Cole, Kaliana - Good Horses, Fast Cars and Real Men (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Cole, Kaliana - Good Horses, Fast Cars and Real Men (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Kaliana Cole

  The raw pleasure in Matt’s voice just made her more determined to take him deeper. She had never been able to deep throat, but with a little perseverance she had been able to swallow down on the head of David’s self-centered cock, but he’d had about half the width she was trying to manage now.

  Relaxing her throat and just enjoying the taste and texture of the magnificent organ in her mouth, she began to take him deeper, loving the sound of desperation that crept into his cries and moans. Matt held nothing back from her. He put his enjoyment out there for her pleasure, every labored breath and sexy sound. She loved it.

  She felt his cock nudge her throat and swallowed before she could gag. Her fingertips felt the cum boil in his balls before he stiffened. A tortured groan tore from his throat as he began to pulse against her tongue.

  Swallowing greedily, she coaxed every salty drop from his pleasure-wracked body, softly massaging his balls to prolong his pleasure as he spent the last of his essence in the hot depths of her willing mouth.

  With a final swipe of her tongue, Jade slowly lifted her head from his depleted body, snuggling in against the big hand that cupped half of her face.

  “You have no idea at the number of dreams you just made come true, Jadey.” Matt wiped a spot of moisture from the corner of her mouth. “I was hoping for a kiss on the way home, but that was way more than I bargained for.”

  His gaze locked on to the beard rash and bright-red love bite on the side of her neck. “Man, are we going to hear all about this when we get home. There is no hiding that hickey or your swollen lips,” he added with a satisfied grin. “Big brother is just going to have to suck it up and get over it.”

  Jade turned to check herself in the rearview mirror, flicking the overhead light on to better see in the rapidly darkening twilight. She hardly recognized the woman in the mirror.

  Swollen, full lips and passion-drugged eyes were complemented by hair that looked exactly what it was, styled by the grip of a lover’s hand. Freshly bedded was the term that came to mind, but that wasn’t entirely true. Though she had come, and come strongly at that, her body still ached to have a man deep inside her.

  Matt ran the back of his knuckles over her still-hardened nipple. “If you are going to sit there with the light on, you might want to put some clothes on. I can see some headlights coming our way.”

  He handed her the shirt and bra from where they decorated the steering wheel. Wiggling back off his lap, she watched unabashedly as he tried to tuck himself back into his jeans.

  Matt was one of those lucky men who made other guys jealous, a shower more than a grower. He was large even when flaccid, and his pants had worked down his hips when he had writhed under her ministrations. There was no way he could rearrange his wedding tackle to fit back in his pants without getting up. Jade watched enthralled.

  Finally, he gave up, and after the headlights had passed, he stepped out of the truck to straighten his clothing and get everything back inside. He reached into the back of the pickup before getting back behind the wheel.

  Jade had just finished tying her shirt. He straightened a twist in her bra strap before handing her the bottle of water he had retrieved from his bag. “I thought you might like a drink.”

  There was no mistaking the knowing satisfaction in both his voice and his grin. She took the proffered bottle with an eloquent smile of her own. He was just so damn pleased with himself. He looked like a child who had just found everything he had ever wanted under the tree at Christmas.

  A few swallows of water had her feeling a bit less like her throat had been glued shut. She had never known a man to have such a large volume of ejaculate, and she was sure some of it still coated her throat.

  After taking another drink, she recapped the bottle and offered it back. Much to her surprise, Matty took a long swig.

  Her ex-husband would never let her mouth near him once she had gone down on him, let alone drunk out of the same vessel afterward. Matt obviously had no such hang-ups as he pulled her to him and kissed her thoroughly before starting the car.

  Chapter 9

  Jade settled under his arm as he pulled back onto the near-deserted blacktop. She leaned her head against the meaty slab of his chest, enjoying the play of muscle under her cheek as he caressed her hip soothingly.

  “So what are you going to do now that you’re out?” she asked, trying to move her mind from the carnal thoughts beginning to stir with proximity to his large body.

