Sons of Justice 1: In Good Hands (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Sons of Justice 1: In Good Hands (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She didn’t think it was bad advice. However, she hadn’t expected the guilty, sad feeling she had admitting that the men she was attracted to didn’t share the same attraction to her. So she focused on overcoming her fears on her own and getting back into her career and her new life, with or without Spartan, John, Hans, Nolan, and Brye.

  Her dads, Fields and Harrow, had taught her that giving power to fear, to the things that intimidated her, would increase the chances of defeat by those fears and intimidation. In essence, she’d feared nothing and no one until Stanston Furro started staking a claim to her, ignoring her declines of disinterest, and then broke into her home and attempted to rape her. The fact that he’d cut her with a knife, beat her to where she’d almost given up and succumbed to his power and authority irked her nightmares. She’d fought to get away, and her one regret was not killing him.

  It took her nearly a year to settle into life in Repose. To accept Spartan and the other commanders’ orders and direction, but she wouldn’t change anything about the place. It was a fantasy town, and it didn’t seem like anything evil could penetrate the perimeter or hurt anyone inside. That gave her peace of mind.

  Today watching the parents bring their children to school and all the ménage relationships, like what she’d grow up with in her small town in Oklahoma, she’d felt emotional. She missed her mom. She missed her dads, and sometimes she missed being hugged and cared for. She didn’t want to be so strong. She wanted someone to lean on, and those feelings were getting stronger and stronger the more she saw the women of Repose with their guardians, their men.

  She didn’t know if she was ready to date, never mind be intimate with a man. The demons still haunted her nights, and she didn’t think there were any men other than Spartan, Nolan, John, Hans, and Brye she felt safe and comfortable enough with. Thinking they could be more was foolish. It was also obvious that Spartan and John didn’t want that to happen. The others seemed interested but held back, which warned her there would be no commitment, just sex. Not exactly a smart move to lose her virginity with men who didn’t love her.

  She sighed and felt the twinge of disappointment. Her feelings for the men were building stronger, but it seemed they were a waste of time. Perhaps tonight she would let down her guard a little and give some other man a chance to get to know her, as friends first, of course, but a start.

  She pushed the thoughts aside and then bent down to see the pretty picture Ella Holmes was making for her mommy and dads. A great family living in Repose, her father Kye, a police officer in Repose. Cesar was the chief of police and ran a safe, secure town as if nothing could penetrate it. That gave her a feeling of security she just couldn’t find elsewhere. Then, of course, there were the Sons of Justice. Those she met, which weren’t too many, were hard-core, special operations, majorly resourceful men, and knowing their homes and campsite was not far from her little cottage in the woods was a definite plus.

  “This is a beautiful picture, Ella. You family is going to love it.”

  “Thank you, Miss Brooks.” Ella stared up at her and then into her eyes.

  “What color are your eyes? They’re not emerald green, nor are they sage green. What color are they?” she asked, sounding awfully smart for four and very astute.

  “I guess they’re somewhat in between.”

  She squinted at her. “Whatever color they are, they’re pretty like you, and sparkle, too,” she said, and then Billy, who sat on the other side, hugged Cherokee’s arm and inhaled.

  “You smell good, too. Some people say teachers, especially old ones, smell bad. You don’t,” he said, and she chuckled and then smiled.

  “Well, thank you both. Why don’t you start cleaning up and we’ll get ready for a little story time before your parents come to pick you up.” She stood up and announced that to the rest of the class, and they all started cleaning up and then making their way to the rug. Cherokee smiled. Such beautiful, innocent children, with their minds ready to learn and just absorb it all. She loved being a teacher, and she loved living in Repose.

  * * * *

  “Oh my God, a whole month passed. Do you believe it? I mean the kids are already talking about fall festival and Halloween. God, I can’t believe it. Summer went too fast,” Mercy stated, and Cherokee laughed.

  “I know, it’s insane, but I love my class. They’re all so adorable, and smart, too.”

  “Will you want to stay with nursery school or move up to kindergarten when Margaret Feathers comes back?” Mercy asked her.

