Edge of the Heat 2 (Westwood Harbor Corruption)

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Edge of the Heat 2 (Westwood Harbor Corruption) Page 11

by Ladew, Lisa

  Senator Oberlin took a step backwards into his chair, but quickly recovered. “Barbie, darling, give us a minute.” He gestured to the door behind him. Barbie picked up something lacy and red and scooted out the door.

  Oberlin sat down at his desk and moved the food out of the way. He motioned to Norman to sit in the dark, leather chair opposite his desk. Norman sat on the arm of the chair and waited to hear what would come out of the old man’s mouth.

  “What the hell are you doing here? You know you aren’t supposed to come here.” Norman grinned and put a shushing finger to his lips. He took an RF detector out of his pocket and swept the room. Clean.

  He sat back down on the arm of the leather chair and raised his big, booted foot to the seat. “The FBI is on to me. Our deal is forfeit. We need a new deal.”

  The senator studied him, eyes narrow, mouth a grim, tight line. “The FBI is on to you for what?”

  “Who knows what they know and what they don’t. I won’t know till they catch me, but I’m not waiting around for that.”

  “Are you on the run?” the senator asked nonchalantly.

  “Not yet.”

  “What kind of a deal?”

  “I want a position somewhere out of the country until this blows over. When you become president, I want a placement somewhere back here - I don’t care what you have to do, change my name, change my face, fake me a background, whatever.”

  The senator nodded quickly, “Yes, I can do that.”

  Norman studied him, concerned about his lack of argument or request for details. “Look Frank, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking you are going to get me out of the country and then maybe I’ll have a little ‘accident’ and all your troubles with me will be over. Just so you know, it won’t be that easy. If I ever die a suspicious death I have systems in place that will leak to the press every single job I’ve ever done for you.”

  Heat flooded the senator’s heavily-jowled face. “Now look here,” he sputtered. “I’m not planning anything of the sort! And what if you have an accident that has nothing to do with me? And who has this information? Our current deal is that you don’t share anything with anyone!”

  Norman smiled, glad to see a crack in Frank’s composure. He shouldn’t feel too comfortable. “If you make sure I am well taken care of, no one will ever find out anything.”

  The senator rubbed his face in a tired gesture. “Look, I can get you a police chief job in Mexico tomorrow, is that the kind of thing you are looking for?”

  “Perfect, make it happen. And I’ll need a private jet to fly me over the border.”

  “Done. I have a pilot in Bakersfield who will take you.”

  “I’ll contact you when I am ready Senator, I’ll want to be flying within 24 hours as soon as I give the word.”

  The senator nodded wearily.

  Norman got up and walked out. Senator Oberlin stared after him for a long time.


  Norman needed to know where Emma was and what she was doing before he could plan how to get her. He wouldn’t grab her until the FBI made their move first. If he was going down, as many of them as possible were going down with him.

  He didn’t have any surveillance on her house anymore, but that didn’t matter too much. As long as her new boyfriend was in the hospital he was pretty sure that’s where he would find her too.

  He drove to the hospital and parked his car on the street a block away, still dressed in his maintenance coveralls. He entered through an underground service entrance near the laundry and found a janitor’s cart in a utility closet. Before heading up the elevator he ducked into a bathroom and added some makeup to his face to make him look older and darker, plus some hair darkener and fake, heavy eyebrows. He also put a special padded suit around his middle to change his body shape. He studied himself. He could pass for a Hispanic male in his 50s. Pretty good. He just couldn’t get too close to anyone who knew him.

  On the main floor, his first stop was the cafeteria. Only a few tables were occupied and none of them were anyone he knew. He pushed his cart right on by. He was positive Masterson was out of the ICU by now, so he headed to the recovery floor where he almost immediately hit paydirt. Outside of room 417, two hulking bodyguards stood, looking completely alien to a hospital hallway.

  Norman positioned himself at the far end and made a show of cleaning and polishing the floor and everything on the walls. He found an empty room and went in to clean it, occasionally peeking down the hallway. He saw nurses and doctors pass. No sign of Emma or anyone he knew.