  “Financially, I don’t have to go back to work for a bit, so I am hoping to just bum around for a while. I want to give Nate a hand with the farm, help him build it up to what he wants it to be.

  “It will be good just to get up in the morning and have time to do what I want. I don’t care if I am out baling alfalfa before dawn or haulin’ hay in three feet of snow, I’m doing it because I want to.” He reflected on what he was trying to say.

  “For twelve years, I have followed rules and regulations. Eaten when I was told, slept when I could, worked out because I had to. It will be heaven to take charge of my own life. Enjoy the simple pleasures.” He held Jade closer. “Like driving the highway at night with my favorite girl in my arms.”

  “I can’t imagine what it would be like to live with your life that regimented. I can’t abide being told what to do.” Jade ignored his knowing snort. “When you run out of things to do at home, I’ve got more things to do than hours in the day. If you can remember how to ride, there will be plenty of young ones to work in the next month or so. Most of them are grown enough to lug your big frame around.”

  “I haven’t been on a horse for a few years now, but I still remember how to strap for you. If you’ve some quiet old plug for me to get on for a bit, I might get up to riding the rough ones, but I would much prefer to watch you ride them.”

  He gave a nostalgic smile and a rueful laugh. “I used to love watching you ride. I think that’s why I was never as good as Nate and Brett. They would be in there trying to outdo you on their old cowponies while I sat back and enjoyed the show.”

  Jade gave a bit of a laugh. “I haven’t been doing much either. If you can make it over, I think you will be spending most of your time picking me up out of the dust.”

  “I hope you still land on your ass when you fall. I’ll dust it off and kiss it better for you before you get back on.”

  “You’re incorrigible!”

  “Don’t go using big words around me. I’m just a dumb linebacker, remember? I will have to dust off my dictionary when I get home just to keep up with you.”

  “Bullshit, Matt. You have always been a lot smarter than you let on. I never brought that big dumb act then, and I won’t buy it now.”

  “Yeah, but pretty girls help you when they think you are too dumb to pass a subject on your own,” Matt admitted unashamedly. “But that never worked in the Army. Drill sergeants don’t care if you fall behind, and they don’t have nice boobs to perve on. Mine didn’t anyway.”

  “You really are a breast man, aren’t you?” Jade laughed.

  “Yep. I mean I love the rest, too, but nice boobs do it for me every time. Except for fake ones. They look okay, but they don’t give in your hand the same way, and I’ve always had this vision of sucking too hard and getting a face full of silicone. Scary shit!”

  He flicked a thumb over the side of Jade’s shirt-clad breast. “Yours are perfect.”

  “Are you sure they fixed your eyes? They are squishy and saggy and downright scary without a bra.”

  “No, they are soft and giving. They are mother’s breasts. I cannot think of a place I would prefer to lay my head.”

  She tightened involuntarily when he mentioned motherhood. “I didn’t know you had a child, Jade. I’m pretty sure Nate would have told me if he knew.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.” Jade’s voice was flat and emotionless. “And I would prefer it if you kept it to yourself. They don’t need to know.”

  “I’m not going to tell them, ho
ney. But they are not stupid. If there is one thing those two know their way around, it is a woman’s body in all its varieties.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead.

  “It doesn’t matter what happened or why. We will stand by you, Jade. After all the times you were there for us, all the mess you helped clean up, and all the times you patched us up, there is nothing we wouldn’t do for you, and we would never judge you.”

  “Unfortunately, it is not your judgment that counts.”

  Matthews’s phone trilled sharply, thankfully interrupting the conversation. After some very abrupt yes-no answers he put the phone down and turned into the lane leading to Douglas Park.

  “I thought I would drop you off and then come home,” Jade interjected.

  “That was Nate. He’s at your place. Harry called Elly about one of the colts. It’s fine, just a bit swollen. He said he would take me home from there, save you an extra trip.”