  “It doesn’t really matter to me. I just love teaching and hope that a position is available,” Cherokee said to Mercy, and they walked down the hallway of the school.

  “Laci, Bo, and the gang want to go to The Filling Station tonight. There’s supposed to be some really cool band playing. What do you say?”

  “I guess I’m in. Nothing else is going on,” Cherokee stated.

  “All you have to do is let one of them kiss you and then they’ll all admit their desires and stop fighting the attraction,” Mercy said to her.

  “Come on, Mercy. You know Spartan. He’s made it clear that he doesn’t care for me in that way. Besides, they’re commanders of the Sons of Justice. They are super busy and show no emotions whatsoever. The last two weeks something has been going on, and I haven’t really seen them but here and there while I leave or come home from work. In fact, I didn’t see any of them the past three days.”

  “Well, just because you don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t around. Believe me. So what do you say? Me, you, Bo and Laci can head to the Filling Station to listen to the live band and enjoy some drinks?”


  “Wear something sexy, like that black dress you picked up in the boutique last weekend.”

  “Oh really? You’re going to wear something that sexy, too?”

  “You bet your ass. Bo said Kendra is celebrating her birthday again and on the prowl for Mr. Right for Bo.”

  “Oh brother. I guess we should have bail money ready then,” Cherokee teased, and Mercy laughed.

  “That’s a good one, and not so farfetched. Not sure if Cesar will let Kendra off on breaking the law another time.”

  “She just has a different way of letting off some steam.” Cherokee s chuckled.

  “Cherokee, she was riding on a sheet of plastic fencing, being dragged behind a pickup truck driven by Cooter Finch. Seriously? She was definitely drunk that night,” Mercy said, and now Cherokee laughed even louder.

  They headed out and got into Mercy’s car. When they got to Cherokee’s house, plans were set for the girls to pick Cherokee up at seven. That gave her plenty of time to rest up, shower, and change into that sexy black dress she’d purchased at the boutique. She hoped tonight was a hell of a good time.

  * * * *

  Spartan looked out the window from the kitchen. Cherokee was heading to town tonight with friends. He hated the feeling he had in his gut. The worry that she was safe was replaced with jealousy and desire. She was too young, too beautiful for the likes of men like him and the commanders. They were leaders of the Sons of Justice. They couldn’t settle down with a woman, show weakness like that, and still expect to gain respect from their soldiers. It wasn’t a possibility. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

  Add in the call just now from Jaguar about Cherokee’s dads, Field and Harrow, and the danger they were in, and he felt even more protective of her. Hans was giving him shit. Nolan and Brye were being pricks to everyone, including their men, and pushing their training so hard in an attempt to get rid of the feelings they had for Cherokee. As if pushing themselves to exhaustion would take their minds off the woman, her beauty, and that body.

  Fuck. She was a schoolteacher. Sweet, beautiful, soft-spoken, and spoken about so highly by everyone, including Cesar, who called him asking about another set of men wanting to claim guardianship of her. That made seven fucking sets of men, brothers or team members, wanting to commit to her. To Cherokee.
/>   He was seeing red but also concerned about her fathers and whether or not a mission to save them was being developed and whether it would be a go to attempt a rescue. This information and planning had been going on for a few days, and he had yet to tell Cherokee of her fathers’ whereabouts and predicament. It would make her worry. No use in causing more upset. She finally seemed happy, though distant whenever he was around. Pushing her away and ignoring the feelings he had for her worked. It was better this way. She was too beautiful, too perfect, and would be his demise, his weakness, and that was what would happen if he let his guard down and let her in. She would be his weakness, his distraction, and he, his team, or his soldiers could die.

  He ran his fingers through his hair and then exhaled. It was better this way. It had to be.

  “Hey, what did Cesar want? Everything okay?” John asked, entering the kitchen for a drink.


  “Well?” John pushed, and Spartan held his gaze as John took a slug of water.

  “Some other guys asked for guardianship of Cherokee.”