  When he couldn’t stay any longer without rousing suspicion he headed down the hallway to the small waiting area. He sat down in one of the chairs, trying to look like he was taking a break. There was not a lot of traffic in and out, but a few nurses gave him dirty looks, especially the second time they saw him. He longed to follow one of them to the back stairs and throw her down them.

  When he decided he couldn’t sit any longer he headed downstairs. It wasn’t late yet, only about 11:15. He’d had the room in sight for over an hour. Maybe it was too late and he was out of luck. Norman decided to head to Emma’s house. If she wasn’t there, he could enter through the back door and catch a few hours of sleep.

  He made one final sweep through the cafeteria, slowly pushing his cart. No Emma.

  “Hey, hey you, janitor!” a man yelled behind him. Heart beating fast, he put one hand on the zipper to his coveralls, ready to grab for his gun, and turned around swiftly. It was a volunteer, evidenced by the blue vest. “Hey, we have a spill in the main lobby, we need some help.”

  Norman nodded, and turned his cart around. He followed the man into the main lobby. A cart of food had been knocked over by a child near the volunteers station. A volunteer and a cafeteria worker had righted the cart and were picking up all the big pieces of food but a large puddle of soda and water grew underneath the cart. Norman rummaged through his cart and found paper towels to lay down. A giggle from the far end of the corridor caught his ear. His radar went up immediately, but the source of the giggle was too far away. Norman worked quickly and had the spill cleaned up in minutes.

  The volunteers thanked him, and he was free to go. He pushed his cart slowly towards the far end of the corridor. Strawberry blond hair tumbled over her shoulders. She laughed and gestured. He had found her. He said thanks to whatever brat kid had knocked over that cart and tried to look inconspicuous.

  Emma never even looked up as he pushed by. He busied himself emptying trash on the far side of the large couch she was sitting on with another woman, straining to hear what they were saying.

  “So Viv, after I take Craig home tomorrow, we have some, uh, stuff to do and then we should come get you! We can all go out to lunch or something if he’s feeling OK. Maybe then we can ask him to help us find out our mom’s name.”

  Norman’s fingers lost their grip on the trash can he was holding. It crashed to the ground with a loud clatter. Emma had found her sister! He hurried to lean over and pick up the trash he had spilled, praying they wouldn’t look over at him.

  The other woman was talking now “… time?”

  “I’m not sure. I guess it depends on when they let us out of here.”

  “Ok, just text me. I’ll be ready whenever.”

  Norman snuck a look at the two women. Emma’s sister was lovely, with wide-set eyes and soft brown hair that she tied loosely behind her head. And her skin was clean and glowing. Just like Emma.

  The wheels in Norman’s head started spinning a new plan.

  Chapter 15

  Emma woke, feeling joy spilling over from her dreams. What was she so happy about? Oh right, today was the day. The day she took Craig home. The day where there would finally be no cover-ups, lies, or misconceptions between them. Emma hadn’t thought about her vision in so many days, but this morning, laying here quietly in the hospital room next to her boyfriend, she thought about it a bit. She wondered what would have happened if she had never had that v
ision and the relationship between her and Craig had just grown naturally. She didn’t think it would be as strong. She wondered how she would have reacted to the news that he was an FBI agent if none of that had happened. Would she have been indignant at the lie? Would they have slept together already?

  Emma didn’t know, but she was sure that’s where today was heading. Her body felt like a piano wire, stretched almost to it’s breaking point. It had been so long since a man had touched her, strummed her. It had been even longer since a good man had touched her.

  She sat up and looked over at Craig. He was sleeping easily, deeply, the rise and fall of his chest apparent from over here. She looked at the clock. 5:30. The excitement had awoken her early. She snuck to the door, wanting to talk to one of their guards, find out about Norman. Peeking out the door, she saw no guards. The sight seemed so strange and out of place to her. They’d never not had guards.

  She stood silently, trying to decide what to do. She tiptoed to Craig’s phone and checked it. Nothing. She texted Hawk, “what’s going on? No guards.”

