The Stuntman

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The Stuntman Page 8

by Maggie Carpenter

  Belinda’s car had been safely delivered, and with her help, Blake had prepared a chicken version of Shepherd’s Pie. Having finished their meal, they were sharing the sofa in front of the fire in the cozy, romantic bar, enjoying the sound of the driving rain as it splashed against the windows, and the blustery wind rustling the trees.

  “You’ve never broken a bone? All those falls and car crashes, how is that possible?” Belinda asked.

  “Training of course, and I’m very careful. I don’t take unnecessary chances. Luck has something to do with it, but just because I haven’t broken anything doesn’t mean I haven’t been injured.”

  “You can’t be a stuntman forever, can you? I mean, at some point your body will begin to protest.”

  “I had a similar conversation today,” he said recalling his agent’s visit. “What about you? Are you still thinking about turning in your notice at the hospital?”

  “I’m so glad you asked me that,” she said soberly. “Remember that man I told you about, the one who was so badly injured and I’ve been visiting?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “He’s going to be released soon, and yesterday one of the doctors told me they want to talk to me about being his nurse when he goes home.”

  “You mean, you’d take a leave of absence and help him through his recovery?”

  “A bit more than that,” she said cautiously. “It would be my chance to transition into private nursing, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I want to do it.”

  “That’s a huge step,” he said gravely.

  “I’ve been thinking about leaving the trauma unit for a while, but I didn’t expect something to come along so soon.”

  “Have you researched this? Going private, I mean.”

  “Not really. It sounds great, and I know the pay is good, but there’s the uncertainty of it. Would I be working all the time? Would there be lag periods where I’d have no income? I don’t know, and Dr. Davis said these wealthy, celebrity clients can be very demanding.”

  “Of that I’m sure,” Blake said grimly.

  “I don’t know what to do. It’s an opportunity that doesn’t come along every day. Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “It’s a bit strange,” he said with a wry grin.

  “What is?”

  “My agent visited me on the set today. I gave him the go-ahead to explore some acting gigs.”

  “Seriously? That’s fantastic, and you’re right, that is weird, both of us having opportunity land in our laps. How did yours come about?”

  “My fifteen minutes of fame from that what happened in the Palisades. It’s not like I’m unknown in the business, and I have had a few inquiries before, but now I have a public presence, and Harry, that’s my agent, said his phone is ringing.”

  “You should be an actor. You’re so...”

  “So what?” he grinned.

  “So good-looking, and you have such a commanding presence.”

  “That’s sweet of you to say, though I’m not sure it’s true. Anyway, enough about me, let’s get back to you. Before jumping ship I’d suggest you talk to a few nurses already working privately and listen to what they say about it. Do you know any?”

  “Not really, but I could probably track down a few. I know there are agencies for this. I want to work for people who are getting over injuries. I know how to nurse people back to health.”

  “I suspect, Belinda, that this will be like most things. The more you learn, the more you’ll find there is to learn. There are probably pitfalls and issues you can’t even imagine, and I’m not saying that to discourage you, I’m saying that to help you look at this objectively rather than emotionally. A look before you leap warning.”

  “You’re right,” she sighed. “Thank you so much for talking with me about it. I do feel a bit overwhelmed, but I need to make a decision. I told Dr. Davis I’d let him know tomorrow, but I think I need more time.”

  “Yes, I think you do,” he nodded.

  “I’ll have a couple of hours before work. I can jump on the phone and make—”

  A thunderous roar interrupted her, followed moments later by a bright flash as lightening lit up the dark night.

  “Wow, this really is a storm,” Belinda remarked. “I’m so glad my car is in your garage.”

  “I’m so glad you won’t be driving home tonight,” Blake replied putting his arm around her shoulder.

  “That was a lovely meal,” she sighed snuggling against him.

  “Having it in this room was inspired. I think I’ll make a habit of it.”

  “You should,” she mumbled closing her eyes and relishing the warmth of his body.

