The Stuntman

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The Stuntman Page 5

by Maggie Carpenter

  My gosh, I can’t believe I let myself do this, but I’m so glad I did. I’ve missed this so much. His arms feel amazing. I never want to leave them.

  “How do you feel?” he asked wiping the hair from her face.

  “I feel better, calmer,” she said lifting her head. “I knew I would. It’s so weird.”

  “Perhaps if you had someone to lean on, someone to help you when you’re wired and tired, you could stay at the hospital.”

  She closed her eyes, curling against him.

  “Maybe you’re right,” she mumbled.

  “I’d like to be that person, at least, I’d like to try. I don’t mean to jump the gun, but I feel a chemistry, a connection between us.”

  “I do too,” she admitted, “I already feel close to you.”

  “A spanking will do that,” he grinned.

  “You’re wicked,” she giggled punching him lightly. “You never did tell me why that boy wanted your autograph and why he called you a hero?”

  “Ah, well, I think you should rest for a bit, then we’ll go downstairs and I’ll make us dinner.”

  “You’re not going to tell me?”

  “I didn’t say that, but remember my rule? When you walk through the door…”

  “I remember, no vote,” she smiled, “which means we’ll cuddle, go downstairs and you’ll make us dinner, but you’re being very mysterious.”

  “Good girl, see how easy that was?”

  “I like your rule,” she murmured, and I love my hot sting, and this house. Changing my mind and texting you was a very good idea.

  Chapter Nine

  Resting her tender backside on a cushion Blake was kind enough to provide, Belinda was perched on a stool at the kitchen island watching him prepare their dinner. He dropped two handfuls of precut vegetables into a sizzling pan, sprinkled in some spices, and expertly began to shake them and toss them in the air.

  “Where did you learn to do that?” she asked admiring his skill.

  “Um, I’m not sure. I’ve always had to be careful about my diet so I guess I just picked it up,” he answered opening the refrigerator and pulling out a package of chicken tenders.

  “You have to watch your weight? I find that hard to believe.”

  “No, not my weight, my diet,” he corrected her as he placed the chicken in the pan and began his shaking and tossing again. “I have to stay on top of my fitness for my job. I can let loose sometimes, but diet is very important.”

  As she watched his muscled arms, and gazed at the dimple in his jaw, she found herself thinking the same thoughts she’d had when she first saw him.

  There’s no way this guy can be single, especially not in his line of work. He must meet gorgeous women all the time. Why would he be interested in me? I’m just a normal girl, I’m a just nurse. There’s not a glamorous hair on my head.

  “You’ve gone quiet all of a sudden,” he remarked flashing her a kind smile and twinkling his dark blue eyes at her. “Would you like something to drink? I have a light Sauvignon Blanc.”

  “Yes, that would be great, thanks.”

  He retrieved two thin crystal glasses from a cabinet, then pulled a half-empty bottle of wine from the refrigerator.

  “Here you go,” he smiled pouring them both a glass and placing one in front of her. “Here’s to new friends.”

  “Yes, definitely,” she nodded clinking his glass.

  “Why do I think there’s something on your mind?” he asked leaning across the island on his elbows, locking her eyes.

  “It’s nothing, really,” she said quickly. I don’t want to get all heavy. I mean, that’s the kiss of death, isn’t it? Still I am curious. “My butt hurts, that’s all.”

  “Uh-huh,” he nodded. “I’m sure that’s true, but it’s not the answer to my question. If you don’t want to tell me that’s fine, lying though, will go in my notebook.”

  “Your notebook?” she frowned.

  “My notebook,” he repeated. “I think we’ll be seeing each other again, and if I keep a list of your infractions I won’t have to remember them. They’ll be written down.”

  The blaze of heat that crossed her face was almost as hot as her bottom, and quickly dropping her eyes she reached for her wine.

  “You can tell me what’s bothering you or not, it’s up to you. I hope you feel that you can, but if you don’t want to, just say so.”

