Mail Order Bride - Westward Secrets: A Clean Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 13)

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Mail Order Bride - Westward Secrets: A Clean Cowboy Romance Novel (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 13) Page 15

by Linda Bridey

  “Well, he enjoyed it, too. I’ll walk you to the door,” Rick said as he got out of the carriage.

  “Thank you,” Gina said as he opened her door.

  At the door, Rick said, “Pleasant dreams, Lovely.”

  “To you, too,” she said.

  As before, Rick waited until he heard the door being locked before leaving.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Gina couldn’t sleep that night. She smiled as she replayed their night out in her mind. She’d never met a man who had so many different sides to his personality. Rick didn’t mind that people thought him a little strange. In fact, he seemed to like keeping people off balance and being mysterious. Gina thought about Rick’s past and understood why he would feel the need to be secretive.

  Her smile faded as she thought about how he’d suffered at the hands of an unstable woman who had no business being a mother. Gina was certainly happy that Rick was there, but it would have been better for him in a lot of ways if he’d never been born to that woman. Anger at Rick’s dead mother surged through her. As a mother herself, Gina couldn’t imagine doing such heinous things to her children.

  Though Rick was strong and perfectly capable of dealing with danger, Gina knew the damage that had been inflicted inside of him that was the biggest danger Rick would ever have to face. She knew that he hadn’t told her everything his mother had done to him and wasn’t sure he ever would. That would have to be his decision, but if he ever did want to talk about it, she would listen and try to comfort him.

  Rolling over, Gina thought about the passion Rick brought out in her. That part of her had been dormant for over two years and, even though she’d been planning on marrying Steve, she’d been nervous about the physical aspects of marriage. She wasn’t some innocent who didn’t know what to expect. No, Gina had experienced desire and pleasure with Tony, but after he’d died, she hadn’t thought she would feel that level of passion again.

  However, just in the brief encounters she’d had with Rick, Gina knew that it would be like that with him. Maybe even more so. Rick had wondered how Gina felt about something like that happening before marriage and she still honestly didn’t know. In the eyes of society, it was forbidden, but it still happened.

  Gina knew she shouldn’t be thinking such thoughts, but she was helpless to prevent them from entering her mind. It was much too soon, but it felt like she’d known Rick a long time, even though they’d just met. Though she tried to deny it, Gina knew that a strong connection had been made. The sensible side of her kept saying to slow down and proceed cautiously while the irrational side said to throw that caution aside and lead with her heart.

  She might have done just that were it not for her two precious little ones down the hall. They were her first responsibility and she had to see to their welfare before hers. Rushing into a serious relationship would not be a good idea. What she’d told Chloe about Steve had been true. Even had Steve not passed away, Gina wouldn’t have married him until they knew each other better. Shouldn’t she follow that same plan with Rick? He’d playfully referred to marriage tonight, but it was just that—a game.

  Letting a man into her children’s lives permanently was a serious decision and Gina wasn’t prepared to let them get very attached to anyone if it wouldn’t work out. Rick was wonderful with the children and they liked him very much, but her children would be hurt if something happened and they wouldn’t be able to see him anymore.

  No, even though she wanted to give in to her growing feelings for Rick, Gina decided that beginning a physical relationship with him would be a bad idea. Her decision made, she was finally able to sleep.

  Rick was on the later shift again the next day, so he decided to ride out to Joe’s and see Gina for just a little bit.

  When Randall announced him, Lacey said, “C’mon and have some coffee, Rick.”

  They were still having breakfast and the Dwyers were always very hospitable in offering food and refreshment to guests.

  Rick took off his hat and coat and hung them on the back of the chair beside Gina. “Thanks, Lacey. I have a little time and coffee sounds good. Hi, Lovely,” he said to Gina with a grin.

  She smiled back, but Rick saw wariness in her eyes. “Hello, deputy,” she said.

  “No, no. Right now, it’s just Rick,” he said. Even more than he read in her expression, Rick felt that something in Gina had changed towards him and it was worrisome. He couldn’t fathom what had caused it.