  They rode in silence up the lane to the farm. Lights were burning along the stable block where two extra vehicles waited. Jade recognized them as belonging to Nate and Elly. Rather than driving to the house, Matt pulled up next to the parked vehicles.

  He killed the lights and turned to Jade. “I once knew a girl who had two words emblazoned on her bedroom wall. It took me years to find out what they meant. I hope she still remembers herself. Desiderium Nusquam.”

  Jade froze as he kissed her briefly before stepping out of the vehicle. She had been doing a project for school and was asked to create a Latin motto for her philosophy After all the careful deliberation a hedonistic, hormonal sixteen-year-old could give it, she came up with Desiderium Nusquam—Regret Nothing.

  She couldn’t believe how naïve she had been then. She hadn’t learned then that the world was just waiting to bite you on the ass, and it had teeth.

  The noisy reunion taking place outside the truck snapped her out of her introspection. Nate and Matty met with much hand pumping and back slapping, too manly to hug.

  Elly was not spared Matt’s exuberant embrace and found herself twirled through the air. When he finally released her, Matt turned back to Jade.

  “I’m going to let Gypsy off for a run. You go and check your colt.”

  Jade noticed Nate give them a sharp glance as he picked up on their tension.

  She ignored him and followed Elly into the barn, where the young horse was stabled, awaiting his owner’s inspection.

  “…just a bit more swelling than usual,” Elly was saying. “I have given him a shot of penicillin, but what he needs is to move around a bit more. Perhaps you could put him back with the ones we didn’t geld to encourage him to exercise. There is no danger of him bleeding out, but he needs to move to promote better drainage. He should be fine, but if you are worried at all, give me a call in the morning.”

  She gave a happy grin. “If you will excuse me, there’s a big oaf outside I need to spend some time with before I go home.”

  Jade said goodnight and let herself into the stall to give the colt a once over. She agreed with Elly’s assessment completely. She opened the door to the day yard that adjoined the stable.

  Alone, without his paddock mates, the colt would give himself enough work pacing the fence until she could let him out with the others in daylight. She found Nate leaning over the stall, awaiting her return.

  “Grown up, hasn’t he?”

  She didn’t even try to pretend she didn’t know who he meant. “Definitely. He’s not a boy any longer. He is freaking huge! I always thought he would grow a bit more, but I didn’t expect this.” She smiled fondly. “He has still got the same big heart and infectious grin, though.”

  “Yeah, it’s good to know he wasn’t scarred as deep as the rest of us.” She knew her shirt had fallen back from her neck when his eyes widened and then filled with mirth.

  He reached out and tilted her head to the other side. “This side, I know they’re my teeth marks, but that side, I didn’t do that. Mmm, looks fresh, too. And one hell of a beard rash. Your lips look a bit puffy, as well.

  “Have you been molesting my baby brother?” He grinned unrepentantly as a blush stole up her cheeks.

  “We didn’t break any of your precious edicts.” Her chin lifted defiantly.

  “No? I bet you bent the hell out of them, though.” He stepped into the stall, crowding her against the half wall.

  “I bet, as soon as you found out what I said you couldn’t do, you went further than you would have. Tell me, darlin’, did you enjoy all those muscles? Did you strip that shirt off him? Have all that hard, bare skin under your hands?”

  Jade shook her head, mesmerized by the sensual heat emanating from him. “What, you didn’t like the muscles or didn’t pull his shirt off?”

  “The shirt, I left the shirt on.” She breathed, his physical proximity stealing her wits.

  “Did you let him play with your breasts? Has he seen them?” His body fell gently against hers as she nodded.

  “Did he get to touch them?” His deep voice sent shivers of awareness down her spine as she whispered affirmation. “Has he had them in his mouth, Jade? Matty will spend hours with his head buried in a woman’s breasts if she will let him. Did you let him have his way with your breasts, Jade?”

  Nate gathered her yes in his mouth as he bent to kiss her. He kissed her as if he would devour her from the lips down. Hungrily, deeply, desperately. He pulled away abruptly, leaving her senses reeling.