  With their empty plates in front of them, the storm raging outside, and the warm fire adding to the romantic ambience of the dimly lit room, they fell into a soft, comfortable cuddle.

  “Can I just go to sleep here?” she murmured. “It’s a slice of heaven.”

  “I’m tired too,” he said softly, feeling the fatigue from the day settling in. “I think I’m starting to crash.”

  She could feel herself drifting into a nap, and shifted slightly to find a more comfortable position.

  “I think it’s time we turned in,” he muttered.

  “But it’s so warm and cozy here,” she protested.

  “If I stay much longer I might doze off.”

  “Would that be so bad?”

  “I guess not, but then we’d have to stagger up the stairs.”

  “I’ll stagger, this is too wonderful.”

  “You win,” he sighed. “I don’t think I can move anyway.”

  With the melodic rain, the fire hypnotizing them with it’s flickering flames, and the feeling that they had found something special in each other, they sank into the moment, meandering into a contented doze.

  It was the sound of Belinda muttering in her light sleep that stirred Blake from his nap, and moving his arm from behind her head he sat up and rubbed his hands across his face.

  “Wow,” he mumbled, “I wonder how long we’ve been out.”

  “I have no idea,” she yawned.

  “I need a bed,” he groaned rising unsteadily to his feet.

  As Belinda watched his large frame lumber to the fireplace and turn off the flames, she yawned, then sighed, wishing the night didn’t have to end.

  That fire was so lovely. This whole night was so lovely. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so good in a man’s arms.

  “You ready sleepyhead?” he smiled reaching his hand out to help her.

  “I don’t think so, but the fire’s out now.”

  “Come on, you can do it.”

  Wrapping her fingers around his Belinda stood up, paused to steady herself, then fell against him.

  “Blake,” she murmured, “I don’t want to sleep alone. Can I stay with you?”

  “Sure, I’d love that, and don’t worry, you’ll be safe, I’m too tired to ravage you.”

  “Bummer,” she whispered.

  “Cheeky,” he quipped as they started out of the room.

  “May I have one of your T-shirts?”

  “Of course.”

  Silently they made their way slowly up the stairs, down the hallway and into his bedroom. The only light was from the bedside lamp, giving the room the same intimate ambience as the bar.

  “I loved this room when I first walked in,” Belinda remarked, “but I like it even more now. It feels like it really is out of a castle.”

  “I told you, this place is special at night, especially in this weather,” Blake said pulling a clean white T-shirt from his dresser. “Here you go. I’m going to get undressed in my closet. You can use the guest room, or stay here and I can knock on the door before I come out.”

  “Um, I’ll use the guest room,” she replied suddenly feeling shy.

  “See you in bed,” he said softly kissing her cheek.

  She watched him amble away, and heading out of the room a smile crossed her lips.

  You may be too tired to ravage me tonight, but I’ll bet you won’t feel that way when you wake up!

  * * *

  Blake stripped off, and pulling on some fresh boxers he walked into the bathroom and gazed at his reflection.

  I can’t remember ever having a night like this. I’m so comfortable with her, and I’m glad she’ll be sleeping next to me. What a special girl she is. I’m not sure how I’ll hold back in the morning though. Shoot, maybe I won’t. I’m too tired to think about it. I’ll just wait and see what happens.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was the early hours of the morning that Blake felt Belinda’s warmth lying next to him. She was on her side, her back to him, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world to move his arms around her. Half-asleep he waited for her response, and with a soft moan she rolled over and curled into his chest.

  “Please kiss me,” she breathed, “please kiss me and make love to me.”

  “Beautiful girl,” he muttered, “I most certainly will.”

  Roaming his hands across her breasts as he nuzzled her neck, her luscious body and gasps of pleasure sending his semi-hard cock to full attention. She began writhing as his lips traveled across her chest and wrapped about her nipples, and when his fingers slipped into the soft, moist crevice between her legs, she let out a whining, whimper of longing.