  “Oh, pardon me,” she said.

  “But deputy says hello, too,” Rick said.

  Joe and Lacy exchanged perplexed glances.

  Chloe asked, “Are you pretending to be someone else? Like in a play?”

  Rick leaned over towards her and said, “Sort of. Do you like plays?”

  “Yeah. I was in a Christmas play last year,” she said.

  “Oh? And who did you play?” Rick asked.

  “I was an angel,” she said.

  “Why am I not surprised? You’re certainly pretty enough to be an angel,” Rick responded.

  Chloe giggled.

  Emily said, “When’s Owl comin’ to see us again? Chloe wants to see him again.”

  “Shut up, Emily,” Chloe said and turned pink.

  Gina admonished her daughter. “Chloe! That’s very rude. Don’t say that to Emily. I’m sorry about that,” she said as she looked at Joe and Lacey.

  Lacey said, “It’s ok. Emily ought to know when to keep her mouth shut, but she takes so much after Joe—” She squealed when Joe tickled the back of her neck.

  Joe laughed and kept doing it until she started squirming out of her chair. “This is what’s called ‘gentle shaming’ by the Lakota. It’s how they correct bad behavior.”

  “Joe!” Lacey said as she stood up and twisted out of his range.

  He chuckled at her. “What’s the matter, darlin’?”

  She came back towards her chair, but backed away again when Joe turned towards her. “Joe, don’t you dare. That’s enough now.”

  “All right, all right. I’ll stop now,” Joe said and kept his hands to himself.

  “That was a very amusing spectacle you put on last night,” Lacey said to Rick.

  He smiled. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I know I did. Especially dancing with Lovely, here.” Rick patted Gina’s hand briefly. “I have to go be deputy now.”

  Gina chuckled. “Well, don’t let me interfere.”

  Lacey said, “Ok, girls, time to go to school. Meet me out at the barn.”

  Chloe hugged and kissed her mother and then Rick, who smiled and said, “Have a good day, Miss Chloe. Did you meet a handsome boy yet?”

  She just blushed and ran after Emily who was already outside. Ryan ran after her. He liked to ride along to the school.

  Rick said, “That means yes.”

  Gina looked at him. “Do you think so?”

  “Mmm hmm. Not answering is sometimes a form of answering in the affirmative without wanting to voice said affirmative,” he said.

  Joe said, “They grow up too fast. Six short years from now, Emily will have boys wantin’ to court her.”

  Gina teased, “But you already know who she’s marrying.”

  “Shut up, Gina,” Joe said with a grin.

  Gina threw a little piece of toast at him, which bounced off his Western shirt and landed in his coffee.

  Rick said, “No wonder the kids do this stuff. Is it like that around here all the time?”

  Joe said, “Pretty much. That was a good shot, Gina. Bet you can’t do it again.”

  Gina giggled. “I’m not betting away my hard earned money.”

  “Fine,” Joe said, with a disappointed sigh. “I guess I’ll have to find someone else to make a bet with.”

  “That’s right,” Gina said. “Well, I have to get to work, now.”

  Rick said, “All right. I’ll see you later. I’m going to finish my coffee and get going.”

  With a smile, Gina said, “Have a good day, deputy

  “I’ll do that,” Rick said.

  He frowned as he watched her walk away. As he visited with Joe and Lacey, Rick became determined to find out what was bothering Gina.

  Gina was working on one of Randall’s uniform jackets when Rick came into the sewing room and shut the door. He locked it behind him and smiled at her.

  “Hi, Lovely. Looks like you have a lot of work to do, so I’ll make this quick,” he said as his gaze took in the pile of clothes off to one side that apparently needed attention.

  Gina said, “All right.” Her heart sang with joy at the sight of him, but her mind held it in check.

  Rick pulled a chair over close to her and sat in it. She gasped as he swiftly turned her chair around to directly face him and leaned towards her. “Is there some reason you’re keeping me at arm’s length today?” he asked, looking directly into her eyes.

