I will see you at supper, then?”

  He did not give her time to object then. Tolan reached out and drew her to him, kissing her gently on her mouth. Nothing that others should not see. Nothing that a couple in love would not do. Just a kiss.

  Watching her walk away then, Tolan knew something had changed between them. Something was there, something was different . . . and somehow better. Now, as he strode out to the fields there, the sense of anticipation grew within him.

  And not even the knowledge given him by the surrounding earth that two large groups of travelers were nearing Amesbury lessened it.

  * * *

  As Thea watched Tolan speak to his son through their meal, she realized that just about nothing was the same in her life as it had been just days before.

  She carried some power within her—that knowledge helped her accept that there was more to her healing than simple skills passed from mother to daughter.

  She was not alone—at least one other existed who carried some unexplained power within himself.

  She was in love with this man.

  Though the first two realizations were so extraordinary that they challenged even her ability to accept it, it was that last one that made her the most gladdened. Even understanding that she could not be his wife did not diminish her joy just then.

  He loved his son, that much was clear to her as she watched them during their meal. And he was trying to raise him well, especially without the guiding hand of a mother for the boy. Though Kirwyn was as any young man his age was—rebellious and opinionated—he loved and respected his father. Her heart
hurt in her knowing that she could never give Tolan a child like this one.

  It was not just her fear of putting herself under the personal control of a man that kept her from even considering marriage again. Nay, that darker secret she carried—kept her from marrying this man. Tolan needed more children, especially sons, to carry on his family’s legacy of tending the lands. Between duties here to Lord Geoffrey and Tolan’s own farm in Durrington, he could not do it alone.

  Worse for her, now knowing that the power he had was passed down in his blood, he needed a son of his own flesh and blood to continue the power that kept these lands fertile. Then the truth struck her, for if he needed to pass his power down through his sons, so she needed to pass it on to her own children.

  Children who would never be.

  “Thea? Are you well?” Tolan asked, drawing her from her thoughts.

  “I am,” she said, nodding. “Just tired.”

  “Kirwyn, see Blythe home,” Tolan said, standing. “Come, I will take you to your cottage.”

  Thea gathered the bowls and spoons and began carrying them to the bucket to wash them. Kirwyn and Tolan were used to being on their own, with few seeing to their care, but at least she could see to this, since Blythe had prepared the satisfying stew, vegetables, and bread for the meal. After but a few minutes, she took her leave of the young man and woman, with thanks for the hospitality offered and shared.

  Soon, it was only Thea and Tolan walking through the shadows of night back to her cottage. After his words earlier and his presence now, she felt at ease. He said he understood why she would not consider marriage . . . she hoped he did. But knowing that he had witnessed her humiliation at Jasper’s hands horrified her. They reached her cottage and he followed her to the door, his intention clear.

  However, now there was one thing she wanted from him. After all the changes in her life and the challenges she feared they would face, she wanted to feel his strength around her. Thea wanted to hold the rest of the world away for a few hours and reclaim her equilibrium for at least that time.

  Before he could speak, she turned to face him and slid into his embrace. He’d exposed part of what she feared most, but now she must tell him the rest.

  Tolan leaned down and opened his mouth to her, accepting her kiss and returning it. ’Twas her turn to lead in their passion, and her desire for him grew with each kiss, each caress.

  Thea stepped back and undressed him. He neither resisted her efforts nor helped her, but he never took his gaze from hers. He’d also never questioned or limited her in her demands or requests. He seemed to accept that, at times, she needed to control the ebb and flow of their passion.

  Now was one of those times. This night was one of those nights. The feeling that control of her life, of their lives, was slipping away intensified what she wanted from him.

  She tugged his belt loose and dropped it to the floor and then pulled his shirt up and over his head. His chest was massive and smooth, the muscles well defined because of his work. She traced the lines between them and leaned in to kiss each of the brown nipples. She swirled her tongue around each one, leaving the tiny curls of hair damp. The sounds of his indrawn breath spurred her on, so she kissed and licked her way down his stomach, loving the way his muscles tightened beneath her mouth along the path.

  Pausing to untie the laces at his waist, Thea eased his trews down to his hips. Once more she kissed the exposed flesh there, enjoying each time he hissed or he canted his hips. She could feel the ridge of hard flesh next to her cheek, so she rubbed against it, as a cat would against his leg. Her reward was a groan.

  She knelt before him and opened his trews now, pushing them down over his hips and sliding her hands around to feel the power in his buttocks. He would thrust into her soon with these and she could almost feel the strength he would use. But they were not her target. Nay, she wanted to taste his cock. One glance at him told her he was waiting for exactly that—his openmouthed breathing was shallow and uneven.