  “Already so wet,” he mumbled as he slid a finger into her depths. “So wet, so hungry.”

  Belinda was floating in a flood of feeling. In the dark, weather-filled night, the rain splattering on the roof, his languid lips journeying over her skin, his fingers exploring and sweeping her away in a sea of scintillating sensation, she fleetingly wondered if she was having a lucid dream. A heavenly, divine lucid dream, but then his mouth was suddenly on hers, kissing her with a burning need, feeding her fire. Dropping her hand to his groin she wrapped her fingers around him, finding his member already dripping its promise.

  “Take me,” she begged, “please, I want you so badly.”

  Stretching across her, he pulled opened the drawer of his nightstand, pulled out a condom, quickly kneeled up, and ripping open the package he deftly slipped it on, then paused to gaze down at her body.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he crooned, you’re like a black and white photograph, or a marble sculpture, all curves and silver shadows.

  Leaning over he dusted his fingertips across her taut nipples, then lightly tweaked, and was about to lower his lips when she placed her palm on his chest.

  “Blake, I, uh, brought something, a present,” she whispered. “It’s in my bag, over there on the chair.”

  There was a need in her voice, and without speaking he slipped off the bed, moved quickly to her bag and peered inside.

  “What do we have here?” he smiled as he pulled out the spiked wheel. “Aren’t you a naughty girl? A very thoughtful girl, but a very naughty girl. Hmmm, if I’m going to use this it will need a friend.”

  He heard her catch her breath, and opening the bottom drawer of his dresser he found the black satin sash; his favorite blindfold. It had been too long since he’d enjoyed the sight of a woman at his Dominant mercy, and returning quickly he climbed on top of her, his knees on either side of her waist.

  “So, you want to know what this feels like,” he whispered holding up the wheel, letting the grey light glimmer against the spikes.

  “Uh-huh,” she quivered.

  “It requires a blindfold.”

  “I’ve never been blindfolded, well, once, a long time ago.”

  “If you want the wheel, you must submit to the blindfold.”

  “Um, okay.”

  “Not acceptable,” he purred leaning and landing a soft kiss on each of her nipples.

  “I, uh, don’t understand.”

  “Okay, is not exactly an enthusiastic response,” he softly declared.

  “I’d really like to try the blindfold,” and you’re being a Dominant now. I can feel it. You’re changing. Your voice is different. It’s scary but it’s so incredible. Oh, my God, I’m so turned on.

  “Better,” he whispered as he kissed his way across her shoulders. “Sit up, just on to the backs of your elbows, and close your eyes.”

  Feeling trembly and filled with apprehension, she held her breath as he laid the soft, cool fabric in place and tied it behind her head.

  “There,” he cooed, “now you can enjoy the full experience.”

  “I feel so... strange.”

  “Lay back down, move your arms above your head and keep them there,” he whispered.

  Dropping back on the pillow she tentatively lifted her arms, and moments later she felt his mouth tease a nipple. It lingered, softly nibbling, then moved to its twin.

  “Take a deep breath. You’re tense, you don’t need to be tense.”

  His voice was like velvet, soothing her, caressing her fears, and as she slowly exhaled she felt his fingertip circle the wetness left by his mouth.

  “That’s my girl,” he purred. “Surrender, sink into the feeling.”

  He began to knead her breasts, forming them in his hands, then gently fondling. She could hear herself moaning, and she began to understand why he wanted her blindfolded. It focused her senses and intensified everything; the feel of his fingers, the faded aroma of his cologne, the subtle sounds of his attention.

  When the spikes first touched, she gasped, and as they began to slowly roll down the center of her breasts, she felt the goosebumps spring to life and a surge of fresh moisture drool between her legs.

  “You love this,” he said, his voice unexpectedly low and deep.

  “I do,” she whimpered, “I do, so much.”