  Gina swallowed and her heart beat accelerated. This wasn’t because she was afraid of him, but because he looked and smelled so good. “I am?”

  “Yes, you are. Did I do something wrong?” he asked as his gaze settled briefly on her mouth. “Because it certainly didn’t feel as if I did anything wrong last night. Am I being the wrong ego today?” he teased.

  Gina laughed. She couldn’t help it. “No. I’m fine, really.”

  “I didn’t ask you if you were fine, I asked why you’re acting distant with me,” Rick pressed. “I prefer people’s answers to match the questions I ask them.”

  Gina’s brows drew down. “I’m not some suspect that needs interrogating.”

  Rick laughed. “No, you’re not. But you are the same woman I had dinner with and danced with last night, right?”


  “And I am not talking to an alter-ego, correct?”

  Gina laughed. “No.”

  “All right, then what changed since last night when you enjoyed your brief talk with Passionate Lover?”

  He was troubled by the strange expression that crossed her beautiful face and that she could no longer meet his eyes. “What did I say wrong?” he asked in a softer tone.

  Gina became flustered as she tried to think of a way to tell him what she was feeling. “I don’t know what to think about you. I mean, it’s all too fast. I wasn’t expecting you. I arrived here to find that the man I thought I was going to marry was dead and that I had nowhere to go.

  “So many people have helped me and I’m grateful. I’m especially grateful to you because you were the one who suggested us staying with Joe and Lacey in the first place. You’re wonderful with the kids, and you’re kind to me, and funny, and handsome, and nothing about you is conventional. And yes, I enjoy kissing you and such, but—”

  “—Gina, say no more,” Rick said as he leaned back. “I never meant to pressure you. I realize that things haven’t been … normal between us since we met. I also know that you’re still adjusting to a whole new life and that you have two children whom you love and whom need you. Just as grateful as you may feel towards me, I feel infinitely more grateful to you. So I think we’re even there.”

  Gina smiled a little. “You’re right. Things haven’t been normal. I mean, you took me by surprise.”

  “How so?” Rick asked.

  “A day after we met, you informed me that you were going to kiss me someday,” Gina answered.

  He chuckled. “I wasn’t wrong, was I?”


  “Right. And who instigated that kiss?” he asked.


  “Right again,” Rick said. “Gina, I think last night was a good start towards a normal … whatever you want to call it. If you’re not comfortable calling it a courtship, that’s fine with me. The point is, maybe it can start to be normal between us, or at least what’s normal for me. I’m not even sure I know what that is. I’m starting to sound like Joe because he carries on conversations with himself all the time.”

  Gina couldn’t control her laughter. “It’s true. I’ve heard him do it,” she said.

  Rick laughed with her. “Ok. How about this; you let me know what you’re comfortable with and we’ll go from there. Does that sound acceptable?”

  “Yes. Thank you,” Gina said as she met his eyes once again.

  “Does this mean I’m not going to see Racy Lady for a while?” Rick asked.

  “Maybe. Or you might see her from time to time.”

  “Good. I’ll look forward to it. Well, Deputy has to go to work again,” Rick said and kissed her cheek. “Have a good day, Lovely.”

  “You, too.”

  Rick left her then and Gina missed him almost immediately. She wanted to shout to him to come back and kiss her properly, but she couldn’t do that. What she could do was go back to work and try not to think about Rick for a while.

  “Oh, who am I kidding?” she said aloud in response to that idea.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next few days were busy for the lawmen of Dawson. There were public disturbances, domestic violence problems, and drunk and disorderly violators with which to deal. They’d also had to break up a fight at Bradbury’s between two men who argued over a woman in whom they were both interested.

  On one of the days when he was working the later shift, Rick decided to ride out to see Gina again. He found Joe giving her a riding lesson in the riding ring.

  “Gina, you have to learn how to make a horse back up. It comes in handy sometimes. You can’t just always go forward,” Joe said.

  “Why?” Gina asked. For some reason, going backwards scared her.

