Mine to Steal (Mine to Love)

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Mine to Steal (Mine to Love) Page 30

by T. K. Rapp

  It took us by surprise because she was completely smitten with him. Mrs. Miller is doting on him, and he’s eating it up. Trey threatened to call Kayla and make Jett do a marathon blind date session, and Jett was all too eager to partake.

  “Can I get you some coffee, Faith?” Mrs. Miller smiles sweetly at me.

  “That would be great, but if you tell me where it is, I can get it myself.” She waves the offer off as if it’s the most absurd suggestion and leaves me at the table with two men who begin telling raunchy jokes and teasing each other relentlessly. I have tears streaming down my facing because I can’t stop laughing.

  I have to admit; it’s weird being around a functioning family. I don’t know when the last time I sat around a table with so many people to eat good food and laugh at really stupid jokes. My family is fractured beyond repair, but this family has accepted me with open arms, and it feels damn good.

  “Hey,” Jett nudges me at the breakfast table, snapping me out of my daydream. He continues to speak in a hushed voice. “Trey wants to see you.”

  “Did he already come down and eat?” I look around, but he’s nowhere to be seen.

  “I know you have a crush on my brother.” His voice is hardly above a whisper.

  “Jett -” I roll my eyes, irritated that he would bring this up when we’ve actually become friends.

  He puts his hand up to cut me off.

  “Don’t be mad; he’s really into you, too. If you go wait in the woods, he’ll be there so he can tell you for himself.” He gives me a wink, and I lightly punch his arm.

  This is his attempt at making amends for torturing me as a kid, and I’m happy to let him.

  I excuse myself from the table and head out the front door to journey down the familiar sidewalk. It was in this town I laid eyes on the guy of my dreams. It was here my world shattered when I lost my brother. And it was here that my family broke.

  Yet, it is here, in this town, I find hope and the closer I get to that spot in the woods, the more certain I am that this is where I’m meant to be.

  The woods look different than I remember since there are more buildings and less ‘woods,’ but there is a bench that I remember well. It’s the place the neighborhood kids would go to, first to make a fort, later to make-out. Maneuvering through some of the thick brush I make my way to it when Trey steps from behind a nearby tree, scaring me.

  “Holy shit!”

  “Sorry,” he laughs. “That played out better in my head.”

  “You came this time.” I smile, looking at my gorgeous boyfriend.

  He smiles and takes a seat next to me. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

  Trey takes my hand and walks me to the bench and pulls me to sit next to him. My legs are dangled over his lap, and he reaches out and tucks my hair behind my ear.

  “Is it how you wanted?” he asks and kisses my hand.

  “You’re so mushy,” I tease, but I love every second.

  “You’re so cute,” he laughs. “I love you so damn much. You are the most beautiful and amazing woman, and I’m so lucky to have you. Had I known about you as a kid, and known what we could be, there’s no doubt I would have showed up. I’m sorry you were hurt that day, but I will see to it you are never hurt again - and so you know, I never plan on letting you go.”

  Trey pulls his lips away from my ear, and I can’t stop smiling from his words. Tears well in my eyes and I fight to keep them away. It’s not his words that touch my heart, but him repeating my brother’s words to me.

  “The idea of you always made me excited, but the reality of you in my life and in my heart is better than anything I could imagine. I would go through all of it again, to be here with you, right now. I love you with all of my heart and, so you know, I wouldn’t go anywhere, anyway.”

  His hand cups my neck, and he draws me close so that our lips touch. I want this man so much because he touches my heart like no one has before. Without regard, I climb onto his lap and deepen the kiss as his hand runs up my back, keeping my body locked to his. I feel his smile against my lips when he speaks, “We need to get home.”

  “Actually,” I lean forward and press my forehead to his, “I’m going to take a walk.”

  He’s not an easy many to get away from. I stand up to leave, but he pulls me back to him and kisses me again. I try again, but he has a hold of my hand and squeezes it as I move away.

  The way that he looks at me, like I’m the most special person in the world, makes my heart tighten. He has no way of knowing the extent of my love for him.

  “Want me to go with you?” he asks as he cocks his head to the side.

  I smile and shake my head. “I need to see him alone.”

  “Take your phone in case you need me.” Trey doesn’t protest or argue; he gives me a wink.