  “Thank you,” she said swallowing back her nerves. “I guess I’m just finding it difficult to understand how a man so, uh, attractive and, uh, successful, and in the movie business, could be single, but maybe you’re not. I don’t mean to assume anything.”

  “I see. I’m flattered, thanks for the compliments,” he said straightening up and returning his attention to the sizzling pan. “For the record, I am completely unattached. Are you?”

  “Yes, of course, I wouldn’t be here if I was seeing someone,” she said indignantly.

  “Then why would you think I’d have you here if I was?” he asked calmly as he flipped the frying food.

  “I didn’t, I mean, uh, like I said, you’re so... eligible I suppose is the word, and you must meet so many women, gorgeous women.”

  “Don’t you meet a ton of men in your line of work? You must, doctors and patients. You must have guys banging on your door.”

  “Hardly,” she laughed, “but you’re right. I do meet people, it’s just...”


  Sighing heavily she rolled her eyes, and placing her elbow on the island she rested her chin in her hand.

  “I can’t do the vanilla thing,” she said quietly, “and it’s excruciating having that conversation. I never know how to start it, and I always get that look, that, ‘what’s wrong with you,’ look. I can’t do it anymore.”

  “Uh-huh, and that, my dear, Belinda, is exactly what I have experienced, and I can do you one better. I’ve had women pretend with me, and I think that’s worse than that look you’re talking about.”

  “Oh, ick, that must be awkward.”

  “So awkward, and then, when I try to explain in a very kind way that it has to a mutual thing, it gets even worse.”

  “Ouch,” she mumbled.

  “Yes, ouch,” he nodded. “Ouch in a bad way. I hope that answers your question. I’m just like you. I have the same concerns and challenges, and Belinda, I won’t have you selling yourself short. You’re fresh, you’re comfortable in your own skin, and,” he said pausing to turn off the heat and walk over to her, “I think you are a very beautiful, sexy, naughty woman.”

  Gently pulling her to her feet he slipped his hands into her hair and kissed her, languidly sliding his warm mouth across hers, sending her pulse to race, and her heart to beat.

  “If you ever feel insecure about yourself for any reason” he began as he pulled back, “you call me. I’ll be happy to spank it out of you. Understand?”

  “Uh-huh,” she whispered, “thank you.”

  “White rice or brown?”

  “Whatever you think.”

  Releasing her he moved to the refrigerator, pulled out a bowl, and placing it in the microwave he hit the two-minute timer.

  “Is there something I can do to help?” she asked.

  “Uh, sure. The silverware is in that drawer, and the table mats are in the one underneath it. You can set the table if you want, and take over our wine.”

  “That table?” she asked pointing across the kitchen to a built-in wooden bench next to a window.

  “Yep, that’s the one. I spend half my life there.”

  As she collected the utensils and mats and moved across to the cozy spot, she saw why he would choose to sit there. Majestic hills were looking down upon her, and she found the sight truly captivating.

  “Wow, that’s such an amazing view,” she declared fetching their wine glasses.

  “Isn’t it? The only bad thing about living here is the threat of fires every year,” he remarked as he carried over their dinner.

  He’d p
laced the vegetables and chicken over the hot brown rice, and as he set the meal on the table she broke into a smile.

  “That smells really good,” she declared, “and hardly took any time at all. I’m truly impressed.”

  “No big deal,” he smiled. “I do it all the time. I cut up enough vegetables for several meals. When I’m ready to cook I just grab a handful, throw in the oil, the spices and the chicken.”

  “You made it look so simple. Will you tell me which spices you use? The food at the hospital canteen is terrible.”

  “Sure, be happy to, but I’m surprised to hear your cafeteria isn’t good.”

  “That adage about hospital food being dreadful is true, unless you’re a VIP patient, of course, then it’s like a five-star restaurant. Wow, Blake, this is delicious.”

  “Glad you like it.”

