Thriller: Horror: Conceived (Mystery Suspense Thrillers) (Haunted Paranormal Short Story)

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Thriller: Horror: Conceived (Mystery Suspense Thrillers) (Haunted Paranormal Short Story) Page 42

by Stephen Kingston

  “Thanks Ben. I’m going to go get up there. No idea what I’m looking for but I’ve got my suspicions this has to do with that stupid bloody circle. We should knock the damn thing down.” George replied as he dropped the pasties into the deep pockets of his poacher jacket.

  George gulped down his tea and passed the empty mug to Benjamin. “Thanks mate I’ll be back down in a few hours. Have a pint ready for me. I think I’ll be needing it.”

  Benjamin took the mug and set it down in the sink before sitting himself at the kitchen table to sip slowly on his own tea. He hadn’t even looked to see if Jimmy had delivered the pub papers. They had three different ones from all the different political views to suit all the customers. Jimmy would stick them in an old coal box near the front door. If he hadn’t made it to George, he wouldn’t have got up here to the pub either. He finished his tea and walked out of the pub, locking it behind him. There would be no casual drinks and happy chats for tourists or locals this morning. He made his way down to the café.

  “Ben! What are you doing here? I’m guessing you heard the news about Jimmy?” Janey said coming round from the counter.

  “Yes. George came and knocked me out of bed, banging on the door. He’s gone up to the moors to look around himself. I’ve never seen the guy so freaked out.” Benjamin replied. “Listen, you remember Van Lomas asking us for dinner? If he comes by today and asks then say yes. Suggest tonight.” He finished.

  “Ben? What are you planning? Does this have anything to do with Jimmy? Are you crazy? You think Van Lomas is involved in snatching Jimmy?” Janey gasped.

  “I’m suggesting nothing Janey. But I do want to have a nosy around that place. Something isn’t right here and hasn’t been since Van Lomas and his weird friends turned up. I just want to see for myself is all. So if he asks, agree and make sure it’s both of us okay?”

  “Yes of course. As long as you think so, I’ll go along with whatever you think might help poor Jimmy” Janey replied.

  Benjamin slowly finished his cup of tea, stirring it pointlessly as he tried to pull the events together. George was certainly right, something was seriously wrong and he was probably right about Van Lomas too. Now it was time to prove it. He kissed Janey and gave her a long hug as he departed back to the pub.

  Van Lomas wasn’t too long arriving at the café soon after Benjamin left. Almost as if he had been waiting for him to leave.

  “Good morning Jane. A cup of tea and a toasted tea cake if you would be so kind.” He said on entering. Looking around the empty café he chose a seat at a table by the window. There he gazed outside and glanced across as Janey prepared his order. She brought the tea and hot buttered tea cake over and gave her best forced smile.

  “Would there be anything else Sir?” She asked politely. Hoping that an invitation to dinner would not be the next request. Much as she wanted to agree with Benjamin and follow this through, this man seriously gave her the creeps.

  “Why yes. I’d like you to take me up on my dinner invitation this evening. With your friend Benjamin of course, unless he’s too busy. Then the offer would of course be open to you yourself Jane.”

  Janey braced herself for the answer she was going to give. It was the last thing she wanted to utter but she did. For Benjamin.

  “Yes. Yes we will come to dinner this evening. Both of us of course.”

  “Yes. Both of you of course. How does eight o clock sound?” Van Lomas replied as a crooked smile cracked through his lips.

  “Eight will be just fine thank you. I shall have Benjamin pick me up.” Janey replied. She returned to behind the counter and busied herself with rearranging already perfectly arranged items to distract herself from crying. She was quite terrified of both this man and the evening she had set up for them.

  Van Lomas didn’t linger and as soon as he was out of the door she was on the phone to Benjamin.

  “I’ve agreed for us to go to dinner with Van Lomas, Ben. Eight o’clock. I really hope you know what you’re doing baby. That man freaks me out something terrible.”

  “Well done Janey. I’m proud of you. Tonight we’ll find out who this guy is and what exactly goes on at that farm. It sure isn’t farming.” Benjamin replied.