  “Did you finish him off in your hand, Jade? He doesn’t look like a man who has gone wanting. Did you show him some pity?”

  At the talk of pity, Jade found her backbone. She pushed upright, sending Nate back a pace. Now to put the arrogant prick in his place!

  “Actually, Nate, I went down on him.” She pushed past his shell-shocked body and exited the stall. “And I loved every second of it.”

  * * * *


  Nate felt his world rock around him. A maelstrom of emotions racked him. Lust, pure and simple, was the dominant one, along with envy. Matt had had the pleasure of her mouth before he had a chance.

  No, he had to admit that he had had many chances, but more was at stake than him finally getting to slake his lust on Jade Douglas’s willing body. He was pleased to find no trace of jealousy. The arrangement he had in mind had no room for jealousy, but a touch of healthy envy was a different story.

  Shaking his head in stunned disbelief, he went in search of his baby brother. And some details.

  Lots of details.

  He wanted a blow-by-blow recount, no part too small to leave out. He might be denying both himself and Jade a lot of pleasure for the sake of his brothers, but that didn’t mean he did not want to know everything.

  For the moment his right hand and living vicariously was all he had. And by the smug look the little vixen had given him with her parting shot, his little brother had enough hard-on fodder to keep him going for another night.

  In the back of his head, a little voice was celebrating. Two down, one to go.

  Chapter 10

  Two down, one to go. Jade groaned as the thought struck her upon waking.

  Fuck! I need coffee before this shit!

  She told her brain to let it go, worried she would fry some synapses trying to think before being adequately fortified with caffeine. The clock said 5:35 a.m. Six hours of sleep was not nearly enough but better than she had been averaging.

  Pottering about uselessly, she eventually brewed some passable coffee and sat in front of the wood stove to drink it. That would have been a lot more pleasurable if she had remembered to bank it the night before. The kitchen was like an icebox. So she sat with Gypsy curled around her feet, who had refused to go home last night.

  Wrapping the big, fluffy robe tighter about her, she kept trying to ignore the recurring thought, two down, one to go. In the end it did no good. Pouring a second cup, she allowed herself to come to terms with a few simple facts.

  One, she had kissed, with carnal intent, two men
in as many days.

  Two, she had enjoyed it. Immensely.

  Three, both men knew about the other and were in fact encouraging her.

  And finally, if she would only accept their brother as well, she could have them all in their entirety. No more neediness, no more sexual frustration. Someone to share her life with. There were only two problems.

  Too many secrets and Brett.

  Avoidance was defiantly the best course of action where he was concerned.

  If she could persist in steering clear of him, Nate and Matty would continue to tempt her. Their attentions were something she could really learn to enjoy, and if they didn’t come through, there was always her trusted vibrator.

  Note to self: stock up on batteries.

  But, on the other hand, it would be better to meet Brett on her own terms. Get the upper hand from the start. Yep, that would do it. She would engineer some excuse to get him out to fix something.

  Her Camaro! If he was like most mechanics, he would come in his greasy overalls at the thought of getting his hands on the ’69 muscle car. No, not her baby. She would have a fit if he laid a hand on it.

  The truck would have to do. She would break something simple on it and play dumb. Course of action decided, she got changed and went out to face the world, confident she was in control.

  That went well until just after lunch, a horse transport truck had picked up the two fillies to take to the breakers, and all the new geldings were checked over and doing fine. She had also spent a very productive few hours with Kenny in the round yard where he had soaked up every lesson like a sponge.

  Then came the message from Harry: Toby had been dropped off at the wrong property, and he was creating havoc on the Kelly place.

  Fuck! If there was one thing Toby was good at, it was engineering trouble.

  He liked to chase things, a lot. If they ignored him, he wandered off, but if they ran, it was on. He would chase and draft anything that was available: dogs, other horses, and men being his personal favorites. Strangely, he had never bothered a woman or child. He could also undo knots and gate latches with equal ease.


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