  “Back to what you said about the fires that come through these hills. Have you had to evacuate often?”

  “A couple of times, but I’m a lunatic about my brush clearance, and the house is treated with flame retardant. Still, it’s no fun. Earlier today I was leaping through fire for a stunt and—”

  “Wait. Did you say leaping through fire?”

  “Yeah, not my favorite thing. I’m burned out on that, no pun intended,” he admitted. “At the end of the year it’s off my roster.”

  “Why wait?”

  “I’m committed to a couple of projects, but I still might find someone else if I’m asked to do it.”

  “Oh, I see. You can do that?”

  “Sure. I’m not just a stuntman, I’m also a stunt coordinator. I combine both jobs, unless a major film were to come along. I haven’t climbed that high yet, but I’m getting close.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “For the big movies I’m still a stuntman, but I think I’ll be able to break into the big leagues of being a coordinator fairly soon. Anyway, as I was saying, this morning when I was leaping through that fire it crossed my mind about the fire season coming up. I love this house, but it is a worry.”

  “It’s a fabulous house, and it’s so private. You have no neighbors, at least none that I can see.”

  “Nope, I own quite a few acres. Mostly hill, but it does cut down on people knocking on my door at inopportune times,” he grinned.

  “Do you have many of those?” she winked.

  “I’m glad you asked me that,” he said picking up his wine.

  “You are?”

  “Do you have any desires beyond discipline?”

  His unexpected question sent a surge of energy through her body, and doing her best not to let her feelings show, she carefully placed her fork on her plate.

  “You mean like bondage?”

  “That’s one thing,” he nodded. She either hasn’t explored the finer things or she’s feeling intimidated. “There’s quite a bit more.”

  Picking up her glass she took a slow slip of wine, then placing it back on the table she looked directly at him.

  “Forgive me, but I’m going to steal a line from a very famous film I’ve not yet seen, though I can’t tell you why I’ve not yet seen it because I don’t know myself.”

  “I see,” he said. “If we’re talking about the same film, I haven’t seen it either, but what’s the line?”

  “Enlighten me.”

  “That is a very provocative invitation,” he said lowering his voice, and leaning across the table, he added, “I just might.”

  Chapter Ten

  After dinner they had settled in the living room and shared stories about their work. She found his show business anecdotes captivating, and he was just as enthralled by her tales of the trauma ward, especially when it involved a life and death struggle. When the hour grew late and she began to yawn he reluctantly walked her out to her car, and Belinda thought she would melt into a puddle in the middle of the driveway when he kissed her goodbye.

  “I don’t like this, I should be driving you home,” he murmured. “It’s late, it’s dark, it’s a twisty canyon road. I’m not comfortable with this. You could stay overnight if you want... in a guest room I mean, I wasn’t pushing, I mean—”

  “I know,” she sighed leaning against him. “I know what you meant, but you don’t have to worry. I know these canyons, I’ve been driving over them all my life,” and I absolutely love how protective you are.

  “Next time you come here I’m picking you up,” he said firmly. “No arguments.”

  “Next time? You’re confident,” she grinned looking up at him.

  “And you, as the Brits would say, are cheeky, and I’m not confident, I’m resolved.”

  “Resolved? Now there’s a word I don’t hear every day. I hear determined, I hear, intent on—”

  “I spent a year in Oxford,” he interrupted.

  “Ah, so that’s where the cheeky came from.”

  “Yep, and some other bits and pieces,” he remarked with a glint in his eye.

  “I think, on that note, I shall take my leave,” she said moving slowly out of his arms, though I would much prefer to be laying against you all night.

  “Please call me when you get home.”

  “I will,” she promised.

  He opened the car door, and as she slipped inside he lowered his head and kissed her lightly, but lingered his lips, then pulling back he let out a dramatic sigh.

  “I have really enjoyed this evening,” he said softly. “Unfortunately I have a full schedule over the next couple of days, but I’ll call you when I can.”

  “Be careful,” she said soberly.