  George had returned from his foray up on the moors and overheard the phone call from his perch on the bar. “Seriously? You’re going up there? Talk about walking into the lion’s den matey.” George said.

  “Let’s see what’s really going on up there right George. I won’t let anything happen to Janey, but I need to know who this guy is. What did you find on your travels on the moor anyway?”

  “Well no sign of Jimmy that’s for sure, but some really sick folk are messing at the circle, no doubt about it. If it’s some sort of a joke I’m not laughing. The whole circle is pretty much blood red now with bits of carcass lying everywhere. The police don’t have a clue who or why and are so stretched trying to find all these missing folk they don’t have time to do anything about it.”

  “No, I don’t expect them to go chasing new age loonies when there’s folk missing. There's certainly not enough police around these parts and definitely not ones who know the area well enough to be of any use. That’s why I want to go up there myself George. This is something we’ll have to do ourselves.” Benjamin replied.

  “Aye, well you keep that lady of yours close up there Ben. I wouldn’t trust that Van Lomas fellow as far as I could throw him. Right I’m off to get changed and find some food then I’ll be back out looking. If I don’t see you before, I’ll see you tomorrow. You can tell me all about your party with the weirdoes.” George said as he finished his beer and headed for the door. He turned as he went out.

  “Take good care of Janey mate. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Benjamin waited until the relief bar staff turned up then got himself upstairs to get showered and changed for the evening. He and Janey didn’t get much time for dressing up and eating out. Usually, they would end up eating in the Cow and Calf or make the trip a few miles to the next good pub just for a change of scenery. Still Benjamin had no intention of dressing up fancy. He called Janey to check she was ready and went outside to get in his van.

  Benjamin drove an old, classic Volkswagen camper van. Although he rarely got a chance to go anywhere in it other than picking up stock for the pub, it was his pride and joy and he had spent good money restoring it for a planned trip around Europe. For now, it would be picking up Janey from the café and driving up onto the bumpy track to the farm on the moor.

  They arrived just before eight and Van Lomas was at the main door to great them.

  Benjamin had parked some way down the track to avoid the potholes and had also took the time to turn the van around so it faced the right way for going home. He didn’t want to put any dents in his precious van trying to swing it around on this path in the dark. So they’d walked the last quarter of a mile to the farm.

  “Glad you made it on time” Van Lomas Said. “I hope you didn’t walk all the way, I could have sent one of the staff to collect you.”

  “No not at all. Just didn’t think my van would appreciate any more potholes than it needed to thanks. So we walked the last bit of the drive is all.” Benjamin replied.

  “Ah yes indeed. I should perhaps have something done about that shouldn’t I? Though it does keep prying eyes away.” Van Lomas said. “Please come inside. You look quite wonderful tonight Jane. Come through to the lounge both of you. We shall have a glass of wine before dinner if that is acceptable?”

  They followed Van Lomas into a large, Georgian decorated lounge. A fire was burning in a huge fireplace.

  “Yes I know, I know. Hardly necessary in this weather but this old house tends to stay damp and cold I find. So the fire keeps the aches away. And of course it amuses me.” Van Lomas laughed.

  A butler brought in the wine and they settled into tall armchairs facing the fire.

  “So Jane, do you intend to spend the rest of your life in that little village
working in the café or do you have plans?” Van Lomas asked.

  “The café is Mother’s. We, that is Ben and I, intend to travel Europe sometime in the future. What is it you do particularly Mr Van Lomas?” Janey replied.

  “Ahh Europe, of course. Travelling in a camper through the wine regions I suppose. How delightful. Me? I study and research. And do please call me Daniel.” Van Lomas said.

  “Study what exactly Daniel?” Janey asked.

  “Antique art, literature and specifically religious art and literature.” Van Lomas replied.

  The conversation moved back and forth until the butler appeared at an adjoining door and announced dinner. Van Lomas took Janey’s arm and escorted her into a well-dressed dining room. The table had seating for twelve and looked somewhat imposing for just the three of them sitting there. With candles lit along the table both Janey and Benjamin had to admire the quality of the setting. Just as the first course arrived Benjamin had to make his excuses though and asked for directions to the bathroom. The butler escorted him into the hallway and directed him along the corridor. Benjamin followed the directions taking every opportunity to look into any open door.