  John stopped drinking and narrowed his eyes at Spartan.

  “Who?” Nolan asked, joining them.

  “Doesn’t matter. She isn’t interested or biting,” Spartan said.

  “It’s only a matter of fucking time. That’s like the seventh set of men who asked officially. What about the fucking guys asking unofficially?” John asked.

  “What about the ones here on the compound? I’ve been approached, too,” Nolan said with a scowl. “Fucking guys think we aren’t making a move so she’s fair game to hit on. To request guardianship of.”

  “It’s bullshit,” Brye added, joining the conversation.

  “We’ve been over this. It isn’t going to happen. She isn’t interested in anyone, and we aren’t in any position to give her what she needs.”

  “Spartan, that’s fucking bullshit. We want her, and this idea that we can’t because we’re older, more seasoned, are the commanders in charge of Sons of Justice is bullshit. Who says we can’t settle down with one woman?” Nolan stated.

  “I do. She deserves the best. Not men that may have to take off for months at a time,” Spartan stated.

  “We haven’t had to take off in years. We train. That’s why we took these positions. What are you not fucking saying? You scared she won’t love you because you’re older?” John asked.

  “We may have to leave to save her fathers from getting killed,” he said to them, and they all got quiet.

  “What?” Hans asked, joining them.

  Spartan took a deep breath and exhaled.

  “Jaguar and I have been speaking. He located Field and Harrow. He isn’t sure yet, but they may be being held prisoner in some fucking shithole in Costa Rica.”

  “What?” Nolan asked.

  “Are you fucking serious?” Brye asked and rubbed his chin and mouth.

  “Yes. There’s no confirmation yet. That’s what I’m waiting for,” Spartan told them.

  “You aren’t going to tell Cherokee?” Nolan asked.

  “How the fuck can I when I don’t know if it’s them or whether they’re alive? It’s going to take time to do recon and figure out a plan. Jaguar and his people are working on it.”

  “So you told them we’d go in and get them out?” Hans asked.

  “I mentioned it, but we could all have to go. It depends on the circumstances and what’s needed.”

  “We can’t leave Cherokee unguarded,” Brye said.

  “There doesn’t seem to be any danger. Nearly a year has passed since Cherokee arrived. She’s working, making friends. She doesn’t really need us. That guy Stanston has remained in that town for months. I stopped having the men keep watch a couple of months ago,” Spartan stated.

  They were all quiet.

  “I wouldn’t go that far. Saying she doesn’t need us. She runs every morning with Nolan and I, participates in Hans’s and John’s martial arts instruction and hand-to-hand combat programs. We all savor that time we spend with her, and the feelings and attraction are there. It’s you pushing away from her. Keeping your distance and not letting her in. You know you feel the attraction and want her. If you didn’t, then you would have given the okay for other men to be her guardians,” Brye said to him.

  “If she likes any of the men inquiring, then I wouldn’t be denying them permission, but that isn’t the case,” Spartan said.

  “You know what, Brye is right. We want her, and I think because you’re pushing her away, she doesn’t want to cause any problems, because that’s how sweet she is,” Nolan said.

  “Agree. You guys can’t tell me that you’re okay with her going out tonight and having men hit on her, buy her drinks, or trying to feel her fucking up,” Hans said.

  “She won’t let a fucking guy feel her up,” John said.

  “Really? She’s twenty-four, drop-dead gorgeous, sweet and single. She’s a schoolteacher, and everyone speaks highly of her. She’s the whole fucking package and then some,” Nolan added.

  “Fuck! What do you want me to do? Admit that I have feelings for her now, when I’m trying to find out if her fathers are dead or alive? While I may be leaving to go help to save them?”

  “What do you mean you, Spartan? Like alone?” John asked.

  “Like I go with Jaguar’s team, whomever he comes up with, and you all stay and protect Cherokee as her fathers would want.”

  “So you take off, run from your feelings for her?” John asked.

