Lastly, Adanya looked at Anaya who had never stopped eating. “Aunt Anaya, I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Pretty Adanya.”
“I feel like this is the beginning of better and brighter things for the future of our family. I once asked my dad, ‘What’s blood got to do with it? Well, I finally understand that the blood of this family is what connects us; joins us together as one. Through all of this, I have come to realize that blood, our spiritual blood, has everything to do with it. ”
Words From The Author
How important is family? How much are you willing to forgive your family when they wrong you? Today there are many dysfunctional families. As I think about that word, dysfunctional, I wonder if there are any families that are NOT dysfunctional. I have come to the conclusion that all families have some type of dysfunction. If they did not, that would mean that they are perfect, and as you know there is none perfect, not one. If there is no one that is perfect, then how can families be perfect? The answer: they can’t.
But, you know what? Knowing that every family is dysfunctional in some shape, form, or fashion only means that we cannot get around God. We need God in every area of our lives. It makes no difference whether we need him as an individual, or as a collective body, the fact remains we need Him.
Without God, the family will fall apart. Much of that is happening today because society as a whole wants to strip God out of everything, and from everywhere. Society wants to put Him away and keep Him away. Nowadays it isn’t the proper thing to do to mention God. Our children and grandchildren are limited as to what they can publicly do when it comes to their Christian faith.
That is why it is important that we not allow society, government, or any organized religion to destroy the family. Yes, families may be dysfunctional, but they do not have to be destroyed. We have a savior who though we are weak, though we make mistakes, though we hurt each other sometimes in our family structure, we can maintain the family as long as we keep God first.
Learn forgiveness when family members wrong you.
Learn how to seek God’s face for strength and direction when you feel that there is nothing that can be done to salvage your family.
Look in the mirror. See what role you have played, or are playing in the disintegration of your family. Learn and remember that love is the key. Forgiveness is necessary. Relying on God is a must if you want your family to stand under the pressures of a world that is quickly going on a downward spiral.
Look up to the hills from whence cometh your help. Know that all of your help comes from God. He is the ruler and He can heal the broken areas of our lives. He can heal families. He can save children, and deliver parents. He can do any and everything, but we must rely on him.
Adanya experienced some harsh things in her life because of the decisions her family made. They made many mistakes, but the bottom line remains: family is still family. She had to learn that even the worst mistakes are worthy of forgiving. She had to learn to look within herself, and recognize her own shortcomings, her own faults, her own weaknesses.
Family is important. Whether your family is dysfunctional, dissected, damaged, or destroyed, God is able to restore, reunite, resurrect, and revitalize it.
Discussion Questions
• How did Anaya have the mental capacity to give Adanya a name that fits in with the family name structure?
• Was the family right to keep the truth from Adanya? Why or why not?
• If you believe Adanya should have been told the truth, at what age or time would it have been appropriate to tell her?
• Do you know anyone who is autistic? If so, how does autism affect them?
• What role did Maurice and Eva Kaplan play in the family?
• Would you say that Adanya grew up in a ‘good’ family? What makes a good family?
• Do you know of someone who has led or is leading a double life? What affects can it have or does it have on the family?
• Do you believe Bleak knew who Adanya was when he first approached her?
• Do you believe Bleak and Adanya could have had a relationship despite their family connection?
• Discuss the relationship Adanya had with her father? Are daughters closer to their fathers than sons? Why or why not?
• How did Annalisse feel about Adanya?
• Do you believe the fact that this was an upper middle class family affected the family dynamics?
• If this was an average family, would the secret about Adanya have been kept hush-hush or would it have been out in the open from the very beginning?
• How do you feel about Carla’s relationship with John Phillips?
• Was Carla wrong, dumb, stupid, or just plain in love for the way she reacted about her husband’s double life?
• Could you forgive someone like John Phillips? Why or why not? (Male or female)
• What does family mean to you?
• Is there ever a time when you should cut your family off? Why or why not?
• Were Bleak and Adanya in love?
• Should Annalisse have done some time for her crime?
• What is the significance of the title of this story as it relates to the characters and the overall story line?
A Personal Invitation from the Author
If you have not made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, God himself extends this invitation to you.
If you have not trusted Him and believed Him to be the giver of eternal life, you can do so right now. We do not know the second, the minute, the hour, the moment, or day that God will come to claim us. Will you be ready?
The Word of God says:
“If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are SAVED” (Romans 10:9-10 NIV).
Connect Via Social Media
To arrange speaking events, book signings, and or workshops please contact the author at [email protected] You may also reach this author through
Other Books by Shelia E. Lipsey (Bell)
(Book 1)
Beautiful Ugly
(Book 2)
True Beauty
(Book 1)
My Son’s Wife
(Book 2)
My Son’s Ex Wife-The Aftermath
(Book 3)
My Son’s Next Wife
(Book 4)
My Sister, My Momma, My Wife
Always, Now and Forever Love Hurts
Into Each Life
Against the Grain
Show A Little Love
A Christian’s Perspective – Journey Through Grief
Thank you for supporting my literary career!
Remember to
Live Your Dreams Now!
Shelia E. Lipsey, God’s Amazing Girl
What's Blood Got to Do With It? Page 23