  Just room after room of display cases filled with ancient figures and walls hung with paintings he could never imagine owning. To one side of the corridor though he saw an alcove that looked like it led to perhaps a wine cellar. Seeing that the butler had returned to his duties, he tried the door. It was locked. He pushed on it a couple of times but it wasn’t going to open without a key. From the other side of the door though he heard what sounded like a muffled groan. He tapped lightly on the door. Again he heard another gentle groan.

  “Can I help you, Sir? You seem to have got lost on your visit to the facilities.” The butler said, appearing at the end of the corridor.

  “Oh sorry, yes, totally confused in this old place. Can we try again?” Benjamin replied.

  “Certainly, Sir. I shall escort you,” came the stern reply.

  The butler and Benjamin made the trip to the bathroom and back to the dining room without further incident. The butler and Van Lomas exchanged stern glances as Benjamin took his seat.

  “We were getting worried for a moment there Ben. Did you get yourself lost?" Van Lomas asked.

  “Very sorry, I was admiring some of the art and got confused. Big place isn’t it?” Benjamin replied.

  “Yes it is indeed. Now let us enjoy this fine dinner shall we?” Van Lomas finished.

  Though he hadn’t seen anybody, Benjamin was certain of what he had heard. He needed to get into that cellar. The food though was exquisite and both he and Janey were lulled by the wine and the food. At least, that was the impression they were hoping to give. Soon after dessert, Van Lomas stood up and excused himself.

  “Please help yourself to the port, my friends and indulge as if it were your last supper.” He said before making his exit.

  “I heard someone in the cellar Janey. I need to get in there.” Benjamin snapped as soon as Van Lomas had left.

  “You’re crazy Ben. There isn’t a chance you’ll get anywhere in this house without being noticed. The butler was sneaking around all the time you were at the bathroom. And he said something to Van Lomas, I’m sure.” Janey replied.

  “Well I know what I heard and we have to do something.” Benjamin said. He had no sooner finished speaking when they were both shocked by a tap on the large window directly behind them. It was George. He was smiling and giving a thumbs up sign.

  Benjamin looked at Janey. “That man is a bloody idiot! Keep an eye out for Van Lomas and the butler Janey. I’ll get rid of Sherlock Holmes.”

  Benjamin moved to the window and gently cracked it ajar.

  “What the hell George?” Benjamin asked with some frustration.

  “Just keeping an eye on you both. How’s the food?” George replied.

  “Listen George. I think there’s someone in the wine cellar. I heard a groan. We can’t get out of this room without being watched. Got to go.” Benjamin whispered, just as Van Lomas re-entered the room.

  Benjamin snapped his head round to see the tall man approaching the table.

  “Was just trying for some fresh air. That fire makes it quite stuffy after a big dinner don’t you think?” Benjamin asked smiling as he pushed the window closed.

  “Why yes, I suppose it does Ben. Are you suitably cooled? We shall have more wine I believe. Portuguese. One of my favourites. The French wines are so overrated don’t you agree?” Van Lomas remarked.

  Looking back at the window, Benjamin relaxed seeing no sign of George. Hopefully he had made some sense of the brief message.

  The three of them talked some more and eventually Van Lomas stood up and addressed them both. “It was so good of you to accept my invite this evening. You two are exactly what we needed tonight.” He said raising his glass towards the pair of them.

  As he did, the main door of the room opened and the butler appeared. He stepped aside as a group of what looked like monks began entering the room. They worked their way around the table surrounding Benjamin and Janey.

  “We would like to invite you to join us in a short stroll,” Van Lomas said.

  “A stroll?” Janey asked. “A stroll where?”

  “A stroll down to the circle of course. It is all prepared and ready for your arrival. Please don’t attempt to refuse me. My friends have been looking forward to this for some time. Some years in fact. I’m sure you understand they won’t take no for an answer.” Van Lomas said.