  Thea cupped his bollocks and then licked the length of his male flesh. Along its length and then around the thick head, she tasted and teased with her tongue and teeth, listening to his gasps. Her own flesh grew damp between her thighs as she took his manhood in her mouth and suckled on it.

  Tolan slid his hands into her hair then, pulling it loose from its bonds and sending it floating around her. She grasped his flesh in her hands and held it tightly as she sucked harder and harder. His hands held her there, guiding her head as she pleasured him. Then, suddenly, he grabbed her by the arms and dragged her up his body until their faces were even and she could see the desire in his gaze.

  “Fair is fair, Elethea,” he said in a voice hoarse from passion.

  Her body trembled then in excitement and anticipation. He gave as good as he got and her body understood the promise and the threat in his words and tone. He carried her over to the pallet, stripped off her garments and then lay down and waited for her to decide the next part.

  The core of her flesh wanted him there. Her breasts ached for his touch and his bite. Her mouth, though, her mouth hungered for more of him, so she crawled over to his side and took his erect cock deep into her mouth. But Tolan was not a man to lie back quietly during bed play, and when he took her legs and lifted her body to straddle his, she laughed against the heated flesh in her mouth.


  That was the only warning she got before feeling his mouth on her heated flesh. Torn between sucking on him and the incredible pleasure he was giving her with his tongue and teeth, she let go of any control and met him measure for measure. Until he spread her open and thrust his tongue deep into her channel. In this position, the growth on his unshaved chin provided a wonderful friction as he plumbed her depths, and she could not stop from thrusting against him.

  And when everything within her coiled tightly, she stopped trying to think and just felt it . . . felt him. Heat spread through her and she felt the first tremors of her release. Tolan did not stop his attentions. Instead, he moved against her sensitive folds harder and faster until she found that moment when everything simply paused and then she fell over it.

  On her hands and knees, crouched over him, she moaned out her satisfaction. But he did not wait, turning her to face him and guiding her swollen folds down the length of his still-rigid cock. It was delicious, stretching her and making her gasp as she took every inch of him into her body.

  “Ride me, Elethea,” he urged, his hands on her hips as he thrust impossibly deeper inside her. “Ride me, I beg you.”

  And she did. Lifting herself up, she leaned over closer to him, skimming her breasts on his chest. Her nipples grew taut points and she watched as he took one and then the other in his mouth. She arched now against his mouth, urging him on.

  Her body grew hotter and hotter and she saw the golden glow of her skin brighten with each moment. Tolan noticed it, too, and smiled, never letting go or slowing. He pushed himself up to sit and slid his arms around her then, their thrusts growing deeper and slower because of the position now. She wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him, sharing the heat with him.

  Thea could look into his eyes now and she held his gaze as they remained joined as one flesh. The color that now surrounded him shimmered in his skin, and his eyes began to shine with it.


  Like the color of the earth at the height of its power.

  Life-giving. Fertile.

  A momentary regret that it could not help her flashed in her thoughts and was gone in the onslaught of pleasure. His eyes grew brighter and brighter until she could see nothing else. Tolan rolled them and brought her beneath his body, covering her. Filling her. Completing her.

  His body thrust into hers, and she felt his flesh grow harder then. He called out her name and released his seed within her. Her body answered, shuddering and trembling and once more reaching its own releas

  It took some time for their racing hearts to calm. They lay entwined, his face tucked into the curve of her neck and his breath against her skin. And then the words that had threatened for some time escaped and could never be called back.

  “I love you, Tolan.”

  As though the world paused then, the silence surrounded them so completely that she could hear nothing. He lifted his head and gazed into her eyes.

  “And I—” He began to say the words, but she pressed her hand over his lips.

  “Say it not,” she whispered. “I have never loved a man before, Tolan. I wanted the chance to say the words even knowing there can be nothing more between us than . . . this.” He rolled off to her side and she hated the distance, even while knowing it must happen.

  “All you have to do is say aye.”

  The words that would have been uttered to lure Eve into sin could not have sounded more tempting than his did to her. But Thea knew all her truths and just could not find the strength to expose herself to Tolan, no matter what they seemed to share. She shook her head and smiled sadly.

  “I will not marry again, Tolan. Not now. Not you. Not ever.”

  The declaration hung out in the space between them and she watched for his reaction. Men did not like to be naysaid. Men who controlled others did not react well to being told that their will would not be done. But one of the things she loved about him was his ability to be slow to anger. He reached over to her and she controlled the urge to flinch that yet lived within her.

  “Marry or not, Thea,” he whispered, rolling closer and bringing their bodies skin to skin. “’Tis your decision. But it matters not to me what we call . . . what is between us.” He kissed her gently on her mouth and then smiled back at her. The green glow around him seemed to simmer, gently rolling shimmers moving, outlining his body. “I will not forsake you.”


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