Sons of Justice 1: In Good Hands (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Sons of Justice 1: In Good Hands (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She wiped her eyes and then ran her hands over her skirt and took a deep breath and released it. She looked at them. They stared at her.

  “Okay. What do you need from me? How long will you be gone, and what’s the plan here?” she asked, swallowing the lump of emotion in her throat. Spartan looked at her.

  “Come here,” he commanded.

  She couldn’t move. If he hugged her, she would cry. Hell, sob against him. She shook her head.

  “Cherokee,” John commanded. She was not obeying an order.

  She closed her eyes with her fists by her side. “Please don’t ask me to come to you. I need to handle this my way.” She opened her eyes.

  “No,” Spartan said. “You come to me now like I said, not because it’s a goddamn order, Cherokee, but because you are not alone like in the past. You do not have to hide your fears, your emotions from us, ever. I know this is going to be hard, but when we return, we return with your fathers and as one big family. Now move your ass and get into these arms, or I swear you’ll get your first punishment.” Spartan stood there with his arms opened.

  The tears fell. She couldn’t help it, and she ran to him, jumped into his arms, and hugged him as she straddled his waist. He held her tight, and she squeezed him hard even while he lifted her skirt and palmed her ass.

  “I promise it will be okay,” he said to her, and she held him tight as the others gathered around them and caressed her, too.

  She pulled back and cupped his cheeks. He went to speak, and she covered his mouth and kissed him until he carried her to the bedroom, stripped her of her clothing, and they all made love to her again and again. She prayed her guardians would make it back alive and quickly, and with her fathers safe and secure, too. Her gut clenched, and she willed the fear away and focused on their hands, their mouths upon her, and how perfect and connected they all were when they made love. Without sacrifices, there are no rewards. That was what her fathers always said when they had to leave for a mission, and it always sucked. This sucked even more.

  * * * *

  “What are you doing? The others are waiting at the house,” John said to Cherokee.

  She turned to look at him. She was sitting on the edge of the bed and staring out the window. He could see the look in her eyes. Fear, sadness, and she was trying to be strong.

  “Everything just started, and I barely know you guys, yet I feel like I’ve known you forever, and now you’re leaving. I don’t really know you.”

  He uncrossed his arms and walked into the room. He stood by the bed. “What do you want to know about me?”

  She looked up at him, with those striking green eyes and lush lips, and it did him in. Especially the tight top she wore that accentuated her large breasts. They were pushed to a deep cleavage, and the top went slightly off the shoulder. She was sexy, youthful, and his woman.

  She licked her lips, seemingly surprised by his question and willingness to give information on him. She knew they were secretive men when it came to military and personal stuff, but he was willing to give her some answers to appease her fears and to ensure she knew that she meant everything to him.

  He reached out and stroked her jaw. She tilted her head up toward him. An unshed tear sat on the tip of her lash. “Not too sure what to ask now that it comes down to it?” he challenged, and sweet, sexy Cherokee narrowed her eyes and then pursed her lips.

  “How old are you?” she asked, surprised by the tenderness he felt in his gut.

  “Of all the questions, you start with that one?” He gave her a wink. She nibbled her bottom lip and blushed slightly.


  She didn’t bat an eye. Thank God. “How long have you been in the service, and what you do now, does it count as active duty?”

  “Twenty years in the service, and what I do for the Sons of Justice is sort of complicated. I, along with the other commanders, am in charge. We evaluate candidates from all over the United States for positions in this elite unit of men and women. However, we are not active with the government. We run this separate from government funding. It’s complicated.”

  “Are you choosing to go save my fathers because of me, or do you all fit the criteria necessary to have a successful mission and recovery?” she asked, and her voice cracked.

  His heart ached for her, and his own ached, too, surprising him.

  He slid to the floor, knelt down between her legs, and ran his palms up her thighs under her skirt, gripping her hips.

  She grabbed onto his shoulders and looked at him as he pressed against her.

  “If there were others better suited to go, they would. We know the area. We know the situation and setup. I’m not telling you more. That’s way more than Spartan would be happy about.”

  She locked her legs around his waist and hugged his head to her breast.

  “Tell me something else, John. Do you have any siblings, any family?”

  “Spartan, Nolan, Hans, and Brye. They’re my family, and now you.” He lifted up to kiss her chin.

  “So no one else for any of you?”

  “We have cousins, but they’re off on adventures, not quite ready to come to Repose and settle down or to be part of the Sons of Justice.”

  She tilted her head back, and he continued to trail kisses along her neck, down her throat, and right to her breast. He pressed her down onto the bed, slid the material of her shirt down on the right side, and caught part of her breast and nipple with his mouth. He suckled hard and lifted up to undo his pants.

  When he released her breast, she gazed up at him with desire in her eyes and such beauty his heart felt full.

  He shoved out of his pants, pulled down her panties, and then lay back over her, spreading her thighs with his.

  He cupped her cheeks and held her gaze.