  As two of the hooded monks grabbed Janey’s arms, Benjamin took a swing. He was soon overpowered by the others and the pair of them were frog-marched out of the house.

  “Ben! Ben! Help me!” Janey screamed as she kicked and twisted against the grip of her escort.

  “Stop!” Van Lomas said. “Pay attention to what I say. As I mentioned before. They have been waiting a long time for this and won’t take no for an answer. If you keep resisting, I shall instruct them to silence you. Please save yourself that indignity and come quietly.”

  In silence they were marched down the winding path over the moors to the circle. Before they were in the circle the butler came running down the path after them.

  “SIR! SIR!” The butler shouted.

  Van Lomas held up his hand to stop the procession.

  “What is it Grayson!” He snapped.

  “The others Sir! The others in the cellar,” he almost whined.

  “Yes they are on their way. I wanted these two to see the wonderful job we had made of the circle before I brought the others down.” Van Lomas said.

  “No, Sir! They are gone. All of them gone. We went to get them out and they are gone!” The butler replied.

  “Don’t be so pathetic. They had enough drugs in them to knock out a horse. You said so yourself. How can they be gone?” Van Lomas snarled. He turned back to Janey and Benjamin. “Take these two down to the circle and hold them there, the rest of you, find them! Now! Wherever they are they can’t be far.”

  Four of the hooded group dragged Janey and Benjamin down to the circle as the rest hurried off towards the house and surrounding moors.

  Van Lomas was right. They had been busy. As Benjamin and Janey were walked into the circle they could feel the blood oozing under their feet. Beneath the bright full moon they could see the centre of the stone circle was awash with the carcasses and blood of dozens of small animals. The smell of the blood and bodies reached their noses and after the dinner and wine it was hard for them both not to retch.

  The group that had gone in search of the lost ones returned. They returned empty handed. Shortly after two more of the group arrived dragging a bloodied and beaten George.

  “We found this in the house,” said one as he threw George to the feet of Van Lomas.

  “Where are the others?” Van Lomas snarled at George as he kicked him in the side of the head.

  “Gone I reckon. Gone home. Gone walking. Maybe sat in your dining room finishing off your f
ancy fine meal. Oh no, that was me of course. So they must be gone.” George snickered through a broken and bleeding mouth.

  “It is midnight, Sir. We are out of time.” The butler said.

  “This maggot will go first. Whatever happens these three will be sacrificed tonight. On that alter.”

  From out of the hooded group that had formed around the circle, one of them stepped forward and stood before Van Lomas.

  “No Van Lomas. That is not the bargain you made.” Said the hooded voice lowering the hood of her cloak. It was Monique. Janey gasped.

  “I know what deal I made and these will die tonight.” Van Lomas snapped.

  "No Van Lomas, you will!” Said Monique. Turning to address the circle she spoke out so all could here.

  “You people were fooled by this man’s lies. The pact he made with Lucifer was for his own immortal soul not yours. Tonight he agrees to sacrifice thirteen. Thirteen souls to release Lucifer on earth and thirteen hearts to give Van Lomas eternal life. Just him. Not you. You would be playthings for the evil one. Driven mad and desperate for your own deaths. Van Lomas has failed with delivering the thirteen hearts and now he has to pay. If he doesn’t pay, all of you will. He must pay with his own heart. That is the pact he made with Lucifer. You or him.”

  Van Lomas stood silent. His face filled with rage and in his hand lay the long ceremonial dagger he was to perform the ritual slaughter with. Monique lowered her hand and lifted the blade. She could feel his hand weaken as she removed it from his grasp and turned it towards him.

  “I do not kill you Daniel Van Lomas, you do. Step forward on to this blade and redeem an ounce of sanity for yourself.”

  Van Lomas gazed around the circle hoping for an escape. Hoping that somehow thirteen victims would arrive and save him. But he knew the truth and knew the pact. He groaned as he stepped forward onto the gleaming blade and as he felt it penetrate his heart he slowly slid to the blood drenched circle floor.


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