  He swallowed hard. “This conversation is over. Let her be. She’s better off with men who can commit to her fully and are closer to her age.” Spartan walked out of the room and knew his men could see through his words. A glance out the front window toward Cherokee’s house and he cringed just thinking about her possibly bringing home a man or men other than him and his team, his brothers.

  He was fuming mad and walked out the side door in hopes that some fresh evening air would cool his temper.

  * * * *

  The band was playing “Sure Be Cool If You Did” by Blake Shelton when Cherokee stood by the tall table sipping a drink and thinking how bored she was. She was listening to the words of the song and thought of the guys. Of Brye, Nolan, John, Hans, and Spartan. It was crazy. She’d been hit on, asked out, flirted with for the better part of a year, and tonight was no different. She declined, despite thinking that tonight she would let her guard down just a little. Just enough to maybe feel important, cared for, maybe work toward getting a boyfriend. Then she found herself declining the offers to dance. The flirtatious comments, the laughter, even from guys who seemed real nice and good-looking, too. They did nothing for her, and she wasn’t one to pretend feelings.

  When she felt a hand go to her waist, she turned and looked way up to see some cowboy she didn’t recognize at all.

  “Darlin, you look so sad standing here all alone.” He licked his lower lip and eyed over her breasts. He pressed closer to her, and she tightened up.

  “I’m good. No need to worry about me.” She turned away from him to look around for Mercy and her friends. She felt him press closer then bend down lower to whisper into her ear.

  “A woman as good looking as you and sweet as can be should be smiling, not frowning,” he said to her, his breath hitting the skin of her neck, giving her the chills. She felt that bit of fear and had a flashback from when Stanston had her restrained on her bed. She quickly snapped out of it, straightened her shoulders, and looked up at him. That had been months ago. She was different now. She was stronger, and she did want to meet more people and maybe a guy to hang out with and date, but she wasn’t certain about this guy. Plus, she had never seen him before, either. She squinted her eyes at him.

  “I’m not alone. There’s a whole lot people round here watching, listening to some fine music, just like I am. Now, you can either move along or stay still and quiet. Your choice.” She looked back toward the band. The song ended, and cheers erupted around her. She’d started to cl
ap when his arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her close. She panicked only a moment, and then suddenly a familiar, deep voice shocked her frozen.

  “Step back.”

  There stood Spartan. No scowl on his face, just pure stone, hair pushed back, beard trimmed, dress shirt and pressed dark jeans. The man looked incredible.

  Her heart raced, and the cowboy slowly started to release his hold.

  “Release her now,” he said, and she pushed down on the guy’s forearms, but he wouldn’t budge.

  “Is there a problem over here?” some big guy asked, and Spartan didn’t even look at him. Cherokee thought she recognized him as maybe a police officer in town, but she wasn’t certain.

  “No problem, Coast, unless this here cowboy doesn’t do as I say and release the woman.”

  “If I were you, I’d do as the man said,” the guy Coast stated and smirked.

  The cowboy started to release his hold on her and gave her a wink.

  “See you around, gorgeous.” He released her, but not before giving her ass a tap. She shoved at his chest, but then Spartan wrapped an arm around her waist and held her close.

  “We all good over here, Spartan?”

  “I’m good now.”

  Coast gave a wink. “Enjoy the music.” He walked away.

  Spartan brought her closer to the wall and turned around so his back was against it but remained holding her in front of him, her back to his chest. She turned to look up, but he gave her a squeeze indicating for her to remain still. She was shaking she was so aroused and turned on by him holding her like this. When he didn’t say a word, but instead inhaled against her hair and held her snugly then kissed her bare shoulder, she eased back against him and they didn’t say a thing. They listened to the music, and she was shocked at how content she felt and that she didn’t want to move. She wanted, needed Spartan close.

  He was definitely a complicated man. He was quiet, kept to himself and fell into the category or silent, brooding type. She, for some reason, was just fine with that as time went on, and she eased back against him, fitting perfectly in his strong, solid arms and loving how it felt. She glanced down at his tattooed forearms at one point, and the sight stimulated her senses. She wanted him to make a real move instead of this big brother bullshit.


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