  “When I’m away, I’ll think of this body, of your sensational eyes, the scent of your hair, and about all the things I will do to you upon my return. My brothers will do the same. You be ready for us, Cherokee. We’ll do whatever is necessary to complete this mission with success, accuracy, and speed. You be ready with open arms.” He lowered down to kiss her lips and suckle her neck. He nudged his cock to her opening, and she pressed closer until he started to ease in. She was wet, aroused for him, and pushed deeper and deeper. She gripped his cheeks.

  “You focus on keeping safe and keeping the others safe. Don’t lose concentration over me. I know how much you all care. What we have is special and perfect and nothing will kill that. When you all return to me, I’ll be at your command.” She stroked his cheek, and he shoved all the way in, making her gasp. “Whatever you want. You can have.”

  He lowered down over her mouth and kissed her tenderly while they made love until going slow just wasn’t possible any longer.

  He pulled her hips to the edge of the bed and stroked into her deeper, faster. She gripped his arms and tilted her head back and cried out her release. He followed, chanting her name and then holding himself connected to her.

  “I love you, sweetie. Know that I love you always,” John said to her.

  She reached up and stroked his cheek. He closed his eyes. “And I love you.”

  He lowered over her and kissed her before they headed to the house to join the others.

  * * * *

  “Hans. Oh God please. Please,” Cherokee cried out as Hans thrust into her pussy from behind.

  He bent her over the couch, and then Brye stood up on the couch in front of her, holding his cock, bringing it to her lips. “I need you. Come on, baby. I need more.”

  She opened for him and accepted his cock between her lips. It was wild. They had all taken her once already since getting here. Now, after dinner, they were at it again.

  “Fuck!” Hans roared and shook as he came.

  He eased out, and then hands landed on her thighs. Large, warm palms caressed up and down her thighs.

  “You look so hot, baby. Holy shit,” Nolan said, and she felt his cock tap against her pussy, an
d a moment later, he thrust into her cunt. She felt unbelievable. She wanted them over and over again as much as they wanted her. They were leaving tomorrow. They wouldn’t be here when she got home from work. They didn’t know how long it would take. They knew nothing. She swallowed the lump of emotion and focused on sucking Byre’s cock and bringing him pleasure while also succumbing to Nolan’s deep, hard strokes.

  “There.” Brye came in her mouth. She swallowed hard, and he eased out then kissed her lip. He ran his palm up under her shirt to her breast.

  “I’m going to miss you,” he said and kissed her forehead.

  She felt the tears, and then Nolan grunted and came.

  He kissed her bare back and then her neck as he eased out. She went to move, but Spartan pressed over her body. He ran his hand under her belly and straight to her cunt. His mouth was against her neck and ear.

  “You be a good girl while we’re gone, and when we return, you’ll be rewarded.” He stroked her cunt. She rocked her ass against his cock.

  “You better behave. No flirting with any men,” he warned and nipped her shoulder.

  She felt his fingers slide from her pussy to her ass, and she became excited and aroused knowing he would take her there.

  “Oh, Spartan, please. Stop teasing me. We’re running out of time.”

  He pulled back, John handed him something, and Spartan kept a palm to her lower back and ass, using his thighs to keep her thighs open.

  “I’ve got something for you, baby.”

  She felt the thick, cool liquid press into her asshole. She moaned and gripped the couch. He pulled back her hips and then aligned his cock with her asshole and slid right in. They both moaned.



  She jerked and gasped, not expecting the smacks to her ass.

  “We own this ass. You remember that while we’re gone. Watch what you wear out in public. No short skirts and looking sexy.” He grunted then thrust into her deeply.

  She moaned.

  “No. I won’t. I promise.”


  “Good girl.” He gripped her hips and sent her over the edge, and she cried out her release.

  “Jesus, she’s too fucking good. Feels too good to not come. Fuck,” he complained and then thrust and stroked into her ass several more times and then came. He hugged her to him and kissed her bare shoulders and then down her spine.

  “Ours. Forever.”

  * * * *

  “I know this is difficult,” Mercy said to Cherokee as they took their lunch together during school.

  “Difficult? It’s torture. I cry every night with worry. It’s been a week.”

  “Any day now they’ll call. You’ll get a message that they’re all on their way.”

  “Will I, or will I get the visit from some military big shots telling me my guardians, my men, and my dads are dead?”

  “Jesus, you can’t think that way.”

  “I can’t? How can I not? It was bad enough having fathers on active duty. Now lovers, too? Five men plus two dads? A woman could lose her shit.”

  Mercy chuckled.

  She squeezed her shoulder. “Not you though. You’re strong. You’ve been through hell, and you will get through this.”

  She was silent and then looked at Mercy as tears rolled down her cheeks. “I miss them.” She wiped the tears.

  Mercy hugged her. “It will be okay. Keeping busy is key. We’ll go to the Halloween festival tonight. Volunteer a few hours for the kids from school and then have a little fun. Okay?”

  “I don’t know. The guys said they were going to bring me through the haunted house, and now they aren’t even going to be here.”

  “You don’t know that. The festival is two weeks long.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Come on. We’ll have fun after we get tortured by the volunteer work and kids crying from being scared.”

  Cherokee chuckled. “Okay.”

  “Good. Wear black. Then maybe we can scare the little boogers like Jessy Porter. He is so fresh,” Mercy said.