  I pat my pocket where the phone is tucked away and blow him a kiss before turning around to head down the sidewalk. My destination is only a few blocks away, and I use the time to determine what I’m going to say to him when I get there.

  It’s barely recognizable, and my heart drops at the inattention from not only me, but also others.

  “Hey, Len.” I kneel down in front of his headstone and remove the debris so I can see it better. My finger traces over his name and his role in my life - brother.

  Lennox Marshall

  1985 - 2001

  Loving Son & Brother

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been here to see you. I hope you know it wasn’t my choice. Mom and Dad couldn’t take it anymore. They blamed each other, and I blamed them.”

  The wind blows around me, and it feels like he’s right here.

  “Remember when you told me the type of guy I should hold out for? Well, I got him, and I think you’d like him.” I laugh. “I played that music game with him, the one you used to do with me - this was before he and I got together - but he’s got the same taste in music as you. I suppose I can overlook that one flaw.”

  “I hope you’re proud of me and wherever you are, that you’re happy. I carry you with me always and someday when I have kids, I’m going to tell them about my amazing big brother and pass on the advice you gave to me.”

  As I get up to leave the cemetery, I remove a few sticks off his grave and lay my hand on the top of the headstone. “I promise I’ll visit again - I love you, Len.”

  Walking back to the Miller’s home, I feel like everything came full circle. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, with the man I’m supposed to be with.


  There is a BadAss group of women, hidden away on Facebook, and I’m lucky enough to call them friends. If it weren’t for their crazy antics, dancing videos, loverly voices and pictures of inspiration, I’m not sure where I’d be. I’m so grateful to have all of you.

  To the Best Peeps Eva - all of you, I love you!

  Kizeeta Williams, Gabby Warner, Kris Allbright, Kahlen Aymes, A. Meredith Walters, Kelsie Leverich, Amy Queau, Deanna Williams, Sarahbeth Caplin, T.K. Leigh, Katie Pettigrew, Penny Reid, Kim Greny - each of you have helped me in some way and I don’t think I can put into words my appreciation.

  To my wonderful Betas, R.S. Grey, Brittainy C. Cherry and Pamela Ebeler - thank you for reading MtS and asking questions so I could make it better. Every bit of feedback, whether I liked it or not, helped more than you will ever know.

  My editor, Jenny Sims, is so sweet and worked with my release chance. Thank you for being my person and making things consistent. I love seeing your trail all over my work. Kari Gardner, you are my best friend and personal cheerleader and I love you so much. Thank you for always being on my side and I hope you know I’m always on yours.

  A while back, I met a bag of books and the girl attached who goes by the name, Erin Spencer. Thank you for being my supporter and more importantly, friend. Alisha, thank you for hanging with me and giving me a much-needed distraction at the coffee house. You two ladies are simply the best!

  To My SIPs, I’m so lucky to have
found you girls and I love you to death, Bishes! Lisa Karafa, I can’t wait to finally hug you! Jenn Beach, you crack me up with your sausage love. And of course, Kim Stedronsky - oh Goose! Every time I think we’ve maxed out our common brain capacity, we exchange works and laugh because we must have been separated at birth. You’re my wifey, Kimotherapy, Romy and Goose - all in one!

  Stacey Lynn, thank you for kicking my ass and helping me tighten up a story that desperately needed it - and even reading it twice. You’re amazing! Claire C Riley, I’ll save our durty talk for email. Thank you for going through this thing and offering the wonderful suggestions you did. I’ve never laughed so hard reading notes. Love you, Red!

  Mieshaw and Da - Mom and Dad - thank you for being the parents who cheer me on, love me unconditionally and read these books. You both make me smile with your excitement for what I do and are, without a doubt, the best parents I know. I love y’all so damn much!

  Gidget and Peese, my dream, I love you sweet girls. You make me want to be and do better. You will always be my babies, even when you have babies of your own. Thank you for being so proud of your mom and trust me - the feeling is mutual.

  To my husband, who insisted on reading this, you were right. There, it’s in writing. We have always made a great team, but I really could not have done this one without you. Your taste in music might suck, but I love you anyway. Forever.