  She needed to use the restroom. Ordinarily she would have gone down the hall so as not to wake Craig but with no guards outside she didn’t want to leave him alone. She wished this was a hotel and she could lock and bolt the door.

  She lay back on the bed, some of her excitement tempered by the anxiety she now felt. She took some deep breaths, willing Hawk to text her back.

  An hour later, he finally did. “I called the guards to me. We needed the bodies. Norman shooting at us in standoff at his house.”

  Emma flinched. She couldn’t believe it. Norman was in a standoff with the FBI? “Please don’t let him shoot anyone,” she prayed. Especially Hawk.

  The door whooshed open and a nurse came in for morning checks. She smiled at Emma and set about setting up a tray next to Craig. Craig started waking up. “Good morning Mr. Masterson,” she said brightly. The doctor wants your IV out. Without letting Craig even get a word or rub his eyes she took his arm and started unpeeling the tape. Craig winced with pain as his hair pulled out of his arm, but smiled and winked at Emma. His smile wilted as he saw Emma’s wide-eyed look of concern.

  When the nurse had the IV out, she gathered up her things and left. Emma shoved the phone into Craig’s hands. His face hardened as he read the text. “Hawk will be OK. He’s well trained at this kind of stuff.”

  Emma nodded, trying not to be scared, hoping a good word would come quickly.

  The door opened again and Craig’s doctor strolled in, hands in pockets, with a large grin on his face. “How are you feeling today Mr. Masterson?”

  “Great doc, and I’ll feel even better when you let me out of here.”

  The doctor smiled and started his examination, peering in Craig’s eyes, and at his healing wound. “You sir are ready to go. The nurse will be in shortly with your paperwork to sign. Just be certain to do your aftercare, deal?”

  “Deal,” Craig smiled and shook the doctors hand.

  Emma felt her excitement building again. “You really don’t have any pain or anything?”

  “I do, a little, along the path of the bullet, and everything still feels tight, but I feel like I have most of my strength in that arm, and I don’t feel tired anymore. I would say I’m about 85%.” Craig stretched his neck to both sides and lifted up his right arm, flexing the muscles. “So where’s the clothes Hawk brought me?”

  Emma and Craig both washed up while they were waiting for the paperwork. Craig changed out of his hospital gown and into the clothes Hawk had brought for him. When he came out of the bathroom Emma’s breath caught in her throat. He looked so strong and big, ducking his head to avoid hitting it on the bathroom door frame.

  He smiled and walked to her chair, grasping her hand gently. “I can’t wait to get out of here. Did Hawk say we can go yet?”

  Emma hadn’t thought about this. She texted Hawk “Can we leave?”

  “He didn’t text me back for an hour the last time.”

  Craig shifted his weight from side to side, looking like he was itching to go. “Let’s get some breakfast at the cafeteria and see if we hear from him by then.”

  As Emma and Craig walked out of the room hand in hand, Emma started feeling scared. She turned inward, trying to figure out what she was scared of. Craig. His goodness. His rightness. Today felt like the first day of their life together and she suddenly felt herself lacking, inadequate. What she didn’t know about Craig she could learn, but she thought about what she did know. She did know he was a good and decent and kind man who seemed to have no issues. No dark secrets. No hidden, horrible past. Hawk, yes, now there was an enigma with secrets, but Craig? He was an open book. A wide open, issue-less book. He probably grew up with a mom and a dad and played little league and had a dog and a white picket fence and the whole 9 yards. He didn’t seem to have anything wrong with him. And she did. She had so much wrong with her.

  Emma tried to push these thoughts aside. It’s not like they were getting married, they were just leaving the hospital. But Emma was pretty sure they were going to end up in bed, and this is what was scaring her. After 7 years she felt like a virgin again. She wanted Craig, wanted him badly, but she was also terrified to have him. He was so good, and she was so broken.

  Alone in the elevator, Craig nuzzled her neck. “Mmmm,” he sighed, breathing in her scent.