  Cherokee gasped and then laughed. “He’s eight.”

  “He’s mean and fresh, and today he put a frog in my pocketbook, and he put worms in Melody’s lunch box,” Mercy told her.

  “Well, I’m sure Mrs. Perkins will give a good punishment,” Cherokee added.

  “I hope so because it’s only October, and if he doesn’t learn his lesson, I may be pulling some of his own tricks on him and see how he likes it.”

  “Sounds like trouble to me.”

  “I can be sneaky, too. He won’t know what hit him. Nothing extreme, just a little light revenge. When and if the opportunity arises, I’ll be ready.”

  Cherokee laughed. “You are definitely not a woman to mess with.”

  “That’s right.” Mercy clicked her fingers and wiggled her head.

  Cherokee laughed. It was definitely a little easier having a good friend to talk to and lean on who understood her fears and worries. She loved this town, and she prayed that she would have a long, wonderful life here with her five men and, of course, her dads. She wondered how that was going to go over. Oh well. I love them. Nothing will go wrong. It will be perfect.

  Chapter Six

  Spartan looked at Field and Harrow. They were a bloody mess. Harrow had a broken arm, Field had lacerations to his leg, and they were both extremely weak and dehydrated. They had been left to die in some make-shift shithole in Costa Rica. The men who put them there were now dead, thanks to Spartan and the team. Traveling through the jungle with them was fucking hell and slow moving. He didn’t like it or the sensations he had as they slowly closed in on the pickup location. A mile to go.

  “We owe you, Spartan. Big time. For coming here and for watching over Cherokee. How is she? People are watching over her, right?” Harrow asked as they walked.

  “She’s a strong and brave young woman. She’s living in our place behind security right now as precaution. She has a good job teaching, and lots of people are watching over her.”

  Harrow tried to smile, but his face was so banged up and discolored.

  John held on to Harrow and had him leaning on him and walking. Hans had Field.

  When they finally got to the meet-up location they were all relieved. The others looked at Spartan and wondered when they should tell Field and Harrow about claiming guardianship of Cherokee and making her their woman and eventually their wife. After the helicopter got them to the private airfield, they boarded the plane. Field started asking about the circumstances of her leaving Arkansas and what she had been doing the past year. They all started talking about the man who attempted to rape her, about what they had on the town, and about her accomplishments. Looking at their friends Harrow and Field, who were in their late forties and really only about ten years older than Spartan, Spartan started to feel uneasy. Like he was robbing the goddamn cradle with Cherokee being twenty-four. He took an unsteady breath as insecurity, which was something Spartan never had before, filled him. But then he thought about her gorgeous face, her sweet personality, how soft-spoken she was and sexy, caring, and it all caused his heart to fill up with emotion and pride that she was his. That she’d brought him and the team together like nothing ever had before. He loved her with all his heart.

  All the bad shit he’d done in his life, all the violence, the pain, the uncertainty, and lack of letting down his guard all vanished because of Cherokee and her love for him and the team. Things were different. He was coming home to his woman. He could practically smell her perfume, the scent of her shampoo, and feel her curves beneath his palms and that feeling of being complete when he was balls deep in her cunt. Holy fucking hell. The satellite phone began to ring, thank God interrupting his thoughts before they went to erotic ones. He reached for the phone and answered it. He couldn’t wait to get back to Repose and to Cherokee.

  * * * *

  “There he is. I’m going to scare the heck out of him,” Mercy told Cherokee as t
hey waited in line to go into the haunted house. It was late, nearly eleven, and the place was swarming with people. They even kept the haunted house in the darkest corner of the park by the woods, adding to the fear.

  “You’d better be careful. I think that’s his big brother,” Cherokee said to Mercy as they got closer to the entrance to the haunted house.

  Cherokee was both nervous and excited. She couldn’t help but think about the men and their promise of taking her through the haunted house. They still hadn’t called. Every day she hoped they would but not tonight. As they got to the front, Mercy pointed to the right.

  “I’m going to scare him so good.” She rubbed her hands together, making Cherokee chuckle.

  As they entered and were still laughing, the organ music played, and it was so dark that they could hardly see the farther they entered. The little torches of flickering light barely lit their path, causing them to walk slowly with fear of tripping over something. Another scene to her left shocked them as they both jumped at the sounds of some killer dog barking viciously as its owner, some scary dude in black, held the leash. It was a fake dog, but holy crap did it seem real, and the sound of its barking was terrifying. She and Mercy held on to one another and then laughed.

  The last bit of light from the main entrance was disappearing, and just as they entered the first hallway, the eerie sounds of organ music and high-pitched screams had them both looking around waiting for something to happen. Nothing did as they neared the corner, and then someone jumped out at them. She screamed, and Mercy jumped behind Cherokee, and Cherokee was shocked. The creepy man all dressed in black with some wild, zombie-like costume looked toward her and Mercy.

  “Keep moving,” he said in a deep, slow voice, and they laughed and kept going. She gave Mercy a light slap to her arm. “You chickenshit. You hid behind me. Put me right in front of you.”


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