Now then, we’re going to go off topic for a bit, but this is something that needs to be said.
Who on earth is that girl on the front cover!? I’m sure many of you thought that when you first picked it up, right?
To be honest, I kind of thought the same thing.
I’m sure no one expected that super annoying golem Miledi to have originally been such a beautiful girl. There is actually one description of her human form up on syosetsu, so those of you who’ve read that probably weren’t as surprised as the rest.
Her whole thing is supposed to be that she’s cute, but annoying as hell.
At any rate, my never ending thanks to Takayaki for drawing her so well.
By the way, I’m sure some of you might have guessed where Oscar’s umbrella comes from. What can I say, I’m an easily influenced guy. If something tickles my chuuni instincts, I can’t help but use it.
For those of you who are still wondering what it’s a reference to, google “manners maketh man.” You will learn what it means to be a true gentleman.
A lot of the events in this book tie in directly to the seventh book in the main series, which is why the two came out at the same time. For those of you who are interested, I definitely recommend checking out the connections.
Finally, it’s time for the acknowledgments.
I’d like to thank Takayaki-sensei for doing all of the novel illustrations, as well as Roga-sensei for drawing one very kick-ass manga. I’d also like to thank my manager, Morimisaki-sensei, all of my wonderful editors, proofreaders, and all the people without whom this book would not be possible. And as always, a big thank you to my readers.
Really, thank you so much. I hope you continue enjoying Arifureta from here on out too.
Let us meet again in volume two.
Ryo Shirakome
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Arifureta Zero: Volume 1
by Ryo Shirakome
Translated by Ningen
Edited by DxS
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
Copyright © 2017 Ryo Shirakome
Illustrations by Takaya-ki
Cover illustration by Takaya-ki
All rights reserved.
Original Japanese edition published in 2017 by OVERLAP, Inc.
This English edition is published by arrangement with OVERLAP, Inc., Tokyo
English translation © 2018 J-Novel Club LLC
All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property.
J-Novel Club LLC
The publisher is not responsible for websites (or their content) that are not owned by the publisher.
Ebook edition 1.0: April 2018
Arifureta Zero: Volume 1 Page 28