  “It’s easy stuff, just some fight scenes and a few chases.”

  “Car chases?”

  “No, James Bond dashing through the streets and leaping over garbage cans type chases.”

  “Unbelievable,” she smiled. “Thanks for, uh, everything.”

  “The pleasure was all mine,” he grinned closing her door, “believe me.”

  Starting her car she backed it up and turned around, and as she headed down the driveway she glanced in her rear view mirror. The light from the porch was casting an amber glow around his body, and she smiled happily.

  He looks like an angel surrounded by a huge halo. What a wonderfully sweet, strong man. That comment about picking up bits and pieces in Oxford sounded intriguing. I wonder what he was doing there. I must remember to ask him. Probably shooting a movie, but a year is a long time to shoot a movie, or is it?

  * * *

  As her red taillights disappeared, Blake sauntered into his house, locked the door and walked up the stairs to his bedroom. He didn’t have to worry about turning out the lights, they were all on timers. Coming home to a dark, empty house didn’t hold any appeal, so he had installed timers throughout his home. Even his televisions turned on at 6 p.m.

  Stripping off he slid between the sheets, and picking up the remote from his nightstand he turned up the volume. Television relaxed him, but as he started to watch one of the late night shows he found he couldn’t concentrate; his mind was on the cute-as-a-button nurse who had just left him. Switching it off, along with the lamp on his bedside table, he listened to the stillness of the night and thought about her.

  She possessed a sharp, quick wit that made him spontaneously chuckle, she was educated, and he could feel her compassion. It was easy to imagine her tending to the sick and suffering with warmth and empathy. He could also sense her desire to delve deeper into her submissive side.

  Spanking her had been delicious. Her lively wriggles had ridden the line of keeping things interesting without interfering, and her moans and gasps were animated and spirited. It had been no comparison to the woman he’d had over his lap a few months earlier, Claire Austen, a crew-member on his last film.

  He’d been drawn to Claire’s exuberant personality, and after a couple of dates he’d playfully threatened to warm her bottom. She had reacted with a dare and a wink, but when he’d accepted the subtle invitation and pulled her over his knee, she had laid comple
tely still, almost frozen. It had been an uncomfortable and sad moment for them both.

  It was so great to be with a woman that I am truly attracted to, and who’s the sugar to my salt. I hope she really is okay that I’m a stuntman. I like her, I really like her.

  The memory of her reddened behind gyrating on his lap stirred his cock, and throwing aside the bedcovers he took hold of his hungry member and began to rub. Closing his eyes his mind took him on a joyride of sensual imagined delights; Belinda wrapped in ropes, the lines of cord crisscrossing her body; tied over a bench, her legs spread and bound, her mouth pleasuring him; her arms pulled above her head, her ankles tied together, and the black tongues of his favorite flogger lashing her glorious bottom.

  It was the last vision that sent him over the edge, and as his cock spewed its cream across his hand, he surrendered to the delicious prickles rippling through his body.

  A few minutes later, as he was drifting off to sleep with the memory of her eyes sparkling up at him, he suddenly realized she’d not yet called. Switching on his bedside lamp he looked at the clock, and as he reached for his cellphone it rang.

  “Perfect timing,” he remarked.

  “I’m glad, and I suspect perfect timing would be important in your line of work.”

  “This is true,” he chuckled. “I was just about to call you.”

  “I’m not used to checking in, and I confess I’ve been home about five minutes.”

  “Ah, how quickly we forget. I must remember to put that in my notebook in the morning.”

  “NO, I didn’t forget about you, not for a minute,” she said hastily. “I had a wonderful time.”

  “Perhaps next time we see each other I should give you five hard swats. One for each minute.”

  “That’s not for me to say,” she quipped.

  “No, it’s not, so you’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “I’m not sure I have anything to say to that,” she replied with a smile in her voice.

  “Then a change of subject, I was thinking... how would you like to come to the set? It might help put your mind at ease.”


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