  “Ok, say your horse is tied between a bunch of other horses. You can’t go forward and you can’t go to either side. You have to back up, at least a little bit. You’ve got to tell the horse you want him to back up,” Joe explained. “It’s not hard and the horse you’re on is trained to do it. Just pull back on his reins a little. Don’t do it real hard, more like a steady pressure.”

  Gina said, “Why can’t I do this? Why does it scare me to death?”

  “I’ll help her,” Rick said from behind Joe.

  Joe startled. He hadn’t heard the deputy’s approach. “Will you stop doing that?” he groused.

  Rick chuckled and slipped through the wooden railings. “Hi, Lovely. We’re going to make you an expert at backing up.” He took off his duster and hung it on one of the posts. “Take your left foot out of the stirrup, Gina.”

  “Ok,” she said and moved her foot.

  Rick wasn’t adept at vaulting on a horse the way Reckless and most Lakota were, so he used the empty stirrup to mount the horse and sit behind Gina. He had her put her foot back in the stirrup and then brought his arms around her to put his hands over top of hers.

  “There. Nice and cozy now,” Rick said.

  His breath tickled her ear and Gina shivered at the sensation. Her body reacted instantly and she almost moaned in pleasure. She tried to ignore the effect his chest pressed against her back had on her, but it was very difficult.

  Rick felt her shudder, but ignored it even though it pleased him. It was good to know that she wasn’t immune to his nearness. “It’s very simple. Just think of it like pulling thread with a needle. You know how it is if you’re working on something delicate like, oh say, a satin nightgown with a low cut bodice?”

  “That’s an interesting choice of clothing,” she said with a smile.

  “I have a very active imagination, especially when it comes to what I imagine you wearing,” Rick said.

  Gina was glad that his voice was low enough that Joe couldn’t hear him. “Shame on you,” she said, but laughed at his inappropriate statement.

  “Yes, I know. How shameful of me.” He chuckled. “Now, just as you wouldn’t pull quickly or hard on the thread when you’re sewing this satin nightgown, you’re not going to do that when you pull on the reins to back him up.”

  He tightened his grip on her hands and began pulling them towards their bodies in slow increments. “See how you keep a steady, even pressure on
the reins?”

  “Yes. But won’t he sit down?” she asked as she felt the horse take a step back. She stiffened against Rick.

  “Easy. Don’t tense up,” he said. “He won’t sit down. I promise. He’s not like a donkey that will sometimes do that. Keep the pressure steady.”

  Though she had misgivings, Gina did as he directed.

  The horse backed up and Gina was relieved when the horse didn’t sit down and dump her off.

  “Ok. Good. Now, ride forward and we’re going to do it again,” Rick said.

  Joe smiled as he watched them together. “Hey, Rick, you want a job as an instructor?”

  “Nope. I already have two jobs. I don’t need a third,” Rick answered as Gina backed the horse up again.

  The mayor chuckled. “Can’t blame a guy for tryin’.”

  Once Gina’s riding lesson was complete, she led her horse to the barn.

  “Rick, I wanna talk to you,” Joe said.

  “Oh? What about?” Rick asked, even though he was pretty sure he knew.

  Joe said, “I knew there were things about yourself that you were hidin’. I have a sort of sixth sense about that kind of thing. I just didn’t know it was something like you bein’ Geoff’s son. You kept that hidden a long time. What else are you hiding?”

  Rick’s gaze turned cool. “Nothing that you need to know. It’s nothing bad in the sense that I’m dangerous to be around. I’m not a bank robber on the run or anything. There are things that are very personal that I’m not going to divulge to everyone. One tidbit I will tell you is that I’m Canadian and I used to be a mountie.”

  Joe felt that undercurrent of danger coming from Rick and wondered just what it was about Rick that unsettled people so much.

  “Yeah, Mitch mentioned that you were a mountie at one time. That’s really something. How come you didn’t mention that when you first came here? It would look good on your resume,” Joe said with a smile.

  “Well, I didn’t think it would do well to tell Mitch that I’d gotten fired for insubordination. It’s not really a quality you want in an employee,” Rick replied.


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