  Finally, thank you to the bloggers and readers who continue to read these stories that erupt out of my imagination. Thank you for loving these characters as much as I do and spending your time getting to know them. I can’t forget you, because you are simply awesome.

  About T.K. Rapp

  T.K. Rapp is a Texas girl born and raised. She earned a B.A. in Journalism from Texas A&M and it was there that she met the love of her life. He had a contract with the U.S. Navy that would take them across both coasts, and ultimately land them back home in Texas.

  Upon finally settling in Texas, T.K. worked as a graphic designer and photographer for the family business that her mom started years earlier. She was able to infuse her creativity and passion, into something she enjoyed, but something was still missing. There was a voice in the back of her head that told her to write, so write, she did. And, somewhere on an external hard drive, are several stories she started and never finished.

  Now at home, raising her two daughters, T.K. has more time to do the things she loves, which includes photography and writing. When she’s not doing one of those, she can be found with her family, which keeps her busy. She enjoys watching her kids in their various sporting activities (i.e. doing the soccer mom thing), having Sunday breakfast at her parent’s house, singing out loud and out of key or dancing like a fool. She loves raunchy humor, gossip blogs and a good book.

  Visit T.K. Rapp online:







  If you enjoyed this book, check out the others by T.K. Rapp:

  Being There

  Mine to Lose

  Turn the page for a preview of

  Remembering Us


  Stacey Lynn


  an excerpt of

  Word Play


  Amalie Silver

  Remembering Us

  by Stacey Lynn

  My life was perfectly mapped out for me since before I was born. I followed it, begrudgingly, because it was expected. And then one day, everything changed

  I woke up.

  Different. Independent. Free from all the rules that had defined my life.

  Only I have no idea how I got to where I am. I have no memory of the last two years. I don’t remember graduating college, and I certainly don’t remember Adam–the boyfriend I live with.

  He loves me. And I love him. At least that’s what everyone says. But when my memories return to me as dreams, I see a different version of the man everyone claims is perfect for me.

  He terrifies me. He makes my heart race and he makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.

  Do I want to welcome the emotional chaos that his piercing brown eyes and messy black hair causes every time I get a glimpse of him? Or should I run back to the perfectly manicured life that used to be mine?

  Available Now on


  Word Play

  by Amalie Silver

  “So then tell me the truth. Who are you?” she pressed.

  Finding the strength to think with my brain—and not other organs—wasn’t going to be easy. I had to dig far and deep. But ultimately, I knew which would win. I’d just have to stall a little longer in order to get my thoughts together.

  I leaned into her, letting my eyes follow the light pink outlining her lips. “Okay,” I whispered. “I’ll tell you. Come here.”

  She leaned in, keeping herself balanced on her knees by putting her hands on the mattress.

  “Monica?” I whispered again.

  “Yes?” she replied breathlessly.

  I could feel the warmth of her breath as her lips parted slightly. After swallowing, she licked her bottom lip, keeping her eyes on mine.

  She wasn’t making this any easier for me.

  Her curly locks, which she had gathered on the top of her head in a messy clump, were swept over her shoulders. Strands cascaded around her ears, cheeks, and jaw. I took the opportunity to study her face.

  Her eyebrows were perfectly curved in two dark arches, framing hazel eyes. She had faint freckles that dotted her nose and cheekbones, and one of her bottom teeth was slightly crooked when she smiled.

  “Christoph?” she said my name as a question, still whispering.

  “Is this gonna be off the record?” I asked, keeping my eyes on her mouth, inching forward so that our lips were mere centimeters apart. “Or is this going to show up on WordPress tomorrow morning?”

  Her shoulders went limp as she pushed out the last bit of breath she kept in her lungs, hitting me with sweet, warm breath again. “I don’t know anything about WordPress,” she whispered, staring at my lips.

  I closed my eyes, hoping I’d find out, someday, what that mouth tasted like.

  But not today.

  “You expect me to believe that?” I said, my eyes open. “Do you think I’m an idiot? What will you call my interview? The Traditionally Published Asshole? Or The Arrogant Armond?”

  She pulled back and sat her ass on the bed. Pouting, she angrily gripped the sheet, pulling it over her again. And I believe I heard her mumble the word prick.

  That I am.

  For more Word Play, check it out on the expected release date - July 14, 2014

  Add to your TBR on Goodreads




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