  Emma’s senses heightened. Her nerves sent off fireworks that marched up and down her spine with the attention. The man was so big, so right, so hers. Get a hold of yourself Emma! You’ve laid yourself bare for this man. He’s already seen your worst, your insecurities, your indecisiveness. He’s not going to go running when he finds out you like to eat cookies in bed or sometimes you don’t brush your teeth in the morning till you’ve gotten to work.

  She let herself relax a little and curled her hands around his neck, urging his lips up to hers.

  Ding. The elevator opening to the crowds on the main floor parted them. Emma’s cheeks burned hot as people she didn’t know eyed her.

  In the cafeteria, Craig piled food on his plate like he hadn’t eaten for weeks. Emma tried to keep her breakfast light. She felt a little queasy still. All of a sudden she didn’t know if she was nervous for her and Craig or nervous for Hawk, or nervous for Norman? Of course she wasn’t nervous for Norman, right? He deserved anything he got. But still she hated to see anyone hurt or suffering. A black sense of foreboding filled her in an instant.

  At their table, she checked Craig’s phone. Nothing from Hawk. She slid it across to Craig. “Here, it’s time you get your phone back.”

  “Thanks,” he smiled around his mouthful of bacon and slid it in his pocket.

  Trying to lighten her mood, she teased him a little. “I turned away 4 of your ex-girlfriends so you might want to text them.”

  His face grew serious. “Emma, I know we haven’t talked about this, but there hasn’t been anyone for me since Lucy, my fiance. That’s been three years almost. What I had with her…” he broke off, eyes shining, voice heavy with emotion.

  Emma’s heart leaped into her throat. Oh why had she mentioned ex-girlfriends?

  Craig continued, “What I had with her spoiled me for casual flings with casual women.” He looked down. Emma reached across the table and took his hand. He looked back up and smiled his lopsided smile, making a ghost of a dimple appear on one side. “I guess what I am trying to say is I think you are really special Emma. You remind me a bit of Lucy - but not in a messed up, I’m-so-hung-up-on-my-ex way. Just in your quiet strength and your grace and in how you make me feel. And I’m not just messing around here. I haven’t told you this yet Emma, but I love you. I suspected I was falling for you on our second date, which is why you asking out my friend hurt me so bad. I once asked you to move in with me and I am asking you again, will you move in with me?”

  Emma leaned forward, lightly licking her lips. Her queasiness was gone; she felt like she was floating. She’d never had a man tell her so cle
arly and wonderfully what his feelings were. She felt about to burst with joy.

  She squeezed his hand. “I love you too. You are the only man for me. I’d love to move in with you when things calm down a bit.” Tears fell down her cheeks, unbidden, unnoticed by her. Craig scooted around to the chair right next to her, took her in his arms and kissed each tear away from her cheeks, oblivious to the people eating and socializing around them.

  Emma felt her body respond to his touch. She flushed, her fingers twining in his shirt and pulling him closer. She decided right then and there that she would give Craig Masterson everything she had to give. She knocked down those final walls in her brain and gave herself over to him mentally. She was his.

  “We should get you home,” she whispered throatily, her mouth smooth against the roughness of his cheek.

  “Yes, right now” he responded, his voice a low growl in his throat. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked it. Nothing from Hawk.

  He sat still for a second, indecision on his face. “We can’t stay here all day, there’s no telling how long the stand off will last. I think we are safe if we go home.”

  Emma nodded and nibbled lightly on his left earlobe. He groaned. Emma thought she had never heard a sexier noise. “Call us a cab,” she whispered in his ear.

  Craig pulled out his phone again, suddenly noticing his surroundings, the hard chair he was sitting on, the people around him talking in low voices, a few of them looking at him and Emma. He shifted in his chair. Yeah, let’s get out of here.

  He called a cab, then leaned over and whispered in Emma’s ear, “We should head to the lobby. You walk in front of me.”

  She looked at him quizzically. “Why?”

  He pulled her hand into his lap, brushing the hard ridge under the zipper of his jeans.

  “Oh!” she gasped, eyebrows high. “Oh,” she giggled, a large grin spreading over her face.


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