  Blake was beside himself. She was so alive, so responsive, so eager and hungry, and as much as he wanted to spend hours exploring, testing and teasing, he was sure his cock was going to spontaneously combust.

  Roaming the wheel across her breasts, her moans and whimpers dictating the pressure, he circled several times before zoning in on her nipples. As the spikes pressed down she whimpered and writhed, and he slipped an exploring finger into her sex.

  “You’re sopping,” he groaned, and shifting to kneel between her legs, he started the wheel on her inner thighs, teasing her clit with his free hand.

  “Oooh, Blake, I... I...”

  “Shush, no talking,” he whispered, “just feel.”

  She was oblivious to everything but the tiny sparking pricks, and his massaging finger sending her ever closer to the hovering orgasm. As the pressure of the spikes increased, and his tantalizing rubbing grew faster, she let out a cry, knowing her moment was seconds away.

  “No, not yet,” he softly teased.

  Dropping the wheel and moving his hand from her pussy, he took hold of her hips and pulled her towards him, then aching to ravage her, he slid his member against her portal and thrust home.

  “Please, please, can I move my hands?” she begged.

  “Yes,” he breathed feeling his momentum take hold.

  Her arms came down, her fingers gripped the sheets at her sides, and as he pumped he saw her knuckles turn white.

  “Easy,” he growled slowing his strokes.

  “Oooh, but I have to,” she wailed.

  “A few more seconds,” he promised, “just a few more.”

  He plunged forward, snaked slowly out, then plunged again, and feeling her on the edge he pumped with vigor, accelerating his driving cock, triggering her moment.

  “Ooooh, Blaaaake, I’m coming...”

  As she arched her back and let out a wailing cry, he felt the dawn of his own release, and like molten lava it bubbled to the surface, erupting in a prickling, tingling, powerful explosion.

  He watched her as he rode his climax, her taut body engulfed in its spasms, her nipples sharp, piercing the air, and as her cries began to wane he closed his eyes, relishing the final seconds of his climax.

  Moments later, collapsing beside her, he let out a heavy breath, and pulling her against him h
e gently slipped off her blindfold. Breathless, she rested her head on his chest.

  They laid for a while, silent and still, sinking into the afterglow. The rain turned gentle against the windows, and finally opening her eyes she moved her fingers over the wiry black hairs on his chest.

  “Your heart is pounding so hard,” she whispered.

  “Hmmm, I know.”

  “That was amazing, the whole thing, oh, my gosh, thank you.”

  “For what?” he murmured.

  “Everything, the way you were... the way you are.”

  “Back at ya,” he muttered giving her a squeeze.

  “I love the blindfold, I love it, I really do.”

  Shifting on to his side he studied her face.

  “There’s so much more,” he said softly.

  “I want it,” she murmured her eyes gazing into his.

  “Belinda,” he sighed, “you just made me a very happy man.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Blake was in a coma-like sleep when the ringing of his house phone jolted him awake. Groaning, he reached across to answer it.

  “Yeah, hello,” he said groggily.

  “Hey, Blake, the location at Paramount Ranch is a mess.”

  “I figured,” he yawned.

  “The weatherman got it wrong again. That half-inch of rain turned into way more, but the good news is we pulled up camp when it started. It was obvious we were gonna get flooded out.

  “So, what are we doing? When do you need me?”

  “Tomorrow. We’re going to jump into three days of hell. We’re planning all the interior mansion shots. I’ll email you the info.”

  “Three days for all the interiors? I don’t know if we can do that?”

  “That’s what we’re looking at. I know you can pull it off.”

  “Okay, Stu, I’ll be waiting for your mails.”

  Stretching languidly, Belinda snuggled against him.

  “What’s happened?” she murmured.

  “That was the line producer. We’re not working today. I’m glad, I could use a day off.”

  “What will you do?”

  “Hang out here. I really want a break. I wish you could stay with me but I know you have to go to work,” he said pulling her into his arms.


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